Times-Advocate, 1996-05-01, Page 7Times -Advocate, May 1, 1996
Fiddler on the Roof
Conference attended
any Exeter area residents helped pull off a successful opening night of the St. Marys
Community Players' performance of Fiddler on the Roof,
which is directed by Jotm McHen- •
ty, Back row, at left, Kevin Robinson, Tim Robinson and Bill Steele. Middle row, at left,
Sherry Cassell, Mary Cassell and Jason Laurin. In front, Jonathan David Thornton, Hilda
Steele and Amy Cassell. The musical's last week runs May 1 to 4 at 8 p.m. at the St. Mar-
ys Town Hall Theatre.
Fiddler on the Roof: a
polished work of art
By Brenda Burke ,
T -A Reporter
ST MARYS - The opening night
of Fiddler on the Roof by St. Mar-
ys Community Players, proved to
be a crowd pleaser with its flawless
acting and entertaining spunk.
The musical that premiered in
New York in 1964 centres J ou nd
the story of Tevye, a poor
dairyman who lives in a Russian
vipai at thorn oche
cefttury with his fife
and five daughters,
three of whom decide to
break the tradition of
planned marriages and
seek husbands of their
Because the musical's
acting is strong and well
rehearsed, characters
shine on stage in their
true larger -than -life col-
Stewart Robertson, for instance,
makes full use of Tevye's charm
and sense of humor to evoke fa-
miliarity and empathy in his audi-
ence. The character is very real and
his range of emotions are revealed
without reserve.
"Without our traditions our lives
would be as shaky as a fiddler on
the roof," he says in the show's
opening. by
Tevye's wife, Golde, played
Cathy Whelan, is also skillfully
portrayed. Her boisterous, direct
manner contrasts with his method-
ical uncertainty, creating the play-
ful humor Fiddler is known for.
Surrotmding these two main char-
acters, who come across as ex-
perienced and capable, are numer-
ous characters who also play their
parts well, with a few exceptions of
those who appear to be a little un-
certain of their roles, which is per-
haps suiting given the overall in-
secure mood threaded throughout
the scenes.
Motel, a tailor played by Jeffrey
Orman, is one character that sur-
prises us. J11Iis of quiet, receding
wItetelbq strikes
Because the him and he unleashes
musical's act- his charisma all over
ing is strong the stage.
and well re- The character high -
light of the evening is
hearsed, char- Fruma-Sarah, played by
asters shine on Alison high Podbury.
b the
stage in their Perched shoulders of a man in
true larger- big black boots, her
than -life colors. ghastly ghost-like fig-
ure wrapped in layers
of wispy fabric is both hilarious
and frightening as she sways and
shrieks her rage over the bed of Te-
vye and Golde.
Accompanying well -cast in-
dividuals who also make use of per-
fectly timed, natural movements in
group scenes, the singing ties it all
together. Strong, professional voic-
es carry us from one scene to the
next, one mood to another, from the able to offer his varicose vein vein treatment. The treatment t.
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formance. With its wooden beams.
The conference was er."
held at St. Paul's Ca- The fifth Sunday of Easter, May
5, St. Patrick's will celebrate the
thedral in London. Holy Eucharist at 10:30 a.m. with
By H. Davis Rev. Stanley Jay officiant for the
Saintsbury correspondent Congratulations to Harley Davis,
SAINTSBURY - Margaret Car- winning the first place trophy in 60
roll and Hazel Davis attended the cc Pee Wee at Big Core Motocross
annual conference Anglican Raceway, Brampton on Sunday.
Church Women of the Diocese of Linda Durnin and Lucas of Au -
Huron held at St. Paul's Cathedral burn were weekend visitors with
in London on Saturday, April 27. the MacGillivray's.
The focus for 1996 "Stir Into Flame
the Gifts of God". The Rev. Bever-
ley Wheeler . gave a meditation
based on the scripture reading from
Paul's second letter to Timothy
how the gifts of the Spirit is passed
down from one generation to an-
other: hope, faith, love and the gift
of ourselves.
Afternoon speaker Bernice San -
tor spoke about five women of the
Bible and described each story
along with a quilted wall hanging,
Eve, prophet Holda, Mary Magda-
lene, Woman at the Well and the
Legend of Martha. The day con-
cluded with the celebration of the
Holy Eucharist with the Most Rev.
P.R. O'Driscoll, Archbishop of Hu-
ron as celebrant
sponge -painted geometric sky and
huge, golden sun, it is both modern
and traditional, underlying an im-
portant Fiddler theme.
If you want to be swept away
with a great cast of characters and a
story that holds true, this per-
formance of Fiddler on the Roof is
one to experience.
St. Patrick's celebrated their
Morning Prayer Service at 10:30
a.m. with Rose Cunningham lead-
ing the service from the Book of
Alternative Services." The Proces-
sional hymn was "Morning Has
Broken". The children's focus was
"Our Companion and Guide", the
23rd Psalm. As this was Good
Shepherd Sunday the children each
read a verse of the psalm and
placed a part of a picture on the
fl4nnelboard. At the end of the
readings they had a picture that
will remind them of the psalm. Fol-
lowing the hymn "The Lord's My
Shepherd" the children went to
their classes. Rose Cunningham
read the scripture reading Acts
2:42-47 and I Peter 2:19-25. Psalm
23 was read responsively and John
10:1-10 was read. The meditation
"The Good Shepherd" was given
by Margaret Carroll. The service
closed with the singing of the
hymn "In the Bulb There is a Flow -
=,Have a news tip?
'Call the Times -Advocate
Page 7
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