Times-Advocate, 1996-05-08, Page 8Page 8
Times -Advocate, May 8,1996
Forthcoming marriage - Mrs.
Phyllis Humphreys of Exeter is
pleased to announce the
forthcoming marriage of her
daughter Tracy Ann to Christo-
pher Noel son of Mr. and Mrs.
Paul Watson of RR1 Dash-
wood. This celebration of love
will be on Saturday, the first
of June, nineteen hundred
and ninety-six at three o'clock
in the aftemoon St. Boniface
church, Zurich, Ontario. Open
reception to follow at South
Huron Rec Centre 9:00 p.m.
Forthcoming marriage -
Heather Eifert and James Ei-
fert and Wayne and Grace
Steeper are pleased to an-
nounce the forthcoming mar-
riage of their children Jennifer
Eifert and Jamie Steeper. The
wedding ceremony will take
place on Saturday, May 11,
1996 at Exeter United Church
at 3:00 p.m. Open reception
at the South Huron Rec Cen-
tre in Exeter at 9:00 p.m.
health week
GODERICH - On Monday, May
6 Warden Bill Clifford at the Court
House in Goderich raised the Men-
tal Health flag for the Canadian
Mental Health Association Huron
Branch as a tradition to bring
awareness to Mental Health issues.
Bill Clifford is the Reeve for the
Town of Goderich and Warden of
the County and also a member of
the District Health Council. After
Ruth Schlacht, Executive Director,
introduced herself to Clifford, she
was surprised that Clifford knew
about Mental Health Reform is-
sues. It was a conversation that
both feel very strongly that infor-
mation and awarenesF is important.
Labelling people who have mental
health problems is unfair. They are
just like you and me, and they need
your support and understanding.
Stop the Stigma associated with
mental illness and join CMHA in
spreading the news. The stigma as-
sociated with having a mental ill-
ness can be more painful than the
mental illness itself. It can prevent
people from seeking help and
achieving goo mental health.
CMHA is celebrating a live musi-
cal concert at the South Huron Sec-
ondary School featuring Kim
Souch's Band, Bayside Blue and
the school's jazz band and choir.
Tickets will be sold at the door.
The concert begins at 7:30 p.m.
Scouts earn badges
The Flrst Exeter Scouts reached the pinnacle of success recently earning their Gold and
World Conservation Badges. From left, Steve Darbishire, Scout Leader Ron MacEachern,
Jamie Keys peering over the sign, Scout Leader Bill Dinney, Terry MacEachern and Fred
Dobbs Chairperson for the Ausable Bayfield Foundation,
Rural life celebrated at Centralia church
The church was deco-
rated with spring
plants and gardening
By Mary Peterson
Centralia correspondent
CENTRALIA - The worship on
Sunday, May 5 at Centralia United
Church was a celebration of rural
life. Did you know that:
• in 1900, one farmer fed 12 peo-
ple; today one farmer feeds 90?
• one in every five Canadians is
employed in the agriculture and
food industry. in production, re-
,lee/R11, pirjcefip&.,processing, dis-
tributlon or' retailing?
• Canada is one of the best -fed
nations in the world and has the
second lowest family food bill?
• Canada is one of only four na-
tions that is a regular net exporter
of food?
• from $2.15 worth of white
beans (a common crop in Huron
County), the farmer received only
The Rural Life Committee of
London Conference provided this
information, along with materials
for the worship service. These are
important points to consider as
many farmers anxiously wait for
the land to dry so that they can be-
gin spring seeding.
Pastor Smith thanked Dave Elli-
ott, Larry Skinner, and Donna
Smith for decorating the church
with spring plants and gardening
symbols. During the children's
time, she shared an apple with the
children. After they enjoyed the
fruit, they agreed that the core that
remained was only useful for feed-
ing the birds. However, Pastor
Smith cut open the core to reveal
the seeds that could be planted and
could one day produce delicious
Rob Essery read the scripture
from Psalm 96 and Genesis 8:13-22
and 9:11-13. The scripture dis-
cussed the animals leaving the ark
after the flood, and God's promise
that he would never again cover the
earth with water. To seal his prom-
ise, he created the rainbow. Pastor
Smith's sermon was entitled "Ritu-
als of Life".
On Saturday, May 4, Zion United
Church held their annual pancake
breakfast. Many people enjoyed the
wonderful eggs and pancakes re-
sulting from the hard work of these
At Centralia United Church on
Thursday, May 2, the UCW hosted
an enjoyable evening, inviting
Zion, Thames Road, and Crediton
UCWs to participate. Jean Caslick,
Marg Cook and Janet Hicks greet-
ed everyone and provided name
tags. Music during the evening in-
cluded favorite hymns, "Love Lift-
ed Me", and "Happiness is the
Lord," with the song "God's Not
Dead" by guest singers Mikayla,
Sherry and Shawna Skinner. The
scripture, I Corinthians 13:4-13
and prayer were led by June Es-
sery. Donna Smith read the poem
"A Dozen Roses". Collection was
taken by Gladys Buswell and Iv
i�.Qt�rtna Srpi�th and Faye .Skin-
er entertained everyone with the
skit "Happiness Is."
June Essery introduced a visitor,
Beanie the Clown (alias Pat Wil-
lows from Carlingford). Since
1992, she has chaired the education
and training portfolio for GAGS
(Giggle and Get Weal Service), a
volunteer program at Stratford
General Hospital. Her message in-
cluded the advice that laughter can
be an important part of the healing
process. She will be teaching a
course. "Learning the Art of Being
a Clown" for seven weeks begin-
ning May 11. For more informa-
tion, contact Joan at 1-800-265-
5198 (Children's Aid Society) or
524-7356. Donna Smith thanked
Beanie for her interesting presenta-
Following Beanie's presentation,
everyone enjoyed cheesecake
served by the May lunch commit-
tee, Dorothy Rollings, Janet Hicks,
Kay Tripp, and Judy Mills.
All men from Centralia United
Church are invited to participate in
an all-male choir for Mother's Day.
The final practice will be held
Thursday, May 9 at 7:00 p.m. at
Sunday, May 12 will be celebrat-
ed as Christian Family Sunday at
Zion and Centralia United Church-
es. This special day will include
baptism, confirmation and com-
munion. At Centralia, there will
not be Sunday School so the chil-
dren can participate in the Sacra-
ment of Baptism.
On May 26, a joint worship ser-
vice will be held at Thames Road
United Church with Rev. Grant
MacDonald as the guest speaker.
Anyone interested in joining the
choir is invited to practices which
will be held at 7:30 p.m. on May
12 and 19 at Thames Road United
Also on May 26, Centralia Unit-
ed Church invite everyone to at-
tend their second annual music
night. Anyone wishing to share
their musical talents should contact
Lois Wilson.
Summer services at Zion and
Centralia United Churches will be-
gin on June 30 with a joint worship
service at 10:00 a.m. and will con-
tinue to (and include) September 1.
During August, there will be no
Anyone with suggestions for a
guest speaker for church anniver-
sary services is encouraged to con-
s; tact Pastor Heather Smith or any of
the Elders. Make yqur,{ sug estibns
sdon since it's difficuft� to arrange ill'.
speaker at the last minute.
Community news
Congratulations to Audrey
McFalls and her family on their re-
cent addition. On Sunday, May 5,
Donna (McFalls) and her husband,
Walter Brasca, welcomed the arri-
val of their son, Anthony Michael,
who weighed 8 lbs.
Congratulations to Angela Hod-
son on completing her university
education. Angela recently graduat-
ed from Brescia College, an affili-
ate of The University of Western
At the euchre party at Heywoods
Restaurant recently, there was a
• f• ull house with 14 tables of card
players enjoying an afternoon of
fun and visiting. Mary Wallis and
Harry Noels were High Hand win-
ners. Rhea Beatson and Norm
Reith won the Lone Hand awards,
while the Special was won by
Edith Eaton.
The community offers prayers
and sympathy to the family of Ter-
ry Stuart, a pilot in the Centralia
area. He was killed on Friday, May
3, when an aircraft he was testing
crashed near Centralia airport. Ter-
ry was know to many for his avia-
tion knowledge and expertise and
his support of local aviation. On
many occasions, he won the re-
spect of the people below for his
skillful handling of acrobatic air-
Residents of the Centralia area
will be pleased to learn that the lo-
cal library will remain open on
Tuesdays from 3:30 p.m. to 8:30
p.m. The Huron County Library
Board had earlier decided to close
the library due to substantial bud-
get cuts. However, other adjust-
ments to services were made in or-
der to maintain the availability of a
library in Centralia.
3M worker speaks at Friendship Club
The company, started in 1902, now employs 2,100 people
Madeline Parkinson
BRYANSTON - The Bryanston Friendship Club met on May 1 for a
potluck lunch. Grace was sung with Margaret Hartwick at the piano.
Alex Jeffrey opened the meeting with a poem 'Spring Song' followed by
the singing of 0 Canada. The birthday song was sung to Beth Buchanan
and Hugh Jeffrey.
Beth Buchanan introduced Doug Ferguson of 3M and he gave an inter -
'sting talk and showed statistics of all the products produced by 3M. The
company was founded in 1902 at Two Harbours, Minn., U.S.A. and
opened the Canadian Head Office in London in 1951. They employ about
2,100 people. He was thanked by Mary Rhame and presented with a gift.
Minutes of the last meeting were read and the treasurer's report given. The
committee for June is Greta Gibson, Mona Mayberry and Audrey and Elli-
ott McRoberts. The group is going to Margaret's cottage for a picnic. Car-
man Hodgins, Mary Rhame and Wilma Jeffrey all thanked the group for
cards and telephone calls. Audrey made a motion that Margaret Hartwick
by the pianist and Muriel Cobleich the assistant. This was seconded by
Betty Hodgins and all were in favor. Announcements of coming events
were made and Marion Ross spoke about using and growing herbs. Hart -
wick performed a piano selection 'Mother'. Alex Jeffrey closed the meet-
ing and,games were played.
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Meeting Notice
The Council representatives of the above
municipalities are meeting on an ongoing basis to
determine the feasibility of amalgamating the four
municipalities Into a single municipal corporation.
These meetings are open to the public. Any group
or individual that would like to make a presentation
to the committee, should contact Larry Brown
Committee Coordinator at 234-6331.
The next Amalgamation Committee meeting is:
Thursday, May 9 - 9:00 a.m.
at Stephen Township Council Chambers
Public participation Iswelcomed
Capsule Comments
with Ernie Miatello
Flsh that, iS rich Inor ga-�3 polyunsaturated
fatty aolti4 can 'tedute the risk of cardiac ar-
rest. Even only one serving per week of fish
can result in positive benefits. Fish high in
these omega-3 acids include salmon, tuna and
Much effort is being put into gene research to find genetic causes for
certain diseases. Research is currently being done to find a gene that
controls whether a person gets asthma or not.
When we cook spaghetti, we make it "al dente", tender but slightly
hard to the bite. Vegetables should be cooked in the same manner.
Slightly cooked veggies (steamed or microwaved) preserve the nutri-
ents much more than overcooking.
Arthritis drugs like ASA can be hard on the stomach. Alcohol taken with
these drugs can intensify the stomach irritation and cause intestinal
bleeding. Use caution when using alcohol while on medication.
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