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Happy anniversary
The Exeter United Church Women's Anniversary was celebrated on Sunday. At left, Norma
Cockwill, evening unit leader, Doris Denham, afternoon unit leader, Helen Coates, general
president, Guest Speaker Muriel Coultes, president of National Consultation of Women, and
Eleanor Clark, vice president of Exeter United Church Women.
Staffa WI elect officers for year
Reports detailing the
year's activities were
given also.
Roberta Templeman
Staffa correspondent
STAFFA - Joyce Miller presided
for the annual meeting of the Staffa
Women's Institute held at the home
of Esther Smale on April 17 at 1:30
' Miller opened by showing the
video "Challenge for a Changing
World" with Peggy Knapp narrat-
ing the history of the Women's In-
stitute over the past 99 years.
Following the video, Miller wel-
comed everyone and opened the
meeting with the Institute Ode and
Mary Stewart Collect.
CENTRALIA - On Saturday,
April 20, many people enjoyed a
delicious ham supper at Centralia
United Church. For dessert there
was a wide variety of cheesecake to
complete the meal.
At Centralia on Sunday, April 21,
Pastor Heather Smith returned to
the pulpit and shared her message
entitled "With Burning Hearts".
She announced that Bev Robinson
will participate in the worship ser-
vices at Centralia and Zion on Sun-
day, April 28. Robinson has been
working on the proposal for a
church renewal project, and will
present this information to the con-
gregations. There will not be lunch
following the worship.
Upcoming activities
Due to a change in plans, wor-
- ship will not be held at the Exeter
Villa on Wednesday, April 24.
On Thursday, April 25 the Ses-
sion will meet at Zion` at 8:00 p.m.
Women from Zion West will
host their annual Spring Break
Away at the Kirkton-Woodham
Communit$ Centre on April 27.
On April 28, everyone is invited
to attend the Community Band and
Concede at the Exeter Legion at
2:00 p.m. A donation will be re-
Camp registration forms are
available from Margam Herr at
Zion or Faye Skinner at Centralia.
With Mother's Day approaching,
then from Centralia United Church
are invited to participate in an all -
mak choir. The first practice will
be held Thursday, May 2.
Centralia UCW will melt Thurs-
day, May 2 at 8:00 p.m. Zion
U.C.W. will meet the following
evening. On Saturday, May 4, Zion
will host a pancake breakfast.
On May 26, a joint worship ser-
vice will be held at Thames Road
United Church with Rev. Grant
MacDonald , as the guest speaker.
Anyone interested in joining the
choir is invited to practices which
will be held April 28 at Centralia
United Church, May 5 at Elimville
United Church, and May 12 and 19
at Thames Road United Church.
Community news
At the euchre party at Heywoods
Restaurant recently, Harvey Latta
won the Special, while Mary Scott
and Percy Noels were Lone Hand
winners. Jean Noels and Norm
Reith won the High Hand awards.
Members are to prepare lunch for
those participating in the recycling
at the township shed on Saturday,
April 27. A planning meeting to
discuss and prepare the meetings
for 1996-97 will be held at Joyce
Miller's home on Wednesday,
April 24 at 10 a.m. Verle Mahon
has volunteered to type up the pro-
Reports were presented from the
various committees, showing that
Staffa Women's Institute, although
small in number, were a very inter-
ested group that had enjoyed some
excellent speakers this past year.
Officers for the coming year are:
president Kay Smale; fust vice
president Joyce Miller; secretary
Roberta Templeman; Assistant sec-
retary Betty Lou Norris; treasurer
Verle Mahon; district director
Joyce Miller, alternate Roberta
Templeman; branch directors Mar-
garet Daynard, Doris Miller, Edna
Burchill and Helen Parsons; public
relations Esther Smale; resolutions
Doris Miller, program co-
ordinators committee Kay Smale,
Joyce Miller, Roberta Templeman,
Marjorie Drake and Margaret
Kemp; pianist Betty Lou Norris;
Assistant pianists Margaret Kemp
and Verle Mahon; press reporter
Roberta Templeman; assistant
press reporter Claudette Elliott;
sunshine convenor Marjorie Drake;
Tweedsmuir committee Esther
Smale, Roberta Templeman, Sylvia
Parsons, Mary Elliott, Rob Hamil-
ton and Philip James; nominating
committee Esther Smale, Marjorie
Drake; auditors Margaret Daynard
and Joyce Miller.
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