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Times -Advocate, March 27, 1996
Public speaking winners
Exeter Public School public speaking winners were pictured on the first day back to school
after the March Break. In the back row from left are: Megan Darling, 2nd in Senior; Shawn
Talbot, 1st in Senior; Alyza Tarmohamed, 1st in Junior; Kieran O'Rourke, 3rd in Junior and
Catherine Bergmann, 3rd in Senior. In the front row from left are: Michael Giannandrea,
1st in Storytelling; Faith Ann Wagier, Honorable Mention in Storytelling; Meaghan Ellison,
2nd in Storytelling; Jonathan Thornton 2nd in Junior Public Speaking and Jordan Darling,
H.M. in Storytelling.
Demonstration of bread making.
enjoyed by Blue Water residents
ZURICH - With St. Patrick's
Day still fresh on their minds, the
residents of Blue Water Rest Home
watched a movie in the auditorium
en•itled "Touring Ireland" on Mon-
day afternoon. Everyone enjoyed
views of the fresh countryside and
the scenic shots of Ireland. Tuesday
afternoon Bible Study was conduct-
ed by Winnie Hutton, Zurich Men-
nonite Church.
The Christian Reformed Church
members visited the Home on
Tuesday evening for their monthly
visit to entertain the residents. Peter
ident, Loreen Devine, BWRH
Apartment tenant and. Linda De-
nomme, NA. Vera Thiel, resident,
thanked the visitors for their eve-
ning of music.
Wednesday afternoon the resi-
dents gathered in the auditorium to
see how bread is made the new
"fang dangled way" with bread
making machines. Betty Kirk, RN
demonstrated the making of pum-
pernickel bread in a new electric
bread maker which is ready to eat
in just a few hours. Theresa La-
Porte showed how to make butter-
Visschpg>wataan and`Joyce milk;breaditt-a,ilid_baking
Pepper ing of 3+Owl r>gy9teisIb ititn:lnade• his -f,
Irish tiyf1St1t `'When' the Roll is f -Mead the old fashioned way, set the
Called Up Yonder", "Christ the dough, let it rise, knead it down,
Lord is Risen Today", "God Be put it into the loaf pans and bake.
with You Will We Meet Again" Ervin did two batches of seven
and many more. Irene Zwart read loaves each. Everyone tasted the
"Easter Prayer for Peace." Home- pumpernickle and buttermilk bread
made cookies and refreshments and the white bread was enjoyed at
were served by Vivian Fremlin, res- the supper meal and evening snack.
Rev. Bob Peebles, a retired Unit-
ed Church minister from Exeter
conducted the Thursday afternoon
chapel service in the absence of
Evangelist Asnold Gratton of Gos-
pel Hall, Grand Bend. Fr. Elwyn
Morris, St. Peter's Church, St. Jo-
seph celebrated Mass.
Condolences to the family and
friends of .the late Annie Rebecca
Martin who passed away. at BWRH
on March 21 in her 91st year. Mar-
tin resided at Grand Bend for many
years with her late husband Doug-
las. She moved to the Home :from
0010 in_S 9$3. s.
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their ltitiddies on arch 26 an
birthday party with the Dashwood
Women's Institute. Geri Ns/lions
comes on Tuesday, April ,J6 and
everyone is checking their closet to
see what they need for spring.
'Garbage to be picked up
same time as blue box
Hensall residents are
reminded that garbage
bags must be tagged.
HENSALL - It was an exciting
time at Cannel Presbyterian
Church, as they welcomed the be-
ginning of the Church School, with
several young children attending,
The Carmel Presbyterian Luncheon
is set for April 2. Tickets are availa-
ble from Dorothy at 262-2318.
United Church
At Hensall United Church, the
service opened with the singing of
"This is the Day", followed by the
Prayer of Approach and the Lord's
Prayer. "Four Thousand Tongues to
Sing" was sung. Psalm 130 was the
responsive reading followed by
, Words of Welcome and the greet-
ing. "Hallelujah, Praise Ye the
Lord" was the children's story. The
choir sang an anthem. John 11:1-45
was read. Rev. Henry's Annen's
message was "A Message from Big
Bird". "Blessed Be the Tie that
Binds" was followed by the dedica=
tion, doxology and prayer. "Come
Let us Sing of a Wonderful Love"
was the closing hymn.
The benediction and three -fold
Amen closed the service.
Greeters were Tracey McIntosh
and Gordon Hamilton with Dawn
and Jason Corbett ushering the
worshippers. Belva Fuss was or-
ganist. Sharing time leading to con-
firmation will take place after
church on March 31. Anyone want-
ing to place flowers for Easter call
Carol Martin at 263-3411. Junior
choir will meet March 27 after
school. The Senior choir will meet
Friday night at 7:30 p.m.. The
Friendship Circle meet April 1 at
7:30 p.m. The Thursday Afternoon
Ladies meet April 4 at 2 p.m.
Camp Menesetung registration
forms are at the side entrance.
Please save Canadian Tire money
for camp support. At Wesley -
'Willis United Church in Clinton on
^RApril 14 at 7 p.m. the play "Menes-
tung Moves on a Mountain" will
presented. IOW
p .TSitt ill `'th' 1
31 at Exeter United with
Saintsbury friends enjoy afternoon
of card games and desserts
They took home lots
of home baking.
H. Davis
SAINTSBURY - St. Patrick's
held a very successful annual St.
Patrick's Day dessert euchre and
bake sale on Tuesday.
The Parish Hall was decorated
for the occasion and nine tables of
faithful friends enjoyed the deli-
cious desserts and an afternoon of
euchre. They went home with lots
of homemade baking.
Prize winners were: Ladies high -
Mary Scott; Ladies lone hands
Maida Baynham; Ladies low El-
sie Gibson; Mens high - Chris
McLeod playing a man's card;
Mens Lone - Charlie Rollings;
Mens low - Pat Davis, also playing
a man's card. Grocery box winners
were Daily Bread and Charlie Rol-
Si. Patrick's Morning Prayer ser-
vice was he!: at 10:30 a.m. with
Margaret Carroll leading the ser-
vice from the Book of Alternative
Services. The opening hymn was
"In the bulb there is a flower" and
the children's hymn was "All
things bright and beautiful" prior to
the children going to their classes.
Margaret Carroll read the Old
and New Testament readings. The
responsive reading was Psalm
116:1-8. The Holy Gospel was
John 11:1-16. Mary Davis present-
ed a tape from St.Nt's An-
glican Church, Cape.Chin on the
Bruce Peninsula, the 1941 fans ilea.
mes#agn from the late Rev. Canon
Robelrt James, given by Ron Baker.
Canon James was a former rector
at St. Patrick's for many years. It
was very much enjoyed and very
Ross McFalls was remembered,
in a prayer for good health.
'The service closed with the hymn
"Joyful, Joyful We Adore Thee."
Sunday, March 31, Rev. Stanley
Jay will be at St. Patrick's as they
celebrate "The Sunday of the Pas-
sion" or Palm Sunday Year A.
Scripture reading will • be Isaiah
50:4-9a, Philippians 2:5-11, Psalm
31:9-6, The Holy Gospel Matthew
St. Patrick's women are invited
for a potluck luncheon on April 10
at 12:00 noon. They are reminded
to bring items for the less fortu-
Following the Easter Sunday,
Holy Eucharist service, St. Pat-
rick's will celebrate with a congre-
gational breakfast, a celebration to
the conclusion of life in the Eu-
charist. '
The Sunday School children, par-
ents and leaders have met together
faithfully for five weeks and this
will be the final week the the theme
"We live in the Communion with
Jesus" and to review the eucharistic
attitudes developed in the program.
Darren Simpson of London visit-
ed with aunt and uncle Hazel and
Hugh Davis this week.
Crystal Davis was a participant
with the Exeter Red Tween 'C' at
the Invitational ringette tournament
at Kitchener on the weekend, win-
ning the gold medal.
proceeds fur Community Living.
call Barb Consitt at 233-9297 or
Bruce Perry at 235-1725 for tick-
ets. For tickets for the Hensall
United Church Beef Dinner call
Marg Cole at 262-2304.
Garbage pickup
Hensall residents are reminded
that garbage pickup will be
Wednesdays, along with blue box
pickup, beginning Wednesday,
April 3. Garbage must be to the
curb by 7:00 a.m., and all bags
must be tagged. Bag tags are avail-
able at the Hensall Municipal Of-
fice, and, ate $2.00 each.
Yard sale
Last call! Names .will be accept-
ed to register yard sales, until
March 31. This year's yard sale
will be held Saturday, May 25.
Sales and special events can be reg-
istered with the Municipal Office,
262-2812, for free advertising on
over 10,000 placemats.
Oldtiniers hockey game
Many turned out to the Hensall
Parks Board and Hay Days '96
NHL Oldtimers game to catch a
glimpse of former NHL stars in-
cluding: Dan Maloney, Eddie
Shack, Andy Bathgate, Jack Vali-
queue, and many more.
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Capsule Comments
with Ernie Miatello
Mind and body Al work together. Proof of this
fact Is the use of placebo pills (those with no
active Ingredient). The Idea of believing that
something will work, may Indeed malte it work,
even If there Is nothing In it. when studies are
done on new drugs, the new drug is compared
to placebos. Those receiving the placebo often report improvement In
their condition. Even side effects are experienced.
Looking for a food high in natural calcium? Try sardines. Three of those
little fish (about one ounce each) supply 370 mg of calcium. Why? You
are eating the fish's skeleton. One cup of milk has about 250 mg.
March is Nutrition Month. Since spring heralds a time of change, why
not change your eating habits for the better? Reduce the fat content of
your diet and of course, exercise more. In fact, If weight -reduction Is
your goal, reducing fat, sugar and alcohol from your diet and walking
briskly a few kilometres each day will make the weight fall offl
'--Teslte charge of your own health. Be informed and talk with your phar-
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