HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes-Advocate, 1996-03-20, Page 14Page 14 Tinges -Advocate, March 20, 1996
This Week in Sports...
• Stephen Peewees clinch semi-finals - page 15
• Zurich skaters entertains - page 15
Exeter 12 vs, Mitchell 2
Goals: Kelsey Pinder, Meaghan Elli-
son, Kristin Ferguson (2). Ashley Bed-
ard, Stephanie McCann (2). Kristin Re-
gie, (4), Kayla McClinchey
Assists: Alicia Drummund (3), Pinder
(2). Ellison (3), Lauren Taylor (3), Fer-
guson, Bedard, Samantha Bedard, Sa-
mantha Regier, McCann, Resler,
McClinchey, Alana Hodgen, Lauren
links, Maggie Jinks, Keine Jinks, Jas-
mine Van Haarlem (2)
Goaltender: Hodgen, Ferguson, Tay-
lor, Kegler, Pinder. McClinchey
March 15
Exeter White 8 at Seaforth 10
Goals: Katey Stewart, Sarah Hesse! (5),
Julie Farquhar (2)
Assists: Stewart, Nesse!, Farquhar.
Shannon Baer
Goa!tender: Emily Inson
March 17
SI Marys S at Exeter White 9
Goals: Farquhar(7), Baer, Michelle
Assists: Baer (2), Desjardine (7). Sher
riLyn Moir (5), Inson (2)
Goaltender: Enid Drummond
Next game: March 22, 7:30 a.m. Kitch-
ener vs. Chatham
March 16 •
Exeter Optimist 'C' 1' vs. Woolwich 4
Goal: Cheryl Montgomery
Assist: Shannon Postill
Goaltender: Miranda Grenier
Shots on goal: Exeter 18, Woolwich 30
March 17
London 5 vs, Exeter Optimist 'C' 1
Goal: Megan Skinner
Assist: Brittney Revington .
Goa!tender: Grenier
Shots on goal: Exeter 19. London 30
Exeter 'A' 6 vs. Seaforth
Goals: Ashley Gooch (5), Denise
Assists: Brittney Caldwell, Kendra'
Mudge. Ritchie, Chantelle Elders Krista
Goaltender: Hodge
Starch 10-17 - Ontario Ringette
vincial championship, Cambrtdgl,
Huron Perth Petite 'AA' Silver Med-
al winners team: Jiekie LeBlanc, goal-
ie, Mitchell; Jennifer Bradley. forwards
St. Marys; Ashley Gooch. forward, E:(:
eter; Kelly Miners, defense, Exeter;
Mary Finlayson, forward, Seaforth;
Megan Presscator, forward, Exeter; De-
nise Ritchie. forward, Exeter, Emilie
Ratcliffe. centre, Seaforth; Alex Sanger,
forward. Forest: Heather Morgan, de-
fense, Exeter; Michelle Durst, defense,
Seaforth: Jessica Boersma, centre,
Mitchell; coach Doug Miners, Assistant
coach Donna Jones, Manager Sherrell
Bradley, Trainser Jim Sanger, Other,
Danielle Miners. Three Stratford
players , Kristen Pitcher, Caitlin Hill•
and Tiffany Orenchuk were ineligible
to play. Their team won bronze in 'A'
level competition.
March 14 - Game 1
Huron i'erth 5 vs. Pickering
Goals: Boersma (3), Gooch (2)
Assists: Boersma, Gooch. Bradley (2),
Preszcator. Finlayson, Durst
Huron Perth 8 vs. Kitchener 5
Coals: Boersma (2), Preszcator, Brad-
ley (2), Gooch, Miners, Sanger
Assists: Boersma (4), Preszcator, Fin-
Game 3
Huron Perth 5 vs. Sudbury 2
Coals: Boersma (3). Sanger, Preszcator
Assist: Sanger ,
Huron Perth 6 vs. Ottawa 5
Goals: Boersma (4), Gooch, Ratcliffe
Assists: Boersma, Ratcliffe (2), Ritchie,
Game 5 - Semifinal
Huron Perth 8 vs. Ottawa 7
Goals: Boersma (2), Sanger (2), Mor-
, gan, Bradley (2), Finlayson
Assists: Boersma, Preszcator, Morgan,
Ratcliffe, Gooch, Fidlayson, Ritchie (2)
Game 6 - Final
Huron Perth 3 vs. Mississauga 6
Goals: Gooch, Boersma, Ratcliffe
Assists: Gooch, Finlayson
Goaltender for all games: LeBlanc
max:£, .
March 14
Exeter White 2 n. Mltehell 7
Goals for White: Sarah Hodge, Krista
r symae
Assists for White: Erin Traquair
March 17
Exeter Red 6 vs. Exeter White 4,
Goals for Red: Laura Skinner, Crystal
Davis (4), Kerti Fulton
Assists foe Red: Davis, Skinner (2).
Kari Fulton, Shaun* Koehler
Goaltender for Red: Kelii Fhkon
Goals far Whites Sana Hodge (2),
Trish McMiiha►, Uterine Erb
re! A y _Rasptberg,
. tris
Exeter carpet
March 18
Ray Hodgson
Bob Patterson
Myrtle Maguire
John Batten
Ray Smith
Susie Underhill
Lawrence Russell
Wilmer Wein
Marion Dearing
Don Maguire
2W21 '
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Hawks let Seaforth tie series
Exeter is embroiled in a heated
battle for the Yeck Conference
semi-finals against Seaforth
Chris Skalkos T -A staff
EXETER - The Exeter Hawks er tot off te win inook the next game inn Exometer Fri -
have tied their playoff series with day shutting out their opponents 5
Seaforth at two in the race for the 0. Sean Brown pumped in two
Yeck Conference semi-final goals for Exeter and teammates
The two teams earned a berth in Chamney and Mark Bell contrib-
the second round of the playoffs af- uted one apiece. Goaltender Dave
ter Exeter eliminated North Mid- Nahrgang recorded the shutout in
dlesex in six games and Seaforth front of the home crowd.
ousted the Lucan Irish With two solid vic-
in five.
"If we 't tones under their belts
Seaforth struck first don't seemed as if Sea -
beating Exeter 6-4 in get the kind forth's • first win in
their home rink last of effort we.
Tuesday night. Steve need our
Farquhar, Chris Ken-
nedy, Greg Dalrymple season may
and Shayne Robinson
scored in what proved to next week" ' off•
be an overall effortless However, Seaforth
game by the Hawks. tied the series Sunday
Losing their first game didn't night when they beat Exeter 2-1.
come as a surprise to head coach Chris Mcdonald scored Exeter's
Dave Revington who was ex- lone goal late in the third as the
peeling a tough fight from the team Hawks started to apply the pressure
that defeated Lucan in five games. but they failed to tie the game.
"They have a lot of young fast Revington blames the lopsided
skaters and they are getting good series on a lack of effort from his
mileage out of them. We knew they team.
were a good playoff team when "The work ethic isn't there and if
they beat Lucan," said Revington. we don't get the effort we don't
However the Hawks rebounded win," said Revington. "We don't
in Seaforth the next night winning know what kind of effort we are
9-1 with Nathan Burns and Far- going to get night to night."
gt)har leading the scoring drive The only thing thathas been con -
with two goals each. Ryan Cham- sistent with.the Hawk's play so far
ney, Joe MacDonald, Mark Liver- in the playoffs has been their goal -
more, Craig Corriveau and Ken- tending. Darren Kints and Dave
nedy added singles. Nahrgang both have a shut out
game one was nothing
more than a lucky
fluke and that the
Hawks were on their
be over way to finishing them
Lines from
Lenart rtes
" Audrey Walt "+
LUCAN - A zone round for'
the Y.B.C. 4 Steps to Stardom
was held March 3. The Lucan
senior boys team, coached by
Frank Palen, finished fourth at
Lucan with team members Brad
Ankers, Tyler Graham, Todd
Goldie, Chad Rodgers and Larry
Smith making a very, respectable
The junior girls team was
coached by Trish Palen and they
finished fourth, just 11 pins from
third,' +at Fairmont in London.'
Team members were Ayden 01-
livier, Vanessa Snaith, Kelly
Wilson, Sysan Acres and Kerrie
Davis. The bantam girls, Jenni
Holland, Kate Dalgleish, Katie
Beaudoin,'Jenna Simon and Jen-
nifer Ankers placed fifth at Ar-
cade Eastown and were coached
by Brian and Janet Ankers. Edith
Yco was the coach for the, ban-
tam boys, Robbie Yeo, Jeremy
McNaughton, William Benedet-
ti, Travis Chillingworth and Josh
Taylor, who finished eighth
overall at London. Bowl -A -
Rama. Ashley Smith placed
fourth, bowling singles in the
junior girls category at London
Centre Bowlerama.
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Joey MacDonald maneuvers around a Seaforth defensman during the first game of the Yeck
Conference semi-final playoff series at the South Huron Recreation Centre last Tuesday. The
series is tied at two.
since the playoffs began with
Nahrgang recording his against
Seaforth on Friday night.
"I think we have the best goal-
tending duo in the league but we
can't count on Darren and Dave to
carry us all the time," said Reving-
The inconsistencies displayed by
the Hawks seems uncharacteristic
for the number one ranked team in
the league.' Their impeccable play
at the start of the regular season
launched them to the top of their di-
vision where theyremained with
an incredibly successful 30-44
Settling into a consistent formula
is the Hawks biggest challenge
right now, and it is one obstacle
they will have to overcome if they
are going to solve this piece of the
playoff puzzle.
"If we don't get the kind of effort
we need our season may be over
next week," said Revington.
The Hawks hosted Seaforth in •
Exeter on Tuesday night for game
five. Results were not known at '
press time.
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in lamcompetition Exeter this weekend.'
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Exeter Precision Sating Club will host the Western Ontario Section lnvitation4
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EXETER .Cin Satuay March
23, the Exefer'Precision Skating
Club will host the Western Ontario
Section Invitational ' • Precision
This prestigious competition,
held at the South Huron Recreation
Centre, will feature some of the
best precision skaters representing
clubs throughout Ontario.
' Pony teams will participate in
competitive or recreational events
in Juvenile, Novice, Junior and
Adult categories starting at 9 a.m.
and continuing throughout the day.
Exeter has two teams skating in
the competition, the Juvenile Mini
Classics and the Junior Classics. A
combination of 35 skaters from Ex-
eter, Lucan, Hensall, Grand Bend,
St. Joseph's. and 'London make up
the two teams which are currently
skating at the recreational level.
"Even at the recreational level,
it's still competitive...all of them
are out there to win;" said team
manager Beth McGee. •
Last year the two teams brought
home one gold and three silver
t medals at competitions. This year
Exeter participated in the Sun
Country held in London with the
juniors, winning a bronze medal in
the gold finals. "
Everyone came together and did
a good job .but we're going
to do even better in Ex-
eter,", said Shonyn
Baynham and Jodie
McGee, co -
captains for the
Junior team.
"We're really
looking for-
ward to •skat-
ing in front of
our home
crowd," they
Junior coach
• Laurie Loos -
ley, said this has been a re -building
Year with an influx of new skaters,
however, she said the Junior team
• has performed well together in their
last two events, including a near
Clawless performance at Exeter's
Skating Carnival. She expects the
will be successful again this week-
"I'm not surprised at how well
they're skating. They're very con-
fident and it shows when they are
on the ice," she said.
Dawn McAd-
ams, coach of
the Juvenile
, admits
"I'm ner-
vous for the
kids," she
said. 'There
will be a lot
of pressure
we still have a lot of
on them and
work to do."
' This is the first time in 10 years
Exeter has hosted the W.O.S. In-
vitational which is heavily spon-
sored by local businesses, the Ex-
eter Legion, the Exeter Lions Club
and the Exeter Optimist Club. Ap-
proximately 1,500 skaters and - -
spectators will travel to Exeter ftp.
the one day event.
Hosting it in Exeter will also
boost the profile of the club which.
has enjoyed a strong membership '
over the years.
With some of the best teams in
Ontario skating here this weekend,; :z
McGee said spectators will be treat- A
ed to a variety of routines featuring .•t+
a very high caliber of skating. Ad=
mission has been kept low ($3) to i)
entice first-time spectators, es- •r
pecially those who are thinking of
taking up the sport.
"This will be a good chance for
people who have never seen pre- •
cision skating to come out and see
what it's all about," said McGee.
Exeter's Juvenile Mini Classics
skate in Flight A which starts at 9
a.m. The Junior Classic's flight
starts at 10:30 a.m. Both teams
will skate later again in the day.
SIOw registration concerns Exeter Minor Ball
A shortage of registered players for peewee and midgets forces executives to take action
EXETER - Exeter Minor Baseball is Lacing a serious
shortage of players in the Peewee and Midget levels
forcing organizers to act quickly to fill in the ranks be-
fore they fold.
Albert Van Dyken, }Western Ontario Base-
ball Association (WOBA) Vice President,
and Gary Hartman, Exeter Minor Baseball
Coordinator have extended the registration
dates past the March 9th and 16th deadlines
in hopes that more of the 120 mail -out reg-
istration forms will return before the final
cut-off date on April 1.
Hartman said it's vital parents register
their children on time before he meets
WOBA representatives to draw up this season's
"it's hard to go to a scheduling meeting not knowing
how many teams we are going to have," said 'tart man.
Last year a similar situation happened when seven
late registrants appeared wanting to play for Exeter
Peewee. The schedule was already set at that point rind
they had no choice but to tarn them away.
wn they were interested in play-
ing earlier we would have created a second Peewee
team," said Hartman.
Parents are still reeling from a busy hockey season
and it may still seem early to start think-
ing about baseball, however, Hartman
said all they are asking from parents, for
the time being, is. to let them know if
their kids are interested in playing.
Van Dyken said two years ago Exeter
Minor Baseball had a thriving system
with each level Tyke, Rookie Jr/Sr, Mos-
quito, Peewees, Bantam, and Midgets
boasting two teams.
However, commitment started to dwin-
dle through the season among players and 'volunteer
coaches in the mosquito level. Van Dyken said that
created a ripple effect which is now being felt among
the Peewee, (age 12-13), and the Midget (16-17) ranks.
Registration in all other levels is strong.
The Juvenile/Junior team is also facing a unique situa-
tion this season. They have enough registered for a full
team but they are still looking for coaches and a man-
"If we
improve our
coaching We
can maintain
the interest of
players and
1, •
"The numbers are there but at this,point we have no
one to look after them," said Hartman.
Both Hartman and Van Dyken feel good coaching 1*
the secret to attracting players and building successful
teams, so they are taking a bold new initiative. Starting
this season they are offering to pay for volunteer's level
one coaching certificate.
Van Dyken said the cost of going to the one -clay
coaching clinic 1.9 $45. Volunteers are taught basic
coaching techniques as well as how to build player/
coach and parent/coach relationships. ,
"A coaching certificate is not mandatory right now
but we think it will he in a few years so we're starting
now. It we Improve our coaching we can maintain the
-interest of players and • volunteers," said Van Dyken
adding that playing on a winning team Is much more
Free umpire clinics are also available through Exeter
Minor Baseball. Those interested should contact Cary
Hartman at 235-0525 or Albert Van Dyken 235.1704.
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