HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes Advocate, 1994-7-6, Page 3FTimes -Advocate, July 6, 1994 Page 3 High School graduates class of 1994 Retiring principal Joe Wooden set up a special award, the 1859 Award - to recognize a stu- dent who excels in both arts and technology. Here Wooden stands with SHDHS's first recipient Chris Passmore. • Your Views Letters to the editor Polztzcal comments inappropriate "...but I remember little as I sat more and more enraged awaiting your concluding remarks." Mr. Klopp: How very inappropriate and unfortunate that you chose the Commencement Exercises at South Huron High School last Tuesday to politic. Stealing stu- dent thunder, employing grammatical errors, and punctuating your words with "but seriously though" after sharing some inane personal history, simply doesn't cut it with this parent. It must be obvious to you that I listened to your every word, but I remem- her little as I sat more and more enraged awaiting your concluding remarks. Maybe, as my daughter pointed out later, -the rumble of discontent that moved through the crowd upon your introduction and the one of relief as you finally made the presen- tation", would indicate that you upset more than this parent and his daughter. • Most sincerely, Drew Robertson RR I, Crediton High School awards Grade 12 Honour Roll: Ste- ven Hendrick, Lisa Forrest, An Lam, Teresa Snell, Michelle D. Ducharme, Aaron Gardiner, Cynthia Westerhout, Mark Fos- ter, Jason Glaskin-Clay, Bron- wyn Pearson, Angela Gould, Angie Bisson, Ian, Manue- la Loerzel, Susan Keye. Lorna Miller, Jason Durand, Kelly Lansbergen, Jodi Desjardine, Jodi Taylor. Tanya Dcavillc, Paula Brown, Melinda Nether- cott, Troy Ducharme, Christic McInnes, Joel Siebert, Jennifer Groot, Jodie McGee, Elizabeth Russell, Rachelle Allen, Rebec- ca Day, Kristi Sargeant, Melinda Bell, Tracey Brand, Lisa Glavin, Darren Kints, Kyle Wcrrett, Naomi Prest. Ontario Scholars: David Morlock, MoIIy McClure, John Soer, Christine Passmore, Dan- ny Martens, Scott Finlayson, Erin Kraftcheck, Michael Beck- er, Victoria Bisback, Linda Wal- lis, Laura Coolman, Fiona Walk- er, Jeffrey Lingard, Lisa Kernick, Heather Stecklc, Linda Hardeman, Jason Wein, Sara Wallis, Douglas Rook, --Linda Snell, Steven Farquhar. • Student Council prizes: Ac- counting - Am Lam; Computer Studies - Aaron Gardiner; Biolo- gy - Steve Hendrick; Chemistry - Steve Hendrick; Physics - Scott Finlayson; English I - Erin Kraftcheck; English III - Erin Kraftcheck; Dramatic Arts - Mi- chelle_Duchatme;_Mpsic.:.Linda ._ Snell; Visual Art - Cindy_Weste- rhout; Spanish - Andrea Mason; French - Ian Jean; Family Stud- ies - Linda Wallis; Geography - Mark Foster; History - Doug Rook; Mathematics, Calculus - Chris Passmore, Algebra - Mi- chael Becker, David Morlock, Finite Mathematics - John Soer. Student Council Plaques: Heather Steckle, Angela Chip - chase, Laurie Coolman, Sara Wallis. OACETT awards: Construc- tion Technology - Shirley Scott, Steve Hendrick, Jason Durand; Transportation Technology - Dan Zawalsky, Craig Schwart- zentruber, Doug Wilson; Manu- facturing Technology - Craig Schwartzentruber, Alvin McNichol; Communications Technology Dan Zawalsky, Doug Sitter. Awards and Scholarships: The Dashwood Industries Award - Dan Zawalsky; The, Technical Teacher's Award - Chris Oliver; The Jerry MacLean Award - Dan Zawalsky; Thc Ontario Electrical League Huron Chapter Award - Dan Zawalsky; The Exeter Opti- mists Scholarships - Matt Ne- thercott, Craig Swartzentruber; The Homuth, Taylor, Pinder, McNeilly Chartered Accountants Award - An Lam; The Instru- mental Music Achievement Award - Chris Passmore; Thc Vocal Music Achievement Award - Erin Kraftcheck; The English Achievement Award - Sara Wallis; The Independent Order of Oddfcllows Award, Ex- eter Lodge - Dan Martins; The Beta Sigma Phi Award - Derck VanDyken; The Exeter Lioness Award - Lisa Forest; Thc Royal Canadian Legion OAC History Award - Doug Rook; The Exeter Villa Award - Ann Marie Mittelltoltz; The Exeter and District Heritage Days Award - Heather Steckle; Thc Kinette Award - Heather Steckle; The Michael Herbert Memorial Award - Wayne Robinson; The Scott Hasselback Memorial Scholarship - Dave Morlock; The Colleen Miller Memorial Award - Erin Kraftchxk; The Exeter Legion Auxiliary Award - Manuela Loerzcl; The South Hu- toni..Ustrict . tiiih_-School. _Ski Club Award - Wayne Robinson; The . Dashwood 'Friedsburg Days' Community Spirit Award - Belinda Nethercott; The Hayter Turkey Farm Award - Michael Becker; The 1859 Award - Chris Passmore; The Exeter Legion Scholarships - Erin Kraftcheck, )cott Finlayson; The Exeter Ma- sonic Lodge Awards - Laurie Coolman, Jeff Lingard; The Cri- mestoppers Award - Doug Rook; The R.C.A.F. Centralia Reunion Mward in Mathematics - Dave orlock; The Teaching Staff Scholarships - Dan Zawalsky, Kelly Lansbergen, John Soer; The Students Council Scholarhip - Chris Passmore; The Governor General's Medal = Dave Mor - lock; The Moncur Scholarships - Dave Morlock, Molly McClure. 4 Top students were honoured for their achievements over their academic careers EXETER - Graduating students at South Huron District High School received more than just di- plomas during graduation cer- emonies last Thursday night. They also rcccivcd words of encour- agement from the guest speakers despite what is expected to be poor -job prospects and a weak economy for the next few years. Members of the Huron County Board of Education addressed the graduates in addition to Huron MPP Paul Klopp and retiring prin- cipal Joe Woodcn. Wooden told thc graduates they are living in an exciting time as much is changing in terms of pol- itics and technology. He told the students that the world they will be entering is a lot different than when he started teaching. As well, Wooden encouraged them to remember the need and im- portance of education. "Education offers growth towards tolerance and a broader, enriched life," he --said. "Our personal growth rc- Class valedictorian Dave Morlock also won many awards dur- ing the South Huron District High School graduation last Thursday night. Here Morlock displays the Governor Generals' medal that was presented to him by Huron MPP Paul Klopp. Officer injured in 'Bend The longest long weekend included a Targe brawl By Fred Groves T -A staff GRAND BEND - There was a bi- kini contest, volleyball games, a Heritage Day, fireworks and lots of boats. Grand Bcnd just completed it's busiest holiday weekend of thc summer, stretching from Thursday to late Monday. Friday was Canada Day and Monday was thc Amer- ican July 4 holiday. "Wc have more Americans this year because of the exchange rate," said deputy -mayor Cam Ivey. He had to act as the chief over- seer of thc resort village as mayor Tom Lawson was out of town. Friday night an estimated 12,000 attended the Canada Day fireworks display on thc main beach. Saturday saw Triple Crown vol- leyball come to the beaches of Lake Huron and while there wcrc only participants and very few spectators the opening day, Sunday brought out hundreds as the temperatures warmed up. Without a doubt, the busiest place other than the -bars on the weekend was the harbour where everything from jet -skis and the oc- casional paddle boat to the big 35 - foot power boats churned the wa- ters. Kec,ping track of all the activity around thc docks was not an easy task and at times, it was like di- recting traffic. "We're very fortunate in that the whole harbour staff is back from last year," said Ivey. "They do a very good job. Thc harbour master is a boater himself." After dark the bar scene came to life as thousands of people roamed the streets. Thc Grand Bend de- tachment of the Ontario Provincial Police, working out of their new building, wcrc kept busy. "I was out both Friday and Sat- urday night, it's a different crowd than the May 24 weekend. When you get that many people there's going to be some rowdiness. For the most part, it was pretty good," said Ivey. Thcrc was more than a little row- diness`' Saturday night as the OPP spent most of thc night breaking up several fights on the main street in which three officers wcrc injured. "Saturday night we had a Targe gathering of people who thought fights were in order," said OPP Sgt. Gerd Bruce. "On Saturday it was cold, instead of taking a nice walk on the beach, they took a walk in the bars." One officer was injured seriously enough in the melee of fights that he had to be taken to the hospital. Bruce said things started around midnight and continued until about 4 a.m. "He was breaking up a fight and The Partners of Homuth, Taylor, Pinder & McNeilly are pleased to announce that effective July 4, 1994 RON GODKIN, C.A. has been admitted as a partner and the partnership name has been changed to: HOMUTH, TAYLOR & PARTNERS --Chartered Accountants Homuth, Taylor & Partners provide accounting, auditing, taxation, management and computer consulting services in a personal and professional manner to a wide variety of clients ranging from retail and manufacturing businesses to farm and ngri-business operations. 71 Main Street N. Exeter, Ontario 2354101 he was bruised pretty bad.1H0'II be off for a while," said Brucc. On the weekend the OPP handed out 96 liquor charges, 10 charges under the Environmental Protection Act, one narcotics, eight highway traffic acts and 11 under the crim- inal code. •, Thc Pincry Provincial Park, a few miles south of the village was also busy and Bruce said his officers were called out .to handle an as- sault. "Wc had another assault out there we had to spend some time on. They wcrc hit with a bottle." quires education. Continue this for your entire Iifc." Bur it wasn't just thc graduating students who wcrc addressed. Paul Carroll, director of the board of ed- ucation _thanked Wooden for his years of service with thc board. "Although we haven't always agreed we have both been in it for thc good- of the kids and educa- tion," Carroll said. Klopp referred to Wooden as a foreword thinker during his address to the graduates. As the evening progressed di- plomas, awards and scholarships were also given out before- class valedictorian Dave Morlock spoke on behalf of his class. In addition to being class repre- sentative, Morlock rcccivcd a num- ber of awards including the Gov- ernor General's medal and th" Moncur scholarship. The scholar- ship was also won by Molly McClure. • Two new awards were also added this year. Thc Michael Herbert Memorial Award was won by Wayne Rob- inson and the 1859 Award was won by Chris Passmore. The second award was set up by Wooden to rccognire a sttident who excels in both arts and technology. Wooden said 1859 was an cx- 'citing time in terms of growth in these fields and said there is a need to connect these two arras. 49 CONE CHILL OUT with the season's biggest value. Enjoy a cold, refreshing McDonald's' cone for just 494. 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