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Times -Advocate, August 31, 1994
Forthcoming marriage - Doug
and Mary Lee of Ailsa Craig,
Ontario along with Jerry and
Phyilis Mathers of Exeter, On-
tario are pleased to an-
nounce the marriage of their
children, Jennifer Maurine
and Randy Jerry. Jennifer and
Randy will exchange vows on
Saturday, September, 10,
1994 at 3:30 p.m. at Brin-
sley United Church, Brinsley,
Ontario. Open reception to
follow at 9:00 p.m. at the Lu -
can Community Centre.
Photo by Bart DeVries
Forthcoming marriage - With
love and happiness Darrell
and Anne Abbott of Holmes-
ville along with Aubrey and
Wendy Bedard of Exeter are
pleased to announce the
forthcoming marriage of their
children Wanda and Jamie.
The marriage ceremony will
take place Saturday, Sep-
tember 10, 1994 at 3:00
p.m. at St. Boniface Catholic
Church, Zurich. open re-
ception to be held at the Zu-
rich Community Centre.
Forthcoming Marriage - Rob
ert and Helen Coates of Exet-
er along with Simon and
Heather Patty of Winnipeg are
pleased to announce the •
forthcoming marriage of their
children, Catherine Lynn and
Mark Simon. The wedding will
take place on September 3,
1994 at 3 p.m. at Exeter,
United Church. Open recep
tion to follow at South Huron
Rec Centre, Exeter.
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Many winners at Zurich bean festival
Tickets were sold on three quilts and a chair by
various Zurich organizations.
By Carmel Sweeney
ZURICH - Thousands of people were in Zurich Saturday taking part in
the activities of the Bean Festival.
Congratulations to the winners of the ticket draws: Nicole Veroude from
Zurich won the Log Cabin quilt from the St. Boniface C.W.L.; Rose -
Marie Regier (Joe), Zurich won the quilt from St. Peter's, St. Joseph,
C.W.L.; Bernice McClinchey of Bayfield won the embroidered cross
stitch quilt made by the women from the Blue Water Rest Auxiliary; and
the cane chair made by Clarence Smillie went to George Mathonia of RR
#2 Zurich.
More bowlers are needed for the Ladies Monday Night bowling league
which begins September 12 at the Town and Country Lanes in Z ich;
with 'Frisky Five' executive team from Dashwood with president
If you are interested phone the Lanes at 236-4923 as soon as possible or
Tony Bedard at 236-4741.
Figure skating
Zurich Figure Skating Club will be holding registration Tuesday, Stp-
tember 13 from 7 to 9 p.m. and Saturday, September 17 from 10 to 12
noon in the arena upstairs.
RegiEtration for Beavers, Cubs, Scouts and Venturers will be held at Zu-
rich Public School Monday, September 12 from 7 to 8 p.m.
Sympathy of the community goes to the family of the late Birdie Fink-
beiner, who passed away on Saturday.
Library reading awards handed out
The summer program
'Trading up to the
Book Leagues' encour-
ages children to read.
By Liz Sangster
HENSALL - Hensall Library re-
cently celebrated another success-
ful year "Trading Up to the Book
Leagues". The Hensall team hand-
ed out its Player Awards Thursday
Reading around the bases proved
to be a real incentive for the chil-
dren to read. They read for seven
weeks and crossed home plate 19
times while reading 549 books. All
28 team members participated.
Christy Hartman led the squad
with 100 books, followed closely
by Beau Hall, 77, Megan Bisback
63, and Krista Taylor, 39. Winner
of the Collector's Prize was Megan
Bisback who accumulated 69 cards.
Wild cards were won by Jane
Simmons, Christy Hartman, Ma-
rique Branderhorst and Anneke
Branderhorst. They received books
donated by Canadian publishers.
Throughout the season partici-
pants received reading rewards:
suckers, bubblegum, stickers, book-
marks, and posters. Congratulations
to all the Hensall team members.
As fall approaches another sea-
son of Library Pre -School Story -
hour begins. Call Susan, 262-2445
or 262-2449 to register your three-,
four-, or five-year-old for a hi -
weekly hour of stories, games,
songs and crafts, Monday mornings
10:45- I I :45.
Do-it-yourself Power of Attorney
kits are available from the library
free -of -charge.
Brownies, Guides registration
September 19 is the day to regis-
ter girls for Brownies, grades one,
two and three and Guides, grades
four, five and six. Registration is 7-
8:30 p.m. at the Hensall Legion.
Contact Linda Randall for Brownie
info, 262-6468 or Kim Bilke for
Guide information, 263-5010.
Figure skating registration
Figure skating registration will be
held September 10 in the arena lob-
by from 9 to 12 noon. Organizers
feel at least 40 registrations are
necessary to continue the club.
United Church
At Hensall United Church, this
past Sunday, the guest speaker
George Cowan's message was "In
the Footsteps of Jesus". The mes-
sage *as delivered tit words, scrip-
ture and song. Margaret Cole and
Cowan sang a duet "Have Thine
Own Way Lord."
On Sunday, September 4 the
United Church will begin at 11
a.m. with Rev. Henry Annen
The Thursday afternoon ladies
annual pot -luck meal will be on
September 1 at 12 noon with the
meeting starting at 1 p.m. Every-
one welcome.
Tinker Tots
The Hensall Tinker tots co-op
Nursery School will be hosting its
grand opening, Thursday, Septem-
her I, at their new location, Hensall
Public School, 85 York Street,
from 6:30 to 9:00 p.m.
merry Rags
Pure bre( good Cooks for work,or weekend
50% oFF
,.Open 7 days 238.2818 1 1/4 mites S. of Grand Bend
Scheduled festivities include a
ribbon cutting at 7:00 p.m., face
painting, balloons and special
guests. Refreshments will be avail-
able. Registration forms for the
1994-95 school year will be availa-
ble. Also, meet the new teacher,
Dianne Shapton.
The Open House will also feature
the newly developed Before/After
School program. In rmation will
be available, as well as registration
forms. The program will offer child
care before/after s hoot on a full
and part-time basis. Don't forget to
enter the. "Name -the -Program"
Sarah and Barry Noakes of Sea -
forth visited recently with their
grandparents Minnie and Leonard
Noakes. Also visiting with the
Noakes, this past week, was Leo-
nard's sister Francis Seimon-' of
Congratulations to Mary Lou Rau and Paul Gunning who were married
in Grand Bend on August 20. She is the daughter of Andrew and Alida
Rau, Zurich.
Among the many visitors with Ken, Sylvia and Jennifer Mittelholtz were
their niece Pam and husband Don and daughter Faith Giver from Chicago
who are on holidays until August 31. While here they also enjoyed the
bean festival and attended both dances.
Billy Smuck, London, 11 -year-old grandson of Bill and Diana Smuck of
the Spruce Villa Apartments spent the past two weeks visiting with his
grandparents and was joined by other relatives from London on Saturday
for the bean festival.
A neighbour party and barbecue was held at the farm of Martin and
Theresa Van Raay, RR #3 Dashwood on Saturday evening as the couple
were celebrating their anniversary.
Happy birthday wishes go out to Marie Bedard, Tanya Bedard and Da-
vid Kirk, to George Harvey on August 29, Brian Gelinas on August 31,
Philip Denomme on August 24, Bernice Denomme on August 21, and to
Lucille Masse.
A get-together was held at the home of Paul and Marg Munn, RR #2
Hensall on Sunday as some friends and relatives were in town from the
bean festival.
Best wishes for a speedy recovery are extended to Alice Neilands, Hen-
sall, who is in a London hospital.
A birthday celebration was held for George Harvey at his cottage north
of St. Joseph last week when his sister Marie, Mozart and Michele Gelinas
were dinner guests; later joined by Jerome, Carmel and Meagan Sweeney.
Heather and Heidi Klopp surprised him with a 75th birthday cake.
Congratulations to Gail and Pat Masse, Hensall, on the arrival of their
third baby, a girl, Danielle Margaret, born August 21. This is the seventh
grandchild for Don and Alice Masse, Zurich.
Capsule Comments
with Ernie Miatello
Melanoma, a form of skin cancer, is being
treated by a new vaccine made from the pa-
tient's own cancer cells. The vaccine stimu-
lates the patient's immune system to fight the
cancer. Research is in the experimental stage
but results are promising.
Electroconvulsive Therapy (ECT) is a viable option for treating se-
vere depression. Today's modern techniques make ECT a safe,
humane and effective treatment. It involves sending a small elec-
trical impulse to the brain for about a second. Usually 6-8 treat-
ments will bring about improvement.
Three neurological diseases will be a bigger problem than AIDS
in the early 21st Century. They are ALS, Alzheimers and Parkin-
son's Disease. Interestingly the incidence of ALS and Parkinsons
increases as you go north.
A recent report in the British Medical Journal found that 95% of
women of child-bearing age suffer at least mild symptoms of
PMS (Premenstrual syndrome). About 5% suffer so severely that
they become suicidal or violent.
PMS.... not something to be taken lightly.
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