HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes-Advocate, 1996-05-08, Page 61 • Page 6 Times -Advocate, May 8,1996 11 THEVE CROSS MORD Roughly Speaking" For answers please Euro to the Announcements Page By Robert Zimmerman ACROSS 36 -The — of Carmen" 38 Discourage 39 Sousa pieces 41 Paid by dance's. 1 01 a satellite 6 Baryshnikov forte 11 Barbecue spear 15 Deteriorating with age 16 Greek theater 17 Nakedness 20 Bet it all: 3 wds. 22 Permitted 24 Author Fleming 25 Sculls • Actor Dom — 29 • Equal: prefix fix ly 31 German pronoun 32 Competent 33 45 Down, to Caesar 34 Ms. Dunn 35 Lean-to 42 MiMfedc sS 43 Sudan neighbor 44 FOR pet 45 Bring home the 46 Kidney -shaped -shaped 49 Command to sailor: 3 wds. 52 Pollution watchdog: Mits. 55 Shorten the sleeves 56 Fonda and Seymour 57 The Bee Gees, e.g. 58 Pronto!: abbr. 59 Repairs the 60 O finer root accommodation 61 Avoids 62 Legal lead-in 63 Send out 64 'Miss — Regrets' 65 Imitating 66 Fruit pest 67 South Korean 68Gotobed: 3 wds. 70 Fate 71 School M Le Havre 73 Aspen rental 74 Out of shape 75 Bogs down 76 Gone higher 78 Bargains 81 Won at chess FAMILY 82 Underneath 83 Seeks office 84 Montreal basebalier 86 Lot size 87 Not written 88 — Wallach 89 Pierce 90 — Lanka 91 Nixon list 94 Crude bed 96 Smelter intake 97 Apache leader 99 Go uninvited: 3 wds. 103 Split the supply 104 Arctic haven 105 Bettor's choice 106 Shea Stadium occupants 107 Breakfast order 1011.004s of force DOWN 1 Beethoven overture 2 —, dos, Tres 3 Tiny egg 4 Singing part 5 Discussed anew 11 Looked for water 7 Bustle 8 Dullard 9 Blast furnace fuel 10 Put in bondage 11 Gastropods 12 Sign of life 13 Low engine speed 14 pedro's uncle 15 Hello in Haifa 18 Use painful persuasion: 3 wds. 19 Affirmatives 20 Stop, for Instance 48 21 lake Indians 23 Active person 49 27 Above, in Bertin• 50 30 Campaign fund; .. 51 2 wds. • 53 33 Architect Saarinen 54 35 'Pygmalion" 56 playwright 36 Lively 58 movements 37 Colorful fish 60 38 0E11 berth 61 40 'Moonstruck" star 65 41 Eucharist plate 66 42 Mexican menu 68 items 44 Word with 69 natural or 70 stained 72 45 Existence 74 46 Supply the food • 75 47 San Antonio landmark Find paydirf: 3 wds. Convent wear - Moral values Zonked After they've seen —" Separate Seurat's 'La Grande —" Peter, Paul, et al. Spirals Juan Carlos' domain Off center A Crosby Chopped weeds Tanker insignia Beer supplies Algonquian Exiled Computer instructions SAINTSBURY - On April 29, eight members from St. Patrick's and three guests met at the new res- idence in Usborne Township of Ar- nold and Rose Cunningham for a potluck luncheon, ACW meeting and home tour. Following lunch the ACW meet- ing opened with the Member's Prayer and General Thanksgiving in unison. Prayer for Sunday School was led by Rose Cunning- • ham, Dominion of Canada, by Mary Davis, Church and Her Work by Mabel Needham, For Nations by Viola Atkinson, Missionaries re- membering our Prayer Partner Si- mon Beaver Jr. by Betty Johnson. Scripture Reading was Paul's Sec- ond Letter to Timothy Chapter 1, verses 1-7 was read by Heather MacGillivray and Margaret Carroll. The meditation was based on the reading, an outline from the ACW Annual Conference of the speaker in afternoon sessions. In last week's news, the correct spelling for the second wall hanging was the Prophet Huldah. The closing prayer was given by Hazel Davis. Business followed with reports read and approved, with a report on the church fundraiser on March 19 being very successful. Thank you cards were read. St. Patrick's will celebrate their 136th anniversary at the service on May 19 at 10..,0 a.m. Lunch and a time of fellowship will follow in the Parish Hall. There was an invitation to the home of Bill and Betty Johnson in Owen Sound for an ACW meeting, the date to be set later. A report on Thankoffering which was handed in at the Annual meeting and their apportionment was discussed as well as cleaning the church and parish hall the week of Anniver- sary. Rose Cunningham was thanked for the use of her home and every- one enjoyed the afternoon together. St. Patrick's celebrated the fifth Sunday of Easter (Year A) with the Holy Eucharist at 10:30 a.m. May 5. Rev. Stanley Jay was the offi- ciant for the service. The proces- sional hymn was 'All People that on Earth Do Dwell'. Rev. Jay read the lessons Acts 7:55-60, I Peter 2:2-10, responsive' I reading was Psalm 31:1-8, The Holy Gospel John 14:1-14. Follow- I ing the Celebration of the Euchar- ist, the closing hymn was "0 God Our Help in Ages Past." Mary Da- vis provided the music for the ser- vice. Saturday, May 11 at 7:00 p.m. St. Patrick's will hold their Evening I Prayer Service. Scripture Readings will be Acts 17:22-31, I Peter 3:13- 22, Psalm 66:7-18, The Holy Gos- pel John 14:15-21. Visitors this week with Mary Da- 1 vis were Jim Young, Helen Mac- Donald, Mabel Needham and Ja- nett Barker. Congratulations to Harley Davis this week, winning eighth prize ' money at Mustang Acres Moto Cross Raceway at Brighton, Michi- gan. 76 Paper measure 77 Shady 78 Tali role 79 Obtains with threats 80 Athens adversary 81 Fem. counterpart 82 Blood lines 83 Sizzling: 2 wds. 85 Comply with 87 Beginning 91 Ireland 92 Therefore 93 Parlor in Paraguay 95 Suggestive 98 Emoter 100 Distress call 101 Cooking vessel 102 King topper Canadian immigrant tells of her experiences GRAND BEND - Ninety-one members of the Grand Bend Gold- en Agers met for their monthly luncheon and meeting May 1. Miep Verkley from Thedford was guest speaker who spoke on what it is like to be an immigrant to Canada. The next meeting will be held June 5, with a potluck picnic and auction at the Lion's Pavilion. .. W." Rebekahs plannirtg 50th birthday party EXETER - On May 1, N.G. Sis. Mavis Atthill opened the Pride of Huron Rebekah Lodge meeting by reading a poem, "Life is a Gift". • The charter was undraped. Sis. Jean Hodgert announced that the 50th birthday party next year will be cel- ebrated May 24 in the Legion Hall. The group changed the date from the regular meeting night, so they could invite more guests and have a bigger celebration. A bake sale is planned for May 11 at 10;00. Those donating baking are to have it there by 9 or 9:30 a.m. so it can be priced. All mem- bers are asked to contribute baking. There were invitations from Roy- alty Lodge, Forest, to their 26th an- niversary June 4 and from Dorches- ter for the church parade, May 26, Chaplain's Night on June 3 and to a picnic and birthday party July 21. The President's Reception will be held in Havelock June 22. Sis. Jean Hodgert and Sis. Mary Fisher plan to attend. All officers are expected to go to Hillcrest Rebekah Lodge May 16 to "Open Lodge". They will be wearing white dresses and leaving about 7 p.m. June 5 is the birthday party. They are asking the Teeswater sisters to be their guests. All members are to ask a member who has not attended for a while. Sis. Margaret Cook who has rela- tives in the West Lorne Lodge, asked Sis. Lois and Bro. Gerald McFalls to accompany her to a mu- sical afternoon in West Lorne. They enjoyed the music and also a potluck meal which followed. Some of the members went to a Brother's Night in Ilderton. There were 118 Brothers and Sisters there from 20 lodges. The Brothers "Opened" and "Closed" lodge. Sis. Doris Denham read "A Woman's Occupation" and Sis. Shirley Cooper read "God Knows - Why God Made Mothers." The vuotaapsammana:ounimmemegramieL FAMILY HAI(ARE [ROESSIONAL.5 Q�11w aftifig aYeot (Beside Murphy s) 235 -HAIR (4247) 1 Vicki Parsons Kim Scott Terri Farquhar-Vanneste Rhonda Lightfoot Hours: Mon. -Fri. 9-7 •Sat. 9-4 • Waxing and ear piercing SENIORS DISCOUNT on Mon., Tues., Wed. JOANNE HAIR DESIGN 83 John St. W. Exeter 235-0270 Appofnbnents not always necessary iL UMW INIII lieW w 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Moore's Flowers Brian, Mary -Ann and Family 228-6838 Come out for all your bedding plant needs Hanging pots, patio pots and wall bass Open 8 - 8 weekdays, 94 weekends 9 Kilometres south of Exeter on Hwy. 4 across from Devlasminck. onor your MQm ISO METHING Exeter Massage Therapy Clinic would like to pamper your 91 other l %ofae her a Qifi Cerftfcate for relaxation on 9lother 3 Tar, Lori Burt, R.M.T. 235-3722 Andrea Rader, R.M.T. 2354565 Laura Young, Reflexologist 235-4565 V QtRIiywid r theeffectsij�e . ,:. . All New Balance athletic shoes come in multiple widths. Just like feet. s new balance Ag 1 0 Z 0 MEN fN�li 2A Q D 2E 4E MK900 Walking CT515 Court MX650 Cross Trainingui WW800 WalkingCO ill11111111111 Q J Q Q Certain WW551 Walking MN IN STOCK M. AVAILABLE MOW BY SPECrAL OBER men's models available to size 16; women's to size 13 1111111111111 Willi oilill kit' WI iii II . WI �.uifiima■ alo■ 111 SWI WI II liiRUR " ■U■ 1i1aUR Vii••'° u ■•■ ■U■ ill WIlii•u■ 42 i'ii•Ui■ ■R■■ ���■ ill �muu ill 46 17 to ■■. �■■■■Mi .■■ 5311 ill ill � ■UU■ ill ir7RUR kit ill••• ill IRuR. iiia■ Mill ill �RUR 70 ■RRR■ III72 ■U■ MUR■ ill 7' ■U■ ill e0 )S ■�■■ 76 77 ■■■ e1 ■RR■ 1111 iiRRR Iii■■ ill hiUI■ es ifiU■■ aRR■ 11U• 9' ■■■ ■■■.92 �■■'� 9J i�■■iiii� fol 102 i�■. ■■■ d■■ ■■■■ iiii I .. - . WI - - NE Nil all SAINTSBURY - On April 29, eight members from St. Patrick's and three guests met at the new res- idence in Usborne Township of Ar- nold and Rose Cunningham for a potluck luncheon, ACW meeting and home tour. Following lunch the ACW meet- ing opened with the Member's Prayer and General Thanksgiving in unison. Prayer for Sunday School was led by Rose Cunning- • ham, Dominion of Canada, by Mary Davis, Church and Her Work by Mabel Needham, For Nations by Viola Atkinson, Missionaries re- membering our Prayer Partner Si- mon Beaver Jr. by Betty Johnson. Scripture Reading was Paul's Sec- ond Letter to Timothy Chapter 1, verses 1-7 was read by Heather MacGillivray and Margaret Carroll. The meditation was based on the reading, an outline from the ACW Annual Conference of the speaker in afternoon sessions. In last week's news, the correct spelling for the second wall hanging was the Prophet Huldah. The closing prayer was given by Hazel Davis. Business followed with reports read and approved, with a report on the church fundraiser on March 19 being very successful. Thank you cards were read. St. Patrick's will celebrate their 136th anniversary at the service on May 19 at 10..,0 a.m. Lunch and a time of fellowship will follow in the Parish Hall. There was an invitation to the home of Bill and Betty Johnson in Owen Sound for an ACW meeting, the date to be set later. A report on Thankoffering which was handed in at the Annual meeting and their apportionment was discussed as well as cleaning the church and parish hall the week of Anniver- sary. Rose Cunningham was thanked for the use of her home and every- one enjoyed the afternoon together. St. Patrick's celebrated the fifth Sunday of Easter (Year A) with the Holy Eucharist at 10:30 a.m. May 5. Rev. Stanley Jay was the offi- ciant for the service. The proces- sional hymn was 'All People that on Earth Do Dwell'. Rev. Jay read the lessons Acts 7:55-60, I Peter 2:2-10, responsive' I reading was Psalm 31:1-8, The Holy Gospel John 14:1-14. Follow- I ing the Celebration of the Euchar- ist, the closing hymn was "0 God Our Help in Ages Past." Mary Da- vis provided the music for the ser- vice. Saturday, May 11 at 7:00 p.m. St. Patrick's will hold their Evening I Prayer Service. Scripture Readings will be Acts 17:22-31, I Peter 3:13- 22, Psalm 66:7-18, The Holy Gos- pel John 14:15-21. Visitors this week with Mary Da- 1 vis were Jim Young, Helen Mac- Donald, Mabel Needham and Ja- nett Barker. Congratulations to Harley Davis this week, winning eighth prize ' money at Mustang Acres Moto Cross Raceway at Brighton, Michi- gan. 76 Paper measure 77 Shady 78 Tali role 79 Obtains with threats 80 Athens adversary 81 Fem. counterpart 82 Blood lines 83 Sizzling: 2 wds. 85 Comply with 87 Beginning 91 Ireland 92 Therefore 93 Parlor in Paraguay 95 Suggestive 98 Emoter 100 Distress call 101 Cooking vessel 102 King topper Canadian immigrant tells of her experiences GRAND BEND - Ninety-one members of the Grand Bend Gold- en Agers met for their monthly luncheon and meeting May 1. Miep Verkley from Thedford was guest speaker who spoke on what it is like to be an immigrant to Canada. The next meeting will be held June 5, with a potluck picnic and auction at the Lion's Pavilion. .. W." Rebekahs plannirtg 50th birthday party EXETER - On May 1, N.G. Sis. Mavis Atthill opened the Pride of Huron Rebekah Lodge meeting by reading a poem, "Life is a Gift". • The charter was undraped. Sis. Jean Hodgert announced that the 50th birthday party next year will be cel- ebrated May 24 in the Legion Hall. The group changed the date from the regular meeting night, so they could invite more guests and have a bigger celebration. A bake sale is planned for May 11 at 10;00. Those donating baking are to have it there by 9 or 9:30 a.m. so it can be priced. All mem- bers are asked to contribute baking. There were invitations from Roy- alty Lodge, Forest, to their 26th an- niversary June 4 and from Dorches- ter for the church parade, May 26, Chaplain's Night on June 3 and to a picnic and birthday party July 21. The President's Reception will be held in Havelock June 22. Sis. Jean Hodgert and Sis. Mary Fisher plan to attend. All officers are expected to go to Hillcrest Rebekah Lodge May 16 to "Open Lodge". They will be wearing white dresses and leaving about 7 p.m. June 5 is the birthday party. They are asking the Teeswater sisters to be their guests. All members are to ask a member who has not attended for a while. Sis. Margaret Cook who has rela- tives in the West Lorne Lodge, asked Sis. Lois and Bro. Gerald McFalls to accompany her to a mu- sical afternoon in West Lorne. They enjoyed the music and also a potluck meal which followed. Some of the members went to a Brother's Night in Ilderton. There were 118 Brothers and Sisters there from 20 lodges. The Brothers "Opened" and "Closed" lodge. Sis. Doris Denham read "A Woman's Occupation" and Sis. Shirley Cooper read "God Knows - Why God Made Mothers." The vuotaapsammana:ounimmemegramieL FAMILY HAI(ARE [ROESSIONAL.5 Q�11w aftifig aYeot (Beside Murphy s) 235 -HAIR (4247) 1 Vicki Parsons Kim Scott Terri Farquhar-Vanneste Rhonda Lightfoot Hours: Mon. -Fri. 9-7 •Sat. 9-4 • Waxing and ear piercing SENIORS DISCOUNT on Mon., Tues., Wed. JOANNE HAIR DESIGN 83 John St. W. Exeter 235-0270 Appofnbnents not always necessary iL UMW INIII lieW w 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Moore's Flowers Brian, Mary -Ann and Family 228-6838 Come out for all your bedding plant needs Hanging pots, patio pots and wall bass Open 8 - 8 weekdays, 94 weekends 9 Kilometres south of Exeter on Hwy. 4 across from Devlasminck. onor your MQm ISO METHING Exeter Massage Therapy Clinic would like to pamper your 91 other l %ofae her a Qifi Cerftfcate for relaxation on 9lother 3 Tar, Lori Burt, R.M.T. 235-3722 Andrea Rader, R.M.T. 2354565 Laura Young, Reflexologist 235-4565 V QtRIiywid r theeffectsij�e . ,:. . All New Balance athletic shoes come in multiple widths. Just like feet. s new balance Ag 1 0 Z 0 MEN MODELV WIDTHS ► 2A Q D 2E 4E MK900 Walking CT515 Court MX650 Cross Trainingui WW800 WalkingCO Q J Q Q Certain WW551 Walking MN IN STOCK M. AVAILABLE MOW BY SPECrAL OBER men's models available to size 16; women's to size 13 kiruertb's SHOES 1..M, .•I t.wN. N... 11,1 Goderich Seaforth 524-7432 527-1506 Clinton Exeter 482-9692 235-0611 Grv. Mom the ni*htoff. lust 2099�,.T„..,, 1 .1...vi. .0 . N . v, ...... i........:4, 0 41 / t....... \41 Piece up the KFC Moms Meta Meal. You *etr 9 pieces of ehichen, 4 Colonel's Crispy Strips, 2 medium size (ries, 3 medium (250 mi) salads. Plus a family size Double Chocolate Cheeseeale,, made with Hershey's cocoa. M p.tleipeby Ina1Ln. «Jy. 11.404 4 nR.t. Mill