HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes-Advocate, 1996-05-15, Page 21Times -Advocate, May 15, 1996 Page 21 Geraniums given to Granton children The geraniums were given out during the 'Mothers and Others' luncheon. By Muriel Lewis Granton correspondent GRANTON - The Mothers and Others Geranium Luncheon spon- sored by Unit I at the United Church on Saturday, May IJ was well attended and very enjoyable. After the dinner, Doreen McRobert called the children to the front and read a short story to them after which they were each given a pot- ted geranium. McRobert then read a touching story "If I had Only Known". The program came to a close with a beautiful rendition of "In the Gar- den" sung by Madeline Hardie and her daughter Ruth Cook accompa- nied by Pastor Normalie Voakes. On May 8 several members of the Granton Women's Institute went on an outing with Clandeboye WI for a luncheon at the Village Post bed and breakfast home of Doug and Donelda Lewis in Credi- ton. In the afternoon the group con- tinued on to Grand Bend for a tour of the water plant. On May 5, 30 members of the Emerson Wallis family including some friends, gathered at the home of Brenda Wallis in London for a May birthday celebration for Linda and Faith Wallis of Kirkton, Mary and Edna Wallis of Granton, Sally McLennen and son John of London and Sandra Wallis of Sarnia. A bar- becue was enjoyed at 5:00 with lots of birthday cake and ice cream and many gifts exchanged. Legion members honored with medals EXETER - On April 18, after the last General Meeting of the 1995- 96 Legion year, Branch 167, Exet- er, held a "Years of Service" honor and award ceremony. Awards con- sisted of 50 Year Gold Medals, and Lapel badges for both ordinary, and associate voting members who had complete service from 10 to 45 years. Zone CI Commander of the Ontario Command, Gord De - Jong made the presentation of the Gold Medal to Comrades Lee Webber, Stan Frayne, Howard Holtzmann, Jim Hamilton, Ray Wuerth, and Doug Wedlake. Med- als were also presented in the ab- sence of Comrades Elmer Bell, Len McKnight, and Warren May. In all, there were 87 members eli- gible to receive lapel badges, 51 Ordinary with service from 10 years to 45 years, and Associate with 10 years to 20 years. Bill Wilds made the presentation of these awards both to the recipi- ent or to a member acting on a re- cipient's behalf. President Elect, No r Evel • ' then made the pres- �^ 4.4'14 It jai • y entations to the Associate members or their agents. Bars for past officers were also presented by Comrade DeJong at this time to the following members: Past President and Life Member Vera Armstrong, First Vice Presi- dent's Bar, and Membership Chairperson's Bar; Norm Eve - land, First Vice .President's Bar; Case Zeehuisen, Second Vice President's Bar, and Membership Chairman's Bar; William Dougherty, a Mem- bership Chairman's Bar. The Mem- bership Bar is the latest one to be issued in recognition of the invalu- able service rendered in keeping records up to date and securing new members. A Community Family Dinner will be held at the Royal Canadian Legion Hall, Exeter on May 26 at 5:00 p.m. Ticket costs are as fol- lows: adults $8.50, under 10 $4.25, pre-schoolers free. Take out or de- livery. Tickets are available at the Branch, or by calling 235-2962. Advance sales only to May 20. Pastor Normalie Voakes officiat- ed at the Semple Cushman wedding in the Granton United Church on Saturday afternoon May 11. The wedding dinner followed in the Masonic Hall catered by UCW Unit one. Christina Van Lieshout of Lon- don entertained her mother Nora Wissel for Mother's Day on Sun- day. Muriel Lewis was a supper guest with Elizabeth Parkinson and Rob- ert at Elginfield on Sunday. At the Granton United Church on Sunday, May 12 Pastor Normalie Voakes sermon topic was 'To en unknown God' based on the les- sons from Acts 17, I Peter 3 and John 14. George Hales led the reading of the Psalm. Glenn Bilyea presented the Bible, the word of God and Greg Bilyea presented the Light of the World before the call to worship. Flowers were placed in the church in memory of Jessie Bilyea and Margaret Near by Mary and Bill Jones and in memory of Mary Dykes by her family. Greg Bilyea designed the cover for the bulletin. At St. Paul's Anglican Church in Kirkton on May 12 Archdeacon John Spencer of Stratford celebrat- ed the Holy Eucharist and his mes- sage was that God will never leave or forsake those who put their trust in Him. He also spoke briefly about the formation of a two point parish with St. James Anglican Church, St. Marys and the hope that it will be a fruitful arrange- ment. The lessons were read by Norma Paul and the minister. UCW Unit 2 met at Heather Benner's place on Monday evening, May 6. Sherri McRobert chaired the meet- ing and Benner opened the pro- gram with a reading `Happy Moth- er's Day'. She also read `Teaching about charity' and introduced the guest speaker Andrea French from Whalen Corners. She had attended a National Careers Conference in Manitoba and showed slides and told about the time she spent there. Plans were made for the next meeting and decorating the church ;J in June and the prQgtam for..ihe June General UCW meeting ware both discussed. Refreshments were served by Benner. Unit 3 met at Marguerite Gar- rett's home on Tuesday evening, May 7 when Margaret Bryan opened the program with a poem `Mother's Day Crown' and an arti- cle about what makes a Mother's Day. The hymn "Mothers of Sa- lem" was sung and Marguerite read advice that mothers give their chil- dren at whatever age and an article `Mom's Advice Always Contains a Punchy Zinger' and closed with prayer. President Elizabeth Garrett led the business discussion regarding some upcoming events including the garage sale at the park on June 1 and the anniversary service on June 2. Plans for the next meeting may include a visit to Interiors in London. Bryan assisted the hostess with lunch. Unit 4 met at Nora Wissel's home recently when leader Marilyn Humphrey read scripture from Mi- cah 6 and gave the meditation 'What does the Lord require of us.' During the business upcoming events and catering were discussed. Betty Dann continued with the program by reading 'Equipment for Faith Sharing' and a poem 'Spring at last'. Dann closed with two read- ings 'I Remember' and 'A Few Embarrassing Moments'. Follow- ing the benediction and grace, Humphrey assisted Wissel with the hospitality. Unit 5 met at the home of Flor- ence McRobert on Tuesday, May 7. President Margaret Spence opened the meeting with a poem about prayer and the meditation 'How to Achieve Our Goal'. Business discussion included fur- thering plans for some upcoming events. Florence Bryan convened the program, reading 'This is the day that the Lord hath made'. Mary Wallis read Acts 16 and Florence read John 18. She concluded the program by reading 'We are all Grumblers', 'The Gift', 'A brother like that,' and 'An Irish Blessing.' Spence closed with a prayer and the Lord's Prayer in unison. A social time followed with lunch served by the hostess. Shown receiving gold medals at the "Years of Service" cere- mony April 18 at the Legion are: front, Ray Wuerth, Lee Web- ber, Howard Holtzmann, Stan Frayne, and Jim Hamilton. Rear right, Doug Wedlake. Missing Elmer Bell, Len McKnight and Warren May. Rear left, President elect Norm Eveland, Zone C1 Commander Gord DeJong, President William Wilds. Lapel Badges were awarded April 18 to Legion members Al- fred Smith, 40 Years; Jim Kopp, 45 Years; Roy Hunter, 45 Years; Eric Heywood, 45 Years and William Dougherty, 40 Years. At an awards ceremony April 18 at the Legion, Lapel Badges were given to, front, Rev. George Anderson, 25 Years; Nor- man Ferguson, 35 Years; Larry Howell, 20 Years, Saviour Aquilina, 25 Years; and David Bowie, 10 Years. Back, Norm Eveland, Gord DeJong, Vera Armstrong, 20 Years; Donald McCurdy, 10 Years; Wilbe Berends, 35 Years; Hal Walsh, 25 Years; William Wilds, Doug Wedlake. Home economist speaks at UCW meeting Deb Campbell told the group about community food advisors. Rhoda Rohde Thames Road correspondent THAMES ROAD - The May meeting of the U.C,W. of Thames Road was held on Monday eve- ning with 25 women and one visitor present. Ruth Anne Osgood welcomed everyone and with the theme "Mother's Day" gave the call to worship on mothers. They sang "When Mothers of Salem" and Kay Cunnington led in prayer and read Proverbs 31:10- 12 and 25-31. A poem "The Road of Life" was ready by Marion Cann. The offering was received by Cunnington and Osgood with prayer by Cann. A reading "When God Created Mother" was read by Helen Webber. Osgood introduced Deb Campbell of Exeter who is a Home Economist, Community Food Advisor and Community Kitchens. She said that one out of every six suffer food poisoning. She showed the group an informative video. Campbell was thanked and presented with a gift by Webber. Cunnington gave a reading "Ode to Volunteers". The worship service was closed with the singing of "Happy the Home When God is There." President Beatrice Dawson thanked Deb and the program committee. The group repeated the UCW Purpose. The roll call, minutes and correspondence were read. An invitation from Elimville U.C.W. was read for the group to meet with them for their May meet- ing on May 22 at 8 p.m. Pat Ballantyne gave the Board of Managers re- port. Marilyn Pym gave the UCW treasurer's report. It was decided to send $35 to Camp Menesetung and $35 to Five Oaks. The Visiting Committees for May, June, July and August are: Group U, Margaret McCarter; Group C, Karen Etherington; and Group W, Lorraine Alexan- der. Group U will clean the basement, Group C will do the kitchen and Group W will clean the upstairs of the church. Strawberry and ham supper plans were discussed, and members were reminded of Westminster week- end May 31, June I and 2. They sang "Take My Life and Let It Be" and everyone repeated the UCW prayer. Laurel Miner was pianist for the meeting. Group W served dessert, tea and coffee which brought an enjoyable evening to a close. Church service Rev. Jim Allsop was in charge of the Mother's Day church service on Sunday morning. They sang the Doxology. The Responsive Reading was taken from the service book "The Good Life", Psalm 101. The choir sang "How I would Like to Be" accom- panied by organist Marilyn Vandenbussche. Kathy Bray and Marion Cann received the offer- ing. They sang the children's hymn "Give Me Oil" and Rev. Allsop told the children's story about "Moth- ers". The scripture lesson II Timothy 1:2-7 and from Joshua 2:1-7 was read by Gerald Cunnington. Rev. Alisop read from Joshua 2:8-21. The title of his sermon was "Rahab, a Former Harlot, a Model for Mothers!" They sang the closing hymn "Part of the Family" and Rev. Allsop pronounced the benediction. Daffo- dils filled the two brass flower containers which adorned the platform. Personals Ron and Lynne Godkin had their infant daughter Heather Leanne baptized at Exeter United Church on Sunday morning. Later they and their children, Scott, Brent and Laura entertained Don and Maja Dodds of Seaforth, Laverne and Marion Godkin of Walton and great-grandmothers Mary Roobol of Hensall, Ida Godkin of Clinton, Eleanor Hemingway of Brussels and a number of aunts and uncles. Bill and Rhode Rohde entertained on Sunday Dan Rohde and Nancy Blythe of Oakville, Ben Geiger, John Hartman of Zurich, Doug and Judy Rohde, Kar- en and Kathy of Exeter, Glenn and Marilyn Rohde and Tammy, Calvin and Val Rohde. 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