HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes-Advocate, 1996-04-10, Page 26Page 28 Tires -Advocate, April 10, 1996 r •LDWELL BANK • ' •LIWELL BANKER • Ex.ec • OLDWELL BANKER • Ex•ect the Bess CALL COLDWELL BANKER SU PPC)IZT' YC)U CAN CC)U NrI' C)N Pat O'Rourke 237.3762 $114, •i- • 1 Ill1am eter, Ont. Sat. April 13 - 1-3 p.m. Host: Pat O'Rourke Excellent 3 bedroom home for your w : famil OI'I \ 1IO �l $79,900 • 179 Carling St. Exeter, Ont. Sat. April 13 -1-3 p.m, Host: M.J. Chanyi Nicely decorated 2+1 bedroom beginner home. Newer oak kitchen. Central air. : e' ard. • • Robert B. Stoddart Broker\Owner MEMBER OA - Jerry Zehr 236-4712 YOU'RE INVITED TO OUR HOUSE DURING THE EXETER HOME, GARDEN AND LEISURE SHOW COLDWELL BANKER \ 1 It )t til $146,900 • 86 William St. Exeter, Ont. Sun. April 14 - 1,2-2 p.m. Host: M.). Chanyl 3 bedroom brick ranch. Master bedroom ensulte. Gas heat. Central air. Stamped concrete drivewa . ( )1'l \ 11O1 '11 8189.900 • 425 Pryde Blv • , xeter, • n Sun. April 14 -1-3 p.m, Host: Pat O'Rourke New 1700 sq. ft. ranch in Exeter's newest subdivision. liantastic interior. Excellent family home or ideal for the retiree. 5147,500 • 112 Carling St. Exeter, Ont. Sat. April 13 - 3-5 p.nt, Host: M.). Chanyl Newly built brick bungalow with partially 1 finished lower levet. Main floor laundry. Beautiful interior. Read to move in. OI'L\ 1 IOl 51 'r>.0 jii $169,900 • 292 Marlborough St. Exeter; Ont. '-Sat. Aprit 13-3 5p.m- Host: Pat O'Rourke Newly constructed 1500 sq. ft. brick ranch. Main floor laundry. Master l'edroom ensulte. Partially 10 - level Come to our Spring Open House Celebration April 13 & 14 It's not just one home. It's not'Ist a few. It's our Spring Open House Celebration. And that means some of the best home values in this area will be open for you to view this weekend. You'll see all different styles. And all different 'ices. So it's likely you'll find the one that's perfect for you. -Au • This is a once -a -year event. Btij;it could be your once-in-a-lifetime. opportunity. Because, with our exerience and reputation for service, we can help you make that dream a reality. If you've ever visited a home on the weekend, and wished it were yours, don't delay. Our Spring Open House Celebration f bne invitation you won't want to pass up. r q 1 ;\IZMS • FA 8124,900 • 148 William St. Exeter, Ont. Sun. April 14 - 2-4 p.m, Host: M.J. Chanyi Newer windows, doors, roof, soffit, fascia, bathrooms. Central air. Gas heat. A real beauty $176, 900 • 248 Mill St. Exeter, Ont. 6gp, April 14 - 3-3 p.m. Host: Pat O'Rourkf Here's your opportunity to view this beautiful newer home you have always had your eye on. Stunning interior. ti • I ,\I. \1s • 1 ,\IZN\IS • I ,\IZ .J - 1',\I;f\1ti I ,\ NOW THAT WE HAVE SURPASSED THE 65.00 PER BUSHEL MARK FOR CORN AND WITH THE LOWEST STOCKS OF CORN ON HAND IN OVER 60 YEARS IS 66.00 PER BUSHEL THAT FAR FROM REALITY. PUT YOUR OFFER ON ONE OF THESE GREAT FARMS WHICH ARE STILL AVAILABLE FOR SPRING PLANTING. NIGH COMMODITY PRICES MORTGAGE RATES MAKE FARMS?URCHASES A REAL BARGAIN. ' MCGILLIVRAY YWP-.100 ACRES - : ood cla loam in the heart of the t • wnshi .. Rea. for our s. rin: cro • s. Pat O'Rourke Sales Re • STEPHEN TWP. - 59 ACRES - Prime location on Hwy, #21 north of Gt: nd Bend. Clay loam. Systematically tiled. Pat O'Rourke Sales Rep HAY TWP. - 99 ACRES - SvsIematicaliv tiled choice vegetable Iandirlant your crop of potatoes on this one. Pat O'Rourke Sales Rep STEPHEN TWP. - 96 ACRES - You farm the land and the vendor will lease backk}he buildings to help reduce your mortgage payment. Pat O'Rourke Sales Rep • STEPHEN TWP. - 99 ACRES = 90 workable - choice clay loam - systemat icallyttiled. Fall plowed out of 2 years of alfalfa. Pat O'Rourke Sales Rep ZURICH BUNGALOW - The Gascho House. Now Is your chance to own one of the most 'sought after homes In Zurich. A picture is worth a thousand words, but home ownership has your name on it. Cell Jerry Zehr (519) 2384712. POUR ACRE W000 LOT - Thinking of building your dream home on a really, really big lot? Water and sewer hookups, available. Priced at only 825,000. Call Jerry Zehr (519) 2364712. *96,000 - Goshen St. South Zurich -' move in condition. Many updates Include: kitchen cupboards, newer room and utility room. Hugs Barn/shed. Cell Jerry Zehr 519) 2364712. ZURICH INCOME , Reduced to 8110,000. Four unit apartment building, many improvements. For more information call Jerry Zehr (519) 2364712. t, LMUVIEW OOTtfASt , , TO $115,000 - Just a short drive north from Goderich (Pon Albert). Nestled into hillside on hinge wooded lot with deck facing Lake Intron. Cell Jerry Zehr (519) 2364712. 871,000 - Centre St. Dashwood . Three Bedrooms, Upper level Totally TRenovated, Patios Doeorr Oft Kitchen Walk To • peciouNg.•Calf GageJerry 519) 2384712. q RIMMED TO Are you looking for a country home but require the services and friendly atmosphere of a small community? Three bedrooms, natural gas heat, main floor laundry. Call Jerry Zehr (519) 2364712. STANLEY TOWNSHIP Country bungalow on 1 acre close to Bayfield. Four bedrooms, fireplace In living room, 2 washrooms, full finished basement. Priced at only 8120,000. Call Jerry Zehr at (519) 2364712. MAYFIELD• When nature ' cells. Lakeside burtgafow on well treed, mined lot In exclusive Snowden Acres. Attached $arege fireplace in living room, 11115,000. Call Jerry Zehr (519) 2364712. JUST LISTED Just under 2 acre developmental property fronting on Huron St. West, Exeter. CaII Jerry Zehr (519) 236-4712 for more information. $65,000 - DUPLEX Income property. Live in upper unit, rent out lower unit and let the tenant pay part of your mortgage. For Information call Jerry Zehr (519) 2364712. $75,000 - First time home buyers, this Is the time to make your move to home ownership. Starting with this este bedroom home on Targe Id. Garage, concrete drive, well landscaped. Edward St. Zurich. Call Jerry Zehr (519) 236-4712. BUILDING LOTS Full serviced residential building lots starting at $26,500. Various locations, some with country view or wood lot. Call Jerry Zehr (519) 236-4712. REDt10E0 MAW - Goshen St. North Zurich. Four bedroom family, home features: two washrooms, forged air furnace, main floor laundry, garage, fenced rear yard. 889,900. Call Jerry Zehr (519) tAY !fit three bedroom home surrounded be trees, trees and more tress., Newer forced air furnace, main hoof laundry, updated washroom and the list goes on. on Of the lowest priced homes In town. Call Jerry Zehr (519) 236-4712. PRIME HENSALL COMMERCIAL Two storey commercial building on King St. Hensel?. Why run your present business paying rent when you can own this property for less than rent payments? Cali Jerry Zehr (519) 26-4712. • JUST MED - $73,600 - Zurich starter or retirement home. Three bedrooms (one on main floor), four pc. washroom (also on main floor), forced air furnace, P.T. deck off kltchen. Call Jerry Zehr (519) 23E- 4712; 384712. E3UYING OR SELLING, WE CAN HELP YOU MAKE THE RIGHT MOVE! COLDWCU... BANKCR C1 COLDWELL BANKER ALL -POINTS REALTY SERVICES ZURICH OFFICE - 147 MAIN ST. EXt, ONT. 16 VICTORIA ST. ZURICH, ONT. 235-1449 236-4712 TOLL FREE FROM ZURICH AND GRAND BENL7 23 7-34.$2 EACH OFFICE IS AN INDEPENDENTLY OWNED AND OPERATED WIRER BROKER OF COLDWELL BANKER AFFILIATES OF CANADA COLDWEL.l_ BANKER • Expect the Be,,t (+') AtNKLR • L x)icct the Best COLDWELL BANKER • Expcc.1 the F3est COLDWELL BANKER • Ex )ect tl e Best • •LDWELL BAN • ' OLOWELL BANKER • Ex ect the Besi • •LOWELL BANKER • Ex.ect the Bess • LDWELL BANK =F - Ex ect the Besi •LDWELL BANKER • Ex ect the Bes ' •LDWELL BANKEf • Ex ect the Bess