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-'" Births
July 6, 1994
CHARRON - Randy and Lori (nee McLe-
od). Ottawa, arc proud to announce the With
of their daughter Sydney Rae. born June 3.
1994. Proud grandparents an Peter and
Vicki McLeod; great grandmother Marguer-
ite McLeod and great -great-grandmother
Elizabeth Peat. 27•
CLARKE - Matthew and Janet are proud to
announce the birth of their son Michael
Thomas on June 25, 1994 at Victoria Hospi-
tal, weighing 9 lbs. 3 ozs. A baby brother for
Amanda. Shannon and Stephen. Proud
grandparents are Fred and Elinor Clarke,
Corbett and El and Agnes Dempsey, Aylm-
er. Proud great-grandmother is Peggy
Clarke. Pickering. 27c
HARTAI - Tom and Nancy Hartai thank
God for the safe arrival of their daughter,
"Katharyn Nancy Jane". Katie was born on
May 21, 1994, 9 lbs. 2 ozs. Happy grandpar-
ents are: Gary and Brigitte Hanai of Listow-
gI, and first time grandparents Donald and
lure Allan of Lindsay. 27c
WILKIE - Ian and Deborah (Taylor) are
thrilled to announce the arrival of Cameron
Taylor Wilkie at Credit Valley Hospital,
Mississauga, Tuesday. May 31, 1994,
weighing 6 lbs. 2 ozs. Proud grandparents
are Jack and Mary Jane Taylor, Exeter. and
Stan and Anne -Wilkie. Victoria. B.C. 27c
GREB - Peacefully at Queensway Nursing
Home, Hensall, on Thursdaynune 30. 1994,
Ervin John Greb, formerly of Cambridge, in
his 90th year. Beloved husband of the late
Hattie May (Lambke) Grip (1979). Dear
brother and brother-in-law of Leonard Greb
of Exeter, Wesley Greb of Wichita, Kansas,
Melvin and Ruth Greb, Lucy Greb, all of RR.
42, Dashwookand Dana Greb Lyne of Kan-
sas. Predecease y brothers. Edward, Gor-
don and Harry Greb; sister, Lily Greb; par-
ents John and Amy (Otterbein) Greb. Loved
by his nieces and nephews. No funeral home
visitation. A graveside service and interment
will be held at Exeter Cemetery on Monday,
July 4. 1994 at 10 a.m. Rev. Les Hohner of-
ficiating. If desired. memorial donations to
the Cancer Society or charity of choice
would be appreciated. (T. Harry Hoffman &
Sons Funeral Home, Dashwood, entrusted
with arrangements. 1-237-3532 ). 27c
HEWITT - Suddenly at his late residence in
Kirkton, on Thursday, June 30. 1994, Don-
ald G. Hewitt; in his 63rd year. Beloved hus-
band of Viola (Hanna) Hewitt. Dear
of Terry and Paul Hewitt, both of ndon
and Glen Hewitt of Toronto. Dear brother of
Lloyd of London. Lillian Baynham of Exet-
er, and Muriel Fisher of Toronto. Prede-
ceased by a sister Lorena and a brother Carl.
Resteck at the Hopper Hockey Fuoeral
Home, William Street, Exeter, on Sunday, 2-
4 and 7-9 where the funeral service was held
on Monday, July 4 at 1:30 p.m. with Rev.
Bill Jones officiating. Cremation. ligtenpest
of ashes in Exeter Cemetery. Don ions to
the Canadian Diabetes Association would be
'appreciated by the family. 27c
SCHWALM - At South Huron •Hospital,
Exeter, Ontario, on Friday. July 1, 199 Mr.
Raymond Schwalm of Hensall in his 73rd;
vesr. Dear friend of Jane Glenn and Leann
and Karrie Consitt. Brother of Austin of
Stratford, Leelarid of Hamilton, Mary
O'Hare of London, Nelda Hanson of Strat-
ford, Margaret Wayne of British Columbia
and Florence and her husband Donald Pur-
due of P.E.I. Predeceased by brothers Gor-
don, Mervyn and Karl and sisters Laurene
McKenzie and Violet McFarlane. There will
be no funeral home visitation or service. A
graveside service will be conducted at St.
Peter's Lutheran Cemetery, Zurich, Ontario
on Tuesday, July 5, 1994 at II a.m. Rev.
Ross Thomson officiating. (Michael P.
O'Connor Funeral Homes. Zurich entrusted
with arrangements 519-236-4365.) • 27c
1 Cards of Th nks'
BLACK - I wish to thank the staff. students
and parents of Zurich Public School: as well
as members of the community for the spe-
cial events, cards, gifts and best wishes as I
retire from my teaching career. The presen-
tation at the Open House, the special assem-
bly, the personalized gifts and•kind words
will be treasured for a lifetime. 1 have en-
joyed my time with you at Zurich.
CANN - We wish to thank our family and
our many friends and relatives who joined
with us last Saturday to celebrate our 25th
wedding anniversary and make it such a spe-
cial occasion. Also thanks to those who were
unable to join with us but expressed warm
wishes through cards, phone calls, letters
and telegrams. To all of you we extend our
sincere thanks. Your kindness and thought-
fulness will always be remembered.
27 Jack and Mary
68 Main Street South
ReK Mark B. Gaskin
Courty Car: 235-1967
-S hday, July 10
11 a.m. Worship Service
Nursery Available
Everyone Welcome
9:30 a.m. Sunday School
10:30-11:00 a.m. Fellowship Time
11:00 a.m. Family Bible Hour
7:00 p.m. Communion Service
Nursery Available
Tuesday evenings
7:30 p.m. - Bible Study
All services are held at
94 Orchard Street, Exeter
Everyone Welcome
For more inlormation please
call 229-8881
670 Main St. S.
Pastor Vernon Dean
Pastor Ddve Austin
Christian Education Director Mike Stehle
Sunday, July 10
10:00 a.m. Sunday School
11:00 a.m. Worship Service
11:00 a.m. - Laotian Service
in gymnasium
7:00 p.m. Celebration and Praise Service
7:00 p.m. Family Night
Nursery available for all services
'A place to meet God and a Mend'
July 10
9:30-10:45 a.m.
Worship Broadcast
187 Huron St. W. Exeter
Pastor Kevin Rutledge
Assistant Pastor John Boyachek
Sunday, July 10
9:45 a.m. Sunday School
11:00 a.m.Mtrnirtg Worship
7:00 p.m. Evening Fellowship
Wednesday, 7 p.m. FamIy Night
Everyone Welcome
July 10
11:00.12:10 a.m.
Worship Broadcast
For the months of July and August
9:00 a.m. Sunday School
9:00 a.m. Bible Class
10:00 a.m.Worship Service
Everyone welcome
Wheelchair access
Seventh Sunday after' Pentecost
July 10, 1994
11 a.m. Moming Prayer
Guest Preacher: Rev. Phillip Gordon
Sunday School
264 Main Street,
Exeter, Ontario
The Rev. Fay M.
{ Patterson
Everyone Welcome
Comer of James and Andrew St.
July 10, 1994
10:00 a.m. Worship service
Courtesy Car:
Audrey MacGregor 235-0972
Main St. North
Pastor Rev. Sleds Vander Meer
Worship Services
July 10
10:00 a.m.
Sunday School for ages 3 -grade 4
during morning service
7:00 p.m. Evening Service
Nursery Available
Everyone Welcome
Sunday Radio
CJCS 1240 8:30 a.m.
CKNX 920 10:30 a.m.
Daily T.V.
Faith 20 Global 5:30 a.m.
'We may give without loving, but we
cannot love without giving.'
Cards of Thanks
CARTER • The family of the late Joseph
Carter wish to extend their thanks and appre-
clation to all relatives, friends and neigh-
" bours for their kindness, floral tributes, cards
donations and food sent to the house dunng
our recent loss of a loving father, grandfa-
ther and great-grandfather. Special thanks to
Hoffman's Ambulance. C. Haskett and Son
Funeral Home, Rev. Pocock. pallbearers,
flowerbearers, ladies of St. James Church
and Deborah Hodgson. Your thoughtfulness
will never be forgotten. - 27c
COPELAND - Sincere thanks to relatives
and friends who visited me in Stratford and
St. Marys hospitals and for cards and gifts
received. Also, my many thanks to relatives
who arranged my 80th birthday celebration
and to all who attended "my great day".
27c Ethel
CREECH - I wish to thank my children,
friends, neighbours and relatives for their
kind thoughts and deeds during my recent
stay in South Huron Hospital. Special thanks
to Dr. Gans. nurses and staff of the hospital,
Reverends Hilborn and Parsons and "room-
ies" Lauretta Siegner and Greta Luther.
27• Jean
EXET3Tt VILLA - We would like to thank
everyone for helping us celebrate our grand
opening and our eighth anniversary. It was
wonderful to see residents, families and
friends along with dignitaries enjoy the fes
tivities. A very special thank you to all of
our v;.:anteers for their assistance.
27c Management of Exeter Villa
FI KBEINER - The family of the late Es-
trel a Finkbeiner wish to express their sin-
ce thanks to relatives and friends for the
lov ly floral arrangements. donations and
car s. Special thanks to the staff of Exeter
i a for alt their raving and tender care. The
s' f of South Huron Hospital, Dr. Steele,
Aper & Hockey Funeral Horne. Pastor
rnon Dean for words of comfort, Bob
Heywood for the musical number and the la-
dies of Pentecostal Tabernacle for the lovely
lunch. Your thoughtfulness wilt always be
27' Allan and Irene.
Howard and Mary.
Gordon and Florence,
grandchild n and great-grandchildren.
FINKBEINER - We would like to thank
everyone for cards and words of comfort
shown in sympathy, for the loss of Gordon's
mother. Your kindness will always be re-
7Gordon and Florence
FI DER - The brother and sisters of the late
C,le n Fisher would like to thank their rela-
tives, friends. and neighbours for cards.
phone calls. flowers and food brought to our
homes. Your thoughtfulness was very much
27' Ben and Marie Fisher,
Iva and Bob Blair
and Belva Rowe.
GINGERICH - The family of the late tiin
Gingerich wish to extend their thanks and
appreciation for the many expressions of
kindness and sympathy shown to the family
during Ervin's recent illness and following
our loss of a dear husband, father. and
grandfather. Your loving support will al-
ways be remembered.
27c Alice Gingerich and family
their sponsors of the Canada Day Child Find
Fair: Bank of Montreal, Canadian Tire,
Holtzmann's IGA, MacLeans Home Hard-
ware, Beckers Farm Equipment, Critters
Corners, and Passmore Plumbing and Heat-
ing. Thank you also to the playground staff
and Child Find volunteers for all their work.
Mon., July 4/94:
Game 1: $50. Joanne McLaren,
.Game 2: $50 Helen Hailey.
Game 3; $20 Lois Payne.
Game 4: $20. Margaret Thomas,
Game 5 $20 Don Morgan.
Game 6; $75 Alice Bowen
Game 7, $100. Velma Harreg.
Game 8 $100. Rick Sokolowski
Brucefleld I.O.O.F.
Sat. July 9
7 a.m. -12 noon
Brucefleld Fire Hall
Buck & Doe
for Philip Lynn &
Luanne Wardell
Sat. July 9,
8 p.m. -1 a.m.
Ailsa Craig Community
Tickets $5. Beef BBQ
Happy 50th Birthday Doris
/lourfame y
f'Yena .
TRIEBNER - We would like to express our
sincere thanks and appreciation to our fami-
ly, friends, neighbours and relatives who
helped us celebrate our 60th anniversary.
Many thanks for the cards. visits and best
wishes. A special thanks to the ladies of Tri -
vitt Memorial Church who looked after the
27' Doug and Eva
In Memoriams
MADGE - In loving memory of our dear fa-
ther. grandpa and great -grandpa, John
Madge, who passed away four years ago,
July 12, 1990.
Just a prayer from those who love you.
Just a memory fond and true.
In our hearts you live forever,
Because we thought the world of you.
Lovingly remembered by Marion and
Andy, Keith and Doreen, Phyllis and Basil
and families. 27•
PARKER - In loving memory of a dear hus-
band, father, grandfather and great-
grandfather. Harold, who passed away July
5, 1993.
God called him home, it was His will,
But in our hearts vote love him still;
His memory is at dear today.
As in the hour he passed away.
We often sit and think of him
When we are all alone,
For memory is the only thing.
That grief can call its own.
Sadly missed by Dorothy and family- 27c
The Exeter Lions Club wish to thank eve-
ryone who supported our Baseball Get -
Away Weekend fund raiser. Congratulations
to Bob Chapdelaine, Grand Bend who was
the lucky winner. 27c
9 p.m. - 1 a.m.
Line dancers
Fri., July 8
Sat., July 9
Now & Then
Your Health Food
Store & Finelle Skin
Care Products
6 Queen St. Grand Bend
yrlyyyr•{yr�yE1 g1-7�I�7t1rI1-71-7r.1�7�1�1
Exeter Legion
Ladies Auxiliary
Thurs., July 7
7:00 p.m.
10 Regular Games
5 Specials
1 Share the Wealth
Jackpot $650
No one under 18 admitted
Lic. #M125539
Wanda Abbott
& Jamie
July 9, 8.1
DJ Lunch provided.
Zurich Community Centre
Age of majority only
July 22, -23,24
Fun for all
26th Annual
Family Reunion
Sun., July 10
° Potluck lunch - 1:00 p.m.
MacNaughton Park,
Macaulay Culldn
Tad Danson
Timmy's not getting mad he's...
c -rri Ng
L T►
• I
July 8-14
25tb Weddingr
✓ r
'Earl and Barbara Frencb
✓ Fri., July 15
✓ 8:00 p.m. - 12:30 a.m. 10
K -W Community Centre
Family and friends r
welcomeLove atuf r
r • CortgruiuIations r
The family of Herb and Donna Klopp
are hosting an "Open !louse Party" in
honour of their 40th wedding anniver-
sary. It will be held at their home on
Sat. July 9, after 8 p.m.
Please join with us in celebrating this
happy occasion. Your presence is your
present! For more information
r'tM%4' U' y1Iy1.1‘41414111.1' UU' r7 13 1-1 11 17 11 114r9r7U17Uy1741741-14•1N1I1IM1I1ILIMI•ILILILILIL74' LILT ll
rifle Exeter Legion Canada Day Committee Members
would like to thank all the organizations, the 9 ec
Centre Staff and volunteers involved in making 9uly 1st
celebrations a huge success. A special- thanks to the
community who supported the many events by coming
out to celebrate Canada Day.
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701 yA!! r
We wish to thank the R.E. Pooley Branch 167 Exeter
Legion and everyone who bought a ticket for the Canada
Day Roast Beef supper
Don't Forget Exeter Fall Fair Sept. 23,24,25
"Focus on Milk"
The Exeter Agricultural Society
Thank You
Coming events
SINGLE_4 DANCE, Sunday, July 17 at the Wingham Legion hall. Dancing 7 to 11
p.m. Music by: Count Down. No blue jeans please. 27c
ANTIQUE SHOW AND SAIF„ New Dawn's Fourth Annual July Show and Sale.
Sunday. July 10. 1994. 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Great selection from area dealers and pickers.
Hwy. 22, 1 mile east of 81, Strathroy. $1.00 for adults. children free. Food booth on
site. For more information call 1-245-6293. 27c
SUMMERTIME CRAFT FAIR, Sunday, July 17, 10-5, Lampton Heritage Museum.
Hwy. 21, south of Grand Bend. 70 artisans offering quality crafts. 27c
MEET LYN MCLEOD, leader of the opposition at Blyth Lions Park, Thursday. July
21. 1994. 5 to 7 p.m. Beef on a bun, tickets $8.00. preschoolers free. Available from
municipal chair persons or phone 235.2853. 263-2715 or 482-9437. 27.28c
KEITH BURTON SHOW 'TRIBUTE". Dancc to your favourite stars! Seaforth Are-
na. July 23. 1994. Dancing 9 to I (doors open al 8) Age of majority. lunch, provided.
SIO advance; S12 at the door. Call 235-1346 for tickets and reservations. 26,27,(28).29c
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