HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes-Advocate, 1996-04-03, Page 28• *kook. Aire 3,1996 - S �11VA i n t#1,0110...',-. 3 miles north ot, Qasflwooa y. 83 for Mt. and Mrs, Roy Clarke TRi1#YOR$, 430 CraseWW1gli4 . 1 10 row t cop diesel. dock . sheat. 1550 gfis. RA.. 3> funrow 1H. 3 Ath per, 9 2/214, cultivator TK, . ' . C&sa weed sprayer. JO ground drMen manure spreader, No, 10 MF hay bald, 7 ft. NI trait, 175111 swather, Ntf No, 846 round baler, 5 section'barn* with PORI. d0!1 grass seeder; 4 bur side rake, 12 ft. wheel dieo; 4 row illied' Went scuffler, 4 furrow 3 pth IH no. •46 plow, 32 ft. boom GW. weed sprayer plastic tank, 2 JM gravity boxes with heavy wagons, flat rack end running gear, 2 drum land roller, AC side rake, 10 ft. Krause wheel disc. AC drill with brass seeder, 28 ft. Case hay elevator pto and molar, 54 in. Hoots forage blower, zero graze feed wagon, JD f inning gear, 011*r hay baler, chicken picker. beam scalp, 50 ft. drive belt, B.D. skill saw, 12 in. cement tile, chains, new 1/2 in. socket set, butcher Jtettle, .picnic table, air compressor, •Duro water pump, feed bags, oak lumber, drums, steel, V snow blower, steel posts, acre measuring wheel and many more useful farm items. Terms cash or cheque With proper ID. Farm rented. Lunch booth Owner, auctioneer not responsible for loss, Injury or accidents' sale day. AUCTIONEER JOHN FINLAY 519-236.4814 Household and Antiques Auction At South Huron Rec Centre, Exeter Saturday, April 6 at 10 a.m. Dispersing household and antique items from the St. Marys home of Mr. and Mrs. Dave Spence along with additions incl. some new Mennonite oak and pine furniture from a London estate. PARTIAL LISTING: Queen Anne oak dining table with 6 chairs and matching sideboard, secretary desk with upper cupboard, spoon carved hall stand, with mirror, 2 bonnet chests, 3 pc. bedroom suite, good couch and chair, settee and matching chairs, coffee and end tables (glass top), walnut drop leaf table, upright piano and bench, 2 folding bed chairs, recliner, blanket box, treadle sewing machine, vanity dresser, lowboy chest, desk, several caned chairs, parlor table, new Dine book- shelves, oak hutches and buffet. 6 solid cherry dining chairs, large blacksmith bellows, oxen yoke, long basement table, blue flowered crock. collectors plates, Inglis fridge (2 years old), auto washer and dryer, china and glass incl. 2 sets of dishes, depression, pressed, crystal, silver ware, brass bells, 2 old dolls, table saw, band saw, hand and power wood working tools, antique tools incl. boring machine, apple peeler, several old tin trucks and windup toys, Disney memorabilia, elec. sewing machine, antique prints and paintings, quilts, bridge and floor lamps, also at 1 p.m. 1987 S-15 GMC pickup 103,000 km. - selling certified (reasonable reserve). Upcoming Auction Saturday Aorlii 20 at 10 a.m.:' at South Huron Rec Centre, dispersing estate furnishings and china for the Mrs. Marion Darling estate plus selected additions. AUCTIONEER BOB HEYWOOD Bus. - 2364469, Res. 235-0874 ANNUAL EXTRA LARGE AUCTION Of household, antiques, farm machinery, vehicles, tools, misc., etc. At Ilderton Falr Grounds and Curling Club Good Friday - April 5, 9:30 a.m. - 2 rings running all day HOUSEHOLD - 4 complete households from Huron Park, Strathroy, Ailsa Craig, and London such as: McClary ele. stove (new), side by side fridge/freezer (Admiral)'and stove, plus other fridges, freezer's, washers, dryers, microwaves, and small appliances, vacuums, sewing machines, cedar chests, beds, dressers, china cabinets, large dining room table and chairs, Duncan Phyfe dining suite, bookcases, shelves, chesterfield suites TVs, some with remote, kitchen sets, stereos, leather chairs, odd chairs, water bed, rockers, firepiat:e; sofa bed, dishwashers, air conditionerS;-McClary gas furnace, child- rens furniture, dishes, glassware, large metal gazebo, heart archway, globe almuninum lights, wrought iron coffee table and benches, jew- elery box and jewelery, mirrors, Community plate silverware, tall glass front cabinet, reclining chairs, lamps, dehumidifier, pictures, pots and pans, Bradford plates in boxes, bedding etc., oak secretary and corn- er cabinets, etc. etc. ANTiQUErS; Drop leaf tables, old dressers, buffets, treadle sewing machine, rocking chairs, dining room suite, desks, high chair, movie camera, radio, excellent old dresser with wood pulls and hanky boxes, dishes, glassware, all kinds of antiques and collectibles, 70 player piano rolls. FARM MACHINERY; Of all kinds, including, 9 tractors of different kinds, cultivators, wheel discs, planters, plows, harrogators, sprayers, manure speaders, flat racks and wagqns (2 new), gravity bins, haying, equipment, etc. , VEHICLES; Cars, trucks, trailers. LAWNMOWERS; of all kinds. MiSC. AND TOOLS of all kinds. This is a partial list. For fuller list check Tuesdays Ont. Fthmer or call the auctioneers. Order of sale - starting 2 rings at 9:30 inside and outside. Plan to attend this interesting large all day sale. TERMS: Cash sale day or approved cheque. 'Lunch booths on grounds. Auctioneers Filson & Robson Phone/Fax: 666-0833 CLEARING FARM AUCTION For Mr. Herman Posma R.R. 6 St. Marys, Burnett Farms, Denfleld Ontario. at the farm on Prospect Hill Road or County Rd 50 -6 miles east of Elginfield on #7, turn north or 5 miles west of St. Marys Saturday April 6 -10 a.m. Machinery, tractors, vehicles, furniture. • TRACTOR4 - Case IH -5140 Maxum 2 wd cab, air, bar axle 1400 hrs., Case IH -3230 2 wd, with 520 ALO self leveling loader, quick attach bucket and bale fork - only 200 hrs: still under warranty. AC model B with loader, IH Farmall Super H - wide front. 1947 Oliver 70 gas R.C., J.D. - 70 diesel, pup start wide front. IH - Farmalt H, gas, new tires, Ar; - CA tractor, wide front and 3 pt adaptor. Ford 535 loader tractor diesel, P/S shuttle transmission. IH 2500 constructor loader back- hoe. Mustang 11200 Owatonna skid steer, gas, 54" bucket, low hrs. LAWNMOWERS; Ford, 16 HP, clean unit. Cab Cadet 0149 hydro, 42" mower. IH Cub Cadet 1450 model, JD 8 HP snowblower. MACHINERY: Plows, IH, 710, 4 x 16' automatic reset. AC 4 furrow, 3 ph. DMI, 11 tooth chisel plow, Int. 24 tooth chisel plow. CULTIVATORS; IH 045, 25 1/2 ft. with buster bar, IH, vibrashank, 37 1/2 ft. with 5 tires and harrows. Kongskilde • 28 1/2 ft. with double roller harrows. MISC.; Speedy 6 row bean puller, 510 Innis windrow with Cross Conveyor, 4 -ow bean puller, wagons and flatracks, Pert. auger, 2000 gallon water tank, 16.9 x 28 snap on duals, bale stooker and fork, 5 Superchlef plow bottoms, insulated 14' trailer, truck topper, 17 ft. Coleman canoe, Lilleston bean windrower, 2 HP air compressor, 3 PH Taylor backhoe, MF 10 ft. wheel disc, 35 ft. harragator, AC 4 row corn planter, NH 791 manure spreader, 3 gravity boxes on 10 ton wagons, 14' Kuhm GA402 twin rotor rake, MF 124 baler and thrower, 5' Bush Hog rotary mower, 40' bale •elevator, 2 Meyers steel bale thrower wagons, 12' stock chopper, *4 bed tandem snowmobile trailer, Tudco electric hydraulic tailgate, truck box liner; trailer dollies, .300 amp Lincoln AC welder and tables, 20.8 x 38 T call duals and sprays 2 grow rblade, NI transplanter, spreader, K�Ongs�Wide cultivator 'and . fuel tank and , harrows, post hole auger, 10' trall rotary mower, sickle bar mower for 8 H Ford, Cetsa 400 gal. tandem sprayer,111, 400 cyclone 6 row planter, NI 180 bu. spreader. IcLfl. ETC; 1990 Buick Park Avenue, loaded, sunroof and cert. 1 74 Mustang 11, coupe 50,000 miles, 1985 S10 plckup automatic V6, 1986 V.W. Jetta, 1988Dodge Carp van, 1984 Pontiac, 7 cu. ft. woods freezer, push lawnmower, steel spoke wheels,, walking plow. parts cleaner and pump, Ice cream freezer, some household Items. •• 1.000 sq. R. natural Thames oder fttgstooe. � cash Or known cheque, auctioneers or owner not responsible for accidents. Lunch booth. Few small Items so come early. "No buy - ens premium".• i WmSAt tied Asposiatse & *doom 'Moe Profeeelonel Phone: ( 11064999 0819) • sr r<. rf ' • t 1 ) The St. Marys Children's Choir takes a few minutes to practice before its performance at Exeter United Church on Sunday night. Teachers' union offers job saving action to Catholic Board LONDON - The Ontario English Catholic Teachers Association, OECTA has made a commitment to the London and Middlesex Roman Catholic School Board to help it RICHARD LOBB AUCTION CALENDAR CLINTON 482-7898 Thurs. April 4 at 10:30 a.m. Farm machinery auction for Gerrit VanKeulen, 3 3/4 miles north and 1 mile east of Brussels 519-887-6882. Sat., April 6 at 10:30 a.m. Large Consignment Auction at Lobb Auction in Clinton. 1969 111 tandem diesel truck with grain rack and hoist, 8 tractors, 7700 Ford, JD 3130, IH 504 with loader, Nuffield 345, MH pony, Oliver 66 with loader, 77,88 approx. 80; pieces of arm machinery, Husky 1800 gat. liquid spreader, Husky manure pump, 3 prong liquid ,manure wagons, injector, spray- ers, seed drills', corn planters, Vicon disc haybine, haying equipment, plow up to 6 fur- row, cultivators up •to 28 ft., land packers and ;rollers, bal- ers, blowers, log splitters, grain augers, post hole auger, 2 wheel trailer, chain StiWs, pig feeders, dual wheels, drill press, welder, floor jack, sala- mander heater. TOOLS: New 10 ft. 2x12 ft. roll up door. 3 pt hitch blade, 4 and 6 row scuf- fler, plus a Targe variety of relat- ed items . Plan to attend. List subject additions and dele- tions. Still time to consign your items 482-7898. CALL NOW. n c save programs and teaching jobs. The Union, with about 1,000 mem- hers in London -Middlesex, has committed to work with the Board to develop the mechanics that would allow the Catholic Board to continue to operate its Junior Kin- dergarten Program, its Vocal Music Program and to maintain the cur- rent level of the. French as a Second Language Program. In its 1996 budget deliberations the Board has been considering the possibility of eliminating these programs due to provincial funding cuts. The elimi- nation of the programs would also result in reductions of staff. No details of the plan have been released at this point, but over the next couple of weeks representa- tives of the Teachers' Union and the Board will meet to develop the details for presentation to the Board at its next regular meeting on April 9. The President of the London - Middlesex Unit of OECTA is Shei- la Brescia. She can be contacted at the OECTA Office at 667-0842. Board identifies 28 budget reduction options . Trustees on the. Catholic School Board took a close look at a num- ber of Budget Reduction Options at the Board's regular meeting on Monday night. The list of 28 items represented a wide range of possi- ble programs and services that could be considered for budget sav- ings. The 28 items on the list would represent over five million dollars on an annualized basis. AUCTION SALE Of turnip handling equipment, truck, tractor,'some farm machinery, etc. For Mr. Hugo Vandaele, Lot 34, Con. 4 McGillivray Twp'., 2 mil. E. of Ailsa Craig, 1/4 mil. N. of #7 Hwy. Wednesday, April 10 -1:00 p.m. TURNIP EQUIPMENT - which is also suitable for other crops. Ernest Webb Space-a-matic turnip planter, Oscar Hill hydraulic operated stacker which is self propelled electric drive, FMC turnip harvester, 3 turnip wagon bins, single axle, large tires, hydraulic unloading system, Int. 16' wheel disc, 13' Int. chisel plow, Viscount 3 pt. h. fert. spread- er, 6 sections of harrows, some misc. etc. TRACTOR; Int. C with cult. TRUCK; 1977 GMC 6500, equipped with turnip self unloading box. Selling certified. CONSIGNED: By Mr. Milton Tweddle, White 255, 52 plate,wheel disc, 28 blades, duals and wings, 22' harrogator, M.F. 15 run seed and fert. drill with grass seeder, lift, on rubber, two Turnco gravity boxes with h.d. wagons 11-L-15 tires. Further info call (519) 293-3530. Very, few small items, please be on time TERMS: Cash sale day or approved Cheque. Lunch booth. Auctioneers Filson & Robson Phone/Fax: 666-0833 • LUMBER YARD Large close-out auction of property, trucks, forklift, and entire remaining Inventory at 112 High St. in Seaforth Saturday Aar116 at 9 a.m PROPERTY: This property IS zoned C-2 and has a 115 ft. x 62 ft. building with 14 ft. sidewalls and lumber storage building situated on it. It has 3 phase 600 volt hydro and would be adaptable for many applications. For more information phone John at 519-393-5101. TERMS 1096 downpayment day of sale. Balance in 45 days. Selling subject to reasonable reserve and prior sale. ANEW INVENTORY; Ryobt tools including 6" jointer, 10 inch table saw, 10' mitre saw, planer, routers, sander, battery drill, large offering of bolts, screws, door hardware, sanding belts, saw blades, hand tools, picnic benches, paints, stains, porch spindles and pillars, Interior and exterior doors, ceiling tile, caulking, foundation and roof coating, electrical supplies, 3 pc. French door unit, various hardwood *woods, 5/8 and 7/16 drywall, cement blocks, Quickcrete, Portland cement, large assortment of trim, 1/4 and 7/16 aspenite, ten -test, pegboard, Melamine, bifold doors, save starter, aluminum and vinyl akar%and accessories, Sono tube; Insulation and more. WpRER1 QR Y; 3 x 10 x 16 ft. rough Hemlock, 2 x 6 x 16 ft. T&G treated xT6 square edge treated, 2 x`8 and 2 x 10 treated, 2 x 4 and 4 x 4 treated, 2 x 6 thru 2 x 12 dressed spruce, 2 x 10 x 16 ft. full sawn s , pr treated lattice, etc. : Synth 24 inch planer with 12 hp motor, tiertsl Inch Jonter, RoCkweIl 10 inch tabie saw, De industrial 12 Inch radial armisaw, all above aqulpment is 550 voltWalt, power and hand tools, ladders, Delta pedestal grinder, metal Island and wait shelving. Sharp cash register, desks. Ryotri 8 1/2 inch mitre .saw, 4 dr...ter fit cabinet. Samsung fax Machine. Sharp microwave. • 1984 Choy 1 ton Qstandard with 12 ft. bed, 1 Mit. gas i8 h. fist dock with #i, both trucks sold as Ciark 1T40 ?Orion with 2 step, most for Outside yard use. slit. Apit 8 *'om 7 r .Ii. oro Prop. and. atuotloneer not fare ldintets. l et aucuonesr llrlei• t3suh f> Cbl qua veldt p. . Avat esf Dog $elnfofth 527-0:�. The Board directed Administra- tion to take the 28 items and devel- op a detailed analysis and impact study on each cost savings sugges- tion. This report will be presented to the Board at its meeting of Tues- day, April 9. Public invited : to see new Network facilities CLINTON - After four years p operation, the Heron County HIV AiDS Network has outgrown 111 facilities, and has moved to a larger' location. Rob Newman, media representa. Live ler the organization, noted chaff;: one reason for the move from Rat, tenbtry Street East to the larger Aks. bort Street location was "a larger:. client list, unfortunately." He added' there was also a general need for more space, as the Network was working in cramped quarters in its previous location. Since moving in January, New- man said, the Network has been waiting 14 better weather to host an open house. That open house has now been scheduled for April 3. A special event in honor of volunteers will be held at the new Network office on Albert Street (in the former location of Les Ciseaux) from 6-7 p.m. Then, from 7-9 p.m., members of the public are invited to visit the open house, view the new surround- ings, and have the opportunity to win door prizes. Newnan noted that the public open house will be "just a little par- ty to let the neighborhood know we've moved, and we're bigger and' better, and always looking for vol- unteers." Crimes of the week rs r Arson West Wawanosh Three barns were burnt to the ground on October 3,, 1995. They were located at lot 13, Concession 14 West Wawanosh Township, RR 2 Lucknow. One of the barns contained an antique John Deere tractor and total' value of the damage was approximately $80,000 - $100,000. Flames were first noticed at about 11:55 p.m. There were three teenag- ers seen walking down the road from the direction of the fire. Break and enter' Cigarettes and lotto tickets were taken from a store at lot 7, Lake Range East in Stephen Township on March 17, 1996. About $700. of cigarettes and tickets were taken and also approximately $500. dam- age was done to the door while breaking in: Break and enter. On March 24, 1996 there was a break, enter, and theft at the UPI gas station on Huron Street in Clinton. The break and enter occurred at about midnight and the thieves stole a small quantity of cigarettes and did about $300 damage breaking in. Break and enters There were several break, enters, and thefts in Goderich on March 20, 1996. Kentucky Fri Cheken, Pizza Hut, and the Christian- Re- forrned Church OMB .bT "iIRb bnd the culprits stole a quantity WI" money and a black plastic tool box containing tools. Also on March 16, 1996 there was a break in at the Maitland Country Club. A small amount of alcohol and cash was taken. if you have information about these or any other crimes, call Crime Stoppers of Huron County, 1-800-265-1777 and you could receive a reward of up to $1,000.00. ' Remember, crime doesn't pay, Crime Stoppers does. CLEARING ESTATE AUCTION Of farm machinery, misc. etc. For the Estate of the late Wesley MacGregor. Lot 14, Con. 20, West Williams Twp. on County Rd. 18, 3 mi. W. of Parkhill. Saturday April 13 -12 noon TRACTORS; - Ford 3000 diesel with Allied loader (real good), A.C. 185 diesel with power wheels, low hrs., tractor chains fit Ford. FARM MACHINERY; Int. 4500 vibrashank '14' cult., with finger har- rows. Int. 2 fur. ace bottom trail plow, M.H. 16 run g. & f. drill on rub- ber, 3 fur. Oliver plow, Ford 201 36 plate wheel disc, N.H. 351 mix- mill, N.H. single axle 510 manure spreader, N.H. Super 77 harvester 2 row corn head and pickup, Rex forage box and wagon, Kool blower, Otawana PTO bale elevator, bale buncher, N.H. baler, 3 gravity bins and wagons, 4 row scuffler with shields, flex harrows, flat rack and wagon, single auger snowblower, 3 pt. h. blade, 3 pt. h. White Sprayer, tandem axle flat bed trailer. ANTIQUES AND MISC.; Cob corn shelter, old corn chopper, cattle oil- er, Green headgate, snow fence, hog feeder, 3 pt: h. metal hog crate, MTD 5 h.p. roto tiller, chain saw, hand forge, aerators, platform scales, small slide in pick up box for pigs, plus misc. toots of all kinds found at a clearing farm sale. SILO UNLOADER; Beaty'16', complete. TERMS; Cash sale day or approved cheque. Local lunch booth. Auctioneers Filson & Robson Phone/Fax: 666-0833 FARM SOLD Clearing auction sale of farm machinery, dairy equipment antiques, some household ,etc. for Mr. and Mrs. Keith Simpson, on #4 Hwy., 5 mi. N. of Lucan, 9 mi. S. of Exeter Thursday, April 11-12:00 noon TRACTORS; - Case Int. 684 with bush -hog loader; diesel, only 1800 hrs., Case Int. 686 diesel, 2200 hrs. Case Int. 1896 diesel with cab, air, only 1000 hrs. MACHINERY; N.H. 488 9' haybine, (like new), Int. #56 4 row com planter, N.I. 51' bale elevator with 1 h.p. ele. motor, 3 flat racks and wagons, N.H. 3 pt. h. 045 mower, Int. 510 16 run grain drill, N.H. 310 baler, Int. 445'18' cult., Kongskitde cult. with hydraulic wings, Int. 3 fur. 710 semi -mount automatic plow, M.F. 3 pt. h. 3 fur. plow, David Brown 3 pt. h. 3 fur. plow, harrows, N.I. siderake on rubber, Sprayrnotor sprayer, N.H. 155 manure spreader, single axle (real good), 2 wagon gears, Model 409, 36 plate disc with hydraulics, M.F. Model 33 13 run hoe -drill, 6 row Kongskllde scuffler, Int. 5 fur. 18' plow, forage box and wagon, Int. 16 run grain drill, Int. 400 air, 4 row corn and soybean drill, Case 5 fur. plow, gravity bin and wagon, air compressor. DAIRY EQUIPMENT* Muehier 24 can bulk milk cooler with compres- sor, DeLaval vacuum pump with 2 h.p. motor and line, 3 units, 5 I�AIIIsi ;inks, heater, feed cart, stanchions. SC; Metal bale feeder, loader manure bucket, farm gates, Magnet Marts II PTO, NI.I single auger PTO snowblower, 3 pt. h. post hole aug- er, 3 pt. h. fart. spreader, bale prong, older cult., mower and lifter, plus other misc. farm tools etc., found at clearing sale, older #5t# Int. planter, 25 round bales hay. IASYMNOMEIL Cub Cadet 1320 12' h.p. with mower, hydrostatic, .1.0. lawn tractor with mower, snowblower and roto Ultbr. - Hone cutter, milk cans, bells, flatto- well, drop Ise1 as' depainted sllin od Woon cipirs, fem stand, cookngi,ewing machine and cab- inet, TVs, upholstered chairs, 78 speed records, stereo, etc. etc., cow statue. MIlifijo31/2 teton 081 With auger (like new). melt Cash late day orr kri Zcheque. Lunch booth. Miederieeee Alton & Robson tibode/Pe u 11444111133