HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes-Advocate, 1996-04-03, Page 7FAMILY Times -Advocate, Alar Hunt - Tilebner Grant and Ada Triebner are pleased to announce the mar- riage of their daughter, Mi- chele Rose to Stephen Paul Hunt, son of Donald and Eliz- abeth Hunt of London, On- tario. The beautiful fall cer- emony took place at St. Luke's in the Garden, Lon- don, on September 30, 1995. After a Southern Car- ibbean cruise, the, happy couple now reside in Samia, Ontario. Alcock - Mcbeath • 141r. and Mrs, Kenneth Alcock wish to announce the forthcoming marriage 4,titeir daughter eta to Glenn son of Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Mcbeath. The wedding will take place on daturctay, April 6, 1996 at 4 p.m. at:the White Carnation Celebrates anniversary. By Yvonne Reynolds EXETER - Emmanuel Baptist Church celebrated its 34th anniver- sary on Sunday March 31. Guest minister Rev. Bruce Scott observed that such occasions provide an pp- portunity to celebrate God's faith- , fulness, as we look back to His grace in the past, and ahead to a bright future. March is an important month in Emmanuel's history. The idea of a Fellowship Baptist church in Exeter began with an organizational meet- ing on March 15, 1462. Twenty- tbur charter members formed the nucleus of the new congregation. Arrangements were made to rent the facilities of Bethel Reformed Church, and Emmanuel held its first service there on March 25, 1962. The present property at 187 Huron Street West was purchased the following year. From 1964 to 1967 white beans were grown on the land; all profits went into the building fund. Church construction began in late 1967, and the first ser'ice was held in Emmiinuel on March 3, 1968. By last fall Pastor Kevin Rut- ledge, Emmanuel's pastor since 1986, suggested two services be held on Sunday mornings to ac- commodate a growing congrega- tion. The people of Emmanuel are now looking ahead. They are in the process of purchasing a five - acre property at the south-east cor- ner of Highway 4 and the Kirkton Road as the eventual relocation site of Emmanuel Baptist Church. Taking his text from Hebrews 11, Rev. Scott noted that gowth and change are risky, but challenged his listeners to step out like Abra- ham did, and prove that the God , who has been talthtbl in the past will continue to be faithful in the future. 4-H club holds achievement night Susan Bryan will receive a desk set for completing 12 clubs. • By Muriel Lewis GRANTON . Heckle Kindree convened the Optimist Witt) luncheon and euchre at the Lion's Hall pa Fri- day, March 22. Jim Bakker picked up some luck after a slow start and ended with the high score and every- one received consolation prizes. Fire quickly destroyed the home of Harold Hardie on Sunday, March 24. Ethel Grose and Muriel Lewis enjoyed a two;ek bus tour of New Orleans and Texas recently. • At the Granton United Church on March 24 Pastor Normalie Voakes sermon was entitled 'Why Lazarus Laughed' based on the lessons from Ezekiel 37, Ro- mans 8 and John 11. Tiffany Blom lit the Christ Can- dle, the Light of the World and Emalee McRobert pre- sented the bible, the Word of God, before the service. The anthem 'Jesus is His Name' was sung by the choir. _ At the Granton United Church on Palm Sunday, March 31 Pastor Normalie Voakes chose as her ser- mon topic 'Enter the King' based on the lessons from Isaiah 50 and Matthew 21. Heather Westman lit the Christ Candle for the Light of the World and Sabrina Kenney presented the bible, the World of God. The choir sang 'Children of Jerusalem'. Daffodils from the Cancer Society were placed in the church, also flowers from the funeral of Ella Whit- taker, mother of Marjorie McColl. At St. Paul's Anglican Church, Kirkton, on Sunday, March 31 the Rev. Timothy Connor's message was about Jesus who gave His life as a ransom for many and through His Cross all mankind is set free by the re- demption of sin, bringing hope for the future. A solo pertaining to Palm Sunday was sung by Ken Blackler. GrAuton 4-11 • The Grunion 4-H Club `Nutritious Nuts' gathered at the Masonic Hall on Thursday, March 21 with parents and guests from Eche Granton Women's Institute and St. Patrick's CWL. The leader Margaret Bryan welcomed everyone to the achievement night. The club has been learning about nutrition during the past six weeks. The first guest speaker Rosemary Selves shared information about anorexia nervosa. Then everyone worked on a quiz about microwaving and stove cooking which had been prepared by co - leader Jan Mcllhargey who was unable to attend. The second guest speaker was Melba St. Denis who shared her expertise about tupperware_ and some new microwave dishes for heating dinners, soup, etc. A skit by Cheryl Harrigan and Emily Baker about microwaving tips followed and Shannon O'Shea end Lenny Vandenberg demonstrated the importance of eating breakfast. A social time was enjoyed over sweets, punch and hot apple cider. Due to the OMAFRA strike the 4-H Kars were not available. Susan Bryan will receive a desk set for com- pleting 12 clubs and Mary McIlhargey received the prize for the best book. In closing, .Phyllis O'Neil spoke briefly about the 4-H club association. The canned goods that had been collected were giv- en to a local fire victim. Susan Bryan was the secretary and reporter. Cubs, Scouts and Beavers travel to Toronto Raptors game By Roberta Templeman STAFFA - Ten members of Staf- fa Women's Institute met in the township hall on Wednesday, March 27. Two hooks were reviewed by Margaret Daynard, "The Cunning Man" by the renowned writer Rob- ertson Davies and the "Sinbuster of Smokey Burn", which tells the sto- ry of a young man who went west to minister to prairie folk. Betty Lou Norris played some Irish music on the piano for a sin- galong. President Joyce Miller opened the business, and the min- utes were read. The roll call was answered by telling an Irish joke. The greenery for the front of the hall was approved and a coat rack will be built for the basement. There will be a pot -luck supper with the Staffa 4H members April 9 at 6:15, and a spring tea at the Avonton Women's Institute hall on April 10, followed by a euchre. Perth South District Annual host - cd by Gourd's Women's Institute will be held May 13 at Main Street United Church, Mitchell. Margaret Kemp reported on the needs at the Emily Murphy Home and several bags of squares for Zambia were handed in. A tape of Hal Roach's Irish music and jokes was played during the lunch served by Kay Smale and Roberta Temple- man. WMS Peggy Kerslake presided for the March meeting of the Cromarty Marion Ritchie W.M.S., opening with a poem "Transformation" and a hymn. The worship service was taken by Betty Lou Norris, reading from John II and closing with devo-, tion, "Walking with Jesus", and prayer. Eight members answered the roll call by naming a miracle from the Bible. During business members were reminded that the group is twinned with the Harrington W.M.S. for the next two years. It was decided to invite the Harrington women to their Good Friday dinner, when Gail Smyth will be guest speaker. Members decided to have a cof- fee hour at Cromarty Church on April 9 at 10 a.m. Guest speaker will be Kate Monk from the Ausa- ble Bayfield Conservation Authori- ty, who will speak on "Birds in Your Backyard." As her special number, Helen La- , mond ;gave i a.. reading,.:;,`Thel, that Saved My Life." „ Alice Gardiner was in charge of the study book, Religion in the British Isles, telling the group about Christianity down through the years. Personals Ken and Dorothy Duncan, Kirk - ton, visited on Thursday evening with John and Roberta Templeman. A number of folk from this arca enjoyed the Mitchell Figure Skat- ing Club's presentation "Under the Big Top". A,bus load of cubs, scouts and beavers and their parents attended a Raptors basketballgame in Toronto on Sunday. Cromarty W.M.S. Women were guests of the Thames Road United Church Women on Monday eve- ning. Rob, Bev, Carrah, Cain, Cohen Pl800263rO626 THEDFORD 1-800-823-8369 LONDON Alien StubbA. WHAT A 9i` DISH The Home of Country Kable Tho Eiria Coca 'nosed of Nadu CONTINUING EDUCATION FOR ADULTS italiTH HURON DISTRICT HIGH SCHOOL NIGHT SCHOOL COURSES isCeridarikkagAcsdeakSbacsaun mEeglish • Medusestks • Science • History • Confiner Application • Woodwcekln$ 6 weeks 560.00 April 16 to May 21, 1996 Re tr.doe: South Hanna District High School once Monday, April 8,1996.7:00 - 9.'OQ p.m. All registration. . wan be ooeomptanded by to cow** Camas loalltog to SCKewirtry School Diploma Or op - graft - book &poi* is ist+ows /1141 P. Carroll Dimetane and Colbey Templeman, Staffa, Fay Martyn, Russeldale, Ruth Tem- pleman, Stratford, Mike, Mary Jane, Cassandra and Stuart Parsons, Staffa, David, Karen, Lindsay, Mal- lory and Niki Templeman, Mitch- ell, Hank, Nancy, Kim Danny and Erin Bertens, Fullarton, Barb Boni- kowsky, Exeter and John and Ro- berta Templeman, Staffa, attended the baptism of Nathan John Ryan, son of Richard and Margaret Ann Templeman recently at St. Patrick's Church, Dublin. Murissa and Muranda Van Bake! and Philip and Kevin Dolmage, spent ,the March break with their grandarents, John and Joyce Mill- er; Staffa. 1 FREE RENT! FREE RENT! . Prime commercial/office space on Main Street. Office suites frons $29.00 per week plus FREE RENT! Details Call 235-3777 /'' 72 r/ /c-" 't i - Serve only the best with fresh `Tasty Nu" Bread * Rolls * Pastries * Donuts Bagels Our own! See our new varieties Easter Candles & Chocolate astyNu Hot Cross Buns 1.99 "pkg. 6" Coffee Cake `old fashioned' 1.99 Dinner Rolls "Soft white or 60% whole wheat' doz.. 1.49 Monterray Jack "Cheese" lb. 3.99 Fresh Daily Soup , Sandwiches, Coffee, & Donuts Bakery & Cheese House 444 Main St. 235-0332 (- 7D IlfJLJJ 7..J -'LI U) 1i7.1.'.(, J.; Utiut4 • orf ,11 „[III JUL, (Ring Cowl presents THE NEWEST LOOKS IN HIGH FASHION with GLAmouR. ®!! THA][TS By PROVINCIAL PHOTOGRAPHY, INC. \ for$29.95 You can have... * a full make -over ft hairstyle • ft wardrobe and accessory changes Nif multi -Pose photography session p 1 FREE 8x10 portrait ONE FULL DAY ONLY ON 4 MON., APRIL 8 1996 \ Please book your appointment in advance because theywill disappear quickly. / For more details or for your booking • (Minors must be accompanied by parent or guardian) • at CALL 235 -HAIR (42/17)