HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes Advocate, 1994-7-20, Page 22Page 22 Times -Advocate, July 20, 1994 235-1331 GUARANTEED RESULTS WITH OUR $10 SUPER AD OR WE'LL REPEAT YOUR AD UP TO ANOTHER SEVEN TIMES AT NO CHARGE Advertisers want one thing... RESULTS. And that's what we guarantee when you place a SUPER AD with us. For only one low fee of $10.00 we'll run your ad in our newspaper until you get the results you want (up to a maximum of eight insertions). All you do is call us by Friday and ask for SUPER AD. One item only per ad. You can take up to 25 words and we recommend you use a price for whatever you are advertising. If you do not get results by the following weekend, call us on Monday and we'll gladly repeat the ad at no charge. (Excluding real estate and accommodations) Private non-commercial ads only. SUPER ADS MUST BE PREPAID. TALK TO OUR AD -VISORS MON.-FRI. UNTIL 5 P.M. OR LEAVE DETAILS ON OUR ANSWERING MACHINE Plus Your Ad Will Reach 10,000 More Readers in the St. Marys Journal Argus at No Extra Charge 1 /:5 S� wd flayed tit°etae�etttfitted 1 Lost, a 8 � ivy �k Po�'�tl� a I Cao s E9u �etY I/298/ Pei - r treks ent, Veb' -1 Mu sical ens Sales 1B 1t ppliances �w�ents 16 F e Onal ' Televisa 17 or Sale °n I9 18 Wanted Wantecl to Boy Sales ?p Property Por Sale Rent rRent 1 22 For 24 Wanted e or Rent 25 PropertytiV Rent l 26 Notices arTted 28 Notices 27 Tenders 29 ae d rs Want uction meted � and 3 Situations Wanted YOUNG ENERGETIC student looking for oddstobs, lawn cutting, raking. cleaning basements. Babysitting etc. 262-3448 ask for Melinda. (28;29c) CARING MOTHER will provide quality daycare for your children. Please call 235-0826. (29tfn) EXPERIENCED FARM HAND requires work. room and board. Low wages. Phone 227-1317.(29:30c) ��9.isutissisia Utarayele maLse'ttae VOLUNTEERS NEEdEd Community Living - South Huron needs the assistance of volun- teers to provide support to peo- ple with developmental chal- lenges. Volunteers are needed to teach literacy, money han- dling skills, or the use of com- puters for fun and education. If you can make a commitment please calf Jane Bensette at 237-3667. yytitatatuu.1e The Times -Advocate urges our readers to use caution when sending money for business opportunity or employment advertise- ments. Be certain you are dealing with a reputable company before releasing any credit card information. Remember... if any adver- tisement sounds too good to be true, it is. 4 Help Wanted 11 14 Agricultural Technician Required for Our Exeter Location The successful applicant will enjoy: 4 • A company wide commitment to Training • Opportunities for j' advancement Cq! • Competitive salary 14 • Comprehensive benefit t•/ package including dental and pension. 01 Please apply in writing to: zxzxzzzzzzzxzzzzzzzzz Car er Opportunity Experienced Licensed 14 i1 og 305 Main ST. North Exeter Ontario r14 NOM 1S3 `1 (Confidence assured) .tzxzzzxzxxxxxxxxxzxx 4 Help Wanted LIVE-IN HELP for elderly woman recovering from slight stroke, 5 to 7 days a week. Apply to Box I7P, Exeter Times Advocate, Exeter, Ontario. {29•) BABYSITTER required starting in September for 5 year old. Must be able to pick child up front school. My home or yours. 235-3495 after 6 p.rn. (29-31c) ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE/PAYABLE CLERK Due to our continued suc- cess, we require an enthu- siastic person to join -the Kenpal team. This full-time position requires excellent organizational and commu- nication skills to work in a highly ' computerized accounting environment. Please apply in writing by July 31, 1994 to: Kenpal Farm Products Inc. R.R. #1 Centralia Ont. NOM 1K0 Attention: Accounting Manager 0 0. qQualified c7 1 7 • CLASSSIHED RATES WORD COUNT Charges are based on the number of words. Sets of numerals as for serial numbers, street numbers, phone numbers or prices count as one word per set. Words joined by hyphens count as separate words. FIRST INSERTION - 20 words $9.00: 15¢ per word thereafter. SUBSEQUENT INSERTIONS - No copy changes, 20 words $6.00, 15¢ per word there after. BiRTHS - 30 words $10.00. 15¢ per word thereafter. MARRIAGES - Engagements, Death Notices - 20 words $10.00 each additional word 15¢. IN MEMORIAMS - $11.00 plus 250 per line of verse. COMING EVENTS - 30 words $10.00, each additional word 15¢. Three insertions for the price of two. CARDS OF THANKS - 30 words $10.00, additional words 100 each. $2.50 DISCOUNT OFF OF RATES LISTED ABOVE FOR PREPAYMENT SEMI -DISPLAY FIRST INSERTION - $9.00 per column Inch SUBSEQUENT INSERTIONS $8.00 per column Inch. (minimum size in this category 1 Inch. Accepted in multiples of half Inch.) BOX NUMBERS to this office $2.50 per Insertion. Deadline: for classified ads Is 4:00 p. m. Mond*ys. Phone 235-1331 Use your ViSA or MASTERCARD • and Save $2.50 4 Help Wanted 11 14 Agricultural Technician Required for Our Exeter Location The successful applicant will enjoy: 4 • A company wide commitment to Training • Opportunities for j' advancement Cq! • Competitive salary 14 • Comprehensive benefit t•/ package including dental and pension. 01 Please apply in writing to: zxzxzzzzzzzxzzzzzzzzz Car er Opportunity Experienced Licensed 14 i1 og 305 Main ST. North Exeter Ontario r14 NOM 1S3 `1 (Confidence assured) .tzxzzzxzxxxxxxxxxzxx 4 Help Wanted LIVE-IN HELP for elderly woman recovering from slight stroke, 5 to 7 days a week. Apply to Box I7P, Exeter Times Advocate, Exeter, Ontario. {29•) BABYSITTER required starting in September for 5 year old. Must be able to pick child up front school. My home or yours. 235-3495 after 6 p.rn. (29-31c) ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE/PAYABLE CLERK Due to our continued suc- cess, we require an enthu- siastic person to join -the Kenpal team. This full-time position requires excellent organizational and commu- nication skills to work in a highly ' computerized accounting environment. Please apply in writing by July 31, 1994 to: Kenpal Farm Products Inc. R.R. #1 Centralia Ont. NOM 1K0 Attention: Accounting Manager 0 0. qQualified c7 1 7 ������TOWNSHIP OF STANLEY ����~? requires a ROAD SUPERINTENDENT r A full job description is available at the municipal office. C individuals who are prepared to assume the duties 1 and responsiblities required for this position are invited to , submit a typed detailed resume to the undersigned no later C than August 5, 1994. t', Clearly mark envelope C "Application - Road Superintendent" 0, Ansberth Willert 0 Clerk -Treasurer (0 R.R. #1, Varna, Ontario `)) - NOM 2R0 0 (519) 233-7907 I -i -1 -i -i /Zi ll,.r-Gra /.lr/,f../,Jf../. Cizi Til. /.T. /✓..�../../f✓- J r MUSEUM ASSISTANT CONTRACT POSITION - 12 MONTI! PERIOD In a..I'l in Programme Delocr Cataloguing Miscellaneous OIlice Routines 1)11,11lllcalrons ntnunnrnt Grade I' t tib 3 tears utak experience In .111 office cm Ironment s')'kl a.m.-5:INI p.m. five d:n..I trek. Some tsrekcnd Wink required APPLICATIONS SHOULD BE SENT TO: MR CLAUS BRFEDE HURON COUNTY MUSEUM 1111 NORTH STREET (:ODLRI('ll. ONTARIO N7A 2T11 CI AVANT: RATE FOR AI'Pi.1C'AI'IONS- AUGUST 5, 1994 We thank .111 applicants tht, apply Jur This pii.Ilton, but advise that only thtt..' appli- cant.'cleeltd Int .In Ink'« let will Ix• contacted. Htauls Rate. (lour. Short Term Contract - Program Co-ordinator To co-ordinate a leadership development program - "10 Steps to Community Action" UTIES: will plan, organize and attend all sessions of this program to take place January to April 1995; administer the financial component, maintain a program planning resource file, communicate regularly with the Advisory Committee and Advisory Committee Chairperson; assist with program promotion, program evaluation. QUALIFICATIONS: an understanding of local rural people, communities and networks; broad knowledge of leadership development; strong interpersonal, organizational and communication skills; strong initiative with good follow through. REWARDS: an honourarium of $2,000 plus some travel expenses as well as the opportunity to developy,o,ur own leadership skills and gain experience in program planning. (Time commitment for this position is approximately 300 hours). SEND RESUME TO: Paul Nichol, Huron Business Centre, 138 Main Street South, Seaforth, Ontario NOK IWO no later than August 5194, interviews planned for August 15/94. Resumes will be accepted from organizations as well as individuals. 4 Help Wanted PAINTER WANTED for local contractor. Experience preferred. Call 235-1701 after 6 p.m. (27tfn) A GROWING FARM EQUIPMENT dealership requir licenced and apprentice technicians. Excellent working conditions, new shop, benefit and incentive plan. Top wage and long term employment for the right applicant. Apply to Box I6M with resume c/o Exeter Times Advocate, Box 850, Exeter, NOM 1 S6. (29;30c) CATTLE HOOF TRIMMERS, back oilers for cattle. Phone 228-6638. (29c) PERSON REQUIRED for Residential Construction. Interested in carpentry apprenticeship or to (earn the trade preferred. KJM Construction, phone Ken 234-6401 or Derric 228-6331. (29c) Health Care Aid Applications are being accepted for the position of Health Care Aid (with certificate). Reply in person to Craigwiel Gardens business office. 221 Main St. E. Ailsa Craig Monday to Friday 8:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. 5 Business Opp. ACTIVE PARTNER for satellite dishes. towers and TV repair shop. Will train. Investment required. Huron Satellite Systems. 592 Main St. Exeter, Ont. (22tfn) 6 Services - PIANO TUNING SPECIAL $50 includes minor repairs Tune with others - fifth piano free! 235-3666 CUSTOM WORK - Custom Round Baling - 4 R. wide by 3-6 ft. high John Deere. Call ScottConsitt 565-2728 or233-9297. (22tfx) STUMP REMOVAL Contact Dave Taylor 238-5451 COMPUTER GIVING you problems? Call 11(. PC. put twenty years computer servicing experience to work for you. Repairs... upgrades... cleaning. 482-3214. (26(fn) ,AWN & GARDEN CARE PLUS • Grass Cutting • Hedge Trimming • Eavestrowth Cleaning Ligh • Light Deliveries Laveme McCarter 235-1062 WEDDING.' BABY AND FAMILY PORTRAITS. Jervis Photo Inc. Clinton and Exeter. Main SI. across from Scotia Bank. 235-1612.031fn) t • McKAY PAINTING & DECORATING • Fainting • Papering • Drywall • Wood refinishing • Swirled ceilings 235-0199 •••••••••••••• • •Custom • • R•ound Baling • • • & Cutting • Balsa 5' wide & 3'4' • • h4h • • •MIk. Stewart •• • 2294649, 2294414 • •••••••••••••• 6 Services FOR PRIME POWER and stand-by electricity that works and stays working, call Sommers Motor Generator Sales Ltd. Reliability since 1936. Phone 519-655-2396.(30tfn) ANTIQUE WATCH and clock specialist now open for repairs. Buy and sell in Port Franks. Open by chance or appointment. Call 243-1130. (37tfn) GLAVIN EAVESTROUGHING 4 and 5 inch Seamless Machines, Metal Leaf Screen, Siding -Soffit -Fascia Vinyl - Aluminum Shutters 40 ft. Boom Truck FREE ESTIMATES Gerry (519) 228-6295 R.R.1 Centralia, Ont. NOM 1K0 6 Services (For Electrical Work (farms & residential) CaII Dennis (Red) Henderson 284-3681 BAILEY'S of Hensall Ltd. Heat Air Conditioning Hwy. #4 N. 262-2020 Hensel) 262-2626 Your Home Comfort People Since 1981 4 CLASSIFIED MARKETPLACE "Advertise Across Ontario or Across the Country" COMING EVENTS WAYLON JENNINGS - George Fox - Asleep al the Wheel - Goods • Vaidy - Murry McLauchlan - Crowbar • Cassan- dra Vasik. Aug 12-14 Havelock Country Jamboree and Trade Show. Jack Blakely 1.800.539-3353. GOLDEN HORSESHOE STEAM SHOW: Gas Era Village, antique cars, sawmill, fiddling, threshing, parades, crafts, featur- ing 'Oddball' 6 orphan Implements, vehi- cles. Caledonia, July 30-31, August 1, 905-765-4891. WOODWORKER'S PARADISE! August 5.7 Woodworking tools, custom-made wooden crafts, tree seminars. children's workshop, women's workshop For brochure: Wood Show, Box 920. Durham, Ontario NOG 1R0 (519) 369- 6902. HALIBURTON LEGION BLUEGRASS FESTIVAL, August 5. 6, 7, 1994. Glebe Park Halburton for tickets or information. P.O. Box 129, Haliburlon, Ontario KOM 1S0 or (705) 457-2571. AUCTIONS BUD HAYNES Premier Firearms Audlon, Sat., Aug. 27, 9 a.m., Holiday Inn, Red Deer, Alberta, Box 456, T4N 5G1 Brochures available, INustraled catalogue 520. Phone (403) 347.5855, lax (403) 347.7633. AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE 1994 Z28 CAMARO CONVERTIBLE. fully loaded, black, call Top -Free 1-800- 461-4321 or 1.204.326.3466 • Steirbach, Manitoba and ask for Darrel. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES TRAVEL IS THE WORLD'S largest industry. Turn travel Into a profitable Income. Seeking sincere, energetic lead- en. Cal 1.800.473.8949 (24 hrs.). CAREER TRAINING COUNSELLOR TRAINING INSTITUTE o1 Vancouver filers correspondence cours- es lor the certificate of Counselling Stud- ies to begin the 151h of the month. For brochure phone: 1.800-665.7044. FOR SALE QUALITY TRAMPOLINES Factory Direct. 13' sq. Splash Bounce, 18' Round Mega Bounce. 1.800.883.2281 Pans, repairs. All makes. GREETING CARDS; all occasion, good quality and variety; approximately 200,000, dealer prices and quantities. 1- 800-893-2676 THE CRAFT STORE showcasing the finest crafts everyday, 7 days a week. THE CRAFTERS MARKETPLACE home and design center, Brock Road and 401, Pickering 905-686-0714 URINE -ERASE guarantees removal utine (dog, cal, human) stains, odours from carpets, subfloors. Regardless age! Free brochure! R•Idell Chemicals Limited, P.O. Box 7500, London, Ontario N5Y 4X8. SALES HELP WANTED START YOUR OWN home-based bust- nese! WMkke Is today's best business opportunity! For FREE information con- tact • Independent Marketing Director, 218 Meglund Cr., Saskatoon, SK S7H 4Z6 (1-800-263-2999) LIVESTOCK OSTRICHES SELLING DAY olds to mature layers. Microchipped, sex guaran- teed, veterinary inspected. 5 years rats - Ing and hatching. Phone/tax (403) 998- 2765 Kevin or Tracey Frey, Fort Saskatchewan, AB. MEDICAL OUT -OF -COUNTRY MEDICAL ALERT. Don't tisk financial loss by travelling out of Canada without Medical coverage. National Auto League's Health pac gives our members the peace of mind to (ravel worry free. Buy the most flexible cover- age available starting al 549.00 lor year round coverage. Call 1.800-387.2298 - 8:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. EDT. PERSONALS GOOD SEX tor seniors. Overcome all eredlon problems caused by aging, med- ications. surgery, diabetes etc. Get the facts: Performance Medical, Box 418, Valemounl, B.C., Toll•Iree 1.800;663- 0121 GAIN MORE CONFIDENCE. Buy and read •Dlanellcs: The Modern Science of Mental Health- by L. Ron Hubbard, and N's Home Study Course ($31 00). Cali 1- 800-561.5808. . MEAL ESTATE GOT A CAMPGROUND membership/timeshare? We'll take 11! America's largest, oldest resate clearing- house. Resort Sales international 1.800- 425.5967. Timeshare rentals needed. CaN 24 hours a day. STEEL BUILDINGS ' THE LAST BUILDING YOU'LL EVER NEED. Future Steel is the recognized leader in altordable, top quality, arch - style structures. For Value, Service & Integrity. call 1.800.668.8653. ROCK BOTTOM PRICES! Quonset buildings... High sidewalls. Limited quantities. 25x34 52,470.00, 30x40 53.490.00, 35x52 56,279.00, 421(60 57,669.00, 47x80 510,999.00, 52x104 $18,944.00... Ends optional. Pioneer 1- 800-668-5422. BEST BUILDINGS PRICES - Steel Strait - wail Type • not quonset • 32x54 58.505; 40x72 512,887; 50x90 518.378.; 60x126 528,150 • other sizes available • Misc. clearance - Paragon • 24 hours 1.800- 263.8499. VACATION/TRAVEL CAI M•WATER RIVER CRUISING. Spend 4 or 5 nights This summer or Tail cruising the Rt. Lawrence River In exquisite comfort aboard an elegant rspI- ca steamboat. Outstanding scenery and numerous attractions. From 5880. Free brochure 1.800.287.7888. ONE ANO TWO DAY WMewaler Ratting Adventures on IM famous Ottawa Aker, based from our 850 acre outdoor Adven- ture Resort. Family rafting available. Call now for a free brochure. Wilderness Tours 1.800.287.9188. • It's Affordable • it's Fast • It's Baty • On• OM Does It All • Northern Ontario $63 • Eastern Ontario $91 • Western Ontario $162 • Central Ontario $168 • Ali Ontario $380 • National Packages Available • Call this paper for details!