HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes Advocate, 1994-8-17, Page 20Page 22 Times -Advocate, August 17, 1994 C OMM LJ]\LITY Glad Days in Hensall Public support made for a successful cam- paign. By Liz Sangster HENSALL - Glad Days were once again a success in Hensall thanks to public support and the ef- forts of Bill Gibson who looks after the flowers at his shop; and Marg -Baker and Janeth Sangster of the support group. Flower show The Hensall Horticultural Society will he holding their seventh Annu- al Flower Show on Friday, August 24, from 7:00 to 9:00 a.m.; with judging at 1:30 p.m. Information is available from Bill Gibson, 262- 2102. Church services Hensall United Church will have Rev. Peebles as their guest minister on August 21. Services will com- mence at 10 a.m. At Carmel Presbyterian Church, Rev. Mark Gaskin was back in the pulpit after his summer holiday. Dorothy Taylor was organist for the service of song. Several guests joined the congregation. Personals Many from the Hensall area at- tended the funeral of the late Jean E. Simpson at the Hopper Hockey funeral home. A resident of Lon- don for the past few years, she was well known in the community, hav- ing been born in Hay Township, at- tended schools in Hensall and later lived on the Thames Road and in Exeter. Linda Traquair recently returned from New Brunswick where she visited with Master Corporals Jeff and Marlene Sangster and family. Doug and Mary Hulley, Braden and Cole recently moved into their new home on Mill Street West. Jan Overweel and his wife, Ma- rie-Josee of Toronto spent Wednes- day visiting with daughters Inge Mowat and Ann Overweel of Hen- sall and Julia Darbishire of Exeter. They enjoyed lunch at Benrniller and a brief tour of the Goderich harbour and St. Christopher's Beach. Shower held for Thames Road couple David Cunnington and Marlene Fields were honoured for their upcoming Octo- ber wedding. By Rhoda Rohde THAMES ROAD - ' U.C.W. members are reminded of the change of date for their meeting September 13 at the Masonic Hall, Exeter. Advance tickets for the August 28 pork barbecue are available from the Board of Managers at Thames Road Church. Shower Some 100 people gathered at the home of Barry and Melonic Miller on Saturday afternoon to honour David Cunnington and Marlene Fields before their approaching wedding in early October. A very enjoyable afternoon was spent. A delicious smorgasbord supper was partaken of. Maggie Miller read a nicely worded address. After open- ing the many beautiful and useful gifts, David and Marlene both re- plied. All joined in singing "For They Are Jolly Good Fellows". Some old time music was played by Ray Cann, Elwyn Kerslake, Bill Rohde and Ross Veal. Barry and Melonie were assisted by their daughters and Brian and Barbara Miller. Golf tourney The Hodgert family held their an- nual golf tournament at Exeter Golf Club on Sunday. Prize winners were: low lady - Karel Hodgert; low man - Brian Hodgert; high lady - Lois Hodgert; high man - Mac Hodgert; closest to #3 - Lee Hodgert; longest drive - Brian Hodgert; low putts for men - Brian Hodgert; low putts for wom- en - Laurel Miner; Dog -gone ball napper award - Lois Hodgert, Mac Hodgert, Lee Hodgert and Diane Ellis. The trophy went to the top team of Eric Ellis, Scott Hodgert, Brad Rice and Laurel Miner with the runner-up team Steve Rice, Ross Hodgert, Diane Ellis and Larry Mayo. The team with the highest score was Janet Rice, Mac Hodgert, Alan Hodgert and Don Macintosh. The combination team of Lee and Amanda Hodgert were award- ed a prize for their driving and putts. - CWL delegates attend Diocesan convention GRAND BEND - The members of the Catholic Women's League of Immaculate Heart of Mary Par- ish in Grand Bend have been busy this summer, according to presi- dent Lia Vandenberk. So far, the members have organized to sell carnations for Multiple Sclerosis, roses for Right to Life, and gladio- lus for Glad Days for Epilepsy, as well as riding bicycles to fund raise for cancer and multiple scler- osis research. Thanks to Wilma Smeekens, Lia Vandenberk and Roberta Walker, who organized these events. Nancy Stokkermans reported that four delegates from our the council attended the two day annu- al Diocesan Convention and four additional members were able to come to the closing Mass and ban- quet. All CWL councils were en- couraged to support families in as many ways as possible because of this year's theme, the International Year of the Family. Individual members were encouraged to write to their local MPs and MPPs ex- pressing their concern over the trend toward support of "mercy killing" or euthanasia. Rather we arc to emphasize the need for palli- ative care, AIDS hostels, and to visit the elderly and sick in our parishes. Next year marks the cele- bration of the 75th Anniversary of the National Catholic Women's League across Canada. Father Beck announcedihat the new parish hall was paid off com- pletely as of May 10, with no -fur- ther debt owing, thanks to the gen- erosity of parishioners. He was also pleased that the parish was able to send over $5000 out to De- velopment and Peace for mission work and diocesan projects. At the July CWL meeting, Father Beck asked for prayers for vocations to religious orders and for the priest- hood. There is a severe shortage of priests in the Michell and Kinkora area, and no priest in Seaforth at present. The London Dioceses has lost eight priests in death this year, many of these were still ac- tive in parish work. The CWL will donate a monthly mass to pray for vocations. The June CWL meeting began with a potluck supper for senior cit- izens in the parish. Both men and women enjoyed a delicious meal, then were treated to a demonstra- tion of line dancing with Dawn Crabc. President Lia Vandenberk and 'Gera Peters were presented with 25 year CWL membership pins. The new quilt to he raffled was put on display, hand crafted by our own CWL members. Raffle chairman Toni Vandenberk re- minded all members to turn in their tickets for the raffle as soon as pos- sible, by the third week of August at the latest, for the draw on Au- gust 28. Grocery tapes are being collected again by Dina Kelder, so be sure to hand them in to her or at church. The bake sales were scheduled for July 16-17, and August 27-28, -so members arc asked to get their fresh vegetables and baking ready for the last weekend in August. The flower list is still at the back of the church, for those ladies who haven't yet contributed flowers for the alter - please check your sched- ule. There will be nine opportunities for pilgrimages to St. Mary's Shrine, from August 13 until Au- gust 26. Interested members should contact 238-8303. President Lia , Vanderberk is looking into the pos- sibility of the Grand Bend CWL council hosting a fall Deanery meeting, possibly in October. No CWL meeting is scheduled for Au- gust, and the date for September will be announced. The weather was perfect for volunteers participating in Grad Days for Epilepsy last. Wednesday through Friday. The annual event took place in Exeter, Huron Park, Zurich and Hensall. Shown here in Hensall is Cara Gardner of Hensall looking at some of the flowers volunteer Marg Becker of Hensall had on hand. Tfhe prices at Dinneys in Exeter will be truly excellent Thursday, Friday and Saturday. Vogel, of Canada one of the top chair manu- facturers in Canada has author- ized Dinneys to help them clear out excess merchandise. Their loss is your gain as the public will have a chance to buy at rock bot- tom ottom factory prices. V Many items below cost `I Showroom sample's �I End of lines V Discontinued items These are only a few examples Sale $208. $173. $284 $383. $187. $89. $334. $374. $578. Pair of Wing chairs Large wing back Leather sling chair Matching Ottoman Club chair Bergere chAtr 2 colours Full lounge chair $569. $766. $287 $157. $669. $749. $1129. Fine Furniture, Flooring and Window Fashions 467 Main Street, Lxetet, Ont. 235-0173