HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes-Advocate, 1996-04-24, Page 6Page 6 Times -Advocate, April 24, 1996 Ready for Fiddler on the Roof.. By Brenda Burke T -A Reporter WOODHAM- It all began with The King and 1 in 1989, a play at Grand Bend's Huron Country Play- house where Mary Cassell and her 9 -year-old twin daughters, Amy and Sherry, began their involvement with theatre. Since then the three have been cast in numerous local per- formances including Playhouse pro- ductions of Annie Get Your Gun, The Wizard of Oz and Oliver. They also performed in The South Pacific and Brigadoon, both St. Marys Community Players pres- entations. In all of these productions the girls were cast as twins, except when Amy played the lead role of Annie in St. Marys four years ago. Now the three are once again in- volved with theatre, this time with Fiddler on the Roof scheduled to open on May 25 at the St. Marys Town Hall Theatre. The musical deals with racial tensions between Jews and Russians in the early 20th century as well as a breaking of tra- ditional planned marriages when five Jewish daughters decide to find their own husbands. According to a recent press re- lease, Amy plays Chava, "a re- bellious daughter who runs away from her Jewish family to man -y a Russian (Catholic)." "After a while you can kind of tell who you're character is," said Amy. Because Amy is "very much her own person," explained her mother, she can relate to the independent qualities of Chava. For the 15 -year-old actress, this role represents an opportunity to play an adult character rather than a child, as she had in previous per- formances. When asked what she likes best about acting, especially concerning Fiddler on the Roof Amy replied, "I guess I'm an emotional person so on stage I can show more emo- tion." While she explained she was not nervous acting as a child, "as I've gotten older," she admitted, "it's a lot harder to get up on the stage." "She takes more responsibility for the acting," added Mary. Amy plans to enroll in a four- year musical theatre program at Sheridan College to pursue acting. Amy's sister, Sherry, is helping with the music of Fiddler on the Roof. Because the music moves along so quickly and is technically difficult, the piano player needs her to turn the pages. It's a challenging task that requires exact timing, ex- plained Sherry. While performance rehearsals started in February, her music practise began about a week before the show. • In Oliver she played three parts including a street kid, workhouse boy and townsperson. "I like acting because I like the people," she said, adding her future plans include music or youth min- istry work. Sherry and Amy often perform together. As well as acting, the South Huron District High School students, who both take voice and dance lessons, are participating in Woodstock singing competitions this week. They also act in church plays and sing in church and school choirs. As well as singing in the CFPL- TV Children's Miracle Telethon three years ago, the twins have competed in the annual Youth Tal - Other Exeter area residents are involved in Fiddler on the Roof. At left, Tim Robinson, Kevin Robinson and Bi!! Steele. In front, at left, is Hilda Steele and Jonathan David Thorn- ton. Local performers in Fiddler on the Roof Above, at left, Amy Cas- sell, her sister, Sherry, and their mother,, Mary are all involved in Fiddler on the Roof, to be per- formed at the St. Mary's Town Hall Theatre begin- ning this week. The musi- cal was written by Harold Prince and directed by John McHenry. Natural Fertilizer (Horse Manure) Delivered $ 3 / bag (50 Ib) Will dig it in $ 2 / bag Call Lesley at: 228-6276 ART SUPPU[S ON SASE 'rr 25% OFF • Paint., • 11'in ut .S.. '\e►vkin • I‘alertolor* Oil -\ i r\ 4 ent Search at Western Fair. To hone their talents, they attended theatre school last summer in To- ronto. Their mother began acting in her 40's. It's great to fund something new you enjoy doing when you're middle-aged, said Mary, who en- joys singing in the chorus and play- ing minor roles. At first she felt actors were "just like a bunch of grown-up kids play- ing dress -up." It didn't take long, however, for her to take a liking to the art. "Everybody works together and usually puts on something phe- nomenal," she said, explaining act- ing, although it is hard work, breaks down both age and gender barriers. "I like the fun...Everybody's working together. It's just a ball." In Fiddler on the Roof she plays the character of a villager. "It's not a profit-making thing," she explained of community thea- tre, which she believes allows more involvement with various show re- sponsibilities. "The purpose is to get together and have fun...You get to develop your character better, Exeter 11 4-H club given safety tips EXETER - The Exeter II 4-H group met at Jenni DeBlock's home for their third meeting recent- ly. They opened the meeting with the 4-H pledge and the secretary's report and press report were given. Guest speaker Lois Godbolt told the group about Block Parents. She gave suggestions of what to do when you're home alone and some- one comes. Meagham and Amy presented a conversation about a small child running away in a mall. Pamphlets, papers and posters on safety were handed out. They end- ed their meeting with a snack. They met at Kelly : Farwell's home fotthelr fourth meeting. Elie meeting was opened with the 4-H pledge, followed by the secre- tary's report and press report. Members answered the roll call "Name a drug and what it's used for." They decided on a club name "The Safety Seekers." The group discussed drugs and watched a movie about children who wanted more children to take drugs. The meeting ,ended with a snack in the kitchen. Tools stolen from Lucan garage LUCAN - Lucan OPP reported a break, enter and theft took place on April 15 from a garage on William Street, resulting in the theft of a box of tools. too." As well as being cast as a nun and a barrenness in the 1991 St. Marys production of The Sound of Music with Sherry, Mary also per- formed in an Exeter Pentecostal Church play, Tyler's Gift, three years ago. "It's something new for churches to have a drama department." In preparation for the St. Marys musical, the Cassells have just fin- ished a period of three-hour re- hearsals four days a week as well as eight-hour practises on Sundays. Theatre, said Mary, has "helped to maintain they closeness of tht family." The girls' brother, uglas more, was also involy with 1 tre before beginning a jouma ern career. As well as performing corm. edy with Yuk Yuk's, he was house manager of the Huron Country Playhouse in 1993 and 1994. Exeter performers in Fiddler on the Roof include Jonathan David Thornton, Kevin and Tim Robinson and Bill and Hilda Steele. The show runs from April 25 to 27 at 8 p.m., April 28 at 2 p.m. and from May 1 to 4 at 8 p.m. Capsule Comments with Ernie Miatello April is Parkinsons Awareness Month. Parkin - sons is a progressive disease characterized by tremor, rigidity, slowness of movement and dif- ficulty with balance. mental functioning usually is not affected. The cause of Parkinsons is believed to be a deficiency of a naturally - occurring chemical in the brain. this chemical, called dopamine, helps the nerve cells transmit messages to other parts of the body. Parkinsons may start with slight tremor In one hand or arm and can spread to involve both arms and Legs. Tremor Is most common when the limbs are at rest and lessens with physical activity. Other symp- toms include general clumsiness and slowness of movement and diffi- culty in starting movement. Handwriting could be noticeably smaller. Although it can't be prevented and there is no cure, Parkinsons can be treated with medications that can alleviate symptoms and slow down the progression of the disease. Education is the key. Check with your doctor if you have some concems. Also the Parkinsons Foundation of Canada has much good information available for the asking. Call 1- 800.565-3000. Education is also the key in our approach to dispensing prescriptions. It's important that you know about the medication you are taking. Our job is to help you gain that knowledge. HURON APOTHECARY Ltd. Phone 235-1982 440 Main St., Exeter "Your Health Care Pharmacy" Laser treatment of facial veins Veins on the face and nose - commonly referred to as "broken blood vessels" .are .'4f: gmmon problem. in people of Al ages: It is seen more frequently in rural areas because people in these areas have Igenerally had more time outdoors. The face veins are not really broken at all. They are veins that have always been there and are just more visible as the skin ages and gets thinner. Face veins can be a source of embarrassment for some people because of the assumption that people with face veins drink too much. This just isn't so. The real cause is exposure to years of sun, wind, cold and smoking all contribute to this condition. Previously, these veins were treated by sclerotherapy injections. This treatment was effective only about 50' of the time. Now with ADVERnSEMENT the Krypton Laser the treatment is completely effective. The Krypton Laser emits a yellow beam that works directly on the blood vessels. Results can he immediate. This new Laser unlike older ones doesn't char or bruise the skin. The patient can generally return to work and activities immediately. It is a saktreatment with virtually no complications. The Loramar Centre for Cosmetic Medicine staff stress that these face veins can be eradicated but that to prevent new ones from forming it is important to have preventative skin Care through the use of glycolic acid treatments on the skin. The glycolic acid treatments thicken the skin and make it healthier and when this happens the veins don't show through. If you would like to have your face veins treated please call the Loramar Centre for Cosmetic Medicine for a full consultation 5I9-524-4430 or 1-800-896-4430. New Be Involved! 42) Remember to attend the workshop on the New County Plan es South Huron Secondary School (Exeter) Wednesday, May 1, 7:00 p.m. Wky noted 1 Ahead? • I will be affected by rbe New County Plan because k will affect local and County decision making and that will affect me; • I want to bear what Huron residents said about community values in the recendy completed Community pity Action Kia; • I want to voice my ootmm miry boot • I want to influence public policy before it Is dried: • I care about the Amara of my Per doedse lie «weekdoope bodes siIMumheld around Dageetttneut m diCooley334-21 •