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Times -Advocate, April 10, 1996
Top Public Speakers at Grand Bend Public School's recent competition were, front row from
left, (Grade three), Jessica Coulter, Shelby Musser. Centre row, (Intermediates), Christopher
Durdin-Thornton (3rd), Sarah -Rae Lovie (2nd), Samantha Haddon (1st). Back row, (Juniors),
Chris Oke, Jeff Oke, Caitlin Russell (2nd), Brenda Farhat, Sarah Tremain (1st), Matt Douglas,
Andrea Martens, Jessica Murray.
'Dads and Lads' to be a
night of food, fitness and fun
Men of all ages are
welcome at a boys
night out April 19.
By Liz Sangster
Hensall Correspondent
HENSALL - The next Hensall
and Area Drop -In will take place
April 18 at the Hensall United
If you would like to take part in
the footcare service, contact Marga-
ret Cole, 262-2304. A well-
balanced nutritional lunch will be t
served at noon by dedicated volun-
teem. Biddy',Cammack✓will follow
with flexibility exercises.
Trevor McGregor from Employ-
ment Services will be the guest
speaker. Public Health nurse, San-
dra Feltz, will also speak on sen-
ior's issues.
Following this the group will be
entertained by the "Kitchen Band".
A busy afternoon will end with
card games. Reserve by calling
Margaret Cole before noon Mon-
day. For more information contact
Faye Blair Skinner at Town and
Country Homemakers at 235-0258.
Friendship Circle
The Friendship Circle of Hensall
United Church met on April 1 in
the church parlour. Anne Annen
welcomed everyone with a poem
"The Glory of the Easter Story". '
Joyce Pepper was in charge' of
the devotion and used as her theme
"Getting Ready for Easter". Two
hymns "He Lives" and "Christ ,
Arose" were sung. The roll call was .
answered by naming a symbol of l
Easter. Annen and Pepper sang a'
duet "Near the Cross". Everyone
enjoyed a video "The Easter Sto-
ry". The. meeting closed with sing-
ing "Christ the Lord is Risen To-
day" followed by prayer.
United Church services
Holy Communion was observed
Maundy Thursday at Hensall Unit-
ed Church. Chuck Mallette was the
organist for the ministry of song.
Festival School of
Hairstyling, Stratford
is accepting
registration for their
next class
Make-up Artistry and
Nati Technology offered
at no extra charge.
OSAP available for
those that qualify.
For further Information call
The ushers were George Parker and
Ross Kercher and the greeter was
Mary Roobol. The scripture lesson
was read by Joanne Rowcliffe. The
First and Second Commentary
were delivered by Linda Traquair.
The message of the day was "Do
You Know What I Have Done For
Rev. Annen conducted the Good
Friday service at Hensall United
. Church. Doug Klopp was the or-
ganist. Dorothy Corbett was the
greeter, while Elaine Corbett and
Steve McGregor were the ushers.
.The- it t;arid Second Commentary!
were delivered by Murray Craig.
'The congregation was invited to
pound a nail into a piece of wood
in order to become aware of
Christ's pain when people do not
follow him. The New Testament
Lesson was read by Ross Kercher.
The message was "The Cross: A
Gift of Life". After a Litany of
Thanksgiving, a three fold amen
and a musical postlude closed the
An Easter sunrise service was
held at Hensall United Church at '7
a.m.; Easter Sunday. Wayne Cor-
bett was the usher. Chuck Mallette
was the organist. The Corbett fami-
ly acted out "The Dream". Hymns
were sung between each of the six
Rev. Annen conducted the Easter
Sunday service while Doug Klopp
was the organist. After a Litany of
Life responsive reading, words of
welcome and greeting one another
took place. This was followed by
the dedication of food gifts. The
children's hymn was "One Door
and One Only". The children's sto-
ry . was "The Easter Story". The
ushers were Sharon and Doug Kyle
and Jean and Raye Jacobe. The
greeters were Doris and Bev Ham-
Flowers were placed in the
church by the Hensall and District
Horticultural Society, the Fee es-
tate and in memory of'Janet Moir. .
Hensall United is accepting do.,
nations of clothes, household
goods and anything in saleable
condition. Volunteers are needed.
Call Chuck Mallette at 264-2016.
Small crafts are needed for the
craft table. Call Marg Cole at 262-
The Hensall United Church beef
dinner will take place April 24.
Tickets are available from board
members, the church office, 262-
2935, or Marg Cole.
Hensall and area men of all ages
are invited to Dads and Lads, a
boys night out, on April 19. The
night begins at 6 p.m. at Hensall
Public School with a volleyball
challenge, then on to Hensall Unit-
ed Church for a pizza/takeout sup-
per with board games to follow.
Set of McBrine Luggage
Retail Value over $300.00
Fill out a ballot to win a gift certificate
to the value of your purchase
minimum prize $25.00
Three Draws - 4i April 13th, 20th and 27th
ON MAY 4,1996
Plans underway to sharecrop
soybeans for Foodgrains Bank
Local " churches are
organizing this year's
Foodgrains project.
By Mary Peterson •
Centralia Cornespondety
CENTRALIA At this time of
celebration and renewal, there have
been many activities at Zion West
and Centralia United Churches. On
Maundy Thursday, April 4, a foot -
washing .and communion service
was held as a reminder of Jesus'
enactment of this menial task for
his friends: This was followed by
worship on Good Friday, April 5,
in memory of his sacrifice at the
cross. Easter Sunday was a day of
memory of his sacrifice at the
cross. Easter Sunday was a day of
rejoicing in Jesus' resurrection and
the hope that was given to all peo-
ple. At Zion, Pastor Heather Smith
led a sunrise service in celebration.
Centralia United Church invite
everyone to a ham supper on Satur-
day, April 20 at 4:30 p.m. or 6:00
p.m. Tickets cost $8.50 for adults
or $4.25 for children aged six to
12. To obtain tickets, call Larry
Skinner at 229-6304 or Rob Essery
at 228-6992. Congregation mem-
bers who can help by baking a ham
are asked to call Allan Powe, or to
call Larry Skinner if you are able to
donate a pan of scalloped potatoes
or a cheesecake.
Camp registration forms are
available from Margaret kern at
Zion or Faye Skinner. at Centralia.
Plans are underway for a South
Huron Foodgrains Project again
this year cooperatively organized
by Centralia, Zion West, Thames
Road and Elimville United Church-
es. At this time, the committee has
arranged to share crop soybeans on
approximately 11 acres. More land
could be planted if available. Any-
one interested in providing a dona-
tion for the project is asked to con-
tact Brent Caslick in Centralia.
Euchre party
At the euchre party in Crediton
recently, high hand winners were
Doris Pfaff . and Harvey Latta,
while Edith Eaton and Harry Noels
'Were Lone Hand winners. Doreen'
Lightfoot and Edith Boyle were
low hand winners.
Last week, Mary Peterson and
her husband Rob Essery holidayed
on the islandof Antigua in the Car-
ibbean. They met acquaintances
from Crediton on the day after their
arrival. They were enjoying the
sunshine beside the . pool when
John Relouw and his wife Char-
lotte walked by on their way to the
beach. In addition, Charlotte in-
formed, them that her brother and
his .fiancee were planning to be
married at Club Antigua, and sev-
eral friends and relatives were fly-
ing in for the wedding, On Thurs-
day, April 4, Colleen Bedard and
Liam Brennan were married in a
gazebo by the beach in Antigua.
Although the temperature was very
warm, everyone looked wonderful
in their wedding attire in the ro-
mantic setting under the palm trees.
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