HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes-Advocate, 1996-05-15, Page 510 YEARS AGO May 14, 1986 - Exeter will be invaded this upcoming holiday weekend by more than 250 camper units from all parts of Ontario and the United States as the local Ausable River Nomads sponsor an Ontario Association of National Hikers and Campers jamboree. The fust sod was turned Thursday night for the new parish hall at Trivitt Anglican Church in Exeter. The new of Huron Motor Products south of E ineatertsborne township was officially ally Highwayated on opened Thrs- day afternoon. • 25 YEARS AGO 'May 13, 1971 - Five young people whose average age is 23 re- cently purchased a 50 acre farm from Mac Hodgert in Usborne township and are in the process of getting the property into shape for a home for eight boys who do not have normal homes. The five all have experience in dealing with young boys and are naming their private project, "Erwood I". Barbara Lamport was chosen Queen of South Huron District High School at the annual At Home dance Friday night. 35 YEARS AGO May 13, 1961 - Ausable Authority executive has recommended that construction of a bypass ditch around Hensall be accepted as a flood control scheme. The Salvation Army will receive a gift of over $4,000 nom the es- tate of a William Edward Foster who died in 1954. Over 350 persons filled Clinton Legion hall to capacity Thursday night to hear Lester B. Pearson speak to the Huron Liberal Associa- tion. Jack Futcher, area census commissioner addressed members of Trivitt Memorial Guild on the forth coming census take. 40 YEARS AGO May 14, 1956 - Uel J. Schroeder, a former SHDHS student was one of three RCMP constables cited for bravery in the gun -battle Capture of four armed bank bandits in New Westminster, British Co- lumbia. Parents of more than 90 boys and girls in town have expressed a desire to have their children play in a junior band, Cecil Wilson chairman of the special band committee, announced Wednesday. Calvin Fahner of Crediton was one of 27 student ministers who graduated from Toronto Bible College, Friday. 50 YEARS AGO May 12, 1946 - A memorial baptismal fount in honor of the late Mr. and Mrs. William D. Weekes, presented by their son Frank was unveiled in Caven Presbyterian Church on Sunday. The Huron -Perth baseball league will resume operations in the OBA after a war -time absence of several years. 75 YEARS AGO May 13, 1921 - The Exeter bowling club will open their new club- house with a bowling tournament on May 24. Mr. M.W. Schenk of Stratford has opened a new confectionery, grocery and bake shop in Dashwood. Mr. Sam Wein of Crediton has sold out his barber shop to Emer- son Wenzel of Kitchener who takes possession in August. 100 YEARS AGO May 14, 1896 - R.S. Ford and Company, merchants in Woodham are advertising new men's suits in tweed and worsteds fib p $9.50 to $23 and suits for youths at $3.50 and for boys at $1.50. Usborne council has contracted with H. Bowman to furnish a road machine, one man and one team of horses for $7 per day. The Exeter public school board has appointed a committee to visit school on the last Wednesday of each month to inquire of the teachers and caretaker concerning the conduct and conversation of the pupils, both during school hours and on their way to and from school, to speak words of caution and reprimand when such shall be found necessary. '. 1V E A R E BRINGING THE I\FOR\1.ATION IIGHI\AY TO YOU CC) UNITY Times -Advocate, May 15, 1996 Page 5 Job Futures publication launched on Internet OTTAWA - Human Resources Development Minsiter Douglas. Young announced last Wednesday that Job Futures, the two -volume, 780 -page profile of career pros- pects in Canada, has been launched on the Internet and is now available free to all Internet users. Rounding up the most current in- formation and analyses of supply and demand in the Canadian -job market, Job Futures is aimed at ca- reer counsellors, parents and stu- dents seeking career guidance..lt is also useful to unemployed workers and people anticipating a career change or re-entering the job mar- ket. "Making up-to-date labor market. 'information readily accessible through such new technology as the Internet is essential to fostering ec- onomic growthand job creatjori in Canada," said Mr. Young. "Having Job Futures on the Internetwill also 'ensure Canada's youth have access • to the career and educational infor- mation they need to make a suc- cessful transition from school to the world of work." In Canada, some 6.3 million peo- ple epple have access to the Internet. Hu- man Resources Development Cana- da's Internet site is accessed more than 500,000 times per month. Students across Canada will have access to the electronic version of Job Futures through SchoolNet. All of Canada's 16,500 schools and 3,400 libraries are scheduled to be connected through SchoolNet by 1998, Access will also be available through CanWorkNet, the career. and labor market information site Human Resources Development Canada is helping to set up. The Community Access Program, which provides financial assistance to rural areas to access the Internet, will also link more than 1,000 rural communities to the Information Highway. "We also recognize that not eve- ryone has access to the Internet," Young said. "So we are ensuring access points to the information highway - schools, libraries, our own Human Resource Centres of Canada- provide Job Futures infor- mation to those who need it." A hard -copy reference version of Job Futures has also been distribut- ed to local Human Resource Cen- tres of Canada, formerly known as Canada Employment Centres, as well as provided to public libraries through the Government of Canada depository service. Volume One of Job Futures con- tains general information on 211 occupational groups that cover alt jobs in Canada, with specific infor- mation on current labor market conditions and projections for the next five years. Volume Two pro- vides information on the work ex- perience of recent post -secondary graduates in 155 programs of study, and job projections for the next five years. In addition to the published ver - Sion and the electronic version on the Internet, Job Futures is availa ble in CD-ROM format. To keep information up to date the electron= • is versions will be updated annual- ly. On the Internet, Job Futures is lo- cated . at: , - httpV/www.hrdc- drhc.gc.Ca/hrdc/corp/stratpoll dncc.gc.ca/hrdc/corp/stratpoy Copies of the two -volume book format and CD-ROM version can be purchased from booksellers or be contacting: • Canada Communication Group - Publishing Ottawa, ON KIAOSP Telephone: (819)956-4802 Facsimile: (819) 994-1498. Investments 1Yr./RSP 411B 1 Yr. - 5.0096 3 Yr. - 6.50% 5yr. -7.00% Sgiegated Fsindt 1 YR. - 30.79% 5 YR. - 10.93 • Food handlers course offered CLINTON - The Huron County Health Unit, Healthy Environ- ments Team, is pleased with the response to its Safe Food Han- dling Course, so much that an- other series will be offered. The new course will start on June 11 from 9 a.m. until 12 noon on four successive Tuesdays. The course will be taught at the Huron County Health and Library Com- plex on Highway 4 just south of Clinton by John Orr and Laura Farrell. The costs is $25. Participants will learn about the causes of food poisoning and how to prevent people from get- ting a food -borne illness. Tem- perature abuse, poor food han- dling and inadequate cooking are the most common causes of food poisoning. The deadline for registration is Friday, June 7. For further information call John Orr, Laura Farrell or Karen Thom at 482-3416, 1-800-265- 5184 or fax us at 482-7820. BUSINESS DIRECTORY AUCTIONEER Filson & Robson FULLY UCENSED & BONDED, CALL OR FAQ (519) 666-0833 3 Auctioneers for the Price of i With mc.tem equipment Pickup and sell complete or partial estates Specializing In Farm, Real Estate and General Sales DACKWIOSUJAWAVALUitlitAta REPAIRS Sewing Machine Repairs to all makes . 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