HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes-Advocate, 1996-04-17, Page 23rc&(lef sl"8tbM ..-101‘601.0.4 WE ARE SERVICE 1-800.263-0626CJabamonaccauauumba PAina -A Paniarotti ngelo's Exuter ' Open Thurs. to Sun. 410 p.m. Happy 50th Birthday Sparky Apr. 21, 1996 Gotcha InAp1Cll PII ERY ANTIQUE FLEA MARKET Open Thls Sunday and every Sunday from April 21 to Oct. 20th Over 200 dealers 3 miles south (Hwy. 21) of Grand Bend Dealers call or write: Ray Swain Box 1183 Grand Bend, Ont. NOM 1T0 Phone 519-238-8382 Money, Money, Money, Now that You're 65 Honey MARY HORN Love from John and famil SOUTH HURON HOSPITAL Managing your Diabetes Practical & helpful classes 4 short 2 hour sessions Wednesdays. April 24,May 1, May 8, May 15 Time: 8:45 -11 a.m. South Huron Hospital Fee: $20. To register call Dawn McGuffin-Town, R.D.,C.D.E., 235-2700, Ext. 239 This is your invitation to join the Exeter Senior Community Games Monday, April 29 - Cribbage, 5 Pin Bowling Tuesday, April 30 - Swimming Wednesday, May 1- Shuffleboard, Horseshoes, Bridge, Darts Thursday, May 2 - Walking, Snooker, Euchre Monday May 6 - Carpet Bowling Tuesday, May 7 - Crokinole, Solo Wednesday, May 22 - Golf Thursday, May 23 - Lawn Bowling, Tennis For registration, locations and times, please call the Recreation Centre at 235-2833 j e Hod at 239- l94i" �1 "4, swiu. Royal Canadian Legion R.E. Pooley Branch #167 Exeter, Ontario COMING EVENTS Honors and Awards Night Thurs., April 18 - 8 p.m. - Upstairs main hall There will be a special presentation of 50,45,40,35,30,25,20,15 and 10 year service med- als to regular and associate members. Nomination and Election of 1996-97 Executive - Thursday, April 25 At the General meeting, 7:30 p.m., there will be the final nominations and election of branch officers. Plant Day - Saturday April 27 During the last meat draw of the spring season, the annual plant day will be held. Entertainment by 'Sound Track', 4-7 p.m. "Pride in our Past - Faith in our Future" WEEKLY MEAT DRAWS at the Royal Canadian Legion, Exeter Branch, on Satur- day afternoons between 4-6 p.m. All proceeds to support the Huron-Middlesex43t Army Cadet Corps. Everyone welcome to attend. RUMMAGE SALE AND AUCTION, Wednesday, April 17, 7 p.m. to 9 p.m.; Thurs- day, April 18, 10 a.m. to 2 p.m., South Huron Rec Centre. Townwide pickup Wednes- day, 9 a.m. For information call 235-2557 or 229-6544. Sponsored by South Huron Hospital Auxiliary. 14,15,16c HOT BEEF SUPPER, Thursday, April 18, 5-7 p.m.. Lucan Community Centre. Adults 89.00. children 84.00, sponsored by Lucan United Murch. For tickets call '27 S 6k at the door. HURON CENTENNIAL SCHOOL Fundraising Auction, Saturday, April 20, Stanley Twp. Complex. Tickets 89.00. Auction starts at 7:30. Donations welcome. 14,15,16c 11AM SUPPER, Saturday. April 20, Centralia United Church. Two sittings, 4:30 and 6 p.m. Adults, 88.50; children 6-12, $4.25. For tickets call Larry, 229-6304. 15,I6c SINGLES DANCE, Sunday, April 21 at the Wingham Legion Hall. Dancing from 7 p.m. to 11 p.m. Music by Night Watch. Dress code in effect. 16• SING FOR JOYI Sunday, April 21. at 7:30 p.m., Waley -Willis United Church, Clin- ton, featuring MacKay Choristers, Goderich; A. lames Ford, trumpet; Wesley -Willis Choir. Admission: 85.00, children under 12 free. 15.16c EXETER ODDFELLOWS Church Service w be held on April 21 at Hensall United Church, 10;00 a.m. 15,16c ST. MARYS COMMUNITY PLAYERS present the musical Fiddler on the Roof, di. reefed by John McHenry, at the St. Marys Town Hall Theatre, April 25-27 at 8 p.m.: April 28 at 2 p.m. and May 1-4 at 8 p.m. Tickets $12 or 810 in advance at Home Scapes, St. Marys, Big V, Stratford. CRAFT SHOW AND SALE, April 27, 28. 10 arm. to 5 p.m., Central Huron Secon- dary School. Princess East, Clinton. Featuringartist Tammy taye: food; refreshments: baked goods; door prizes. Proceeds to school nctions. 16,17 EXETER UNITED CHURCH SMORGASBORD, May 2, 11:30 to 1:30 p.m. Adults $7; ages 4-10 $4: takeout $8, order by April 29 (235-2291). 15,16,(17c) DON'T FORGET! The Mikado is coming to Blyth, May 11. 16c CHICKEN BBQ, sponsored by Woodham United Church at Kirkton-Woodham Com- munity Centre. Note change of Ioatioh. Wednesday, June 12, 5:00 p.m. - 7:30 p.m. Adults 810.00; children 12 and under 85.00. Tickets at door. Takeouts available. 16• Look Who's 40 OPEN HOUSE for "Sue Wilson" Sat. Apr. 20 Lucan Legion 8 p.m. to 1 a.m. HENSALL ANNUAL Rif MIMI APRIL 24. Tune: 5 - 6:30 p.m. Price: Children 5-12, $4.50, Adults $8.50 For tickets call Hensall United Church 262-2935 or Cole 262-2304 ONE IIC\I:\\Ill Lucan Community Centre Bingo Wed. April ' 17 Bingo starts 7:30 p.m. Regular Games $1000 Jackpot Game 53 calls or less 81200 bonus Total prizes $3090 Ilse to t'hitIttebce reg(alO, no one under 18 allowed to play Licence #537495 Tines -Advocate, April 17, 1996 Page 23 Hensall Tyke winners The Hensall Tyke Local League were WOAA South Division champions. Back row, left to right: trainer Dave Long, coach Jamie McClinchey and ass't. coach Dave Campbell. Middle row, I to r, Brent Regier, Kenny Allen, Amanda Thomson, Matt Campbell, Bryan Parker, Michael Dayman, Troy McClure. Front row 1 to r, Ashley Bruxer, Cory McClinchey, Devon Long, Daniel Campbell, Brent Ingram and Brandon Consitt. Centralia preparing for ham supper By Mary Peterson Centralia correspondent CENTRALIA - At Centralia and Zion West United churches, Kris- tiane Charlton was guest worship leader and preacher. She welcomed everyone and thanked them for the opportunity to lead the worship. At Centralia, she demonstrated her wonderful musical talents with the solo "God, When I Stand". She told the children about the scripture reading that day pertaining to the story of Thomas, and his difficulty believing in Jesus' resurrection. They agreed that it was often diffi- cult to believe in things that you hadn't seen. Her sermon, entitled "Locked Doors", reviewed the vari- ous locked doors in everyone's RED CROSS SWIMMING LESSONS Tots, Yellow -White, Adult lessons with certified instructor, Tracy Riley. Spring session begins May 1st at Pinedale Motor Inn, Gr4 Summer it•jda#uates.;i ► no or Paarkhi 1. Tb register ' call 294-0145. Both pools heated. lives that often shut out good expe- riences. In the announcements, she stated that B6v Robinson is working on a plan for renewal. This will be pre- sented at Centralia following wor- ship and lunch on Sunday, April 29. Flowers were placed in the sanc- tuary by the families of John King - ma and Ross McFalls who passed away recently. For many years, Ross McFalls and his family farmed in Biddulph Township, south of Centralia. Ross loved to share his gift of music, and orga- nized many local musical events. The community offers prayers and sympathy to the family of these area residents. Upcoming activities Centralia United Church would like to invite everyone to a ham xxxxxx Happy 20th Jeremy Love Mom, Dad, Jeff and Scott xxxxxxxxx OPTIMIST CLUB of KIRKTON-WOODHAM ALL YOU CAN EAT SUNDAY, APRIL 28 4:00 p.m. - 7:30 p.m. K -W Community Centre Tickets available at Kirkton Market, any Optimist Member or Cali 229-6828 or 225-2195 Adults $10.00, At Door $12.00 Children $5,00, Preschool Free Wed. April 17 Thurs. April 18 7 p.m. to 9 p.m. 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. South Huron Rec Centre, Exeter Auction sale Thursday 12 noon Town wide pickup 9 a.m. Wednesday "Volunteers Welcome" Sponsored by Auxiliary to South Huron Hospital For information call 235-2557, 229-6544 L • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Toddlers' Inn Nursery School OPIENSOWE Tues., April 23 - 9 -11:30 a.m. 1-3:30p.m. Thurs. April 25 - 9 -11:30 a.m. 1-3:30p..m. 7 - 8:00 p.m. at Bethel Reformed Church, Huron St. E., Exeter. Bring your child, view our program, join the fun. Morning and afternoon programs available. For information and registration for September call Glenda Wagner 235-2084 or 235-2755 • • • • • w • • • • • w • • • w • • • • WWWVVVVil Dance Hall 9 p m. tam 349.2678 tine Dancers welcome Fri. April 19 Sunrise Sat., April 20 Country Versatiles supper on Saturday, April 20 at 4:30 p.m. or 6:00 p.m. Tickets cost $8.50 for adults or $4.25 for chil- dren aged six to 12. To obtain tick- ets, call Larry Skinner at 229-6304 or Rob Essery at 228-6992. Con- gregation members who can help by baking a ham are asked to call Allan Powe, or to call Larry Skin- ner if you're able to donate a pan of scalloped potatoes or a cheese- cake. Anyone who can attend is invited to worship at the Exeter Villa on Wednesday, April 24 at 2:30 p.m. On Thursday, April 25 the Ses- sion will meet at Zion at 8:00 p.m. Women from Zion West will host their annual Spring Break Away at the Kirkton Community Centre on Saturday, April 27. Camp registration forms are available from Margaret Hern at Zion or Faye Skinner at Centralia. Community news At the euchre party in Crediton recently, High Hand winners were Betty Coates and Eileen Pullman, while Mary Scott and Stewart Leng were Lone Hartd:winners. Qessie,. Caldwell atukiepargei.Adatastweraks Low Hand Witiners. At tieywoods Restaurant the previous Monday, Betty Coates won the Special, while Marian Noels and Rolie Car- ty were Lone Hand winners. Esther Hodgins and Andy Thompson won the High Hand awards. tqI sc SI i1 7 l) q `� 0 0 C) Cr,' C � 13 C d Winners from Home and Garden Show. Hyde Bros Farm Equipment Ltd. draw was made at Hensall by Barbara Consitt. Tom and Elaine Hayter Dashwood were the winners of a Kabota 146020 hrs. Free Time or 30 days. 4 NOTICE OF MEETING The Huron -Perth County Roman Catholic Separate School Board invites interested parents, staff, and ratepayers to attend a Budget Information Session to be held on Wednesday April 24, 1996 at 7:30 p.m. Location: St. Patrick's School, Dublin M. Miller J.S. Brown, M.A., Ed. D. Chairperson of the Board Director of Education