HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes-Advocate, 1996-06-19, Page 11since 1978. Delegates also discussed and de- cided o-cided to refer to the congregations, a reorganization plan that could streamline the church administra- tion. The plan was formulated by a task force formed by an action of the last convention in 1993. Cur- rently the church is coordinated from a head office in Winnipeg With three regional offices. The proposed plan would downsize the role of the three district offices and consolidate the work of several boards and commissions. Lutheran Church -Canada was formed in 1988 When three districts of the St. Louis -based The Luther- an Church Missouri Synod agreed to form an autonomous Canadian 4:hurr.b. Times -Advocate, June 19, 1996 Fire destroys 150 -year-old home Although most of the family's pos- sessions were lost, they feel for- tunate to be unharmed The Reeve family MCGILLIVRAY TOWNSHIP - Although the Reeve family lost nearly everything when fire destroyed their home on Thursday af- ternoon, they believe it was something more than luck that pro- tected the Sue, John and their three sons. Matthew, Jesse and Nolan. The home, on Maguire Road, south of County Road 5, is estimat- ed to•bo 150 years old and the Reeves had just begun to see the re- sult tesult of the hard work they had put into the place. It is now likely to be condemned. "We'be worked so hard on this house," said Sue with dismay on . Monday. Although the familyis still in shock after the fire, reality is • be.- .ginnieg to sink 'in and they are already making plans to build a new home on the site. They are currently staying in a hotel. in London but are looking for a trailer so they can take care of the garden and • chickens as well as begin to rebuild. Many people in the area are familiar with the historic home and have made the Reeves feel part of the local community. Neighbors have been especially helpful during the first days after the fire by providing clothes and a place to stay. "It seem like everybody in this community is connected with this place," said Sue. In addition to thanking neighbors and friends for their support, the Reeves are grate$ 1 to the Luca and Ailsa twig Fire Departments rj that reacted 4y. � Lutherans elect president, discuss reorganization EDMONTON - The fourth trien- nial convention of Lutheran Church -Canada (LCC) was held in Edmonton, May 30 to June 3. The 170 -plus delegates, representing more than 325 congregations from B.C. \to the Maritimes, met and dis- cussed various issues facing the eight-year-old Canadian church. Among the items on the agenda was the election of a new president to succeed Dr. Edwin Lehman. Elected in 1988 at the founding convention. Lehman has held the office of president for eight years. He will retire in ,September. Elected to bite presidency of the 80,000 - member chdtch 'was Rev. RalB. Mayan. 'The 51 -year-old Mayan and•his wife Linda reside in Rich- mond B.C.; where he has served as *tor of 'irrinity'Lutheran Church Page 11 • Thames Road group entertains at Blue Water's birthday party Several from the community presented musical numbers. Rhoda Rohde Thames Road corresponduu THAMES ROAD - The Thames Road U.C.W. were in charge of the June birthday party at the Blue Wa- ter Nursing Home on Monday eve- ning, June 10. Helen Webber was chairperson for the program. Violin music was played by Ken Duncan and Bill Rohde with Jean Hodgert at the piano. Maggie and Sarah Miller and Jennifer Veal did some clogging. Vanessa Bray and Erin Parker played several duets on the piano. Some hymns were sung with MWillr t Stewart leading and Jean Hokin at the piano. Maggie and Sarah Miller played Wins numbers on the piano. Helen Hodgelt was dressed up as Gnicie Allen and Helen Webber as George Bums to perform.* humor- ous skit: They ung 'Happy Birthday' to the residents celebrating birthdays in June. A lunch of fruit bread and cheese and beverage was served by the committee in charge, Helen Web- ber, Doris Simpson and June Stew- art. Others present were Lorraine Alexander, Dorothy Duncan, Melo- nie Miller, Rhoda Rohde, Cathy Veal and the other people named above. Rev. Jim Allsop was in charge of the Communion church service on Sunday morning. The Responsive Reading was taken from the service book 'Thanksgiving for Restored Health", Psalm 116. The choir sang "Praise the Lord 1 Saw the Light" accompanied by or- ganist Marilyn Vandenbussche. They read the Apostle's Creed. The elders, Robert Bray, Ray Cann, Kay Cunnington and Jack Stewart served communion. Ray Cann and Gerald Cunning - ton received the offering. Rev. Allsop read the scripture from John 8:1-11 The title of his sermon was "Christ's Message to Families: Love and Forgive". Ray Cann gave a reading "About Men for Father's Day" They sang "Walls That Divide" and Rev. Allsop pronounced the benediction. On Sunday, June 23, Elimville Sunday School will hold their anni- versary at 10:00 a.m. There will not be a service at Thames Road. On Sunday, June 30 there will be a joint church service and congre- gational picnic at Thames Road at 10:30 a.m. There will be no services in July. The slimmer schedule is as follows: August 11 at Thames Road; August 18 at Elimville; August 25 at Thames Road. All services will be- gin at 10 a.m. Personals Several people from the area at- tended the Woodham Chicken Bar- becue held at Kirkton-Woodham Community Centre on Wednesday night. A number of people went to To- ronto on Saturday by bus to the Ea- ton's Centres and to see a perfor- mance of "Beauty and the Beast". Bill and Rhoda Rohde were Sun- day night supper guests with Calvin and Val Rohde. Omitted from last week's news were the names of Calvin and Val Rohde, attending the wedding anni- versary celebration of Glen and Marilyn Rohde. wffl Jerry, Brenda and -Staff would like to thank.aff the patrons, businesses, friends, relatives and neighbors for helping make our grand opening such agreat success. A Special gfcank.5ou to Mary Lou Erb. poorprhe Winners Blue Jay Tickets - Samantha Lackner, Kitchener Pie -A -Month for A Year - Joan Hoffman Dashwood Elmira Poultry Truck - John Henderson, London $25.00 Gift Certificate • Martha Blake, London Heinz Cooler , Beth Coda, London Kraft Package - Kim Pinder, Exeter Kraft Package - Kim Graff, Melbourne Kraft Package - Mar -,= Alway, Grand Bend "WE HAVE IT ALL FOR GREAT CASUAL LIVING" • For outdoors • Purls • Garden Areas • Sunrooms • HAMMOCKS • ARTIFICIAL PLANTS, TREES & FLOWERS • SHADE HOUSES • ACCESSORIES miters•. 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