HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes Advocate, 1994-7-13, Page 16Page 16 Times -Advocate, July 13, 1994 SPURTS Exeter Royals' third baseman Ben Armstrong, right; just missed making the tag on a St. Pauls player.during Sunday night's midget game. Baseball roundup Exeter Rookie 'B' I July 8 - Lucan touguarnent Exeter 13 vs. Dashwood 4 Fly halls; Jason Stuckless Home run: Steve Mason Doubles: Matthew Iredale (2). Sean Elli- son (2). Jason Stuckless July 9 - Lucan tournament Exeter (I) 17 vs. Exeter (II) 23 Triple: Iredale Doubles: Jennifer Baker, Iredale, Ellison July 10 - Lucan tournament Exeter (1) 3 vs. Lambeth 19 Pop flys: Mark Dietrich, Mason, Stuck - less (2) Triple: Iredale • Double: Dietrich Exeter Mosquito 'B' Listowel 17 vs. Exeter 6 Double: Shawn Menard Singles: Jamie Paige. Tom Cooper Pitchers: Menard, Brendan Buchanan Good defense from Jamie Johns. Mitchell 20 vs. Exeter 15 Single: Tim Snell Pitchers: Tom Cooper. Buchanan. Good defense by Matt Anstett, Paige. Cooper. Chris Tripp. Nevin Hodgins, and Donald Storey. Good hustle by Mary Gre- gus, getting to second on a walk. Good game against a strong Mitchell team. Next games: Thursday in Clinton, 6.30: Saturday in Exeter vs. Lucknow, 12:00 Exeter Rookie `B' 11 Lucan Rookie Tournament Game 1 Exeter 29 vs. Lucan 14 Game 2 Exeter (11) 23 vs. Exeter (I) 17 Game 3 Exeter 3 vs. Delhi 24 Game 4 Exeter 2 vs. Lambeth 16 / Hits HR Tri Dou Erik Denomme 11 2 1 3 Nicholas Anstett 11 0 0 3 Kellan Hefley 9 I 1 I Andrew Sedlak ,10 0 4 1 Adam Johns 7 1 2 • Troy Lavier 2 0 1 Daniel Lovie 4 1 0 David Giannandrea 10 1 2 0 lan'Drummond 7 0 0 Anne Gregus 6 1 2 Michael Giannandrea 4 0 1 Jordan Darling 6 0 0 Miranda Grenier 4 0 I 1 Fly balls caught by: Denomme, Lovie, Giannandrea, Johns (2) 0 2 0 0 1 Crediton Mite Girls July 4 Crediton Blue Jays (won by forfeit) vs. Exeter Three hits: Heidi Muller. Margaret Geurts, Stephanie Wein, Kristine Regier, Colleen Glavin Two hits: Lindsay Barrett, Andrea Gla- vin, Amber Lord, Annette Grotentraast. Danielle Pertschy One hit: Erin Bowers. Kristen Steeper Stars of the game: Melodic Munger. Grotentraast Exeter Junior Rookie Il July 4 Exeter (I1) Rowe Fuels 12 vs. Exeter (1) 17 Ilome runs: Tony Allen, Jordan Darling, RyaIs to North American event Pitcher Steve Cook recovers from accident, throwing well By Fred Groves T -A staff - EXETER - When the Exeter Roy- als midget boys' fastball team head - to one of the most prestigious tour- naments in North America in a couple of weeks from now, they will be going with one of the finest young pitcher's in this area. On Friday, July 22, the Royals, who as a peewee team won the pro- vincial championship two years ago, will be in the Eastern Regional International Softball Congress North American Finals. .Steve Cook is expected to be on the mound in the opening • game against Aurora but, earlier this year it was doubtful he would even be with the team this summer. Back on May 13 he was ins� se- vere car accident which left -the Ironwood Mojiday Ladles July 4 A Flt. Peggy Bondy Gail Murray Bonnie Ross B Flt. A. Beattie -Stokes Terry Bezaire Mary Burton C Flt. Heather Prout 46N43.5 47N45 45N45.5 44N44 44N44 5tN51 53N53 Laurie Prout_ 57N53.5 Sylvia Gozzard 58N54.5 D Flt. Donna Brintnell 64N52.5 Susan Mann 62N54.5 M. Kelly 8013 Skins: Flights A&B: #10 Joan Hey- wood, #12 Barb Caldwell; Flights C&D: #12 Donna Merner, #13 Mary Jane Taylor Birdies: #10 Joan Heywood Sponsors: Tasty Nu, Country Bak- ery, Donuts Now, Donuts Delight, Sugar Twist Jason Sangster Doubles: Matthew Johns, Justine Fusick, Mark Dietrich, Allen Singles: Fusick, Dietrich, Ricky W'urrn, Ashley Johnston, Scott Loosley (2), Jo- seph Sarara*Johns. Jena Phillips. Clint Homuth Fly balls caught by: Johns. Dietrich Exiter Peewee July 6 Exeter 1.3 vs. Zurich 3 Pitchers: Chad Dalrymple, Cam Dougall Strikeouts: 15 Top hitters: Kian MacDougall (2 hiis) Record: 6 wins, 2 losses, I tie Dashwood 'A' Mosgtflto July 9 Dashwood 7 vs. Thamesville 10 Singles: Brent Morrison, Jarrett Palen. Brayden Lord Doubles: Cal deLange, Cameron Becker Pitchers: Lord. Morrison July 10 Dashwood 11 vs. Clinton 13 (after 2 over- time in ings) Singles: Morriso 1, Lee Finkbeiner, Lord, David W sh Jesse Schroeder Double: F kbeiner Nice catches by: d• Lange and Dennis Be 4 July 9 Exeter Teal 6 vs. Exet Runs for Teal: Stephen Fevery, Jake Homuth. Alicia (2), Brett aers Runs for Gold: K Schwartz (2). Mitchell Ire! (2). Krystal (2). Garrett geld. Kyle B Excellent gar; r Gold 8 ood, Kami mmond Next g truber , tanley on y both teams. Both teams yed back-to-back. July 16 at Precious Blood di- amond, 9:00 Tim Snell, left; and Nevin Hodgins of the Exeter Mosquito '6' team cool off during Thursday night's game. Lots of local lawn bowling action EXETER - At the provincial sin- gles lawn bowling championships in Agincourt on Saturday, June Hodgson of the Exeter Lawn Bowl- ing Club defeated a bowler From Kingston 25-17 but lost to London 25-21 and lost in the final game to Prescott. This left Hodgson in third place which was not enough to advance to Sunday's finals. •At the Junior Pairs National Open at the Leaside Club, Exeter's Shawn McFalls and his partner Tom Sheehan of Simcoe beat a team from Quebec and another from Simcoe tin Friday. They then lost to Oshawa and Port Hope. on Saturday which forced a playoff which they lost 8-5 and eliminated them from the tour- nament. •Recently, Exeter's girls team of Andrea Weigand and Laura Pear- son and the boys' team of Shawn and Allan McFalls finished second at the Zone playoffs which qual- ified them for the Ontario Summer Games in Nepean on August I 1-14. •The Exeter Lawn Bowling Club hosted a 14 -team men's 1.O.O.F. #67 sponsored tournament on Sun- day and the local teary of Roy Tri- ebner and Bob Thompson won the consolation prize. On Saturday; the Extter Club will host the District 4 Novice Play - downs with the winners advancing to the Ontario finals in August: righthander pretty banged up. . "I had 150 stitches, 90 in m9 right' arm and the rest above my eye. 1 dislocated my left shoulder and bruised my brain," said Cook. But the 17 year-old did not let it slow him down as he was quickly put into physiotherapy arld with:the help of some exercises, was ready to pitch again. 4 His parents, Fred and Norma ob- viously had some reservations on getting him back into the game. "I wanted to throw and my par- ents wouldn't let me," said Cook of his eagerness. "I'm kind of sur- prised," he added of his quick re- covery. Cook is not only the number one pitcher for the Royals but, on occa- sion, he's been called upon to help the men's team, the Exeter Chrysler Imperials. He threw very well against Owen Sound t this past weekend's tour- namen[ in Tara. Owen Sound are a ood-hitting club which won the re- cent Exeter tournament. Even with the North American double -knockout event coming up, he still doesn't believe he is quite 100 percent. "It still throws me off a little. I was out of shape sitting in the hos- pital for five days," he said of his recovery. Sunday night the Royals took on visiting St. Pauls and managed a 7- 3 win. Imperials pick up six points: Last week the Imperials picked up six points as they beat hosting Se- bringville Army and Navy 5-0 on Thunder win first UnicoCupgame through default v 1 Niagara Shine ailed to show for Sunday's sotcer game EXETER - Although the Exeter Thunder won their opening game of the Ontario Unico Cup under -18 soccer championships Sunday afternoon, they are not overly pleased with how they accomplished it. At 2:20 p.m., twenty minutes after their game with' visiting Ni- agara Shiners was scheduled to start, Exeter coach John Rasenberg and Exeter Minor Soccer Association president Bart DeVries re- ported that the Shiners were not coming. The coach of the Shiners said he had resigned which, under the Unico Cup rules will result in a large fine to the Niagara club. "He said he resigned on Wednesday. It's the club's responsibility to field a team," Said Rasenberg. The 13 -team tournament began Sunday with five games which will now see the Thunder take on either Scarborough Blues or North York St. Bernard Raiders. Unico Cup rules,state that the Niagara cliib will now have to pay a 5500 fine, are responsible for paying the officials which Exeter paid for on Sunday and their coach and manager are subject to further disciplinary action. "They get a 5500 fine from the Ontario Soccer Association and they have to pay the refs. They (OSA) still have to meet over it but nothing should stand in the way of it," said Rasenberg. Exeter will now host Scarborough or North York on Sunday, July 24 with the winner of that advancing to -the semi-finals on August 28. "We have home field advantage again. We got the luck of the draw," said Rasenberg. The Thunder were ready to play Sunday afternoon and Monday took on Marconi in a leagoe,game. "They were here an hour before the game, thcy were ready. The commitment is there." A Exeter Minor Soccer Association had the Canner's Field looking .good as the grass was cut, the field was lined and they had gone to a lot of trouble to encourage spectators to come out to the game_ Exeter V Squirt June 30 Grand Bend (11) at Exeter (V) Goalie: Whitney Dawe Goal: Travis Elder Great game! Everyone passed the ball well and ran hard. July 7 Grand Bend (1) at Exeter (V) Goalie: Dawe Goal: Michael -MacLean Exc llent playing by all players on a very hot night. Exeter IV Squirt July 7 St. Columban 3 at Exeter (IV) 3 Goalie: Corey Bilcke Goals: Kurtis Masse (3) Bilcke and Masse ed w Everyone on the team worked very ard. Both teams played fast. aggressive soccer.'A good game on both sides. .11ore .S]pu1Y.c - pn,(.c' 21 Exeter Centennials play to scoreless draw EXETER - The wind was a big factor in the Exeter Centennials scoreless draw with St. Columban on Sunday. Each team spent half the game providing good defence as the opposition used the wind to help their attack. St..Columban had the best chanc- es in the first half. A header off of a corner kick was stopped by defend- er Dick Lord guarding the near post. Lord saved the day again when goalkeeper George McEwan tipped one off the cross -bar. The ball went to a St. Columban striker, hut McEwan managed to get one hand on his shot. Vie ball was spin- ning into the goal when Lord cleared it off the line to keep the game scoreless. The home team went on the of- fensive with wind in the second half. The St. Columban goalie had to be sharp on good headballs from Joe Martens and newcomer Sivilay Sengkhounmany and a breakaway by Keo Chansamone. Exeter's de- fense remained strong in the second half, with Craig Winbow and John Flanagan leading the way to swal- low up the few opportunities that the visitors had. Wednesday and, in a four -point game the next night beat visiting Fullarton 5-2. South Perth League play con- tinues for the Imperials on Thuts- day when they host Shakespeare Colts and head to St. Marys Sunday night to take on the Selects. In both games, Imperials' pitcher Derwyn Hodgins struck taut 15 and allowed just apair of hits. Hodgins will be going with the Shedden - London team when they head to Prince Edward Island August 12 to compete in the International Soft- ball Congress North American Club Championships. • At the Tara Tournament on the weekend, the Imperials, playing without Hodgins and depending on several midget -aged players, lost 5- 0 to Owen Sound, bounced back to beat Chesley 5-2 before bowing to Tara 6-0. Stephen Minor Hockey is seeking a COACH fora MIDGET "E" CENTRE TEAM. Call Dick Lord 234-6396 4 Thar& You Exeter Minor Baseball extends a big thank you to Darling's Food Market for hosting their fundraising barbecue 7th annual Mixed Slow Pitch Horse Shoe Tournament July 29, 30, 31 • Teams needed • Call and confirm at • • • 228-6575 Usborne & Hibbert Mutual Fire Insurance Company Exeter, Ontario NOM 1S1 (Established in 1876) Provides Full Insurance Coverage for Farm Properties New Applications are Welcomed DIRECTORS & ADJUSTERS Larry Gardiner, RR2, Stella 345-2678 Lloyd Morrison, Mitchell 348-4589 Lome Feeney, Mitchell 348-8853 Jack Hodgen, F,R1, Kirkton 229-6152 Joseph Chafle, RR5 Mitchell .._ .348-9705 Michael O'Shea RR3 Granton. .225-2600 AGENTS Ross Hodgen, Exeter ........ 235-3250 John Moore, Dublin .. . 345-2512 Joseph Uniac, Mitchell 348-9012 Bryan Lavis, Clinton 482-9310 Head Office, Exeter 235-0350 A refund from surplus was de- clared for all policy holders who qualify, are on word and In good standing as at Decem- ber 31, 1993. cif Colleen Donnelly, CIS Asset Management Corporation's Regional Manager, is pleased to announce therecent, addition of William Phibbs, B.A., Eco...... to the'position of investment advisor. CIS Asset Management Corporation is a registered mutual fund, limited market dealer and deposit broker serving the following communities: WlIUam Phibbs, B.A., Eco. London, Sarnia, St. Thomas, Exeter, Port Elgin, Kitchener, Guelph, Woodstock, Brantford, Paris, Hagersville, Newmarket, and Ottawa. CIS Asset Management Corporation is a member of the Canadian Deposit Brokers Association. II CIS Asset Management EMI Corporation C I S 200 Queens Ave, Suite 100, London Tel: 434-9175 or 1-800-265-9026