HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes-Advocate, 1996-05-01, Page 29I i For classifieds call 235-1331 41sEE SHANTZ MALTY nu 200 Nab St Laos, OaW, NMI 2J0 (11*) 221-4434 • Fax (511) 2214420 YOUR OWN PARK ON 50 ACRES 5 mess S. St r 40 workable. Slodeed 90nd, durm ig Creek 5 bedroom brick12/22 car mar% Soot laundry, P2 bes.kxmel Wing rwmp�tee (OaYprud p�muhore. House and 1 we wised at =340.000. For 19900. mon pp get 50awes. 4 LEVR NOE SPLIT 3 bedroom bdlk. 1005cleff tot, sal h When, fireplace, ganpe with edam. swat of Lucan. AekMw 3134,500. LOG HOUSE on ovar 1 acs. 3 bedrooms. hatdlwood floors, *specs, Ig room, bans 5 shed. On edge of turn. 2124,500. LUCAN 2119,900 One floor hone 3+1 bedrooms, rec room allh gas drive fenced red. bawl* deo rated 3119,900. COUNTRY SPECIAL ,1.112 awes. 341 bedroom ranch wilt dons brick oxen and coned VW rod. 340,000 in renovations. Grand souoacenval air. Just went d Lobo on Fhy 22.000. CHARACTER 11011E in peaceki (Iroton. 2 storey tt rey.�Wiirckky 3 bedrooms, den, SKI VATED HOW *he�Gunton. o 11/ Mnoisy 3 bedroom. hardwood in When. fireplace to ling room, new 2 car garage need siding 2119,000. CAAU. ARDEN SHANTZ, BROKER OR BARBARA WESTMAN, SALES REP. G.K. Realty pfd Insurance Inc • 284 Main St. Exeter Nitwit)(519) 235-2420 "Offices located In Exeter, Grand Bend, Bayfield & Clinton" NEW LISTING - Newer, I80O sq. ft. commercial building_ on Hwy. 114. units. Full basement with W clearance and ground level van access. High ell. gas heat and central air, asking $115,000. Call Dwayne Tanney. rr STARTER HOME • cute 2 bedroom brick bungalow on Targe treed lot In Exeter. Renovated and redecorated Including modem kitchen. Newer rear deck. Bam at rear of property. Asking $84,900.00 Cali Dwayne Tanney. NEW UST110 BACHELOR PAD -1 bedroom bungalow In Exeter. Newer gas furnace. Malek Boa laundry would make a good rental unit. Asking 381.900. Cail Bit Gilligan or Dwayne Tinos . „ NEW USTNO - Hwy. 84, over 20,000 sq. lt. industrial of air-conditioned office. Gas heat on 14.9 acre lot. plant. Yard gravelled. $349,000.00. Call Dwayne Tinley. =la,, r. , : r. bwAyne TinntiY• Exeter Sales Representativea - 235-3889 • • - l IA?*. d•` BIII GiBHIan 235-0118 Bill Fuss 236-717 i Murray Keys 235-2898 Gary Deichert 236.722 Pick up your "FREE" copy of the NEW G.K. REALTY flyer, covering the South Huron area. .__.___._._._..,.., a a. ti A ZO Property f or Rent lixErER - newer i bedroom apartment, ftid!e and stove supplied. $400 plus utilities. 235-3293. (IOC n) PENTHOUSE SUITE, occupy1300�k 1 and 2 bedroom Apts. I Re/Max Bluewater Village Place Apar. Realty inc. Marlene Parsons 235-3777. (t5ifn) PRIME OFFICE SPACE, Main St., Exeter available inuncdiately. Two spacious offices on main floor with three additional offices upstairs Can be rented in total or room by room. Plenty of parking. For more information call 235-2740. (10tfnc) 1-2 BEDROOM *apt. 8430utilities. 2-1 bedroomavailao le immediately, apts.$330: plusnewtY redecorated. Call : 237-3510 or 237-3677.(Iltfn) AVAILABLE IMMEDIATELY in • downtown Exeter, one bedroom apartment. mouth , fridge Cd1235.1354. (Ilan) d stove suplied. $355 per t } 1 RF/MAIC LANDMARK REALTY INC. 215 Piccadilly St. Suite 207 London. Ont. NGA 1S2 0 Property for Rent JUST USTED CREDITON WEST - 6 acres with totally remodeled yellow brick home, with large shop with hoist plus storage shed. LUCAN - 3 bedroom 2 storey home, finished basement, car garage, really nice. 5139,900. CREDITON - 1 floor brick ranch, 3 bedrooms, gas, water, cable, very nice. Price $79,900. Why rent? Fenced yard. With 5% Own you can own this for $552 P.I. per month. H ENSALL - 2 storey home done to the nine's, completely mainte- nance free plus income from top floor to help with mortgage. With 10% down you can own this for $809 P.I. per month minus top floor rent and only pay $300. a month plus taxes. ,AT. MARYS - 2 brand new semi's, done to the nine's. $127,500. Open house every Sunday, 24 p.m. NEW USTINGS 12 x 45' PARK MODEL - 1 bed- room with a den and tip out. Brand new. This Is a Cadillac at Price- LUCANa - oldeer 2 storey 3 bed- room home. Price In 90s. LUCAN - 1 year old 4 level back split, fireplace. $139,900. JUST USTED PARKHILL - 50 acre hobby farm, 2 storey home, pool, fireplace, shop. New price. PiNERY SOUTH - One floor ranch on Targe lot - $119,900. GRAND BEND - 52 Green Acres. 2 bedroom cottage. NMI in $70s. 51/2 ACRE HOBBY FARM - 2 miles from Exeter on paved road. New price. CREDiTON .- 5 year old, 1 floor ranch on large lot. Fireplace, whirlpool tub. Vicroy home. Price $118,500. JUST LISTED - LOTS, LOTS LOTS - one Targe lot 100x250' ready to go. Low price - gas, cable, wa- ter, no fill. HENSALL EAST 2 MILES - The nicest ranch on a much so after country lot. Low price. 5% down you can own this for $699. P.I. per month. Member of Re/Max 100% Club Ron O'Brien Sales Rep. 439-1400 anytime or 2344281 Residence E ZURICH - Upper duplex, clean, spacious, neutrally decorated, suitable for quiet parson. Available May. $284.00/month plus utilities. (519) 453-1847. (17tfu) QUiET COUNTRY. 1000 squareTV t aeriah fridge, stove, washer, dryer and l. Gas heat. air conditioning. water Dolloped and purified. Available now. On 114, 1/4 mile south of Exeter. Call Barb Passmore 235-0430.(17tfa) 'EXETER - one bedroom ground floor apt. Heat. hydro, w/s, fridge and stove included Call after 5 p.m. 235-0659. (17tfo) APARTMENT main floorbedroom.nbroa tiled iflcdd. large living room. 2bedroom.ti 2 bath, large kitchen, treed lot, Hwy. south of Exeter. Available lune 1. $400/month plus. 235-0392. (18•) NEAR EXETER - Paved road, 3 bedroom house. bath, living room. kitchen. attached garage, big garden. Includes use of barn 40x56. Ideal for hobby shop, storage etc. Vacant. Total $1000 per month t utilities. Call 642-1305.08:19c) RETAIL SPACE FOR LEASE - I000 sq. ft. Main St. Exeter. 229-6790. (18-21c) HENSALL - 2 bedroom apartment, fresh paint, new carpet, heat included $345 per month 262-3146 or 263-5504, leave message. (18tfn) MAPLES APARTMENT'S - 122 bedrooms available. Heat and appliances included. For more information call 263-2380. (18tfo) EXETER - 2 bedroom apt., available inunediately. Spacious, �"' security too many features to mention. Call 263-2380. (6tfn) 25 Notices PHOTOS FROM YOUR PAST - Exeter Times Advocate has many unclaimed pictures received from your special occasion. Please pick up your photo. EDSEL DUCHARME. 135 for omit SI. Exeter will not be responsibleY ts incurred by Thelma Ducharme• (16-I8•) 26 Legal Notices e 4 NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the Estate of MATTHEW AIKMAN DECEASED All persons having claims against the estate of Matthew Aikman, late of the Town of Exeter, County of who died on the 26th day of August 1995 are required to file particulars of same with the undersigned on or be- fore the 4th day of May 1996 after which date the estate will be distribut- ed having regard only to those claims of which notice has been received. RAYMOND & McLEAN 387 Main St. Exeter, Ontario NOM 186 Solicitors for the Estate Trustee 29 Yard & Garage Sales Hwy. 24 4dla�yB Master. (18c) 100 ST. LAWRENCE AVE, Huron Part. Sat. May 4. Rain date May 5. Multi family. (18c) BASEMENT/GARAGE - 15 Victoria Si Crediton. Sat. May 4 8-6 and Sun. May 5 9-3.(18•) ANNUAL YARD SALE - Rabbit fur jacket, bandsaw, mitre saw. refinished chairs, typewriters, crock pot, books, puzzles. Sat May 4 - 244 Main. (I8•) our Views Letters to the editor Times -Advocate, May 1, 1996 1 Deplores loss of trees A few hours of raking leaves in the autumn is a small price to pay .... Dear Editor: As a resident of Andrew St., I'deplore the loss of so many of the trees that gave this street such char- acter. I also find it oddly convenient that so many of the "dead, split or severely damaged trees" are di- rectly beneath the high power hydro line the PUC installed a year or so ago. I certainly hope some of the A0 trees to be planted' this year will be planted along Andrew St. to re- place those lost. What a shame the town council and PUC had not seen fit to begin replanting years eerli- er so we will not be bereft of shade for the next two decades. Frances Anderson P.S. A flyer in my Union Gas bill enumerates the following benefits of trees: • filter air pollution • absorb carbon dioxide • reduce noise pollution • provide recreational areas • prevent soil erosion • provide a wind break • conserve energy by shading buildings A few hours of raking leaves in the autumn is a small price to pay for all the above and aesthetic value. 340 THAMES RD. Fantastic location, 1.89 acres - edge of town. Tons of upgrades, 5 bedrooms, 2 baths. Ravine lot. Newer windows, roof, furnace. Deal at $139,900. Call Marjorie1 s''� Metts44rro�4 R Ltd. SATURDAY, MAY 4,'96 (Rah Data: May I I ,'96) 8:00 a.m. - ti just East of Elimville on Cty. Rd. #6. 5 4 4 4 Office 235-3777 396 MAIN ST., EXETER, ONT. Res. 2314.304 FARMS FOR SALE Dairy farm, 90 free stalls, 378 acres, 5 stall milking parlor In Culross Township. 118 acres in Glammis area, mixed farming. 169.9 acres in Hanover area with new bams and Targe heated 91rkshop .1 acres dairy farm in Culross Township. 45 free stall and 4 bedroom bungalow.. 100.11recree hw*l'arltn in Culross Township overlooking Teeswater River. 2 storey house and 60x40 pole barn. 102 acres vacant land, mainly cleared, productive cash crop farm with some bush in Culross Township. 74.77 acres cash cropping and recreational land, 2 small ponds and small cabin on property in Tumberry Township. 58.5 acres with poultry processretail outlet, bank bam, plant, and [workshop 3 bedroom bungalow. 27.82 awe hobby farm, 2 storey house with large deck, bank bam In Culross Township. 148.7 acrbs, 15 year old brick side -split, very modem with office on estate like setting. Large bam contains hen laying operation. Heated workshop in Culross Township. 1.71 acres, 25 year old bungalow, 40 x 50 welding -shop with lean to for livestock. Small orchard started In Culross Township. Contact Ted Welsher, Scharf EA Realty Ltd. (519) 392-6660. r4.c Fealty 284 Main St. Exeter 519-235-2420 DASHWOOD - 4 bedroom brick 2 storey completely renovated good area, oak kitchen, main floor. laundry, hot tub, pipeline water, angel stone fireplace, 2 car garage/carport. 1100 sq. ft. insulated workshop. Take a look; make an offer Murray Keys Sales Rep. 235-2898/237-3505 Marlene Parsons Sales Rep. Member of RE/MAX 100% CLUB "Set" to your specifications • Flyers • Resumes • Programs • Brochures • Booklets and morel For more information please phone Deb Lord at m=•••iingf""' 424 Main St. Exeter 235-1331 8161rdWIIIIX 2-4 Vlmorla4' r- to se. Easier 4 BEDROOM BRICK with central air, app aancetiful s and walk up attic. 21n* kttchen, 3In built 3,900 D RANCH - nicely decorated ggaage and fulroom l bbasemeenme with attached In wham . 5139,900. 4 - - - AL WE'VE MOVED 109 MAIN ST. NEW ADDRESS IS: EXETER EXETER- Three or four bedroom side split situated In a prime residential area. Family room with gas fireplace. 1-1/2 baths. high effic.. gas heat. Irtground pool. Nice lot. Asking $130,x. 1 \I1 I:1 111t\11 MOINERN RANCH STYLE near downtown on huge lot, features attached garage, paveddrive, central air, stone fireplace in finished basement much much more. Call for more Info; remeromie JOHN ST. L EXETER -Quality built, very attractive brick rancher with full, finished basement. 3+1 bedrooms, separate dining, attached garage and asking only 5179,900. DOWNTOWN COMMERCIAL - storefront and 2 apartments, fully leased, priced to sell. to TER - Including Three bedroom semi dem t Juusttl5 330 down will carry for as little ast NEW LISTING - Just 3 miles north of Exeter highway location, nice wooded 1 acre let. Custom built 1700 sq. ft. builder's home. Asking $197,500. Call for a EXETER three bedroom brick home, recently updated. 1-1/2 bath, main floor laundry, family room, IMng room, office, eat -In kitchen plus separate dining area. With $8100 down will carry for as little as $931/month Incl. taxes. Asking 5322.900. EXECUTIVE 2 STOREY - Exeter, 4 bedrooms, ensulte with Jacuzzi, main floor family room with gas fireplace, open oak stairs, extra large double garege,2/3 acre lot and more. Call office for more info. good investment. Many update*. EXETER - Duplex - situated close to shopping - Uve In one unit, rent out the other. Asking $119,900. GOOD VALUE IN ZURICH • 3114,900 - Compare this raised ranch with front porch, eat -in kitchen, 4 bedrooms, party sized rec room and more, check the price, then call for your personal appointrnertt. • UNDER CONSTRUCTION IN EXETER - What a great location, near park and hospital. View the park from your front window of this brick bungalow with full basement. Why not check it out! COUNTRY LAT - 130 R. frontage, highway location, Exeter outskirts, river at rear, where else can a country lot like this be found at the low pries of $42,500. SE/MAL SERVICED BURDING MS AVAILABLE starting as for SEVERAL SUMNIESES II CO IAL PROPERTIES�ablaattractive pricers. Call for more Info. l/IRSS INDUSTRIAL. SERVICED LOT - Highway e83 with 3 bedroom frame house. Priced at 285,900. DASNWOOD 2139,900 - start your own business In this large shop with hoist and air compressor, solid 4 bedroom brick hone, large lot. Don't delay on 1 i/4 acre lot, main floor family room with gas fireplace, eat - home, - Attractive 3 bedroom bungalow 259,900 - EXPO - CompletelyIn kitchen. Excellent value renovated 3lledrtom Plus shop. Features recent gas furnace, windows, flooring. wiring, roof and more. One of Exeter's better values, great beginner.and large 2146,900 • A pleasure to show, this 2 storey brick features 2.1/2 baths, finished basement, attacked garage main floor family room and laundry, 2 large EXCELLENT RETM�1T LIVNIO •. Exeter - one floor, nese downtown, lot be&ooms,dnkISTM tg room, front porch. Priced to sell at 2128,900. eat In kitchen, beautiful pine floors In dining room, 2 NEW LO - 5109,900 - Exeter - 2 storey brick, 3 large bedrooms baths, garag/workshop. Great family ihome In good area. Features oak kitchen, bay windows, attached double THE PRICE is RIGHT on this Exeter 3 bedroom brick bungalow. gerag,a fenced yard and central alr. Reduced to sell now. 22 UNIT APARTMENT PIU - great retun on your Investment. CaII today. RON COTTRELL 109 MAIN ST. EXETER 235-3948 24 Hour Service COMING \ l fl 11: SOON! 24 hr. Realty info COOLMAN REAL ESTATE