HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes-Advocate, 1996-02-14, Page 18Page 18 Times-Advocaa
ebruary 14, 1996
Birth Announcements
MOIR/CAMPBELL • Tracy and Darren
aro very proud to announce the arrival of
their fust born '"Taylor Darren". born Janu-
ary 4, 1996 wel!gghng 8 lbs. 4 oz. and was
21' long. Proud first time grandfather is
Gary Campbell and third time father is
Bruce Mar. First great- ild for Shir-
ley Campbell and another great-grandson for
Bessie and Mac Elliot. lira great -great-
grandchild for Irene Smith. Also u proud
first time uncle Desk Campbell. A special
thanks goes out to Dr. Chernick and Dr.
Maynard and third floor nurses at St. Jo-
seph's Hoapiud. Also may we allow the love
of our two grandmothers Wendy Campbell
and Janet Moir shine down from the clouds
of heaven above. 7•
Cards Of Thames
COLLETT - 1 would like to say thank you
for all the cards .calls, gifts and prayers
while 1 was a patient in University Hospital.
Special thanks to Dr. Wall, 8th floor staff,
South Huron Hospital, Dr. Lee, the V.O.N.
and Rev. Lakmanis for his prayers. You
were all great.
7' Vicki
DAWSON • 1 would lite to thank my fami-
ly, relatives, I(ood neighbours and friends for
their cards, visits, flowers and gifts brought
to University Hospital and to our house. I
have been truly blessed with good well
wishes. Your thoughtfulness was certainly
appreciated by Bea and 1. Thanks Bea for
DENYS - Special thanks to all my family
and friends for their visits and calls. Thanks
to doctors and nurses at Exeter and St. Jo-
seph's Emergency and dedicated V.O.N.s
for their special anention. Thanks to all the
Bar Flyz. .
7* Walter
bOUGHERTY • I would like to take this
opportunity to sir gerely say "iihank You" to
everyone who took the time to call, visit and
send cards to me during my recent illness.
When a person takes ill, you certainly find
out who you're real friends are. A big thunk
you to David Binnendyk and Walter Denys
for being there. To my best friends", my
parents Harry and Barbara for all their cam,
love and support and understanding during
mli illness; my family Nathan, Evan and M-
ron for their continued love. Heather, Kevin
and Randy 1 canna thank you enough for
everything you have done. To a vera special
friend Sara Mitcham' for all of your true un-
derstanding - thank you! And finally, to
thank two of the best doctors in the entire.
world for all of their professional care given
10 me during my illness, Dr. Wnq. Steciyk
andnnDr. Patek Conlon. Worlds cannot ex -
bless all of y 5 Vathde IP You both- God . .
7c - Paul
Cards Of Zhaxd s
MORENZ • We would like to thank rela-
tives, friends and neighbours for lovely
cards, flowers, food treats, phone calls and
especially Grind Bend U.C.W. for remem-
bering us on our 55th wedding anniversary.
It is always nice to be remembered and very
special as you reach a milestone in life.
75 Hugh and Annie
WALDECK • We would tike to thank eve-
ryone for their love and support following
the loss of our Dad, grandpa and peat-
" Lloyd Lawrence of St. Thomas on
1, 1996. Thanks to all our friends
wisp sent cards, flowers, calls and memorial
donations. Their kindness meant a lot. Spe-
cial thanks to Dorothy and the B.N.'a for
their loving support and to Barb, Ruth and
Paul. and Linda for being there for n, as al -
7' Marilyn and Jack Waldeck and family
ZIMMER • The family of the late Elmer
Zimmer would like to express their sincere
thanks to relatives and fnends for their ex-
pressions of sympathy, memorial donations,
cards, and floral tributes. Your kindness will
always be remembered.
7• Verna Zimmer and family
Death Notices
CASE • At St. Joseph's Health Centre. Lon-
don, on Wednesday, February 7, 1996, Phyl-
lis Pauline Case of Centralia; in her 81st
year. Beloved lifelong companion of the late
Roy Soldan (1992). Dear daughter of the
late Frank and Emma (Rothaennel) Case.
Dear sister-in-law of Mrs. Bertha (Soldan)
Mason of London. Also survived by several
nieces and nephews and great-nieces and
nephews. Predeceased by a sister Kathleen.
Fnends called at the Hopper -Hockey Auer -
al Home, William Street, Exeter, on Friday
evening 7-9 p.m. and Saturday 10-11 a.m.
when the complete funeral service was held
Saturday, February 10, at 11 a.m. with Dan-
iel Roushome officiating. Interment Exeter
Cemetery. Phyllis met life in a kindly man-
ner and as a last kind gesture to ha life the
family would appreciate donations to the Re-
nal Unit at St. Joseph's Health Centre. 7c
CHAFFE - AtrSotth Huron Hospital, Exet-
er, on 9, 1996, Annie C. (Camp-
bell) Chaffe of the Exeter 'Villa. in her 86th
year. Beloved wife of the late ,Edwin (Ted)
Chaff* (1993). Dear mother of George and
Irene Chaffe of Mississauga and Robert and
Trudy Chaffe of Centralia. Dear grandfather
of Mark, Linda and Derrick; James and Rob-
in, Margi and Trevor. Dear great-
ggrraanndmother of Michael. Predeceased by
brothers Archie, Jack and Clifford. Friends
called at the Hopper Hockey Funeral Home,
William Street, Exeter where the complete
funeral service was held op February 11
I with RI*. Cordell PAisons officiating. Inter-
Heaft and Strokeon oorr the Exeter
Villa would be appreciated by the family. 7c
187 Huron St. W. Exeter
Pastor Kevin Rutledge
Assistant Pastor John Boyacheik t
Sunday, February 19
Morning Worship 9:30 and 11:00 a.m.
Sunday School 9:30 and 11:00 a.m.
7:00 p.m. Evening Fellowship
Wednesday, 7 p.m. Family Night
Everyone Welcome
Coma d Jamas and Andrew 51.
i3untlihy, 011998
Rev. Cordell Parsons
Sacra neve of Want Baptism
School 10:30 a.m.
Marton Props, 238-1409 •
Nursery available
Everyone welcome
6e CHURCHain Streit otrlfh
Ray. Daniel Roushorne
Courtesy Car: 238-1987
Your,: Tatar/ Willson Bohm
Sunday, February /5,1988
11:00 a.m. 1.4orning Wbt�p
Sermon: "N hal U We Fired E'7?'
Fab. 19 - Kargyma Blot Study, 790
Feb. 22 -2•00p.m., Kergyrna Bibb
• 7:3b p.m. Bond of Mem-
Feb. 23 -7.9, AIIsr school ptop(im of
Exeter Public School
Everyone WWbcrne
Comer of Oidley and Main
The Rev. Fay M. Patterson
Last Sunday after Epiphany
February 18, 1996
11 a.m. Holy Eucharist B.A.S.
Sunday School
Everyone Welcome
9:30 a.m. Sunday School for all ages
10:30-11:00 a.m. Fellowship Time
11:00 a.m. Family Bble Hour
7:00 p.m. Co niunion Service
Nursery Available
Tuesday evenings
8.'00 p.m. • Bbl* Study
AR services are held at
94 Orchard Street, Exeter
Everyone Welcome
February .300 a.m, • 1
9 1:00 a.m.
Clones,Worship Broadcast onCommunity
182 Maks St. Nadir
Pastor Pelsr Toning"
February le
10:00 a.m. Momkq Servlet
Sunday School 4
dullng morning service
7:00 p.m.
Everyone Wetoom.
Sunday RBaadio
CKNX 9201090 a.m.
Farm 20 dal 520 at.m.
111uary 111
:00 o n..12:10 p.m.
Worahip Broadcast on
Community Channel
Death Notices
FLEAR - Donald Roy Fear, age 64, of
Grand Bend, peacefully on Thursday, Febru-
ary 8, 1996 at South Huron Hospital Exeter.
Beloved husband of Elizabeth Betty"
(Armstrong) Hear. Loving father of Steven
and his wie Mathilda of Atva. Scott and his
wife Monique of Owen Sowed, Susan and
her husband Neil Morley of Thornhill. Cher-
ished grandfather of Michael, Karioe, Josh,
Jessie and Christopher. Dear on of Gertrude
and the late Roy Fear (1992). Dear brother
of Dennis and his wife Shirley Kea and his
wife Sheila and brother-in-law of Jean
(Armstron) Love. Rested at the T. Harty
Hoffman Sons Funeral Home, Dashwood.
with visitation Saturday commencing at 7
p.nt; where the funeral service was held on
Sunday, February 11, 1996 at 1:30 p.m. The
Rev. Willy Ziegler officiated. Spring inter-
ment. If desired, memorial donations to the
Diabetes Association, Cancer Society or
charity of choice would be appreciated.
WINDSOR - At University Hospital, Lon-
don, on Wednesday. February 7, 1996,
Gwendoline "Gwen"argarct (Keller)
Windsor of Exeter, in her 60th year. Be-
loved wife of Max Windsor, Loved mother
and mother-in-law of Kevin and Carol
Windsor, Charles and Karen Windsor all of
Huron Park, William "Bill" and Michelle
Windsor of Guelph and John Windsor of Ex-
eter. Dear sister and sista-in-taw of Audrey
and Roy Gibson of Creditoo, Marion and
Robot Feltz of RR 2 Atha Craig, John and
Beverley Keller, Ross Keller all of RR 2
Dashwood and Donald Keller of Parkhill.
Loved by her nine grandchildren. Prede-
ceased by her parents Arnold (1988) and
Alia (Meyers) (1983) Keller. Visitation at
Zion Lutheran Church, Dashwood on Fri-
day, February 9, 1996 commenced at 11
a.m. followed by the funeral service at 12.
Pastor John E. Trembulak III officiated. in-
terment Zion Lutheran Cemetery. if desired,
memorial donations to the Diabetes Associa-
tion, Zion Lutheran Church or chari of
choice would be appreciated. (T.
Hoffman & Sons Funeral Home, Dashes
entrusted with arrangements). 7e
In Memoriam
BRIN'174ELI, - In loving memory of a dear
mom, Shirley Brintnell, who passed away
February 13, 1989.
As time unfolds another year,
Memories keep you forever near,
Silent thoughts of times together,
Hold memories that will last forever.
Lovingly remembered and sadly missed by
Tari, Scott, Sue and Josh. 7c
CAMPBELL - in loving memory of a dear _
wife and mother, Wendy Mae (Bowerman)
Campbell, who passed away suddenly one
year ago, February 15, 1995.
I cannot bring the good times beck,
Your hand 1 weer touch. , ,
ilsot still I have so many memoiies,
Of the one I love so much:
So many things have happened Wend,
Since you were called away,
So many things to share with you,
Had you been k8 to stay.
Beside your grave 1 sometimes stand,
And think about the past,
Remembering all the times we've shared,
Right up until the last.
If 1 had one wish today,
And knew it would come true.
I'd telephone to heaven,
And ask to speak to you.
Sadly missed, forever loved, your husband
Gary, children Tracy and Derek, son-in-law
barren and new grandson Taylor. 7• Ou
CAMPBELL - in loving memory of a dear
daughter-in-law, Wendy, who passed away
February 15, 1995.
1 think of the day you passed away,
- There was link I could do,
But memories never fade away,
1 will always think of you.
I think of you in silence,
And often speak your name,
For all I have are memories,
And picture in a frame.
You did so many things for me,
Your heart was kind and true,
And when 1 need someone,
I could always count on you.
The special year will not return,
When we were all together,
Your resting place I visit.
And place flowas then with care,
My hearts is filled with sadness.
As i turn and leave you there.
Sadly missed by mother -In-law Shirley. 7•
CAMPBELL - In loving memory of our
dearly loved sister-in-law Wendy, who died
one year ago, February 15, 1995.
Our lives go on without you,
And nothing is the same,
We have to hide our heartache,
When someone speaks your name.
Sad are the hearts that love you,
Silent the tears that fall.
Living our lives without you,
Is the hardest part of all.
You did so many things for us,
Your heart was kind and true,
And when we needed someone,
We could always count on you.
The special years will not return,
When we were all tog�u
But with the love within our hearts.
You will walk with us forever.
Dearly missed by Margie and Jim. Baty
and (brother) Art, Bons)*, Sharon, Sue and
Steve, and their families. 7•
CAMPBELL - In loving mertwry of a dear
sister-in-law and aunt, Wendy, who sudden-
ly was taken from us a year ago, February
15, 1995.
I reach for the phone and start to dial,
A�panic comes overmeand 1 lme all liikee�cry-
Somewhere inside of me a part of rte is dy-
It s
Ithen I realize it is really true,
You're gone Wendy and I can't talk to you,
So deep in my thoughts,
Your voice sounds so clear,
i think if 1 phoned you,
It's your voice that 1 will hear.
I lost a dear friend,
Your love meant so much,
if only there were phones in heaven,
We would keep in touch.
Now 1 must learn,
When I reach for the phone.
That you now live in "Heaven".
Phone number unknown,
Time will help me ease the pain;
Till) we meet again.
Forever remembered by Bonnie, Chris,
Ashley and Ryan. 7*
FLEAR - To the family of Don Flear.
Thank you for your 42 years of support to-
wards Don's dedicated service in the Grand
Bend, Bosanquet, Stephen fere department.
His capabilities as a firefighter, radio dis-
patcher and fire prevention officer will not
be surpassed. To Betty and family, you have
7cr deepest sympathy.
Grand Bend, Bosanquet,
Stephen Fire Department
HALL • to Loving memory of Esther, loving
wife of Morley; mother of Kathryn and Jim;.
Cecile and Gerry, and David and Cindy and
her cherished grandchildren. Entered into
the presence of the Lord, whom she loved,
on icbnwry 14, 1993.
Sadly missed by her family. 7c
JIWrifi4.- Ip loving a entoory of our dear:.
P and greatz-
gran renhts, John (Jack) Jamey, iPebr February
33 1989; and Wilhelmine Jesney (Flynn),
February 22, 1990.
As time unfolds another year,
Memory keeps you forever near,
Silent thoughts of times together,
Holds memories that will last forever.
Always loved and sadly missed by Chuck,
Phyllis, Vicki, Darren, Tammy, John, Dar-
lene Ducharme and family. 7•
KLI MKE - In loving 'memory of a very
dear husband, father and 'Tatra", who
passed away February 12, 1994.
r lives go on without you,
d nothing is the same.
We have to hide our heartache,
When someone speaks your name.
Sad are the hearts that love you,
Silent the tears that fall,
Living our lives without you,
Is the hardest pmt of all.
No one feels the grief we bear,
When the family gathers and you're not
Deep in our hearts you will always stay,
Loved and remembered every day.
Look after him God, don't leave him alone,
This is his second year away from home.
You are dearly missed, forever loved and
always in our hearts. Love Helen, Joan, Ste-
phen, Jeanie, Brendon and families. 7•
CAMPBELL • In memory of a dear grand-
daughter, Wendy.
Days of sadness pill corse o'er me,
Tears In silence often flow,
Fond memories always keep you near me,
Thous you kft one year ago.
Sad y you by your grandmother Irene.
CAMPBELL • in loving memory of my sis-
lives on without you.
And nothing is the same,
We have to bide our heartache,
When someone speaks your mart*.
Sad are the hearts that love you,
Silent the teas that fall,
lArkg our lveessrtwithout you,
feels the grieiefall. we bear,
When the family gathers and you're not
Deep in our hearts you'll always stay,
cook anter bet God, ha alone,
This is het first year away from home.
I miss you, love your sister Liz. Deswyn,
Ben and Jordan. 7c
CAMPBELL - Dear Wendy: it's been a
year, yet it seams like yesterday. You've
been missed by everyone you loved and
touched. This poen has made it easier to un-
derstand our sorrow.
MIs. Me .Bat Let Me Go
When i coma ., the end of the road
And the sun has aafor me
• I wast no rites is a gloom filled room
Why try for s seal set free.
Mime we a Mk- but not loo long
And not with your had bowed low
Resnember the love that -we once shred
Mia me - but let me
Par Ns is *jamas, that we all rust take
And each wet go alone,
it's all a pert tithe Maakr's plan
A seep onthe road to home.
M heart
Go to due friends ay lama,
Aad bury year ho hiss • bat let an monow'.. mdoing good deeds
Dina ssedd Deena Uf a• Cindy, Bob, '
McCANN - February 16, 1949 - July 24.
1995. in lovingmemory of our dear daugh-
ter-in-law ine. Eternal rat grant unto
her 0 Lord and let perpetual light shirk oa
her. May she rent in peace. Amen.
Clem sad Joan. 7c
WEBER • In loving memory of a dear hus-
band, facer and grandfather, Keith, ileo -
passed away February 12, 1995.
Peacefully sleeping, resting at bust,
His weary trials and troubles are put;
In silence he suffered, is patience he bon;.
nil God called him home to suffer no more.
JoSadlyy issediby Hazel, Marilyn and Ed,
Community Centre
Wed. Feb. 14
Bingo starts 7:30 p.m.
Regular Games
Jackpot Game
52 calls or less 8900 bonus
at;..os Fgb. 14Th. FIRST
12 1Adiis RECEIVE A
Total prizes $3000
Due to the Nowlin regulations,
no one under le Mowed to play
Licence 1537495
.yap 16th
444. f4
46.11 Saw
Hunger Busters
Smart Shopping that won't
blow the budget!
-7 to a p.m.
24 Huron St. W. W. Exeter
Seating limited
Please call to reservejeat
235-2700 Ext. 256
A Great
Lady is
turning 80
on Feb. 16
North* rest Seniors Apt.
80 Queen St. Hensall
Sun. Feb. 18 2-4 p.m.
No gilts please/
Kat syn, Keith, Debbie
end families I
of Centralia
are pleased
to announce
as Pastor of Youth and
Fellowship Ministries
"For we preach not ourselves,
but Christ Jesus the Lord; and
ourselves your servants for
Jesus' sake."
11 Corinthians 4:5
MALS • 9Days-Motorcoach
MA& 4.7 Days -Motorcoach & Air
APRIL 2Q - 7Days - Motorceach
is o Nows79700 MOIL
AMUR Deys-
MotoJroach & Air
35 2000 Tull r,ct- 1-800 265.7022
ow. Dance Hall
® Pp.m. 1 a.m.
Urns Davao Weica u
Fri., Feb. 16
Sat., Feb. 17
End -O -The -Line
Winners February I5/96
Game #1: Anne Lawrence, Sherri
Chappel, Tammy Bibby, Monica
Masse, Wilma Davis; Game #2:
Gall Smith Game #3 Sandra Scott
Game #4: Kim Caldwell Game #5:
Esther Hillman. ,Game 6 Peggy
Winners February 12
Game #1: Clements Jeffery, $50.
Game #2: Esther Hillman $50.
Game #3: Bill Riley $50. Game
#4: Nancy Smith $75. Game #5:
Alice McNair 10QQ. Game #6
Bonnie Staught MO
Next week's Jackpot $500. In 50
Computer Courses
McCurdy Public School
7:30 p.m. -10 p.m.
Works for Windows (Feb.. 26, 28)
Purchasing a computer (March 6)
File & Disk Management
(March 13) ,
Computerized Accounting
(March 20, 22,1 p.m.)
Quickbooks Accounting
(March 25, 27)
The Net (April 10)
$25 per evening
228-6524 or 482-7167
Royal Canadian Legion ,
R.E. Pooley Branch #1.67
Exeter, Ontario -
Sat. Feb. l7th- Meat draws -4-6p.m.
- All Members Sports Night
- Cribbage, euchre, darts and
- Registration 7:00 p.m.
Thurs. Feb. 22nd - General Meeting 8 p.m.
Sun. Feb. 25th - All members snow
golf and steak BBQ
- $15.00 per couple,
sign up by Feb. 17th
SDue to an error on behalf of the Times -Advocate,
, *2will not be serving a Sweetheart&
Brunch on Wednesday, Feb. 14
TA apologizes for any inconvenience
this may cause their customers
i1 16 Main Street ZURICH
ti�, 236-4812
• — = " Reservations Recommended
. .ingeheslow Host: Michael Rydsman