HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes-Advocate, 1996-02-14, Page 9COMMUNITY
Times -Advocate, February 14, 1996
Page 9
Wendy King raises a tea cup during a Ladles Valentine
Tea at the Emmanuel Baptist Church on Saturday.
Valentine tea focuses
on `A Healthy Heart'
Adrienne Talbot
EXETER - 'A Healthy Heart'
was the focus of a Valentine Tea
hosted by the women of Emma-
nuel Baptist Church this past Sat-
About 75 women from Exeter
and the surrounding area were
treated to an afternoon of fellow-
ship and information concerning
the fragility of the human heart
both physically and spiritually.
February is Heart and Stroke
month and Jean Dinsmore, a re-
tired R.N. and volunteer for the
Heart and Stroke Foundation was
the featured speaker. The women
in attendance listened intently as
she revealed some startling facts
concerning women and heart dis-
ease. Heart disease, once thought
to be a men only disease, is now
the number one killer of women
Facts were given on the risks of
poor diet, inactivity, stress and
high blood pressure and their af-
fect on the heart. Dinsmore ended
with the commitment of the Foun-
t,, . nsuring women know what
they can do to help prevent heart
disease and stroke;
• supporting research and edu-
cation about the cause, symptoms
and treatment of heart disease and
Barb Hodgins sang two songs
entitled "People need the Lord"
and "He can make a perfect
Having been informed on their
physical needs, the women were
then told the Good News on how
to heal their spiritual needs.
The second speaker, a pastor's
wife and mother of three, gave
testimony as to how having
Christ in your heart and as the
center of you home, helps to keep
the diseases of resentfulness, bit-
terness and discontentment as
well as separation from the Hea-
venly Father away.
Martha Jolliffe revealed the im-
portance of coming to Christ and
reconciling ourselves to the fami-
ly of God as the first step to mak-
ing our heart feel right.
The audience's attention was
directed to the scripture which
went hand in hand with the
healthy heart theme, "Above all
else guard your heart for it is the
well spring of life", Proverbs
For more information on the
condition of your heart spiritual-
ly, call Emmanuel Baptist Church
at 235-2661 or for information
concerning heart disease and
stroke, contact the Huron Chapter
of the Foundation at (519) 524-
55th anniversary gift
presented at UCW meeting
Annie Morenz
GRAND BEND - Grand Bend
United Church Women met Thurs-
day afternoon at the church on Feb-
ruary 1. President Evelyn Johnson
opened with a prayer. Hazel Broad
gave the meditation and talked
about beliefs, vows and faith in the
Christian religion. True faith rouses
people to action, to trust and obey,
beginning with God's word in the
Good News. Hymns 'The Lord's
My Shepherd' and 'Have Thine
Own Way Lord' were sung, accom-
panied by Irene Kennedy on the pi-
President Johnson conducted, the
program, pointing out help in the
Good News bible, with questions
answered by a Bible verse.
theme of
EXETER - N.G. Sis. Mavis
Atthill opened the meeting with
,a poem "What are Valentines?"
Next euchre will be February
,14. The poor boy lunch netted a
profit of S295.27. We are enter-
taining the Oddfellows March
15. Donations were given to Big
Bros./Big Sis. Bowlathon and to
the Arthritic Society. invitations
were received from Dorchester
for their Brothers Nite and Irish
Stew Match 18 and from Strat-
,,ford to see their degree March 5.
(Good Friday Rally is April 5 in
St. Thomas. The Oddfellows
Pri.aldship Night is March 23 at
Kirkton. Dinner tickets are $10
or $15 for dinner and dance. The
Rebekahs will be having a pot
luck dinner April 3 when DDP
Sis. Enna Cartwright makes her
official visit.
Minutes were read by Bertie
Keyes. Twenty-one women an-
swered the roll call with a Bible
verse about love.
During the business it was voted
to hold Thankoffering service the
second Sunday in June.
Several thank you letters were
read, including one from mission-
ary Rev. Rob Witmer and family in
Valentines made to decorate
doors at Blue Water Rest Home
ZURICH - The first Monday of
each month is becoming an outing
for the tenants of Maplewoods
Apartments as they dine at Blue
Water Rest Home. The Wheelchair
bus along with the help of the "nisi
Red Love Machine" picked up Ver -
da Baechler, Vera Shantz, Laura
Gascho, Gertie Durand, Meda
O'Brien, Anna Erb and Ila
O'Rourke and chauffeured them to
the Home. Gladys Gingerich assist-
ed Martha Risi as Auxiliary volun-
teers to serve their seven guests.
The tenants received the same
menu as the rest of the Home and it
gives them one less meal to prepare
themselves each month, plus a
change of atmosphere and a chance
to socialize with the residents at the
home. The Monday afternoon mo-
vie at Blue Water Rest Home was
"Ma and Pa Kettle", a down home
quality video.
Tuesday moming the Grade five
St, Boniface Buddies visited the
Home to make valentines for their
resident Buddy's door. They also
made snowmen with the real stuff
from Mother Nature's winter won-
derland and sat it outside to harden
up in the winter chill. The snow-
men with their buttons,eyes, hat
and scarf were great competition
for the Grand Bend Winterfest.
In the evening the Auxiliary
made their monthly visit with Mary
Lou Erb as chairperson. She
brought along her friends Winnie
Hutton, Helen Gingerich, Liz Ad-
ams, Ruth Seibert, Dennis Estep,
Melvin Melick, Hairy Zandeuyck
and Delores Gingerich who sang
hymns for the residents with Pearl
Ann Martin as pianist. 'Amazing
Grace,' 'I'm a New Creation' and
'Put on the Garment of Praise',
plus many more hymns were sung.
Lottie Grenier read a poem called
"Laughter" and Alicia Estep sang
"I have Travelled". Donna Klopp,
president, Martha Risi, Marlene
Gingerich and Mary Ellen Ginge-
rich served fancy tarts and refresh-
ments to their guests.
Wednesday afternoon the resi-
dents gathered in the auditorium
and did their spring cleaning of
jewellery. It was like old times as
their jewellery took on a fresh new
Rev. Ed Laksmanis, Zion United
Church, Crediton conducted Thurs-
day afternoon Chapel Service. Fr.
Matthias Wronski, St. Boniface
Church, Zurich celebrated Mass.
Condolences to the family and
friends of the late Charles Harvey
Fire destroys
Shipka landmark
The former Shipka General Store
burned Feb. 2.
Annie Morenz
SHIPKA - At the January 31
euchre party at Shipka Commu-
nity Centre, there were seven ta-
bles in play. Winners were: La-
dies high, Doris Pfaff; Ladies
low, Doreen Lightfoot; Ladies
most lone hands, Shirley Mar-
tine; Mens high, Keith Rock;
Mens low, Earl Dietrich; Mens
most lone hands, Tony Martine.
-The next euchre will be tonight,
February 14.
The old Shipka General Store
here, a landmark since the late
1800s and early 1900s, was de-
stroyed by fire on Friday, Febru-
ary 2. The building was presently
occupied by the McCurdy fami-
Hugh and Annie Morenz ob-
served their 55th wedding anni-
versary on February 1. They
were married at Hensel! United
Church manse by the late Rev.
R.A. Brooks. Maid of honor was
Annie's sister Mary (Coleman)
Finlayson, best man was Hugh's
brother, Roy Morenz. The weath-
er was much the same, quite cold
with snow but sunny, as they
took pictures outside. Annie's
parents, the late Wes and Jane
Ann Coleman held a wedding
dinner for them in their home for
about 30 guests served by up
neighbor women. This year,
Hugh and Annie have been out
for three suppers with friends
and family followed by Solo
Happy birthday wishes go this
month to Melvin Stade, who
reaches the 80th milestone.
February is Heart and Stroke
Followinris a quote fromfatf-
thor Isaac Asimov, "The human
heart beats constantly at a rate of
60 to 80 times a minute, or a
trifle faster than one beat per
second, through a long life that
may last over a century.
In a century of fruitful labor, it
will beat some four billion times
and pump 600,000 tons of blood.
The work done by the heart
each minute is equivalent to the
lifting of 70 pounds a foot off
the ground."
Several from this area attended
the memorial service for Sid De-
vine, held January 31 at Church
of God, Grand Bend. he passed
away suddenly on January 26.
Sympathy is expressed to Ross
Keller and John and Beverley
Keller in the death of their sister
Gwen Windsor, last week.
Prime commercial/office space on Main Street.
Office suites from $29.00 per week plus
Details CaII 235-3777
The Buren County Board of Education
Children born in 1991 and 1992 are eligible to enrol in
respectively for September,1996.
Contact your local Public School Principal as soon as
possible to confirm your intent to register.. Your call will
allow your school to provide you with registration details
and will assist the Board In planning for staff. Proof of
age and confirmation of property assessment information
will be required.
Roxanne Brown
Paul Carroll
Hayter who passed away at the
Rest Home on February 10 in his
77th year. Harvey, a resident of the
Home the past six months, came
from Grand Bend but was well
known as an area farmer.
Condolences to the family and
friends of the late Murray McNab
who passed away at the Rest Home
on February 10 in his 100th year.
Murray and his wife Beatrice
moved to the Home in March 1995.
Murray was driving his vehicle up
until the time he entered the Home
and celebrated his 99th birthday In
January with members of his
church, a remarkable man!
The residents look forward to
their February birthday party with
St. Peter's Roman Catholic Church
on February 13 and a potluck '50's'
supper with the staff of Blue Water
on February 14.
Found: A navy blue Northern Re-
flection, ladies medium nylon jack-
et left in the Adjuvant's room of
Blue Water. It has been here ap-
proximately 1 year waiting for it's
volunteer owner to claim it.
daughter of Bruce & Dorothy
Peat and Gerald & Cathy
Morley graduated at the
University of Guelph with a
Bachelor of Science Degree
In the Applied Biochemistry
Program. Shari has applied
to the Department of Clinical
Biochemistry at the
University of Toronto In the
Masters' Program.
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