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Tunes -Advocate, July 6, 1994
Page 23
Centralia U.C. welcomes new minister
Heather Smith has
accepted a position
with the Centralia Zion
West charges.
By Mary Peterson
CENTRALIA - The Centralia -
Zion West United Church charge
welcomes Heather Smith to the
area as the new minister. She will
lead the sermons during the month
of July.
Some of you may remember
Smith from the community church
service held last November at
Thames Road United Church. At
that time, she presented a mono-
logue entitled "Woman at ,the
Smith brings with her deep con-
victions and religious beliefs and
very good people skills. She
worked with Rev. Glenn Wright for
10 years and, when accepting this
ministerial position, resigned from
her position as Office Coordinator
at the London Conference Office.
She has also assisted with the ser-
vices at Crumlin Road United
Church, and will be missed by the
As Inquirer in the Candidacy
Process for Ordained Ministry in
the United Church of Canada,
Heather is at the beginning of the
road that will lead to ordination. In
the fall, she will continue to work
on her B.A., and hopes to attend
Huron or Emmanuel College next
year. During the coming years, she
will work within our community.
Smith has recently moved into
the manse, and can be contacted
there at 228-6974.
Smith chose the topic "Life To-
gether" as her first sermon at Cen-
tralia United Church.
The Pastoral Relations Commit-
tee, Bob Hern, Brenda Hern, Mar-
jorie Mills, Rob Essery, Dorothy
Rollings, and Judy Mills began the
search for a new minister on Febru-
ary 25, 1993. Their search included
17 meetings, numerous phone calls
and letters, interviews with six peo-
ple, and attending several other
church services throughout the
The service on July 10 will he a
combined service at Centralia at
10:00 a.m.
The official board of the Central-
ia -Zion West charge will meet July
Biddulph Central School
wraps up another year
LUCAN - The final sports event for the year was track and field. School
age division champions will he receiving a medallion. Congratulations are
extended to: Age 9 Brandan Lindenfield, Nick Hosking; age 10 Ayden 01-
livier, Trevor Smith; age 11, Amy Abel, Matt Revington; age 12 Adriane
Young, James Johnson; age 13+ Christine Latta, Corey Smith.
Outstanding performances at the Area 5 track and field meet in Parkhill
on Thursday, June 2 were: Corey Smith placed first in long jump, triple
jump, 100 M dash. Ayden 011ivier placed first in 75M dash and long
jump; Matthew Daubs placed fitst in 75M dash and high jump.
At the Middlesex County Track and Field Meet held at the University of
Western Ontario on June 14, outstanding performances were shown by:
Ayden 011ivier placed first in the 10 year old girls 75M dash and long
jump. Shanna Townsend placed first in 11 year old girls softball throw.
Corey Smith placed first in the 13 and older boys 100M dash. Relay
teams, 10 year old girls finished first with Debbie Dale, Laura Humphrey,
Ayden 011ivier and Rebecca Routledge. 13 and over boys finished first
with David Hickson, Ryan Moon, Derek Price and Corey Smith.
During the awards assembly the gifted student award was presented to
Chris DeHaan by Dr. E.J. Anderson. The Craig Burgess Academic award
was presented to Lora Lee Hardy by Roseanne Baird. The County Home
and School Most Improved Student award was pre,kented to Tyler Miller
by Sally Mills. Students received award bars for gymnastics, choir, soft-
ball, attendance, track and field, library club, intramurals, peer tutoring,
green team, officials and academics.
The Graduation celebration was. held at the Lucan Community Centre
on Monday, June 27. Following the grace by the Rev. Susan Shelstad, the
students, family, friends, staff and invited guests enjoyed a delicious din-
ner. The program included a welcome by the Vice Principal, Roseanne
Baird; greetings from the Middlesex County Board of Education by Trus-
tee Jackie Martens; the presentation of diplomas and school pins by Larry
DeMay, Mary Davidson, Paul Ufford and Sally Mills; the presentation of
the awards; the valedictorian address by Lindsay Hardy and closing re-
marks. The ceremonies, chairperson was Mark Stahle. The evening was
completed with a dance.
During the presentation of awards Earl French, representing the Town-
ship of Biddulph, presented the Mowbray Award to Jennie Cockwill and
the Morley Award to Lee Cosens; Larry DeMay, on behalf of Hearns
Dairy presented the Biddulph Bronco Award to Lori Wood; Marguerite
McRoberts presented the I Love To Read Award to Courtney MacGilliv-
ray; Lina Herr presented the Ausable Bayfield Conservation Authority En-
vironmental Award to Derck Price; Ken White representing the London
Township Mutual Insurance Company presented the Citizenship Award to
Lindsay Hardy; Mary Davidson presented the Academic Proficiency
Award to Stacey Walz; Arnold Hull presented the Principal's Award to
Ian Ellis and Dan Clarke; Claire Anderson presented the English Award to
Stacey Walz; Dave Barr, on behalf of the Lucan Lions Club, presented the
Science Award to David Ma; Arnold Hull presented the Mathematics
Award`to Jared French; Len Maslen, representing the Lucan Legion
Branch 540, presented the History Award to Mark Stahle; Sharon Colter
presented the Geography Award to Philip Revington; Optimist Bill Ben-
nett, representing the Lucan Optimist Club, presented the Health and
Physical Education Awards - Girls to Coleen Moore and boys to Corey
Smith; Terri McRoberts presented the Art Award to Nick Fenton; William
Haskett presented the Music Award to Lindsay Hardy; Mme Jane Griffith
presented the French Award on behalf of Revington Agri -Feeds to Jeremy
Sally Mills, Mills, Biddulph-Lucan Home and School Association, presented
the Most Improved Student Award to Michael Campbell and the Special
Education Award to Christine Latta.
School pins were purchased by the Biddulph-Lucan Home and School
Association and presented by Sally Mills, President, to all graduates: Brad,
Ankers, Marcus Appelman, Ross Beatty, Patrick Beeson, Kevin Boshart,
Michael Campbell, Cara Chomicki, Dan Clarke, Alexandria Clement, Jen-
nie Cockwill, Lee Cosens, Norma Culbert, Kim Davies, Kelly Davis, Jcn-
nifetdleigh, Karen Duncan, Ian Eillis, Nick Fenton, Jared French, Jay
Funston; Tyler Graham, Jeff Grose, Tara Hackney, Lindsay Hardy, Mikc
Herbert, David Hickson, Krista Hodgins, Jeremy Langendyk, Christine
Latta, Kyle Lawrence, David Ma. Courtney MacGillivray, Rebekah May-
bury, Ryan Moon, Colleen Moore, Ryan Nicholson, Aaron Patterson, De-
anna Peperides, Kendra Peters, Derek Price, Heather Reid, Philip Reving-
ton, Naomi Shelstad, Robbie Silver, Corey Smith, Joel Squire, Mark
Stahle, Matthew Trudgen, Stacy Walz, Andrew Welch, Raymond White,
Jonathan White, Heather Whitehead and Lori Wood.
A special thanks is extended to the graduation award sponsors: Claire
Anderson, Lucan Lions Club, A. Hull, Royal Canadian Legion Branch
#540, Sharon Colter, Lucan Optimist Club, William Haskett, Biddulph-
Lucan Home and Scoot, Biddulph Township - in Trust Fund, Hearn's
Dairy, Revington Agri -Feeds, Marguerite McRoberts, Ausable Bayfield
Conservation Authority, London Township Mutual insurance Company,
Creative Affairs, Mary Davidsson and Nicholson Flowers Lucan for the
flowers used to decorate the Community Centre.
Surf who will be leaving Biddulph include Mary Davidson, Darlene
Abraham and Alan Davidson. In the new school year we will welcome the
following staff members: Jennie Aylsworth and Cathy Grootjen.
The staff extend to the parents and students appreciation for their fine
cooperation and wish them a safand relaxing summer.
13 at 8 p.m. at the Centralia United
The Stewards are organizing bar-
becue sales at Holtzmann's IGA
during Exeter's Sidewalk Sale
Days, July 21, 22 and 23. Contact
Brent Caslick if you'll he able to
On June 27, there was lots of fun
for euchre enthusiasts at Hey -
wood's Restaurant. Mary Wallis
won the Ladies' High and Betty
Guilfoyle the Lone .1 -lands. In the
men's division, Harry Noels won
the High and Gord Eaton the Lone
Hands. The special award was won
by 011ie Essery. The next euchre
party will be held at Heywood's on
July 1 1 .
Personals •
Ruth Ann and Matt Pickett of
Owen Sound were visitors on the
weekend with Bill and June Essery,
on their way to a six week French
sununer course at Laval University,
Quebec City.
Mr. and Mrs. Ron Brittain and
family of Markham and Mr. and
Mrs. Bruce Brandon and family of
Uxbridge were weekend visitors
with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. El-
mer Powe.
Stephen Central Public School
Stephen Central Public School held their graduation ceremonies last week. Shown back left to right, Jason Neil, Brian Lovie,
Steve Keller, Dean Obre, Greg Hendrick, Matt Turnbull, Jeff Kinsman and Heath Palen. Middle row I to r, Mandy Werret, Lisa
Theroux, Jason Brown, Miranda Hayter, Lisa Clarke, Kerry Brownlee, Mary Ann Grotentraast, Jackie Brown, David Govers and
Josh Becker. Front I to r, Christine Pertschy, Lindsey Simard, Melisa Marshall, Missy Hayter, Samantha Edwards, Kristy Dun-
das, Keriann O'Rourke and teacher Mrs. Pfaff.
Huron Centennial School
Huron Centennial School held their grade eight graduation ceremonies this past week. Top left to right, Jon Armstrong, Julie
Bachert, Ryan Bender, Michael Boyce, Chris Bramley, Daryl Bramley, Chris Brandon, and Art Bums. Second row, left to right,
David Butt, Erin Camochan, Kelly Collins, Lori Collins, Paul Cooper, April Courtney, Chris Dale and Denise DeJong. Third row,
left to right, Karen Delvecchlo, Jamie Dick, Chris Genttner, Rebecca Gingerich, Christina Gordon, Shawn Grainger, Bill Hayter,
and Scott Henderson. Fourth row, left to right, Tara Hessel, Mk! Hills, Jason Hulley, Alicia Hummel, Elizabeth Loerchner,
Shane MacPhee, Becky McCowan and Jeffrey McCowan. Fifth row, left to right, B.J. Mcllwaln, Matthew McKee, Craig Miller,
Bonnie Peck, Tara Preszcator,• Enc Querengesser, Megan Ratcliffe, and Melissa Rowan. Sixth row, left to right, Everett Smith,
Dustin Steckle, Michael Stephenson, Bryon Struthers,. Sally Sturgeon, Jonathan Trlebner, Michele Tyndall and Paola Urzua.
Bottom row left to ri_' t Joe Watkins Nlkkl Whlte Matt Wieder Cone Wilson Janelle Wood and C I Workman.