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Times-Advocate, 1996-06-19, Page 27
Ontario Hydro 1 TORONTO - Ontairo Hydro Re- tail's new rate structure implement- al at the beginning of the year means lower electricity bills for the tjeajority of farms in the province, General Manger Larry Doran RF/MAIC LANDMARK REALTY INC. 2.15 Piccadilly St. Suite 207 London. Ont. N6A 1S2 JUST LISTED LUCAN - 100 acres, nice build - Ings, good piece of dirt. STEPHEN TWP. - 150 acres, good piece *dirt, nice place to build house. LANDEBOYE - 4 -level side spilt, on close to 2 acres, nice eau lot. gANDEBOYE -10 acre horse or hobby farm. House completely renovated. Price $149,9900 LUCAN - NORTH -13 acre horse farm, hoi $e and barn and set - nice. ON WEST - 6 acres with totally remodeled yellow brick home, with Targe shop with hoist plus storage shed. LUCAN - 3 bedroom 2 storey home, finished basement, car fiagazally nice. $139,900. 2 storey home done to the nine's, completely mainte- nance free plus income from top floor to help wfth'mortgage, With 1091 dowfl u. can own this for $809 P.I. per month minus top floor rent and only pay $300. a month plus taxes. ST. MARYS - 2 brand new semi's, done to the nine's. $127,500. Open house every Sunday, 24 p.m. NEW LISTINGS 12 x 45' PARK MODEL - 1 bed- room with a den and tip out. Brand new. This Is a Cadillac at a good price. LUCAN - older 2 storey 3 bed- room home. Price in 90s. WCAN - 1 year old 4 level back spilt, fireplace. $139,900. JUST USTED PARKHILL - 50 acre hobby farm, 2 storey home, pool, fireplace, shop. New price. PINERY SOUTH - One floor ranch on Targe lot - $119,900. GRAND BEND - 52 Green Acres. 2 bedroom cottage. Priced In $70s. CREDITON - 5 year old, 1 floor ranch on large lot. Fireplace, whirlpool tub. Vicroy home. Price $118,500. JUST USTED • LOTS, LOTS LOT$ • one. large Iot,i00x250'-ready: to go. Low price - gas, cable, wa- ter, no fill. Member of Re/Max 100% Club Ron O'Brien Sales Rep. 439-1400 anytime or 2344281 Residence at a runt presentation to the Onta- rio Federation of Agriculture. "Our new rate structure 4411 mean lower bills for almost alt of our farm customer accounts who are eligible for Rural Rate Assis- tance (RRA). For any of these farm customers, who consume more than 250 kilowatt-hours a month, they will see annual savings of more than $30. We are also providing some additional options for some accounts with very low consump- tion that are not eligible for RRA," explained.Doran. Under the old "declining block" tate structure, customers paid a pre - es for farm customers miurn for the first 250 kilowatt- hours (kWh) over a throe month billing period. The premium was designed to recover costs of main- taining the distribution system such as lines, transformation equipment and motors. The new structure offers a flat en- ergy charge, and a monthly service fee to cover the distribution costs. "This is a much more equitable sys- tem, since in the past most low -use accounts didn't generate enough revenue to cover basic system maintenance costs and as a result were subsidized by higher users," Doran said. JUST a • . immaculate 10 yr. old 3 bedroom home in Shipka. Beautifully landscaped. .48 acre lot, with Targe sundeck. A must see at $139,000. Ron Mason, Sales Representative, Bus. 2362690 BROKER G.K. Realty Gad Ia.oeane. bloc 284 Main St. Exeter Ontario (519) 235-2420 "Offices located in Exeter, Grand Bend, Bayfield & Clinton" OPEN HOUSE 70 Thomas St. Exeter Sunday, June 23 1 p.m. - 3 p.m. 3 bedroom brick, well kept bungalow. NE LISTING • ' room • iter home, main floor laundry. Nice backyard backing onto open fieWs. Located at 160 Mill Street, HensalL Cal &11 Gilligan to view. EAPER THAN RENT - REDUCED 0 $59,900. Open to otters, excellent etirement or starter home, 237 Huron treet Exeter. Cal INN Gilflllan to view. DASHWOOD -4 bedrbdh updated with gas heatlnp, new windows and dams. Rhe in the 90s. Call Gary Deichert boll free paper 1-416-552-9M. -552-81192. FOR LEASE - 1,000 sq. ft. retail space in Exeter downtown commercial area. Newer building, air conditioned. Available July 1st. Cal Dwayne Tlnney. IseterStalealtssuoseetallist 1:91 ©a Dwayne Tinney 235-3889 ,,o•- 8111 Milian 235-0116 BIII Fuss 236-7755 Murray Keys 235-2898 Gary Deichert 236-7222, Toll free pager 1-416-552-8692 Pick up your "FREE" copy of the NEW G.K. REALTY / 4 4 / / / 1 4 / / 4 4 / 1 4 / / 4 4 office 235-3777 396 MAIN ST. EXETER, ONT. Res. 235-1304 OPEN H4;)USE r !arm r pm 4.18 ACRES FANTASTIC CUSTOM BUILT EXECUTIVE HOME Indoor pool, games room, sunken conversation pit with fireplace, ,tins Wiesen wllh built In appliances, 2 storey barn, fermi l�.dh�,0ad by 5" 000 w M,9fty oo landscaped. NEW LISTING MEI lu y GOOD STARTER OR SUrTAfi FOR RETIREES - This 3 bedroom viny Includes 0odes mostly all newer doors off ows, all window coverin. appliances, and path Marlene Parsons Sales Rep. Member of RE/MAX 100% CLUB enovated Inside and out. 2 bedroom bungalow on nice lot, dose to shopping and all amenities. Survey available. Call for appt. to w. 4 4 • 4 4 4 4 / 4 10 NS ROM EXETER - JACUZZI BATH 4 level sldespllt, nicely decorated, main floor laundry, central vac and attached garage on 315' • 4 bedrooms, 2 baths, rear deck, doubleattached garage on veryeet NEW PRICE - ADULT PARK: 2 bedrooms with ensuing, appliances, sunroom and In move In condition. 176,900. BUNGALOW - 3 bedrooms, central air, rear deck, appliances included. Move In condition. $99,999. 1)oran acknowledged that some special cases have surfaced since ti new pricing structure was intra- d Qd. "To address these concerns, are introducing two options that c Id help reduce significantly the impact of service fees." These are a secondary account or nipltiple service option, and a six m nth service suspension. The sec- ondary account waives The service fee for additional meters with low use (less than 2,500 kWh per hour) that run off the same transformer that serves the primary account with the RRA. The energy charge for these accounts will be slightly higher - 8.78 cents per kWh rather than the regular 8.02 cents charge). This option could result in savings of more than $450 per year. The six month suspension option will eliminate the service charge for that period on low use ac- counts, although customers will be rejuired to pay a 3100 service dis- connection/reconnection fee. Sav- ingg u could be -up to $140 per year accounts. Ovet' the next few weeks Hydro will be cOntgcting custoiners who are eligible for these two options. "If these two new options are ful- I ly employed by, our farm custom- ers, the result will be that the total price paid by Ontario's farmers, to Ontario Hydro will decline by more than S3 million when com-'• pared with the previous pricing structure, and approximately 95 per cent of all of our farm customers will have lower total Hydro bills, said Doran. "These customers are irnportant to us. and we're doing all we can to help them keep their energy costs as low as possible," Doran added. Under Ontario legislation, aver- age electricity rates to Ontario Hy- dro Retail residential customers are kept to within 15 per cent of aver- age municipal utility residential rates by applying Rural Rate Assis- tance. Costs to serve Ontario Hy- dro retail customers in more rural, less . densely populated areas are generally much higher than for mu- nicipal utility customers. PEACEFUL, SECLUDED 1.69 ACRES Near Exeter and Credlton. $110,500. Classic 2 storey with rustic charm. Large, bright Iivingroom, dining room or 4th bedroom, main floor laundry, full basement, newer furnace, separate 12 x 24 heated workshop. CryStal Wettstein, Broker. Crystal Realty Corporation, Realtor 471-7249 T -A June 19, 1996 Page 27 II Stan Fr'anikovic The 'Farm- Boy Associate Broker (519) 471.8888 (24 hour paper) 100 ACRES PRIME FARMLAND. CREDITON 90 workabie - systematically bled. Plus: 40r x100' hog barn iv/room for expansion. Plus: 5 bedroom bride home in excellent condition. Plus: large drbvestied. Income of 1900 per month from house and bam.I CALL NOWI �;atnl Sutton Group - Preferred Rea Inc. reakor 11 G.K. Realty 284 Main St. Exeter 519-235-2420 NEW LISTING 1. HENSALL - Excellent Main st. location. Good starter '` or retirement. $81,900. DASHWOOD - room brick, completely renWtW.. , work shop. HAY TOWNSHIP - 300 acres, 100 systematically tiled, 120 a. pasture, 80 bush. Murray Keys Sales Rep. 236-2898 2 WE'VE MOVED 109 MAIN ST. NEW ADDRESS IS: EXETER \I 1\� 171-717K1 7l1'I:I 1 1 I\(. II()\1I 1i 159,900 - Victoria St. Exeter. Excellent retirement or starter features main floor laundry, main floor family room with gas fireplace, bright Florida room, well treed private yard and much much more. Don't miss this opportunity to own the home of your dreams. CaII nowt EXETER - HOBBY FARM - lust Usted - One the edge of town - A ram find) Five acres, barn and four bedroom brick home situated on Huron Street East. Asking $198,900. 11 JUST MINUTES FROM EXETER - Custom built home on beautiful treed one acre lot. Highway location. This home is Just one year old with many extras. Worth a close look. Priced at $197,500. NI%\'I'RI(I: 041111111 I _ EXETER - The hot weather is on its way! Cool off in the beautiful Inground pool, of this four bedroom home. 1-1/2 baths, family room with gas fireplace, interlocking brick drive, nicely landscaped. Prime area and priced to sell at $134,900. ill 143 JOHN ST. - Finished basement 5174,500. QUIET AREA - Central' itis, Compare at 1139,900. Devon Drive NEAR DOWNTOWN, central air, finished basement 1187,500 I 11 ZURICH - *Ey Mehed raised ranch. $114,900 BRAND NEW • 3 bedroom brick, full basement, attached garage, great location, buy with 7 yr. warranty for only 1164,400. EXETER - Snider Subdivision - Things are happening) Fully serviced building lots. Get In on the action. Still a good selection of building Tots at affordable prices. Call now for details. 2 BEDROOM APARTMENT for rent • Available In August. Appliances Included, paved parking, laundry room, hot water and heat Included at 1822.00/mo. NEARING COMPLETION - This appealing brick ranch Is awaiting your Inspection. Great location near hospital and see the park from your front window. Call nowt • $139,000 • Compare compare • solid 2 storey 4 bedroom brksc PLUS a money making shop with HOIST and AIR COMPRESSOR. Call nowt APARTMENT PON RIIIT • Modem, fridge and stove Included, controlled entry. THINKING OF BUILDING? We have a nice selection of prime residential building Tots fully serviced starting at 137,500. Call for mon details. COUNTRY LOT -130 R 0highway location, Exeter outskirts, river at rear, where else can a country lot like this be found et the Iow price of $42.500. SEVERAL UJSIHUSp; COMMERCIAL PROPERTIES available at attractive prices. Call for more info. 12 UNiT APARTMENT PLEX - great return on your Investment. Call today and retire In 15 years. NON COTTRELL 109 MAIN ST. EXETER 235-3948 24 Hour Service COMING \( i ilii i i l I: SOON 24 hr. Realty info COOLMAN REAL ESTATE 1; .