HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes-Advocate, 1996-03-27, Page 27r G/I G.K.. Realty and Insurance Inc 284 Main St, Exeter Ontario (519) 235-2420 (MACtitiP/aPit ,*- ter,end► Rayfl.kJ4Clinton" s r L' L` L L' 20 Property for Rent HENSALL - 2 bedroo(n apt. Clean, quiet, new carpet. Fridge, stove and heat included. $33OM onth. 262-3146. 263-5504 or kave message on machine. (San) HENSALL - 2 bedroom apartments in an attractive well maintained 8 unit building with controlled entry and laundry facilities, WO per month, available now. Call 262r2924. (13- I6 c) EXETER = 3 bedroom home for rent immediately. 2 bathroom.. large maintained yard,Zatio deck, etc. Call 235-3061. (fufn) EXETER. .2• Aakuom apt.. 'available immediately. Spacious. security building. too Many features to mention. Call 263-2380.0501) GRAND BEND • Available April 1st. Year roun42 bedrotbnr siden,al44•CentreSi. . Fridge, stove. catp044.4 440 [t( M: -00cc ,'' stones; beach. Prefer couple. $515/month. Utilities aegotiable. Call (319) 439-5327 or (519) 352-8700. (13: I 4c) •-. [20 Property for Rent 1 20 Property for Rent 1-2 BEDROOM apt. $430; 2-1 bcdwoin apts. 5330; plus utilities, available immediately. newly redecorated. Call 237-3S10or 237-3677.,(lltfn) AVAILABLE IMMEDIATELY in downtown Exeter. one bedtaom rpartrment Heated. fridge and stove supplied. S355 per month. Call 235-1354. (I Itfn) 3 BEDROOM FARMHOUSE available May 1st. 5575/month. 6 knts from Bayfield. Ca)1 524-8068 for more inforntatiom (12:13•) HENSALL: 1 and 2 bedroom apts., fully carpeted. fridge and stove. paved parking, TV cable. etc. Special rates for seniors. 262-2230 or 905.662-6603. (12tfn) EXETER - Ground floor 2-1/2 bedroom Centrally located with garage. 8595.00 plus Wilities.,235.3526. (12-15c) 3 BEDROOM FARM HOUSE Usborne Twp. Rent negotiable. Phone 229-6783. (13;I4c) *aRetirement Vidage'Vz Luxury Life Lease apartment units • for ,nature adults and senior citizens aged 55years and older OPFN 110!131 WEDNESDAY, APRIL 3,1996 6:00 to 5:OO. p.m. 45 CHARLES STREET, CUNTON, ONTARIO Refreshments served FOR IJ FORMATION CONTACT; Jack Roorda 482-7862 • Leida Gerrits 233-7296 el5n4g0ALIALLA,iggliligmmqgg9,4isLqutl-togqquis9Latu etqun qulemisiusgLiUU smieluluo 4t Goshen red, rich GREAT STARTER HOME IN MOVE IN CONDITION - This tome has been wet ' alned with Iota of updates, water lines, s hence etc. It features two baths and lour rooms, open staircase. hardwood floors. • floor laundry, and separate tltnig room, Gary 236-7222 or toe tree pager 1.418 - NEW USTiNG -Hwy. 54, over 20,000 sq. h., industrial btdp on 14.9 acre lot. 2,400 sq. h. d air-conditioned office. Gas heat in plate. Yard graveled. 1349,900.00. Cat Dwayne Tirshey. sSTYYH�hgqRb1sEE BEDROattached gOOrMgHHOME y• ou afford has to bseparate dining room, main floor laundry, 4 pc. bath, YOU CAN'T G0 WRONG TO LOOK AT THIS BUNGALOW. It frontsnon a quiet street, but only a short wale to the downtown core. This home has eat in kitchen, large Ink -groom, and gas heat. Can $45,000 - Buy this 3 bedroom home for leas than whatyou are probably howl%Q away on rent. If aa* a down payment is a problem, the vendor would consider rent with the option to purchase 41 a p Lege of rent for the dorm payment. Car Gary Diechan 238.72222 or loll free pager 1- HEWLMbedro,orns, rvingroom, dining room, eit-in kitchen, new oil furnace, needs work. Cal 81 Funs 2367756. 1 . Exeter Sales Representativesall Dwayne Tinney 235-3889 REALTOR' • Bill Giltillan 235-0118 Bill Fuss 236.7755 Murray Keys 235-2898 Gary Delchert 236-7222 Pick up your "FREE" copy of the NEW G.K. REALTY flyer, covering the South Huron area. LZLiLiLi4LgL7y►7Lac�ygLlh4L'aLlgLla7U�L'L'ILigq��t¢ttigLlLlgt7�LLL�LtLlL7LtUygRL7L7L� I ONE AND TWO bedroom apt. clean, new decorated convenient location, laundry and parkiajPhone 235-1497. (461fn) HENSALL - 3 bedrooms. appliances and utilities included. Available April I. Phone 235-2420. (I I tfn) TWO BEDROOM APARTMENT spacious downtown apartment. This is an upper 6 room apartment. Has heat included for only $407.00 a month. Call 235-0173 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. (7tfn) EXETER - modern 1 bedroom apartment laundry hookup,„t uiet. 235-1348. (Sita) AVAILABLE MARCH I - 2+2 bedroom apartment in lower duplex in Hensen. 5610 per month includes heat. Hydro and water extra. To view, can Headier Rogers, Estate Realty Inc. 235-1621. (8tfn) GROUND FLOOR 2 bedroom, heated apt:. laundry and parking. Suitable .for single mature adult or senior. 235-1497. (8tfn) EXETER - newer 1 bedroom apartment, fridge and ' stove supplied. 5400 plus utilities.235-3293. ()oaf ) PENTHOUSE SUITE, occupy 1300 sq. IL - Superintendent needed for 10 unit. •building. Village Place Apts. Call Re/Mix Bluewater Realty Inc. Marlene Parsons 235-3777.(IIUn) PRIME OFFICE SPACE, Main St. Exeter available immediately. Two spacious offices on main floor with three additional offices upstairs. Can be rented in total or room by room. Plenty of parking. For more informationcall 235-2740. (1otfoc) ONE 'BEDROOM APARTMENT, 5 Jobs Street, available Apri11/96.5330 per month plus utilities. Includes fridge and stove with controlled entrance. Phone 235-1448. (I !tin). REP,6, TOWNSHIP ARAB$ MOIIIIING TENDER FOR TOWNSHIP OF STEPHEN 1) For four parks OF. 2) For three non-active .cemeteries : ':. .. . 3) For roadside. shoulder cutting'maintenance The quotes must be on Township of Stephen tender forms. For further: information. contact Eric Flnkbeiner, Township of Stephen Road. Superintendent at 234.6461 from 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Monday through Friday. Tenders will be accepted until, 12:00 noon, April 1.5, 1996. Township of Stephen Road Superintendent Eric Flnkbeiner 20 Property for Rent , Times -Advocate, March 27, 1996 Page 27 EXEiER - newly renovated 3 plea on the corner of John and Albert. Upstairs apts. 1 and 1-1/2 appliances and heat included. Access to laundry. Asking 5425.00 and 5475.00. 293-3789.(13-15c) 23 Wanted to Rent 5200.00 PLUS per acre. Paid fol suitable tiled land. Exeter area. 235-1921. (lOtfn) HOUSE TO RENT • Young family seeks 3 bedruom house to rent in Lucan/Parkhill area. Non smoking. Need May 1st. Phone 828-3787.(13c) 25 Notices PHOTOS FROM 'YOUR PAST - The Exeter Times Advocate has many unclaimed pictures received from your special occasion. Please pick up your photo. EXHIBITOR SPACE available Festival in the Park June 22, Lucan, crafts, antiques, flea market. Call -227-0068, fax 227-0555 for information. (13c) 26 Legal Notices WOULD LLOYD MASNiCA of 304 Andrew St.. Exeter 6o your belongings by April 8,'I996 'be diof. 764-2469 to arrange ckup. (12* . • NOTICE', TO CREDITORS In the Satate of PHYLLIS PAULINE - CASE `..atouenty of Huron, . who died on or of the Village of Centralia, in the C ,{batt the 7th day of February, 1996. !Creditors and others having -claims against the above estate are required to 01e full particulars of such claims with he undersigned on or before the 20th ay of April, 1996, after which date he assess of the estate will be distribut- d having regard only to the claims hen filed. LI1TLA II ASSOCIATES 71 in stile North Exeter, Mario NOM 183 elicitors for the Estate Trustees • 'TOW'OF -,1r , , V SJDVRkE Invites Tenders To close April:2, 1996 12 o'clock noon, For grass cutting at _ the .Thames Road ball park on Highway #83 east during the 1996 and 1997 ball' seasons. - Please state price on a per - cut basis for a maximum of 10 cuts in each year. SEALED TENDERS, prepared on your . own form and CLEARLY MARKED as to cont- ents Will be accepted by the undersigned -at Usbome Township office, . R.R. #, Exeter (Morrison Dam) NOM 1S5 LOWEST OR ANY TENDER NOT NECESSARILY CCEPTED.' Sandra J. Strang, Clerk WE'VE MOVED 109 MAIN ST NEW ADDRESS IS: EXETER For ckssifleds call 23S-1331 FOR SALE BY TENDER 11975 Ford F600 36 foot single buckeetruck to be sold as is,,by tender application reserve bid. TEldi"i'le' Tihtl ttf.S:, i pfN'4:'' , 2p:m? ^ 9 1 T n >{ + Terms: Certified chequeorcash ;RI be sold by: Luoan Hydro, 188 George St. Lucan, Ont. 227-4862 O'Brien elected vice -chair LONDON - Pat O'Brien, Ment. ber of Parliament fiat' Londori- Mjddkesex, was recently elected Vice -chair of the Ontario Liberal Caucus in Ottawa. O'Brien has just completed two yews as Chair ut'the Southwestern Ontario Liberal Cau- cus, prior to his election to Ontario Vice -chair. As Vice -chair, he will be a ntent- be( of the Ontario Caucus execu- liVe and wiU work closely with new Chair, aster Adams, Member •of Parliarllent tor Peterborough, in co- ordinating the efforts of the 97 M.P.s in the Ontario Liberal Cau- cus; O'Brien said, "1 am very. honored and grateful to my follow M.P.s for - once again showing' their confi- dence in me in electing me to- a M9NTEE 19 Albert Clinton Sharon Medd MVA, Associate Braker, 527-0560 Fax: 527-2763 Peter Damsma 482-9849, JohnSorP 11123 2 OPEN HOUSE Sat. March 30, 11:30 to 12:30 p.m. HENSALL, Richmond St. Maintained to perfection, featuring main floor rec.' room , spacious oak kitchen, large closed In porch to 32' of deck and above ground pool. Usted at $88,000. ay. RETIREMENT FUN/INVESTMENT/ FI- NANCIAL OPPORTUNITY are just some of the ways to look at this prop- erty with 3 apartments and laundro- a Listed at $160,000. BRUCEF1ELD: County retreat - 3 bed- rooms, 1 floor home, sunken living room with skylight, formal dining room,' lot 200' x 110'. Listed at $89,900. BRUCEFIELD • Relax in your new home complete with a Liman hot tub, 2 bathrooms, 4 bedrooms, family room, Targe privacy deck plus much morel 'gauntry living; 4 bedroom, brick Vhbme and shed on 100 acres - ► 93 workable. Located 1 conc. E. ; l of Huron Rd. 11, tum south to >).O* 17, Conc. 10, Usborne Twp.. $69,000. MIS #160458R.' V. Call Marianne DeBrabandere, •„Sales Representative 229.6331 191,,4,, or 284-2381 w VARNA - Five minutes from Lake Ilu' ron. Ideal family home has main floor family room with stone fireplace, 3 bathrooms Including whirlpool tub, N- eff gas furnace, central vac, formal din- ing and living room, 2 car garage, plus much morel Listed at $144,000. ENDLESS OPPORTUNITIES - FUTURE DEVELOPMENT • HIGHWAY COMMER- CIAL - 20 acres systematically drained land • just some Ideas for this land. Call Sharon at 527-0560. Don't forget the Seaforth Home and Garden Show April 3 and 4. Come see the display of homes. r leadef*hip role in our party." 'fhe position of Vice -chair is for one year and will be a busy job as the goventmenl moves chaser to the next election. RFiMX' LANDMARK REALTY INC. 215 Piccadilly St. Suite 207 London, Ont. N6A 1S2 JUST 'LISTED CREDITON - 1 floor brick ranch, 3 bedrooms, gas, wa- ter, cable, 'very nice. Price $79,900. Why rent? Fenced yard. HENSALL • 2 storey home done to the nine's,, complete- ly maintenance free plus in- come from top floor to help with mortgage. ST. MARYS - 2 brand new semi's, done to the nine's. $127,500. Open house eve- ry Sunday, 2.4 p.m. NEW LISTINGS _LUCAN - Bungalow, 2 Sto_ ries, bacKsplits. Price- Lenge CO fropyyof invm 90s enntOto150sry. Call for GRAND .BEND:. - on Hwy.. 21 close 'to town.' For lapse - prime commercial ie with ,s4lte$ office,. oom- , fenced r FoUnd, large'-clispley area for atecreational vehicles, boats, cars, etc. 12 x 45' PARK MODEL - 1 bedroom with a den and tip out. Brand new. This Is a Cadillac at a good ` price. LUCAN - older 2 storey 3 bedroom home. Price in 90s. b#I LUCANcksplit-, 1 fiyear old, . 4 level repiac.'- JUST LISTED PARKHILL . - 50' acre hpbby fart',!, 2 Storey home;. pool; fireplace, shop.. ' PINERY SOUTH - . One floor ranch on large lot $119,900. HIBMERT TWSP. - 300 acres of Cash crop land. Close to Exeter-Hensall. tiled. Newer 'implement shed on one Prop. WV - GRAND. BEND - 52 Green Acres.•2 bedroom cpttege. 5.1/2 ACRE HOBBY; PAM 2 miles from Exeter on paved. New price. a + Y storey $0610-. 1`. floor ranch~& ?9arge• of re - plaice, whirlpool tub. Vicroy home. Price $118,500. CLANDEBOYE - large 4 level Price S16 back split0s' on trice country lot. , JUST USTED - LOTS, LOTS LOTS . one large lot 100x250' ready to go. Low price - gas, cable; water, no fill. HEN9AU. EAST -2 MILES - The nicest ranch on a much sought aftercountry lot. Low price. Member of Re/Max 100% Club Ron O'Brien Sales Rep. 439-1400 anytime or 234-6281 Residence NO MORE UNEMPLOYMENT - Own your own lucrative business. Completely stocked tlirid operating, excellent retums, owner has other interests. Call for details. EXETER - Executive 4 bedroom 2 storey double garage, 100x300. EXETER - Quaint 2-3 bedroom bungalow, main floor famity room, front porch 8125,900. EXETER - Main St. Commercial, also vacant lots, call with your needs HENSALL • 12 unit apt. building, excellent returns, priced to sell ZURICH • Raised ranch, 2000 sq. R. on 2 levels, priced reduced to 6114,900. ZURICH - $24,900 - block building suitable for many uses on 184 Hwy. EXETER - Nice beginner, three bedroom brick semi *69,900. EXETER - Good income, brick duplex, close to downtown $119,900. EXETER - Great location - four bedroom side split, Inground pool $139,900 EXETER • Very SpICial -'7 yrs. old, great retirement home $179,900 EXETER - Just Listed - Renovated brick home - nice condition $122,500 EXETER • Lots - Excellent building lots Snider Subdivision starting at $43,000 ZURICH • Victorian beauty - immaculate 5 yr. old home 2000 sq. ft. finished $149,900 D48it1N0O0 - Bungalow on 1.25 acres - fireplace, full basement 8115,900 DAIHW000 • House, large shop, hoist and compressor. .60 acre *139,900 EMIR .3 bedroom, totally renovated, 1-1/2 storey 589.900 - Exeaitive tench- over 3000 sq. ft. finished 5189.900 d -good corner lot $109,900 - newer 2 storey, finished basement - large lot 5145,500 EXETER - 2 storey on Andrew, beautifully redone, hardwood floors, 4 bedroom 8139,900 NORWOOD VILLAQE - 3 bedroom, family room $82,000 EXETER - Huge industrial lot, frame 1-1/2 storey $85,900 EXETER - 55 Devon, 3 bedroom brick. ranch, nicety landscaped, central air 8148,500 EXETER - nearing completion - 3 bed brtek, fun basement, excellent area, $184.400, and. GST. SATURDAYARCH)3 1Q, 3- RM. 505 MARY ST. tETER EXCELLENT VALUE In this 4 bedroom sidespft featuring central air, hi -eft. gas lumace, central vac, attached garage and paved drive. See you there. LOCATION, LAC*?ION, LOCATION • You've heard 8 before and It's true. Subdivision, near schools, community ► centre end playground. Excellent family home featuring main floor laundry, appliances, fireplace,nced ant a roof that hrl lat almost forever. 4 4 • 4 • COUNTRY on half an acre lof, only 5 minutes to Exeter featuring oak kitchen, 3 plus 1 bedrooms, fenced yard, attached garage, rear deck and buitt in microwave MAKE AN OFFER DUPLEX - gross $12,600 yearly. Fully leased on large lot. Live in one and rent from other helps pay the mortem.:. Appliances Included. NEW PRICE NEW IP' FtICE 109 MAIN ST. EXETER 235-3948 24 Hour Service ONtM CODUAAN RON COTTRELL PRICE,` = HENSALL, 4 bedroom famity home on nice lot featuring torma diningroom, fireptam, main floor master loom, sunroom, and 2 baths. Mira .a,� ► • PRICE, HURON PARK • lots ► living apace In luxurious 3 ► 4'44.4 **+ 4pertment flus you may business frot,; here. Cal ► its ;tsar new price and to arrange ► 1 4 4 4 d APARTMENTS FOR RENT - 6 newly renovated apartments located downtown Hensall - first and last month plus references - one free month rent - av_ailable mid April /96 '; ' 262-2' 24 *aRetirement Vidage'Vz Luxury Life Lease apartment units • for ,nature adults and senior citizens aged 55years and older OPFN 110!131 WEDNESDAY, APRIL 3,1996 6:00 to 5:OO. p.m. 45 CHARLES STREET, CUNTON, ONTARIO Refreshments served FOR IJ FORMATION CONTACT; Jack Roorda 482-7862 • Leida Gerrits 233-7296 el5n4g0ALIALLA,iggliligmmqgg9,4isLqutl-togqquis9Latu etqun qulemisiusgLiUU smieluluo 4t Goshen red, rich GREAT STARTER HOME IN MOVE IN CONDITION - This tome has been wet ' alned with Iota of updates, water lines, s hence etc. It features two baths and lour rooms, open staircase. hardwood floors. • floor laundry, and separate tltnig room, Gary 236-7222 or toe tree pager 1.418 - NEW USTiNG -Hwy. 54, over 20,000 sq. h., industrial btdp on 14.9 acre lot. 2,400 sq. h. d air-conditioned office. Gas heat in plate. Yard graveled. 1349,900.00. Cat Dwayne Tirshey. sSTYYH�hgqRb1sEE BEDROattached gOOrMgHHOME y• ou afford has to bseparate dining room, main floor laundry, 4 pc. bath, YOU CAN'T G0 WRONG TO LOOK AT THIS BUNGALOW. It frontsnon a quiet street, but only a short wale to the downtown core. This home has eat in kitchen, large Ink -groom, and gas heat. Can $45,000 - Buy this 3 bedroom home for leas than whatyou are probably howl%Q away on rent. If aa* a down payment is a problem, the vendor would consider rent with the option to purchase 41 a p Lege of rent for the dorm payment. Car Gary Diechan 238.72222 or loll free pager 1- HEWLMbedro,orns, rvingroom, dining room, eit-in kitchen, new oil furnace, needs work. Cal 81 Funs 2367756. 1 . Exeter Sales Representativesall Dwayne Tinney 235-3889 REALTOR' • Bill Giltillan 235-0118 Bill Fuss 236.7755 Murray Keys 235-2898 Gary Delchert 236-7222 Pick up your "FREE" copy of the NEW G.K. REALTY flyer, covering the South Huron area. LZLiLiLi4LgL7y►7Lac�ygLlh4L'aLlgLla7U�L'L'ILigq��t¢ttigLlLlgt7�LLL�LtLlL7LtUygRL7L7L� I ONE AND TWO bedroom apt. clean, new decorated convenient location, laundry and parkiajPhone 235-1497. (461fn) HENSALL - 3 bedrooms. appliances and utilities included. Available April I. Phone 235-2420. (I I tfn) TWO BEDROOM APARTMENT spacious downtown apartment. This is an upper 6 room apartment. Has heat included for only $407.00 a month. Call 235-0173 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. (7tfn) EXETER - modern 1 bedroom apartment laundry hookup,„t uiet. 235-1348. (Sita) AVAILABLE MARCH I - 2+2 bedroom apartment in lower duplex in Hensen. 5610 per month includes heat. Hydro and water extra. To view, can Headier Rogers, Estate Realty Inc. 235-1621. (8tfn) GROUND FLOOR 2 bedroom, heated apt:. laundry and parking. Suitable .for single mature adult or senior. 235-1497. (8tfn) EXETER - newer 1 bedroom apartment, fridge and ' stove supplied. 5400 plus utilities.235-3293. ()oaf ) PENTHOUSE SUITE, occupy 1300 sq. IL - Superintendent needed for 10 unit. •building. Village Place Apts. Call Re/Mix Bluewater Realty Inc. Marlene Parsons 235-3777.(IIUn) PRIME OFFICE SPACE, Main St. Exeter available immediately. Two spacious offices on main floor with three additional offices upstairs. Can be rented in total or room by room. Plenty of parking. For more informationcall 235-2740. (1otfoc) ONE 'BEDROOM APARTMENT, 5 Jobs Street, available Apri11/96.5330 per month plus utilities. Includes fridge and stove with controlled entrance. Phone 235-1448. (I !tin). REP,6, TOWNSHIP ARAB$ MOIIIIING TENDER FOR TOWNSHIP OF STEPHEN 1) For four parks OF. 2) For three non-active .cemeteries : ':. .. . 3) For roadside. shoulder cutting'maintenance The quotes must be on Township of Stephen tender forms. For further: information. contact Eric Flnkbeiner, Township of Stephen Road. Superintendent at 234.6461 from 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Monday through Friday. Tenders will be accepted until, 12:00 noon, April 1.5, 1996. Township of Stephen Road Superintendent Eric Flnkbeiner 20 Property for Rent , Times -Advocate, March 27, 1996 Page 27 EXEiER - newly renovated 3 plea on the corner of John and Albert. Upstairs apts. 1 and 1-1/2 appliances and heat included. Access to laundry. Asking 5425.00 and 5475.00. 293-3789.(13-15c) 23 Wanted to Rent 5200.00 PLUS per acre. Paid fol suitable tiled land. Exeter area. 235-1921. (lOtfn) HOUSE TO RENT • Young family seeks 3 bedruom house to rent in Lucan/Parkhill area. Non smoking. Need May 1st. Phone 828-3787.(13c) 25 Notices PHOTOS FROM 'YOUR PAST - The Exeter Times Advocate has many unclaimed pictures received from your special occasion. Please pick up your photo. EXHIBITOR SPACE available Festival in the Park June 22, Lucan, crafts, antiques, flea market. Call -227-0068, fax 227-0555 for information. (13c) 26 Legal Notices WOULD LLOYD MASNiCA of 304 Andrew St.. Exeter 6o your belongings by April 8,'I996 'be diof. 764-2469 to arrange ckup. (12* . • NOTICE', TO CREDITORS In the Satate of PHYLLIS PAULINE - CASE `..atouenty of Huron, . who died on or of the Village of Centralia, in the C ,{batt the 7th day of February, 1996. !Creditors and others having -claims against the above estate are required to 01e full particulars of such claims with he undersigned on or before the 20th ay of April, 1996, after which date he assess of the estate will be distribut- d having regard only to the claims hen filed. LI1TLA II ASSOCIATES 71 in stile North Exeter, Mario NOM 183 elicitors for the Estate Trustees • 'TOW'OF -,1r , , V SJDVRkE Invites Tenders To close April:2, 1996 12 o'clock noon, For grass cutting at _ the .Thames Road ball park on Highway #83 east during the 1996 and 1997 ball' seasons. - Please state price on a per - cut basis for a maximum of 10 cuts in each year. SEALED TENDERS, prepared on your . own form and CLEARLY MARKED as to cont- ents Will be accepted by the undersigned -at Usbome Township office, . R.R. #, Exeter (Morrison Dam) NOM 1S5 LOWEST OR ANY TENDER NOT NECESSARILY CCEPTED.' Sandra J. Strang, Clerk WE'VE MOVED 109 MAIN ST NEW ADDRESS IS: EXETER For ckssifleds call 23S-1331 FOR SALE BY TENDER 11975 Ford F600 36 foot single buckeetruck to be sold as is,,by tender application reserve bid. TEldi"i'le' Tihtl ttf.S:, i pfN'4:'' , 2p:m? ^ 9 1 T n >{ + Terms: Certified chequeorcash ;RI be sold by: Luoan Hydro, 188 George St. Lucan, Ont. 227-4862 O'Brien elected vice -chair LONDON - Pat O'Brien, Ment. ber of Parliament fiat' Londori- Mjddkesex, was recently elected Vice -chair of the Ontario Liberal Caucus in Ottawa. O'Brien has just completed two yews as Chair ut'the Southwestern Ontario Liberal Cau- cus, prior to his election to Ontario Vice -chair. As Vice -chair, he will be a ntent- be( of the Ontario Caucus execu- liVe and wiU work closely with new Chair, aster Adams, Member •of Parliarllent tor Peterborough, in co- ordinating the efforts of the 97 M.P.s in the Ontario Liberal Cau- cus; O'Brien said, "1 am very. honored and grateful to my follow M.P.s for - once again showing' their confi- dence in me in electing me to- a M9NTEE 19 Albert Clinton Sharon Medd MVA, Associate Braker, 527-0560 Fax: 527-2763 Peter Damsma 482-9849, JohnSorP 11123 2 OPEN HOUSE Sat. March 30, 11:30 to 12:30 p.m. HENSALL, Richmond St. Maintained to perfection, featuring main floor rec.' room , spacious oak kitchen, large closed In porch to 32' of deck and above ground pool. Usted at $88,000. ay. RETIREMENT FUN/INVESTMENT/ FI- NANCIAL OPPORTUNITY are just some of the ways to look at this prop- erty with 3 apartments and laundro- a Listed at $160,000. BRUCEF1ELD: County retreat - 3 bed- rooms, 1 floor home, sunken living room with skylight, formal dining room,' lot 200' x 110'. Listed at $89,900. BRUCEFIELD • Relax in your new home complete with a Liman hot tub, 2 bathrooms, 4 bedrooms, family room, Targe privacy deck plus much morel 'gauntry living; 4 bedroom, brick Vhbme and shed on 100 acres - ► 93 workable. Located 1 conc. E. ; l of Huron Rd. 11, tum south to >).O* 17, Conc. 10, Usborne Twp.. $69,000. MIS #160458R.' V. Call Marianne DeBrabandere, •„Sales Representative 229.6331 191,,4,, or 284-2381 w VARNA - Five minutes from Lake Ilu' ron. Ideal family home has main floor family room with stone fireplace, 3 bathrooms Including whirlpool tub, N- eff gas furnace, central vac, formal din- ing and living room, 2 car garage, plus much morel Listed at $144,000. ENDLESS OPPORTUNITIES - FUTURE DEVELOPMENT • HIGHWAY COMMER- CIAL - 20 acres systematically drained land • just some Ideas for this land. Call Sharon at 527-0560. Don't forget the Seaforth Home and Garden Show April 3 and 4. Come see the display of homes. r leadef*hip role in our party." 'fhe position of Vice -chair is for one year and will be a busy job as the goventmenl moves chaser to the next election. RFiMX' LANDMARK REALTY INC. 215 Piccadilly St. Suite 207 London, Ont. N6A 1S2 JUST 'LISTED CREDITON - 1 floor brick ranch, 3 bedrooms, gas, wa- ter, cable, 'very nice. Price $79,900. Why rent? Fenced yard. HENSALL • 2 storey home done to the nine's,, complete- ly maintenance free plus in- come from top floor to help with mortgage. ST. MARYS - 2 brand new semi's, done to the nine's. $127,500. Open house eve- ry Sunday, 2.4 p.m. NEW LISTINGS _LUCAN - Bungalow, 2 Sto_ ries, bacKsplits. Price- Lenge CO fropyyof invm 90s enntOto150sry. Call for GRAND .BEND:. - on Hwy.. 21 close 'to town.' For lapse - prime commercial ie with ,s4lte$ office,. oom- , fenced r FoUnd, large'-clispley area for atecreational vehicles, boats, cars, etc. 12 x 45' PARK MODEL - 1 bedroom with a den and tip out. Brand new. This Is a Cadillac at a good ` price. LUCAN - older 2 storey 3 bedroom home. Price in 90s. b#I LUCANcksplit-, 1 fiyear old, . 4 level repiac.'- JUST LISTED PARKHILL . - 50' acre hpbby fart',!, 2 Storey home;. pool; fireplace, shop.. ' PINERY SOUTH - . One floor ranch on large lot $119,900. HIBMERT TWSP. - 300 acres of Cash crop land. Close to Exeter-Hensall. tiled. Newer 'implement shed on one Prop. WV - GRAND. BEND - 52 Green Acres.•2 bedroom cpttege. 5.1/2 ACRE HOBBY; PAM 2 miles from Exeter on paved. New price. a + Y storey $0610-. 1`. floor ranch~& ?9arge• of re - plaice, whirlpool tub. Vicroy home. Price $118,500. CLANDEBOYE - large 4 level Price S16 back split0s' on trice country lot. , JUST USTED - LOTS, LOTS LOTS . one large lot 100x250' ready to go. Low price - gas, cable; water, no fill. HEN9AU. EAST -2 MILES - The nicest ranch on a much sought aftercountry lot. Low price. Member of Re/Max 100% Club Ron O'Brien Sales Rep. 439-1400 anytime or 234-6281 Residence NO MORE UNEMPLOYMENT - Own your own lucrative business. Completely stocked tlirid operating, excellent retums, owner has other interests. Call for details. EXETER - Executive 4 bedroom 2 storey double garage, 100x300. EXETER - Quaint 2-3 bedroom bungalow, main floor famity room, front porch 8125,900. EXETER - Main St. Commercial, also vacant lots, call with your needs HENSALL • 12 unit apt. building, excellent returns, priced to sell ZURICH • Raised ranch, 2000 sq. R. on 2 levels, priced reduced to 6114,900. ZURICH - $24,900 - block building suitable for many uses on 184 Hwy. EXETER - Nice beginner, three bedroom brick semi *69,900. EXETER - Good income, brick duplex, close to downtown $119,900. EXETER - Great location - four bedroom side split, Inground pool $139,900 EXETER • Very SpICial -'7 yrs. old, great retirement home $179,900 EXETER - Just Listed - Renovated brick home - nice condition $122,500 EXETER • Lots - Excellent building lots Snider Subdivision starting at $43,000 ZURICH • Victorian beauty - immaculate 5 yr. old home 2000 sq. ft. finished $149,900 D48it1N0O0 - Bungalow on 1.25 acres - fireplace, full basement 8115,900 DAIHW000 • House, large shop, hoist and compressor. .60 acre *139,900 EMIR .3 bedroom, totally renovated, 1-1/2 storey 589.900 - Exeaitive tench- over 3000 sq. ft. finished 5189.900 d -good corner lot $109,900 - newer 2 storey, finished basement - large lot 5145,500 EXETER - 2 storey on Andrew, beautifully redone, hardwood floors, 4 bedroom 8139,900 NORWOOD VILLAQE - 3 bedroom, family room $82,000 EXETER - Huge industrial lot, frame 1-1/2 storey $85,900 EXETER - 55 Devon, 3 bedroom brick. ranch, nicety landscaped, central air 8148,500 EXETER - nearing completion - 3 bed brtek, fun basement, excellent area, $184.400, and. GST. SATURDAYARCH)3 1Q, 3- RM. 505 MARY ST. tETER EXCELLENT VALUE In this 4 bedroom sidespft featuring central air, hi -eft. gas lumace, central vac, attached garage and paved drive. See you there. LOCATION, LAC*?ION, LOCATION • You've heard 8 before and It's true. Subdivision, near schools, community ► centre end playground. Excellent family home featuring main floor laundry, appliances, fireplace,nced ant a roof that hrl lat almost forever. 4 4 • 4 • COUNTRY on half an acre lof, only 5 minutes to Exeter featuring oak kitchen, 3 plus 1 bedrooms, fenced yard, attached garage, rear deck and buitt in microwave MAKE AN OFFER DUPLEX - gross $12,600 yearly. Fully leased on large lot. Live in one and rent from other helps pay the mortem.:. Appliances Included. NEW PRICE NEW IP' FtICE 109 MAIN ST. EXETER 235-3948 24 Hour Service ONtM CODUAAN RON COTTRELL PRICE,` = HENSALL, 4 bedroom famity home on nice lot featuring torma diningroom, fireptam, main floor master loom, sunroom, and 2 baths. Mira .a,� ► • PRICE, HURON PARK • lots ► living apace In luxurious 3 ► 4'44.4 **+ 4pertment flus you may business frot,; here. Cal ► its ;tsar new price and to arrange ► 1 4 4 4