HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes Advocate, 1994-7-13, Page 20Page 20 A s • Times -Advocate, July 13, 1994 Births ATTHILL - Dave and Dolly are thrilled to announce the safe arrival of their very first little miracle • a daughter. Tess Evelyn ar- rived on June 30, 1994 at 8:29 p.m. weigh- ing in at 7 lbs. I oz. Proud grandparents are Evelyn and Gene Creces, Mavis and Charlie Atthill. great-grandmother Margaret McBride. Special thanks to.Dr. Anand and all the surgical staff and excellent nurses at Clinton Public Hospital. Extra special thanks goes to Dr. Peter Salsbury for taking such good care of us over the past several months and through delivery. Thanks also to Dr. Yuzbe, Dr. Martin and Dianne Slota at Uni- versity Hospital for making our dreams come true. 28 MCCANN - Jerry and Sherry are proud to announce the birth of their daughter Jolene Margaret on June 20. 1994 at St. Joseph's Hospital, weighing 8 lbs. 2 ozs. A baby sis- ter for Joshua and Nadine. Proud grandpar- ents are Marg and Howard Dayman of Kip - pen and Noreen McCann of Mt. Carmel. Great-grandmother Blanche Walters of Exet- er. Special thanks to Dr. Fellows and to all the nurses on third floor for such great care. 28c Cards of Thanks BOWERS/HENDRICK - We would like to thank all of the people who worked so hard to put on the Buck and Doe for us. Thank you to all of those people who attended it and supported us. We appreciate all of the work and your support that made it a suc- cessful evening. 28* Randy and Julie CARTER - Many thanks for all the visits, cards and treats while a patient in University Hospital and since returning home. 28c Clarence GALBRAITH - Thank you very much to the Centralia and Mount Carmel communi- ties for all of the beautiful gifts and best wishes that we have received in honour of our recent marriage. We are truly over- whelmed and most appreciative of the gene- rosity of our family, friends and neighbours. 28c Sincerely, Jamie and Jacqueline (Cronyn) Come and worship with us ZION LUTHERAN CHURCH Dashwood PASTOR LARRY STOJKOVIC For the months of July and August 9:00 a.m. Sunday School 9:00 a.m. Bible Class 10:00 a.m.Worship Service Everyone welcome Wheelchair access 111 TRIVITT MEMORIAL ANGLICAN CHURCH 1 264 Main Street, Exeter, Ontario The Rev. Fay M. Patterson Eighth Sunday after Pentecost July 17, 1994 11 a.m. Holy Eucharist Guest Preacher: Rev. Philip Gandon Words of the 1962 Prayer Book Sunday School Nursery Everyone Welcome EXETER BIBLE FELLOWSHIP 9:30 a.m. Sunday School 10:30-11:00 a.m. Fellowship Time 11:00 a.m. Family Bible Hour 7:00 p.m. Communion Service Nursery Available Tuesday evenkigs 7:30 p.m. • Bible Study Al services ars held et 94 Orchard Street, Exeter Everyone Welcome For more Information please caN 228-8881 July 9:W-10:48 a.m. Worship Broadcast CAVEN PRESBYTERIAN 88 Marna HURCH Street 235.2784 Rev. Mark 8. ° aki n Courtesy Car: 235-1987 Sunday, July 17 11 a.m. WorE0 Service Guest preacher MS. vlwyn CougMn EttiryVfe Welbome Cards of Thauks GREG - The family of the late Ervin (E.J.) Greb would like to express sincere thanks to those who visited him while he was a resi- dent of Queensway Nursing Home, those who sent cards, expressed their best wishes and remembered him in their prayers. A very special thank you to the staff or Queensway for his excellent care. E.J. was a generous loving roan who will be greatly missed by all who knew him. 28c The Greb Family McBRIDE - Sincere best wishes to thank our family, relatives, neighbours and friends for flowers, cards, food and treats while El- mer was in hospital and since returning home. Special thanks to Dr. Ladd, Rev. Hil- born, and Rev. Parsons for visits and calls. Your kindness will always be remembered. 28c Elmer and Ida In Memoriams DIETRICH - In loving memory of Jerome Dietrich, who passed away 10 years ago. on July 14, 1984. Time slips by, but memories stay, Quietly remembered every day. Sadly missed by his wife Ruth and his fami- ly. 28' FAHRNER - In loving memory of a dear mother and grandmother, Losetta. who passed away July 21. 1987. As time unfolds another year, Memories keep you ever near, Silent thoughts of times together, Hold memories that will last forever. Remembered by Norma, Bob' -end family. 28c YOUNG - In loving memory of a dear fa- ther and grandfather, Eldon G. who passed away 5 years ago, July 16. 1989. Those we love don't go away, They walk beside us every day, Unseen, unheard, but always near, Still loved, still missed, still very dear. And now that Mom has joined your side. You will once again walk side by side. Love Lynda. Larry, Leanne and Leasa Jane. 28c EXETER CHRISTIAN REFORMED CHURCH Main St. North Pastor Rev. Sleds Vander Meer 235-1723 Worship Services July 17 10:00 a.m. Sunday School for ages 3 -grade 4 during morning service 7:00 p.m. Evening Service Nursery Available Everyone Welcome Sunday Radio CJCS 1240 8:30 a.m. CKNX 920 10:30 a.m. Daily T.V. Faith 20 Global 5:30 a.m. July 17 11:00-12:10 a.m. Worship Broadcast w 'We may give without loving, but we cannot love without giving.' EXETER UNITED CHURCH Comer of James and Andrew St. July 17, 1994 10:00 a.m. Worship service Courtesy Car: Audrey MacGregor 235-0972 111 EMMANUEL BAPTIST CHURCH 187 Huron St. W. Exeter Pastor Kevin Rutledge Assistant Pastor John Boyachek 235-2681 Sunday, July 17 9:45 a.m. Sunday School 11:00 a.m.Moming Worship 7:00 p.m. Evening Fc Ilowshlp Wednesday, 7 p.m. Family Night Everyone Welcome EXETER PENTECOSTAL TABERNACLE 870 Main St. 8. Pastor Vernon Dean Pastor Dave Austin Christian Educetkxi DlreCIor Mike Stahle Sunday, July 17 10:00 a,m. Sunday School 11:00 a.m. Worship Service 11:00 a.m. - Laotian Service In gymnasium 7:00 p.m. Celebration and Praise Service Wednesday 7:00 p,m. Family Night Nursery aviapable for all services 'A place to most God and a Wild' Deaths BOYLE - At South Huron Hospital, Exeter, on Thursday. July 7, 1994, C.E. (Derryl Boyle, of Exeter, in his 84th year. Mr. Boyle was a former Mayor of Exeter and was very active in minor sports for many years. Be- loved husband of Edith (Spicknell) Boyk. Dear father of Nancy Addison of Clinton. Frank and Mary Boyle of Exeter, and Rick and Pat Boyle of London. Dear grandfather of Greg Skinner, Sandra and Tom Men- hecre; Susan and Brad Mann, Darren Boyle. Christine Boyle and Shane Moss and Jason Boyle. Bested at the Hopper Hockey Funeral Home, William Street, Exeter, on Friday 2-4 and 7-9 p.m. where the funeral service was held on Saturday, July 9 at 11 a.m. with Rev. John Hilbom officiating. Interment Ex- eter Cemetery. Donations to South Huron Hospital, Exeter would be appreciated by the family. 28c CRONYN - Peacefully at her late residence RR 2, Lucan on Friday, July , 1994, Mabel Loretta Cronyn in her 94th year. Dear sister- in-law and dear friend of Gayle Cronyn of RR 2, Lucan; dear sister of Geraldine Hor- ton.ot Detroit and Sister Eileen of Mount Si Joseph's London; dear aunt of Pat and Mil- dred, Larry and Mary, Paul and Betty, Anne and Fred Lewis, Rose and Mickey. Prede- ceased by brothers Jack, Charlie, Basil, and a sister Rietta. Rested at the C. Haskett & Son Funeral Home, Lucan, Sunday evening. then to Our Lady of Mount Carmel Church. Mount Carmel where the Funeral mass was celebrated on Monday, July 11 with Father John Pirt Celebrant: Interment Mount Car- mel Cemetery. Prayers were said in the fu- neral home Sunday evening at 7 p.m. 28c FAHRNER - Suddenly at Port -Aux -Basques, New- foundland, o Saturday. July 9, 149 , Calvin Christian Fahrner of Dash- wood, formerly of Crediton and Mississau- ga, in his 69th year. Dear brother and broth‘ er-in-law -of Norma and Robert Palmer of Trenton. Loved uncle of Shirley and Patrick Henry, Elizabeth and Greg Budd, all of Al- berta, Mark and Jane Palmer of Newmarket. Also loved by his 3 great-nieces and 2 great- nephews. Predeceased by his parents, Em- mery (1980) and Losetta (Haist) (1987) Fahrner. Resting at the T. Harry ffman & Sons Funeral Home, Dashwood, ith visita- tion on Thursday 2-4 and 7- .m.; where the funeral service will be Id on Friday, July 15. 1994 at 2 p.m. R . Robt. Peebles officiating. Interment Cre iton Cemetery. If desired, memorial dons ons to the Heart and Stroke Foundation, Gideon Bibles or charity of choice would be appreciated. Mr Fahmer was a member of Lebanon Forest Lodge *133, Exeter and Matlock Chapter *66, Hensall. A Masonic Lodge service will be held at the funeral home Thursday at 7 p.m. Calvin attended Exeter High School. Business College in London, graduated from Toronto Bible College and attended the Uni- versity of Waterloo. He served as a minister with the Evangelical United Bretheren Church at Arnstein. Cayuga and Koehler, Ontario. He spent many enjoyable summers as a counsellor with this children in T' Beach Mission, Holiday Club. He was an ac- tive member of the Hustler's Mens' Bible Club, Toronto. For many years he was a member of the .Crediton Zion Church..He served in the Navy during World War 11. He was employed by Imperial Oil in Sarnia. He worked with the Ontario Government De- partment of Northern Affairs in the Human Resources Department. He travelled exten- sively during his latter years in North Amer- ica, Europe and the Middle East, promoting his sincere Christian beliefs. He was an asso- ciate member of F.C.A.P. (Federation of Christian Airline Pilots). But those who wait on the Lord Shall renew their strength; They shall mount up with wings like eagles; They shall run. and kr be weary; They shall walk, and not faint. Isaiah 40:31 28c HEYWOOD - At the Exeter Villa on Sun- day, July 10, 1994, Evelyn (Bedford) Hey- wood of Exeter in her 97th year. Beloved wife of the late Gordon Heywood (1987). Dear mother of Eldon and Alva, Laverne and Beatrice, all of Exeter, Jack and Mary of London and Bev and Diane of Toledo, Ohio. Dear mother-in-law of Lily of Dorchester. Dear sister of George Bedford of Florida and Dorothy Carroll of Goderich. Also sur- vived by 25 grandchildren, 39 great- grandchildren • and 15 great -great- grandchildren. Predeceased by sons Dalton and Raymond and grandsons William and Wayne and a daughter-in-law Alice. Rested at the Hopper Hockey Funeral Home. Wil- liam Street, Exeter on Monday 2-4 and 7-9 where the funeral service was held on Tues- day, July 12 at 2:00 p.m. with Pastor Kevin Rutledge officiating. Interment Exeter Ce- metery. Donations to the Emmanuel Baptist Church or the charity of your choice would be appreciated by the family. 28c JOHNS - At St. Thomas General Hospital, on Saturday, July 9, 1994 Ida Marie (Mitch- ell) Johns of London and formerly of Exeter and Lucan; in her 86th year. Beloved wife of late Alex Johns. Dear mother of Earl and oyce Johns of Nepean and Betty Salmon of St. Thomas. Dear grandmother of Nan Johns and Barbara Johns of Nepeen, Lynda Stevenson of Unionvilb„BiII Salmon, Bob Sdmon, Bruck Salmon and Debbie Salmon all of London. Also survived by 11 great- Idren. Dear sister of lone Smith of eter. Predeceased by sisters Ada and Alice, brothers Edward, Earl, Wilbur, Cliff and William and 2 grandsons David and Willie Rested MAU-C-.Haskell and Scn Funeral Homo, 223 Main Street, Lucas, on Monday 2-4 and 7-9 p.m. where the funeral service was held on Tuesday, July 12 at 1:30 p.m. with Rev. Bruce P000ck offkisting. In- terment Exeter Cemetery. Donations to the Ontario Heart and Stroke foundation would be appreciated by the family. 28c PEPPER - At Peopk Care Centre, Stratford on Saturday, July 2, 1994, Russell Ray Pep- per, formerly of tlensall and Stratford arras passed away in his 114th year. Russell, boni on Ju ,1%, 23, 1910 was the son of the late John and Florence (Taylor) , twin brother of Row Jewell of brother of Wes- ley of Niagara Pella, Ethel Stewart of half-brother SesAsth, Cecil Herter ll Hartaah Miller and Marfan hooey of Prises George, B.C. Russell was ptedaoswd by s brother Rich - and (1993) and a hslf4wctfter Bloss (1994). The Punnet Service was held Tussda , July S st 3:3Q p.m. N the O'Connor Frluuaal Chapel, HwWI with Rev. Henry Aanen of- ficiating. latermeat la Hasan Usion cum. Wry, the p�sH1 beisg Cath Stewart, Al- bert wait, amp Parker, Kea Parker, Russell Abet and Brigs Miller. 28c s 1/111 eir Dee to for Bill McCann & Leanne Jennison Sat. July 16 8-1 Age of Majority required. For Information call 237-3647 days, 234-6260 evenings Coming Soon 238-8344 L , ffftt Buck itik Dot for Darryl McCann Sr Sandra Cottle Sat. July 23 Hensall Arena DJ & Lunch provided. Shuttle bus from Exeter Phone 439-6388 • Zurich Fair July 22, 23,24 Fun for all 11 Exeter LIONS TV BINGO Mon., July 4/94: Game 1: $50.Mary MacKenzie Huron Park. Game 2: 850 Harry Puttock, Exeter. Game 3; $50 Frances Gibson, Exeter. Game 4: 875 Brenda Morgan, Crediton, Mavis Wilds Crediton. Game 5 8100 Marlon Walters Exeter. Game 6; 8100 Pat Wallace, Exeter. Next weeks jackpot will be 8700 in 57 numbers. IBc k&IEk for Rob. Hern- and Cheryl Shewan Sat., July 23 Tickets: 229-6959 Happy 19th You Little Booger!! eve the yl, Deanna, Marianne a Keather maim Z:ZZZZZZZ;i • 1 ►1 WANTED CARD PLAYERS for a card party at the Exeter Legion (Downstairs) on July 23 7 p.m. Cost $2. each. Lunch provided. Non- members welcome Penny Ford wishes to invite you to a WEDDING DANCE in honour of her daughter Jennifer's marriage to Bogdan Pospielovsky. Dashwood Pavilion July 16, 9 - 1 .a.m. Music by Hook's Party Sound. Lunch. Dress casual Everyone welcome! rPrecious Blood Cash Calendar Winners June 5,850. Pam Sugden, 6, Bill Murray, 7 Ron/Marlene Moore, 8 Mr. and Mrs. Clem Jeffrey, 9 Bill Stewart, 10, Terry Devine 11, 8100. Robert Dean. 12 850. G. Tripp, 13, Thelma Boon, 14, Laurie Dykstra/Donna Glanville, 15 Ross Hodgert, 16 Peter Jeffrey, 17 Randy Glidden, 18 8100. Darryl Glavin. 19 850. Nell McCann, 20 Church Mallette, 21 Gerry Gregus, 22, Andy Lerikos, 23, Scott Berendson, 24 Garry Cooling, 25 8100. Cathy Hakvoort. 28, 850. Glen Dawson, 27 Charlene Foxton, 23 Darryl Swettzer, 29 Pete Makwell, 30, 8250 Mrs. Gus Gregus. July 1, 850. Many $Ikei-24100.Louls Nolan. Jj DPW & N N for Mandy Fields N & Jan Wombwell N 11 FRi., July 22 11 N At the Polish Hall N 545 Hill St. London N7:30 p.m. -1:30 a.m. ► Tickets $5. Phone 235-1967 i1 or 438-6923 y xIzxIIxIZZZZZzzIzzIIx sanisoaAIIIIM stun Your Hellth Food Store & Finelle Skin Care Products OPEN NOW at 6 Queen St. Grand Bend 238-5854 Good Times Karaoke Thurs. Night Prizes Band Fri. & Sat. night Nite Landslide Free Pool Monday nights Closed Sunday's 231-3542 WifWVWWWWWWil VW as DANCE HALL 9 p.m. • 1 a.m. 349''2678 Line dancers welcome • JuIy.15 Country Sunshine Sat,, July 16 End -O -The -Litre DAY TRIPS Jays vs Tigers - Aug. 6 Crazy for You - Sept. 21 Casino Windsor - Oct. 15 Walter's Family - Oct. 19 Showboat - Oct. 26 CALL FOR DETAILS Ellison Travel 235-2000 Long distance 1.800-265-70a ,NEW LOCATION: 311 MAIN ST, EXETER Notice to any young people interested in entering the Zurich Agricultural Society "Ambas- sador of the Fair competition to be held July 22, 1994. Contestants must be bet- ween the ages of 16 and 21 and live in the Zurich area. Please contact Sandra Shaw -Young at 236-7575 or Heather Klopp 236-4291. Deadline for entry will be July 17, 1994. ellah Who knows what evil Turks in the hearts of men'?' at OPEN DAILY Swift IMO It ►1 11 ►1 11 a.m. - 2 ppm. i • Lunch and Dinner 11 14N '4 14 ►1 ►1 ►1 236-7707 E� Reservations appreciated 1 Hwy. #21, just north C► of Grand Bend ` . ZZZZZZZZ33ZZ-ZZZZZZZZZ3: Specials July 16 Teresa Burns' Famous Voice and Country Band A deadly delight of a thriller! JULY 19 - JULY 30 by Ira Levin DIRECTED BY BRIAN MCKAY (519) 238-6000 1 •