HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes-Advocate, 1996-05-15, Page 9Arbor Week Grand Bend residents Bob and Dorothy Linton helped to In- stall approximately 60 native red maple trees last Wednes- day along Main Street to mark Arbor Week. The initiative Is part of a streetscape enhancement project In cooperation with area merchants and residents. Sharing adventures DASHWOOD - The Education visiting the world's largest power and Cultural committee of Dash- plant and riding the rapids at the Weber, wood W� s'Reesssen er y Luella Tien' an, were t6nvenerjaot the May 7 meeting. The meeting opened with jokes, a poem "Mothers" and Census Day May 14. The roll call was answered with each member giving their fa- vorite school subject. The secre- tary's report was read by Dorothy Restemayer and the treasurer's re- port by Kaethe Freiter. Each con- vener outlined her program for the coming year. During the business, members were reminded about the Centennial Celebration, the District Annual in Brucefield May 16 and the District Picnic July 2 in the Dashwood Pavilion. Interest was shown in the parade in Zurich for Hay Days '96. The program consisted of guitar selections by Jenna Weber. The motto was "Your W.I. is like a bank account - the more you put into it, the more interest you have." A poem "The Institute Story" told who organized the Institute and how, when, where and why it was organized. Next year wilt" be the 100th anniversary. This was pre- pared by Dorothy Restemayer. Travel is an amazing form of ed- ucation. This was the theme of a talk given by Ron and RuthAnne Merner on May 7 at the Dashwood Women's Institute dinner. They ex- plained how every day of their three-week trip to Brazil in January was an adventure. From the rain forest near the equator in the north to the borders of Argentina and Par- aguay in the south they appreciated the experience of travelling in a non-English speaking region. Some highlights of the holiday included piranha fishing on the Amazon, the old world atmosphere and the histo- ry of Sao Luis, the beaches of Rio, .kbmisittahitgOomurNfillit rt , $20,000 tile drain loan approved BIDDULPH TOWNSHIP - At its May 7 meeting, council approved the tile drain loan application from Joseph Dewan to drain Lot 20, Con. 8 at a cost of $20,000, subject to program funding from the province. Council also recently approved its road superintendent's recommenda- tion to pave approximately 100 feet south of William Street. As well, council has refused to jointly purchase a wood ehiPperMil- chine with Lucan and Its Hydro Commission. Times-Advocpte, May 15, 1996 Page 9 Racer qualifies for Tennessee meet Harley Davis placed second to qualify for the Loretta Lynn Amateur Nationals. Satnttb Davis ,y ccorH. iwnt SAINTSBURY - St. Patrick's church celebrated the Service of Evening Prayer, the sixth Sunday of Easter. on Satttnday evening at 7:00 p.m, The Processional hymn was `Tho Day Thou Gayest Lord Is Ended": Rawl Cun- ningham led the service from the Book of Comely Prayer• Tho Children's faith focus was "Mission is a Partnership" explaining it's not simple being a great missionary and how people have to work as partners to help learn about God in new ways. Following the hymn "Abide with Me" the children went to their classes. Cunningham read the lessons Acta 17:22-31 and I Peter 3:13-22 was read by Suzanne Davis. Psalm 66:7-18 was read responsively. The Holy Gospel was read from John 14:15-21. Mary Davis gave a message "God who is both known and unknown" based on the scripture readings, closing with a Mother's Day Prayer. The service closed with the vesper hymn "Lord Keep Us Safe This Night." Sunday, May 19, St. Patrick's will celebrate the 136th anniversary ser- vice at 10:30 a.m. with Rev. Stanley Jay as the officiant for the Holy Eu- charist. Refreshments and a time of fellowship in the parish hall will fol- low the service. St. Patrick's members are to meet at the Parish Hall Wednesday evening at 6:30 p.m. to clean the church and hall. Families from St. Patrick's held special time together on the weekend honoring their mothers in the homes or restaurants on "Mother's Day". Congratulations to Harley Davis, winning second place in the 60 cc race and qualifying in the 80 cc for the Loretta Lynn Amateur Nationals to be held at Hurricane Mills, Tennessee, in August. The races this weekend were held at Baja Acres Moto Cross Track, Millington, Michigan. Victoria Day Il trend els 61 Rhubarb -Strawberry Pie &8" - $3.49 Bagels Our ownl See our new varieties For the BBQ Hamburg & Hot Dog Buns, Kaisers Tastyxu Baguettes Alpine or French" .890 Havarti "Butter Cheese" lb. 4.99 Cheddarrnedium - Gay Lea" lb. 3.99 Fresh made Soup o Sandwiches coffee and donuts Cafe Bakery & Cheese House 1444 Main St. 235-0332 L 9' =1"i Exhibit at the Western 1' I: () N1 U T 1 0 N S WEDDINGS — II. 1 .•. -..5-mi *, ti 1' A 1. T Y CAN L)Y' S PHOTOGRAPHY CA N DICE SCC)Tr1' 519-225-2195 • • Wrlisy.n19Ptilli flII.atORI/. Your Budget - Your Future The 1996 Ontario Budget The people ofOntanio want to know that tomorrow will be better than today - for themselves, and for their children. - Ontario Finance MinisterErnie Eves i • 91 per cent of all taxpayers will receive an Ontario income tax cut of 30 per cent or more. • First-time buyers of new homes will get a refund of their Land Transfer Tax. • Spending for health care will total 17.7 billion, including funds reinvested for the early detection and treatment of breast.cancer, and the expansion of paramedic services. • Support for child care will increase by $200 million over the next five years. • 88 per cent of Ontario employers will no longer have to pay the Employer Health payroll tax. • A new Co-operative Education Tax Credit of up to $1,000 per co-op placement will help give students better employment opportunities. For more information, or a copy of Ontario's job creation plan, please call 1.888.562.4769 or 1.888 -JOB -GROW for both English and French enquiries. For Teletypewriter (TIY) call 1.800.263.7776. The Budget is available on the Internet at the following addresses: For World Wide WEB (WEB) service set your URL to: H'TIPJ/www.govon.ca/FIN/htnpage.html For GOPHER Clients: gopher.go .on.ca and select the Finance menu item. ® Ontario II •