HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes Advocate, 1994-8-31, Page 9r NNIIIII IINiPP5 1111111H - '111i,1 . nn,tttn us"a s1�ausJls SINNeell f• NMI SCHEDULE !' Amendment No. 236 -. SECONDARY PLAN VILLAGE OF HENSALL A. Mended M OPA !JO 147 113 • M a�a •11 M Id Lends •iih ect to thin monrimont Include ell lend. within the VIllegn of Henne:l Slova By Fred Groves T -A staff GRAND BEND - There was tots to eat, lots to drink, good music and the air was thick with heritage. On Sunday, at the Lambton Her- itage Museum near Grand Bend, nearly 1,000 people attended a Slovakan-Canadian celebration. Apolonia Vanova, a London teacher who has been in Canada for nine years, is very proud of her Slovakian heritage and was one of the many people dressed in native garb. "This is the celebration of the 50th Anniversary of the Second District Assembly of the Canadian Slorcak League," she explained. When the doors opened on Sun- day, there was already a long line- up to get to the delicious meal which was followed by guest speakers, and the very special at- traction, Technik, a troupe of danc- ers and musicians from Slovakia. "This folk assembly is composed of university students from Slovak- ia. They came to bring greetings to us," said Vanova. Technik delighted the large crowd at an outdoor concert. The group was scheduled to be in Lon- don at Victoria Park Tuesday night and later in the week head to To- ronto where they will perform. Sunday was a day not only for Slovakians to get together for a so- cial event and to remember their history, but also, for Canadians to experience the Siovakan culture. "It's so Canadians can learn about Slovaks and Technik �s- bringing a salute to all youths so they can learn about our culture and heritage," said Vanova. Besides Technik, there were dis- ans celebrate heritage plays, videos and guest speaker Vladamir Repka from Bratislava. The organizer of the event was Ju- lie Podgorski, president of the Sec- ond District Assembly. "She's been working on this since the new year," said Vanova. On September 30, the Slovak Re- public will be holding an election and it's yet another step towards' that country's independence. January 1, 1993, saw Slovakia become truely independent for the first time in almost 1,000 years. Prior to 1918, Slovakans endured Hungarian rule and it wasn't until 1848 that there were any signs of separation. Slovakians have been coming to Canada since 1885 when im- migrants settled in the west and worked in the mines in Alberta and British Columbia. Between 1918 and 1939 what is called the 'second wave' of im- migrants came to Canada and it is estimated there were 30,000, most- ly unskilled workers. ' From 1945 to 1968 there were 20,000 refugees who were fleeing Slovakia from the 1948 Com- munist takeover. In 1968 the 'fourth wave' came to Canada as the nearly 13,000 came as a result •I1 •I oVAIIA of the Warsaw Pact invasion. Part of the celebrations on Sun- day was a welcome from native Ca- nadians from the Chippewas of Kettle and Stoney Point who dem- onstrated their dance in full native costume. "They wanted to welcome them (Technik) with a typical North American d nce. This is their first stop in North America," said Rob- ert Tremain, director of the Lamb - ton Heritage Museum. The museum will be holding its annual Craft Sale on October 15-16 which will feature an artisan studio tour. These three young girls came all the way from Windsor to join in Sunday's festivities. Here are, left; Barbara Kucera, Veroni- ca Kokavec and Lucy Krizanovic. Queensway residents have picnic HENSALL - Residents of. Queensway Nursing Home got in- volved this past week in several programs of Fun & Fitness. Thursday evening they had their monthly birthday party. Mozart Ge - lines, Marlene Desjardine and Lco- na McBride provided the musical entertainment. August birthday wishes go out to Iona Leibold, Jeannette MacDonald, Duncan Cooper, Annie Reid and Elizabeth Faber. Happy anniversary wishes to Lewis and Bona Clark, celebrat- ing their 68th anniversary today, I Wednesday, August 31. On Friday afternoon residents took advantage of the nice summer weather and had a picnic on the lawn. They enjoyed their blueberry struesel coffeecake and date nut loaf which they had made at baking club. Along with the baked goods was a fresh fruit tray and gingerale. Everyone enjoyed the fresh air and sing song outside on the lawn._VoI- unteers ran the entire activity. A reminder to all volunteers of the next meeting Tuesday, Septem- ber 6 at 10:00 a.m. Upcoming Thursday, September 8 at 4 p.m., Supper Club; Monday, September 12, 2 p.m., Bingo sponsored by Hensall Presbyterian Church La- dies; Thursday, September 15, 2 p.m., Jack and Irene Vincent. 1 Standing next to a map of their homeland are Miriam Turaho- va and Lulalia Stahlelova from the dance troupe Techni which performed on Sunday. l NOTICE PRELIMINARY LIST OF ELECTORS 1994° VILLAGE OF LUCAN Notice is hereby given thatI have complied with Section 26(1) of the Municipal Act, I#.S.O. 1990 and that I will post up at the Municipal Office - 161 Main Street, the Lucan Post Office and the Lucan Community Memorial Centre, Lucan on the 6th day of September 1994 the list of all persons entitled to vote in the Village of Lucan at the municipal election, and that such lists remain there for inspection and I hereby call on all electors to take immediate proceedings to have any errors or omissions corrected according to law. Revisions will be received at the Municipal Office, 161 Main Street, from September 6th to October 14, 1994 between the hours of 9:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. Dated this 8th day of August, 1994 R.J. Reymer A.M.C.T. Clerk, Village of Lucan Enlarge family or team photos to 8-1/2x11 or even 11 x 17 instantly with our outstanding results. Ideal for business presentation materjals, even colour transparencies Times -Advocate, August 37 ,1994 Page J XZZZZanXZnxxxxxxZXZZZZZZZ Exeter Agricultural Society invites Contestants and Sponsors to participate in the Ambassador of the Fair Competition to be held at the fair on Jennifer Weigand, 1993 winner Fri., Sept. 23, 1994 Contestants must be 17 years of age by August 1, 1994 Call Doris Weigand 235-0814 or Linda Johns 229-8272 XXIXXXZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ • Township of Stephen Grand Bend Airport Area Sewage Collection System Class Environmental Assessment Public Comment Invited The Township proposes to construct a sewage collection system to service the P.O.G. Inc. Onion Processing facility and a proposed 15 lot industrial subdivision. The P.O.G. Inc. facility and the proposed industrial subdivision are located adjacent to the Grand Bend Airport, in lots 12. 13 and 14, Con. 20, Township of Stephen. This collection system will utilize existing capacity available at the Grand Bend Area Sewage Treatment Facility. Options include construction of a forcemain, with pumping station, on an easement extending from the Airport area to the Sewage Treatment Facility. Construction of the sewage collection system will facilitate the disposal of onion processing wastes and permit more extensive industrial development within the proposed subdivision. Costs for the project will be paid by the subdivision applicant, Ontario 743599 Limited, and P.O.G. Inc. This project is being planned under Schedule B of the Class Environmental Assessment for Municipal Water and Wastewater Projects. PUBLIC INPUT AND COMMENT ARE INVITED, for incorporation into the planning and design of this project, and will be received until September 30, 1994. An informal PUBLIC OPEN HOUSE will be held on WEDNESDAY SEPTEMBER 14, 1994, 7 to 9 p.m., at ST. JOHN'S BY THE LAKE ANGLICAN CHURCH, on Highway 21, north of Grand Bend, to discuss the project, allow input from the public and address any items of concern. If any concerns cannot be resolved the Minister of Environment and Energy can be requested by a person or party to -bumpup" the project to a Schedule C Class EA or individual Environmental Assessment. If anyone is unable to attend the PUBLIC MEETING and requires further information, has questions about the project or approval process. or wishes to be kept informed about the project. contact: Mr. A.M. Spriet, P. Eng.. OAA SPRIET ASSOCIATES LONDON LIMITED 155 York Street, London, Ontario. N6A 1A8 PHONE: (519) 672-4100 FAX: (519) 433-9351 Subject to comments received and the receipt of necessary approvals, the Township of Stephen intends to proceed with the planning, design and construction of this project. to be completed by early 1995. This NOTICE issued August 25, 1994 on behalf of the Township of Stephen, the project proponent. Mr. Laurence R. Brown, Administrator, Clerk -Treasurer Township of Stephen, 38 Victoria Street East, Crediton. Ontario NOM IMO Phone: (519) 234-6331 Fax: (519) 238-8338 GO • il. PUBLIC MEETING AFFECTING THE VILLAGE OF HENSALL • TO DETERMINE THE NEED FOR REVISIONS TO THE VILLAGE OF HENSALL SECONDARY PLAN • TO CONSIDER A PROPOSED OFFICIAL PLAN AMENDMENT TAKE NOTICE that the Council of the Corporation of the County of Huron and the Council of the Corporation of the Village of Hensall will hold a public meeting on Monday, October 3, 1994 at 7:00 p.m. in the Village of Hensall Council Chambers, 108 King Street Hensall. At the public meeting commencing at 7:00 p'.m., the following will be considered: 1. To allow the public to comment on the need for revisions of the Secondary Plan for the Village of Hensall under Section 26 of the Planning Act, RSO, 1990. The Planning Act requires that municipalities provide the public with the opportunity through a special meeting of Council to comment on the need for revisions to the Secondary Plan. This meeting is an opportunity for persons with comments or suggested changes to make their thoughts known to Council. 2. To consider a proposed official plan amendment under Section 17 of the Planning Act, RSO, 1990. The proposed plan amendment wIl! update the existing Secondary Plan. Copies of the proposed plan amendment will be available at the Huron County Planning and Development Department (519-5242188) or at the Village of Hensall Municipal Office (519-262-2812) between 8:30 a.m. and 4:30 p.m. 3. The proposed official plan amendment applies to all lands within the Village of Hensall ANY PERSON may attend the public meeting and/or make written or verbal representation either in support of or in opposition to the proposed official plan amendment DATED AT THE COUNTY OF HURON THIS 24th DAY OF AUGUST, 1994 J.A. Murray, Clerk Administrator Luanne Phair, Clerk -Treasurer County of Huron Village of Hensall Court House, The Square Box 279, Hensall Goderich, Ontario Ontario NOM 1X0 N7A 1M2 (519-262-2812) (519-524-2188 Planning Department) milli IN IWINE IiEEs �' tits IINmows: IIIN1 Mil EE! NI NN aaiuill 111.1I11i11111NIN ::Nal ■ J114101Mill NI011lNll ell MANI. .41 111IMO 1 ,J L tI L, INNS RUING p11INPi IIIIIIN 111111:0 t u s i,slyn.t.d horn hns,,.t.w M nnahreN