HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes-Advocate, 1996-03-06, Page 6Thum -Advocate, March 6, 1996
Local p0t;stor•:accopts stray cats
Ryan. Ratz has taken in approximately 15 stray cats since
opening his pet store in December .
Heather Mir TA staff
EXETER - Stray cats are be-
coming a problem in the Exeter
area as the Huron Humane So-
ciety becomes filled with animals.
One local pet store owner has
been working with volunteers to
rescue cats during the harsh win-
Ryan Ratz, animal lover and
owner of Wild Kingdom Pet
Shop, has had approximately 15
cats dropped off since the shop
opened in December.
"I found two in a cardboard box
with their heads poking out," he
said. "They were left at the side
of Highway 4."
Ratz has taken two cats to the
Humane Society in London
where they have been success-
fully adopted. He has also placed
approximately six cats locally
and hopes people will make dona-
tions of cash or pet supplies to
help care for strays.
Although the cats Ratz takes in
are not necessarily seen by a vet-
erinarian, they are de -wormed
and receive a good diet and lots
of care. He re -invests $2 out of
the $17 price of each cat sold
into the care of strays that appear
at his store on a regular basis.
When a stray or abandoned cat
is sold, Ratz advises new owners
to see a vet immediately because
in most cases he is not aware of
the animal's health history.
Working with volunteer Karen
Van Damm, Ratz is trying to raise
awareness in the community that
cats can be dropped off at his
443 Main St. store.
"Ifthey find ayear from now or
a. week from now they don't want
the cat, they can bring it back,"
said Ratz of animals purchased at
his shop.
Ritz finds adult cats are more
difficult to find .homes for than
kit1. ns, especially as they mature
since males begin spraying and
females come into heat. He also
attributes the recent rise in the
number of stray cats to the cur-
rent economic. situation. The
cost to feed and care properly for
an adult cat may be too much for
families experiencing financial
Exeter does not have a cat by-
law but Kit McKnight, who
works with the Humane Society
in feline adoption, says awareness
needs to be raised about a strain
of rabies creeping into Canada
from the United States. Stray
cats taken to the Zurich Vet-
erinary Clinic, that acts as an an-
imal shelter, receive rabies shots
automatically and are spayed or
neutered. The shelter works with
two foster homes in Dashwood
but adult cats are difficult to
"Our foster homes are just
filled," said McKnight.
Although there seems to, be a
gap in the system where stray cats
are concerned, McKnight ex-
pressed concern about per-
petuating the problem by re-
turning unvaccinated, unsterilized
cats to the public.
Congregation to meet with
Presbytery representative
Thames Road and
Elimville congregations
will meet for discus-
sions tonight, Wednes-
day. �.
]Ihtto` Rade
THAMES ROAD - Owing to the
weather on Sunday, church was
cans+led at Elimville and Thames
Road churches.
On Wednesday, March 6 a con- .
gregational meeting of the Pastoral
Charge will be held at Thames
Road Church at 8:00 p.m. It will be
chaired by a member of Huron -
Perth Presbytery. Topics to be dis-
cussed include a request for a
change in pastoral relations and fu-
ture direction of the charges.
On Thursday, March 7, Sun-
beams will meet at Thames Road at
9:30 a.m.
On Friday, March 15, the Mes-
sengers will meet for a "Walk
Through Lent" at 6:30 to 7:45 p.m.
at Elimville Church. It will be
"Bring a Friend" night and mem-
bers are to come dressed in their fa-
vorite biblical fashion (robes and
head gear). Volunteers are needed
tb provide and serve the passover
Weather permitting, communion
will be observed next Sunday,
March 10 at both churches.
On April 5, a Good Friday ser-
vice will be held at Elimville at
7:30 p.m. On Sunday, April 7 at
Thames Road church, a sunrise ser-
vice will begin at 8:30 a.m. with
btea t 3(9 to 10:30 a.m.
4160 --p.iship ser;
vice at 11:00 a.m.
The flowers in the church were
placed in memory of the late Lila
Hume by her family. Sympathy is
extended to her family by the com-
World Day of Prayer
About 75 people attended the
World Day of Prayer service at
Thames Road Church on Friday af-
ternoon, coming from Exeter Unit-
ed, Christian Reformed, Bethel Re-
formed, Trivitt Memorial, Precious
Blood, Exeter Pentecostal, Elim-
ville and Caven churches.
Beatrice Dawson welcomed eve-
ryone and gave the preface of
World Day of Prayer from Haiti
"God Calls Us to Respond". Other
women taking part in the service
were Jennie Kipfer, Henny Poortin-
ga, Margaret De Vries, Doris Den-
ham, Helen Coates, Kay Elston,
Pauline Simmons, ShirleyKerslake
and Mary Smits. Guest speaker
Irene Richardson spoke on Haiti.
She said that 70 to 80 per cent are
unemployed and 80 per cent are il-
literate. She spoke about being at a
Mission in Windsor three years ago
where she met a young man from
Mary Lou Dixon sang "Strangers
No More" while Marion Cann, Kay
Hodgert, June Stewart and Helen
Webber received the offering,
amounting to $233.00. Jean Hod-
gen was the organist for the ser-
A lunch of angel cake, tea and
coffee was enjoyed with Kathy and
Anne Bray, Kay Cunnington, Dor-
othy Duncan and Sharon Passmore
as the servers.
The auditorium of the church
was decorated in a Haiti setting.
The women taking part in the ser-
vice and the ushers were dressed in
Haiti attire. The tables were deco-
rated with pineapple, bananas, kiwi
fruit, grapes and vases of flowers.
Fairy-tale wedding
On Friday evening, Jean Hodgert
was a guest at the Princess of
Wales Theatre in Toronto, for the
performance of ' "Beauty and the
Beast," followed by the fairy-tale
wedding of Brigette Newton and
Cameron Todd, on the stage of the
Following the wedding, a recep-
tion was held at the Crowne Plaza
Church cancelled due to weather
Third Sunday of Lent
Rev. Jay will be offi-
cient for the 10:30
a.m. Holy Commun-
Hazel Davis
SAINTSBURY - There was no
service at St. ''atrick's on Sunday
due to poor weather conditions.
Sunday March 10, Third Sunday of
Lent Rev. Stanley Jay will be offi-
cient for the 10:30 a.m. Holy Com-
munion Service. Scripture readings
to be Exodus 17: 3-7, Romans 5: 1-
11, Responsive reading Psalm 95,
The Holy Gospel John 4: 5-26.
St. Patricks Sunday school chil-
dren, parents and leaders met again
this past week for their studies on
Life in the Eucharist, the theme
"We Share the Word of God". This
week on Tuesday and Wednesday
evenings weather permitting they
will meet for lesson number Four,
the theme "God gives the Gift of
Life; the objective to identity gifts
we receive from God.
Don and Arlene Simpson of
Strathroy, Elliott and Audrey
McRoberts and dote Wenaerstrom
of Exeter and great granddaughter
Katie -Scarlett MacGillivray of Lu -
can were recent visitors with Mary
Happy to report Ross McFalls is'
feeling better but is still a patient in
St. Josephs Health Care in London.
Good health wishes go to him from
all his relatives and friends at St.
Patricks and community.
St. Patrick's ACW have received
their invitation to the Perth Spring
Deanery meeting being held at St.
James Church, Stratford on April
9, with registration at 6:15 p.m.
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enjoy bingo,
HENSALL - Fun and Fitness
started the day Monday morning as
the residents bent and stretched
their way through the morning exer-
cise routine. Kippen UCW volun-
teers assisted with the last bingo for
Tuesdays Breakfast Club was
much enjoyed by several residents,
everything from preparation to
cleanup seems to take place in a re-
laxed, unhurried manner. Residents
and staff contributed to a meaning-
ful memorial, service Tuesday after-
noon for those residents who have
passed away in the past two
Wednesday, pastoral care. volun-
teer, Winnie Hutton and auxiliary
volunteer, Marg Cole attended the
Ontario Nursing Home Association
Convention in Toronto, and had an
information packed day of semi-
nars. They learned much to enhance
the practise of volunteering.
The video, Angels in the Out-
field, was viewed Friday afternoon
by residents. Everyone felt it was
an entertaining and uplifting pic-
Coming events'
March 7, 7 p.m. Games with the
Christian Reform Youth. March
15, 2 p.m. St. Patricks patty with
the Hensall Legion Ladies Auxil-
iary and Branch 468.
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Residents of Huron County
are Invited to Attend the
2nd Annual General Meeting
of the
Huron Business Development Corporation
Wednesday, March 13, 1996
6:30 p.m. - 9:00 p.m.
Wingham Legion Hall, Victoria St, Wingham
Individuals wishing to attend are requested to R.SV.P.
Selly at (519) 527-0305
(1996 Membership fees need to be paid by February 29, 1996
in order to be a voting member at this AGM.)