HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes-Advocate, 1996-02-28, Page 5■
By Ross Haugh from the
archivua of the
£x ftir Tfines Advpptte
Fe -Weary 26, 1986 - After
six nipntlrs of deliberation,
Exeter's official mascot will
be known as the "White
"Squirrel". The name was sug-
gested by Kaye Nixon of Ex-
( eter who will receive $100 for
her suggestion. The decision
was made by Andy DeBoer
and Bill McLean.
March 4, 1971 - Exeter
council has agreed to new
teams on the garbage contract
with Mrs. Gordon McDonald
of Crediton. Price for the
coming year will be 41,100
per month for the pickup.
This is an increase of $225
over the existing contract and
$100 less than what Mrs.
McDonald recently asked for.
February 26, 1961 - Winds
whipping sleet covered tele-
phone lines brought down
nearly 50 poles in the district
during the Saturday -Sunday
At the annual South Huron
County Orange meeting in
Clinton Orange Hall, Tues-
day, Oliver Jaques of Hensall
was elected County Master.
Mary Ellen Carey , 12 year-
old daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
Joe Carey, R.R. 6, Parkhill
won first prize in the Huron
county public speaking con-
test at Goderich, Tuesday.
February 27, 1956 - Bob
Hern, R.R. 1, Hensall, a
prominent junior farmer, 4-H
leader and winner of the
Queen's Guineas in 1951, has
accepted a position as herds-
man with W.H. Riecheld and
Son of Jarvis Hereford Farms.
Mrs. E.D. Boyle, manager of
McKnight's Ladies Wear was,
reently awarded second place
for the best window display of
"London Lassie" shirts in On-
February 27, 1946 - Kenneth
G. Hockey has 'steered into
partnership with E..R.. Hopper,
who ars has,
e iM'p1i apfur`n lut'e` and iv-
neral business in Exeier. r
C.E. McCarter of the Exeter
Frozen Food Lockers has dis-
ppd of his business and prop-
erty to J. Leonard McKnight.
LutheirReynolds of the sec-
ond concession of Usborne
township has sold the farm to
his son Lloyd; a returned vete-
ran. Possession is April 1.
February 28, 1921 - Howard
Taylor, who has been assistant
buttermaker at the Winchelsea
creamery for some time, has
taken a position in the cream-
ery in Exeter.
Mrs. Abram Walker is assist-
ing in the millinery department
at Zwicker's store in Crediton.
Miss Brownlee of Wyoming
arrived in Dashwood and is the
milliner for Reid, Edighoffer
and Sons store there.
February 27, 1896 - The re-
vival meetings in Dashwood
are being continued with great
success, as there have been
some fifty converts.
The storm of last week was
the worst to hit Grand Bend in
many years. The small stage
was unable to get through for
two days.
The annual financial state-
ment of the county of Middles-
ex shows that the debenture is
being rapidly paid off. It has
been reduced $16,000 since
January 1 and now stands at
$302,230. Against this there is
a sinking fund of $27,300 to
the county's credit.
•1 1
The 120th annual meeting of the Usborne & Hibbert Mutual Flre Insurance Company was
held Monday afternoon in Kirkton. From the back, left, are agents J.P. Uniac, Wayne Mauer,,
and John Moore and directors Morris Willows and Joe Chaffe: Front, left, directors Jack
Hodgert and Lorne Feeney, president Larry Gardiner, vice-president Michael O'Shea and
secretary -treasurer E.J. "Mike" Caers.
Another good year for
area insurance company
Ross Haugh T -A staff and losses of $269,234. The live-
KIRKTON - In direct contrast to stock extended perils coverage was
a year ago, Tess than 40 policy hold- amended this year to bring it more
ers showed up Monday afternoon in line with the premium paid for
for the 120th annual meeting of the coverage without increasing the
Usborne and Hibbert Mutual Fire premium charged for the coverage.
Insurance Company. We do not expect any rate increases
At the meeting twelve months for 1996 however we are reviewing
earlier, close to 400 persons were any policies with excessive claims
in attendance to participate in a to see what can be done.
spirited election for the positions of We are continuing with our on -
two directors. This time the two va- farm fire extinguisher program and
cancies on the board of directors we now carry the reflective strips to
were filled by acclamation. be put on the back of machinery
Secretary -manager Mike Caers going on the road. The plug in
reported that 1995 was again very surge suppressors are still being
successful in a financial way with carried as well. As a matter of Inter-
net income for the year listed at est, at the end of 1995; the compa-
$807,200. The same figure for ny had 2,912 policies in force with
1994 was $775,052. Caers said the property coverage in force of
goodly amount of net income was $783,276,133 and liability cover -
accomplished despite the fact there age in force in excess of 1.7 billion
was an underwriting income loss of dollars."
$95,638.. In closing, Gardiner said, "The
In his remarks to policy holders, investment income rate of return
company president Larry Gardiner for the past year was 10.39 percent
said,"It was a very good year with and our cost of expenses ratio re -
an excellent net income as listed on mains at 25.46 percent."
the financial statement. Premiums In reviewing assets, Caers said
,written: for the.just;conccluded year thatrat- the end of 199S premiums -
were up about eight percent while receivable were at S58,165, bit
,claims stayed about the same as last added, "Since that time all have
year." been paid but one account."
Gardiner continued, " It is our In referring to the refund from
company's goal to at least break surplus, Caers said, "It has been in -
even on, the insurance side and let creasing by at least $40,000 for
the interest income pay for the re- each of the last 10 years. In 1994 it
fund from surplus that is declared was $648,110, compared to the
by directors each year and returned $694,302 this year. In our current
to our members." situation, the maximum refund we
Secretary -manager Caers said the could pay would be $725,000. The
the premium refund from surplus company has a 'good book of busi-
this year will again be 30 percent or ness' with market value investments
a total of $694,302, going out in of $17,647,634.".
cheques on April 5. About investments, Caers said
Continuing with Gardiner's re- that Ontario Hydro had recalled
marks he said, " The July 13 to' 15 some of their bonds, but the bulk of
windstorm generated 148 claims • -that monis has been re -invested in
Newfoundland companies.
Income taxes for 1995 rose to
$76,820, almost $30,000 more than
the previous year. About this, Caers
said, "With assets well over 10 mil-
lion dollars we are being faced with
a number of new taxes that we nev-
er had before. Our company faces a .
very complex tax situation. Gov- '
ernment tax is to be only paid on
non-farm premiums and that is
about 15 percent of our business."
The company follows the policy
of underwriting and reinsuring con-
tracts of insurance which, in the
main, limit the liability of the com-
pany to a maximum amount an any
one claim of $100,000 in the event
of a property claim, $50,000 in the
event of a liability claim and
$60,000 in the event of a farmer's
accident claim. In addition, the
company has obtained re -insurance
regarding stop loss coverage.
In Monday's company nomina-
tion, Lorne Feeney and Michael
O'Shea were returned by acclama-
tion. Other directors are Larry Gar-
diner, Morris Willows, Jack Hod-
The Usborne and Hibbert Mutual
fire Insurance Company was
formed in June of 1876 with head-
quarters in Farquhar. Early meet-
ings were held in Robert Gardiner's
cheese factory and Duncan's gener-
al store.
In 1882 the company had 770
policies. The total now is 2,912. In
the early days, the company refused
to pay fire claims caused by steam
The current company agents art
Joseph Uniac of Mitchell, John
Moore of Dublin, and, Wayne
Mauer from Exeter.
Computer training firm expands
EXETER - Successfully serv-
ing communities in northern Hu-
ron County from its Walton loca-
tion since 1993, the Bernard
Computer Training Centre has
now expanded to Exeter, offering
a range of services for all ages
and skill levels.
Providing corporate training as
well as individual instruction, the
Bernard Computer Training Cen-
tre focuses on client needs. "We
customize .our training packages
to suit the learning styles and
schedules of our customers," says
owner Pat Bernard.
Billed as 'your customized
business and office resource cen-
tre', the facility offers full-service
instruction in a wide variety of
computer programs as well ' as
business applications including,
bookkeeping and resum6s. An-
other important training area is
'employability' skills develop-
ment, which offers computer
technology training in addition to
personal presentation techniques
for effective interviews.
Kids' Camp is one of the facili-
ty's most popular training pro-
grams aimed at ages four to 16.
The one-week course of instruc-
tion uses dynamic computer
graphics in interactive programs
to teach spelling, math, history,
geography and other lessons.
In addition 4 to training and
skills development, they also of-
fer a walk-in resumd service, cor-
porate consulting and computer
trouble -shooting for home and
business. Pat and Shannon wel-
come inquiries at the Bernard
Computer Training Centre in Ex-
eter at 2354890; in Walton at
4t S
S"‘ #t
tt t5)
Times -Advocate, February 28,1996
Page 5
Hospital hit
with2.5% cut
I3303TER - South Huron Reset-
tal has been hit with a $94,700 dd-
duction in funding (2.5 per.oeit )
from the pnnvincial g9vtitant IL
Hospital Adminihittirzlhggfatr•
roll told the T -A thb.board will be
meeting to diacuaa Whet it oar do
about "the Impact of thif cut.
Reductions ranged from 2.5 to
seven per cent as every hospital in
the province was hit.
Boards are waiting for details
garding the "tool kit" they will re-
ceive from the province giving
them mom power to increase in-
come or reduce costs.
eIt p"
all the Times -Advocate
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