HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes-Advocate, 1996-02-14, Page 12What do
you think
about the,
, ,. .:
T,I>rlaa ► 0104.
Dtl .
i .I,
S. d.monn
nroy Whyts,
Huron Park
Andy Hoe,
Crest Beach:
'1 think
at bars may be
1 a.m. to Z
a.m. or 3
a. n%.
1 don't think
It will make
that much 0
long as the
police stay
'1 think it's
fltey're trying
to get people
for drinking
and driving.* '
it's not neo-
essay. Jul:
, tegrie* bow
don't Wentdriving
to) be
and the
. Varna
it just pro-
mote. drink-
nom, •
'It's a non-
issue as far
as I'm con-
''don't think
it should be,
Drinking and
think n would
It's rowdy
enough when
they get out
at one In the
1 don't like
it...It may
create some
problems and
all it takes Is
one fatal acct-
dent. It's
going to
cause more
grief than
what It's
should make
it available to
them within
There's too
many restric-
tions but If
there are
problems we
should clamp
down on it
very heavily."
Lucan Citizenship Award presented to Hotson
Lawrence Hotson re-
ceived the citation at
last Tuesday's council
LUCAN - Village council pre-
sented Lawrence Hotson with the
Lucan Citizenship Award at last
Tuesday night's meeting.
Hotson has made many contribu-
tion to the community including
holding the position of reeve from
1989 to 1991, coaching the Lucan
House Leage Hockey and serving
as a member of the Lucan Irish 6
Hockey Team executive.
He has also been involveed with
Lawrence Hotson was presented with the Lucan Citizenship
Award at last Tuesday's council meeting. Reeve Tom
,McLaughlin thanked Hotson for his many contributions to
the community.
the Lucan Lions Club, the Com-
munity Centre Board, the Lucan
Fair Committee and the Lucan
Planning Committee.
The citiation, presented by Reeve
Tom McLaughlin, acknowleged
Hotson's "untiring and unselfish
dedication" to the many organiza-
tions that which have benefited
from his contribution.
, . Hotson worked in the community
first with its local industry and is
currently clerk of the Township of
Biddulph where he continues to
share experience gained as a vil-
lage councillor and reeve.
Student attending forum
Jenn Ellison was se-
lected as one of 500
student to participate
EXETER - Jenn Ellison, a stu-
dent at South Huron District High
School was recently selected as
one of 500 Canadian students to
participate in the Forum for Young
The forum is an organization
which brings students from all parts
of Canada to Ottawa each year to
discover how government works.
Students will participate in a mpck
cabinet discussion on immigration
policy and take part in a sttaagged de-,
bate on federal provincial reran
They will also take part in a npm-
her of activities in the nation's cap-
ital, including sitting in the Com-
mons and Chambers, talking to par-
liamentarians and senior public
servants and visiting the Supreme
Court of Canada.
The aim of the program is for stu•
dents to learn about the challenges.
and the complexities in the way
their government operates. As
well, they will have acquired a bert-
ter understanding of their fellow
Canadians from across the land.
.The cost of attending the forum is
rover $600 and participants are re-
quired to approach local organiza-
tions to fund the portion of the pro
grfrrrr not covered by a grant from
tiDepartment of Canadian Her-
Hensall Friendship Circle holds meeting
A wish list for the
Camp Menesetung
was given....
Liz {Sangster
Legion Auxiliary
HENSALL - The Hensall Legion
Ladies Auxiliary held their Febru-
ary meeting recently. President Iva
Reid presided. A donation was
made to Big Brothers and Sisters
"Bowl for Millions" Bowl-a-thon
to be held in Zurich. Members de-
cided to send two delegates to the
Provincial Command' Convention
in Kingston in September.
The Sports Officer announced
there would be several bowling
tournaments coming up in the near
future. Plans were made for the An-
nual Penny Sale, with the draws to
be held on June 10. Banquets were
also discussed. Auxiliary members
will be going to Queensway Nurs-
ing Home to conduct bingo for the
month,of March for residents.
Friendship Cirde
The Friendship Circle of Hensall
United Church met recently. Mona
Alderdice chaired the meeting and
welcomed all. She opened with a
poem "A Good Deed is Never
Lost", followed by a Valentine
Prayer. Shirley McAllister's devo-
tional was entitled " Love" and she
opened with the hymn "From
Ocean unto Ocea..". She read sto-
ries and scriptures whir h illustrated
different kinds of love.
The hymn "Be there my vision"
was sung and McAllister closed
with prayer Alderdice read a poem
then showed a humorous video that
featured Barbara Johnston. Mary
Brintnell read a letter of thanks
from Camp Menesetung and told
the group, Barb hicks, director of
the camp, will be speaking in the
church May 26. A wish list for the
camp was given which includes
balloons, night lights, umbrellas,
frozen juice lids, small clear plastic
peanut butter jars and Canadian
Tire money. The roll call was an-
swered by 16, each giving a line
with the word "love" in it. Alder -
dice read two poems and the Miz-
pah Benediction closed the meet-
ing. A contest and a time of
fellowship was enjoyed with Mona
Alderdice and Kay Mock as host-
The World Day of Prayer will be
held in the Presbyterian Church,
Friday March 1.
Hensall United Church
Rev. Annen's sermon was "Hard
Choices"; this palst Sunday, at Hen-
sall United Ch h. The children's
hymn was "G1My Be to God on
High". The children's message was
"Choosing". Communion was
served by Shirley MacAllister, Hel-
en MacLean, Joanne Rowclif e,
Carol Martin, Darryl Preszcator,
WM hold annual meeting
EXETER - The Women's Ministries from the Exeter Pentecostal Taber-
nacle held their annual business meeting February 8 at 2 p.m.
Hostess was Ruth McLaren and Jean Triebner presided over the meet-
They sang some songs, accompanied on the piano by Marian T eibner.
Jenny Kipfer led in
The roll call was taby Shirley Prouty and the 12 present answered
with a favorite Bible verse.
Rev. Vernon Dean gave the message it was taken from Mark 4:35 and
was entitled "Jesus Stilled the Storm".
Shirley Praaty read the minutes frau last year's annual business meet-
The women and pastor prayed.
They voted by norm ballet for the following positions: President Jean
Triebtlet; Vice president Ruth McLaren; Treasurer Helen Kendrick; Secre-
tary Shirley Prouty.
Ruth McLaren and Wanda McLaren provided lunch.
and Gerry Glenn. The closing
hymn was "Oh Master Let Me
Walk with Thee Heather Kenne-
dy was the greeter, the ushers were
Darryl Preszcator and Dan Crerar.
There will be Jr. choir practice af-
ter school Wednesday. The Hensall
and Community Drop-in is Febru-
ary 15, call Marg Cole 262-2304,
for reservations. Confirmation
classes will meet February 18 in
Rev. Annen's office. Following
church February 18, the Property
Committee will be hosting a time
of fellowship. Tickets for the Food
Grains Lunch are available from
Tan MacAllister and Rev. Annen.
The Official Board will meet Feb-
ruary 21 all members are urged to
Carmel P.C.W.
The P.C.W. of Carnal Presbyter-
ian Church held their February
meeting with President Marlene
Bell welcoming everyone and read-
ing a poem. Janeth Sangster con-
ducted the worship service, "How
Acts of Kindnes's Feed the Soul".
Dorothy Taylor accompanied the
hymn sing. Elizabeth Sangster read
a Valentine from 1852. Dedication
of the offering concluded the wor-
ship. Dorothy Taylor read the min-
utes of the January meeting, and a
short business meeting followed.
Lola Nixon and Bev Moir served
'tea and dessert.
Legion Family Dinner
The Hensall Legion Family Din-
ner will be held February 18 at the
Legion Hall. Children's tickets are
$4.50, adults are $8.50. For more
information call Lillian Beer 262-
2722 or the Legion hall 262-2948. ,
�ticulous Cleaning Service
is Pleased to Announce
That Terry & Linda Bedard are the new Franchise
operator's for The Clinton & Goderich Area
Stuart & Madeline Shepherd, rd, along with the head office staff
would like to welcome Tinny & Linda into our organization.
We would alio like to express, to existing clients, our absolute
confidence in Merry & Linda's ability to provide unparalleled
quality workmanship and client service.
Terry lit toe wow like In`""` veil resent or potential clients to
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When &en the mhpsstsibllity of caring for your home or
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"We Don't Flirt with Dirt"
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What are Winter Blues?
Winter Blues are a state of mind caused by being too cold, too tired,
too fat and because everyone is fleeing south but you, your car is
always cold and sometimes it just doesn't start, you wake up and it's
dark and drive home and it's dark. You are depressed with flu, fuel
bills, below normal temperature, cabin fever, kids, thunder thighs,
pot bellies, gray skies, snow, slush and being old.
If you are suicidal, temperamental or just plain depressed keep
Is there a cure?
Yes there is a cure! You need a change. Just look around your home;
at that worn out sofa (or the picture above it), those tables you
bought 25 years ago when you got married (arborite?), the room you
started to decorate and never finished, maybe those lamps your
mother gave you that you never did like, the bedroom furniture ydu
bought second hand, the mattress only your chiropractor could
appreciate or pcAsibly the chair you sit in every day that gives you a
sore neck.
What is the care?
Change your attitude! Yes, attitude is a very important word. A frame
of mind you can control. Do something about it.
At Dinney's we have slashed all prices on everything in the store!
Even when you special order something. Our special bright green
tags will cheer you up instantly! Plus we have delirious, warm coffee
and you will also receive a very useful gift... just for coming in.
Tell us your problems, our staff are the best you will find anywhere.
They all have been spedally trained to deal with Winter Blues and
are specialists In knowing how to cheer up your home. Even if you
just walk around our store you'll feel great. If you haven't got'the
money... pay for it later. Your health and well-being depends on it.
We can interior design any and every room. Our interior design
service is free.... Our delivery service is free and our delivery people
love the snow.
We can do It together! Act now or be depresserd until spring.
Are there any alternatives?
Yes, you can sec a psychlatrlst.. but remember, that money could go
Into your home. You could just bury your head In a snow bank or
pack your bags and move to another country.
We suggest you go to
Dinney's Fine Furniture and Window Fashions
at 467 Main St. Exeter. We can help
art . t r