HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes-Advocate, 1996-02-14, Page 6The Exeter Times Advocate offers all kinds of services... • Fax • Photocopies • Colour Copies • Transparencies • Laminating • Resumes • Typing •'Flyers • Programs • and more Artist Supplies • r,1r1114.- }tt'I1, 1' .t•t� • I 1111+;1,111h\ It'. • .'.1lltit' • \t'tvtt!ft \\ tt'r- .R 1\ • 11�,1int�, 1�!•II In.. 4.0tt h • I, i,,1ft'I-. • I',1,k,1 ,t't. • I vrti School & Office Supplies Business Cards Rubber Self- inking Stamps Personal Labels Wedding & .1nnix ersar\' invit,ttions & Supplies 424 Main Street Exeter, Ontario (819) 235.1331 Fax: (111.9) 2350768 am to SOO p.m. Mon. -f41. Page 6 Times -Advocate, February 14, 1996 Public Speaking winners Precious Blood School Public Speaking Winners will go on to compete in next Friday's Zone Competition at Mt. Carmel School. Pictured at back from left are Becky Meidinger, Craig Overholt, Mike Dietrict. and Matt Dietrich. In front are Mary Gregus and Kevin Overholt. • Thames Road women plan to be hostesses Rhoda Rohde THAMES ROAD - The February meeting of the UCW was held on Monday evening in the church base- ment with 20 ladies and two visitors present. The meet- ing table was covered with a lace cloth, a large fancy red heart, little hearts and cupids which was very im- pressive for the theme of the meeting on "Love". Ka- thy Bray welcomed everyone and read a poem "Daily Valentine". Margaret Stewart read "Who Loves us Best". "Love Divine All Loves Excelling" was sung. Alma Ballantyne read the Scripture Lesson 1 Corin- thians 13: 1-10. Kay Hodgert read "Love Is A Gift of God." A skit "A Love Story" with Bray, Ballantyne,, Hod- . gen and Stewart taking part. Kathy Bray led in prayer. A piano medley by Alma Ballantyne which Was much enjoyed. The offering was received by Hodgert and Stewart with prayer by Bray. The group sang "0 Love That Whilt Not Let Me Go". A humorous reading "Grand- mother Machine" was read by Margaret Stewart. Mar- garet Stewart introduced Lori Burt and Andrea Rader of the Exeter Massage Therapy Clinic, both spoke and gave a lot of information. They both trained at D'arcy Lane Institute in London Ontario - a Ministry of Edu- cation and Training approved massage college. Kay Hodgert thanked them both and presented each with a gift. Kathy Bray read a poem "Keepsakes". The president Beatrice Dawson opened the business part of the meet- ing with everyone repeating the UCW's Purpose. The roll call was answered by bringing a keepsake or memento and tell about it. Minutes and correspon- dence were dealt with. Marilyn Pyni gave the treasur- er's report. Pat Ballantayne gave the Board of Manag- ers report. The women are to entertain at the Bluewater Rest Home in June. The World Day of Prayer Service is to be held with Thames Road women as hostesses at Thames Road on Friday March 1 with Bethel Reformed, Caven Chris- tian Reformed, Exeter, Elimville, Trivitt Memorial, Precious Blood women as the guests. Strawberry and ham supper it was decided to have the strawberry'and ham sup- per on Monday June 17. The UCW Presbyterial annual meeting will be held on Monday february 12 at Ontario Street UC in Clinton. The spring event will be held in Mitchell April 22. Beatrice Dawson will be attending the Education Committee Welfare meeting to get infor- mation Collective Kitchens. The group sang, "Joyful, Joyful We Adore Thee" and all repeated the UCW Prayer. Group C under the leadership of Judith Parker and Joan Morgan served decorated chocolate cupcakes and beverage which brought an enjoyable meeting to a close. Church service The Sunday morning church service was held with Rev. Jim Allsop in charge. The Doxology was sung and the Responsive reading was from Psalm 12. The choir sang "I Will Meet You In the Morning" accompanied by the organist Jean Hodgert. The childrens hymn "They'll know we are Christians by Our Love" was sung and Rev. Allsop told the chrl- drens story "A Gift of Our Hands." Laurel and Brenda Miner received the offering. The Scripture Lesson from the Gospel of John 15: 9- 17 was read by Anne Kernick. Rev. Allsop read from the Gospel of Matthew 25: 31-46 and the title of his sermon was "A Scattered People Used by God." The closing hymn "Open My Eyes That I May See" was sung and Rev. Allsop pronounced the Benediction. After the service, lunch was provided by Agnes Bray and Melanie Miller and a big thank you goes to the two women for doing this. The backs of the hymn books were repaired. ' Upcoming events On Wednesday February 14 at 7 p.m. the Session will meet at Elimville followed by the Official Board meeting at 8 p.m. Friday February 16 the Messengers will have a skat- ing part at Kirkton Ice Rink (behind Kirkton United Church) from 7-8 p.m. Don't forget your loonie. March 1 at 2 p.m. the World Day of Prayer Service will be held at Thames Road Church with the women from all the churches in Exeter and Elimville as guests. Monday March 4 the UCW will hold their meeting. Thursday March 7 the Sunbeams will meet at Thames Road at 9:30 a.m. Anyone wishing to participate in Confirmation class should contact Rev. Jim Allsop. Confirmation classes will be held for one weekend at Five Oaks (nein Paris Ontario), from March 29-31 at a cost of $79.20 per person. For more information or registration forms contact Rev. Jim Allsop. nits kial HAIR DESIGN 122 King Street Hensall, Ont. Your Stylists: Karen Deanne and Renea CUTS*cPLUS Family Hair Care • Tinning • Waxing • Esthetics WALK-INS WELCOME polyNadu Maj Kerslake Dawn Bates CALL 235 -CUTS amt 363 Main St.. S. Exeter Poor boy lunch popular at Centralia The Sunday School hosted the lunch after the Sunday service. Mary Peterson CENTRALIA - Many residents and former residents from the Cen- tralia area travelled to Craigholme in Ailsa Craig on Saturday, Febru- ary 10 to offer birthday wishes to Doris Lightfoot (formerly Essery). She was celebrating her 80th birth- day. Bruce Colter and his fellow musicians played some lively coun- try and western tunes including fa- vorites like "The Auctioneer Song" and "Please Release Me". Every- one joined in singing 'Happy Birth- day' to Doris, and enjoyed sharing her birthday cake. Church activities At the worship at Centralia Unit- ed Church on Sunday, February 11, Ellen Graham played many favorite hymns on the piano prior to the ser- vice. The choir sang the anthem "When Love Shines In". Judy Mills read the scripture from Deuterono- my 30:15-20 and I Corinthians 3:1- 9. Pastor Heather Smith gave the gospel reading from Matthew 5:21- 37. Her sermon was based on the scripture and Moses' message to "Choose Life..." Sympathy and prayers were of- fered for the family of Chuck Windsor, whose mother passed away recently. Centralia Sunday School hosted a wonderful "Poor Boy Lunch" fol- lowing worship. Red and white car - WI enjoy Valentine fun facts DASHWOOD- The Dashwood W.I. met at the home of Aldene Wolfe for the Tweedsmuir meet- ing convened by Maud Hoffman. The meeting opened with "Valen- tine Fun Facts." The roll call "Name a Historical Event that hap- pened many years ago". Many events and experiences were re- called. The correspondence included an invitation to entertain the residents at the Blue Water Rest Home. The date decided was March 26 at 7 p.m. The restructuring committee has proposed the division of Onta- rio into six regions with 11 zones. The program included the motto "Grandfather's love of the land and animals." Members participat- ed in reading the poem "A Farm- er's last Will and Testament". Maud Hoffman read two poems "Miniature Copies of Mum and Dad" and "Outside Plumbing". A skit was given by Aldene Wolfe, Dorothy Restemayer and Katha- rine Becker entitled "A Farm for Sale". Everyone joined in singing "The W.I. Anniversary Song" and identifying the Hay Township cal- endar sketches. nations and valentines decorated the tables. Everyone enjoyed the sandwiches and the cake which Jean Caslick had specially baked and decorated for the occasion. Anyone interested in purchasing a subscription to "The Observe''.' for 510 should contact Marg Cook. On Sunday, February 18, new Elders and Officers of Committees will be installed at Centralia, and Zion United churches. Bible study will be held Wednes- day evenings at the manse at 8:00 p.m. beginning February 14. It will also be held at noon hour at the manse beginning Friday, February 16. If attending the Friday sessions, please bring a bag lunch. There is a sign-up sheet at the back of the church. Everyone is invited to the Pan- cake and Sausage Supper for Shrove Tuesday, February 20, fol- lowed by a special Ash Wednesday worship service. This dinner is be- ing organized by the Joint Ste- wards and Joint Manse Committee as a fundraiser for repairs to the manse. Dinner will be served from 5:30 to 7:00 p.m. with worship fol- lowing at 7:30 p.m. The cost will be 44.50 for adults, $2.50 for chil- dren ages six to 12 and pre-school children free. For tickets, call Larry Skinner at 229-6304 or Rob Essery at 228-6992. Everyone is welcome to attend the dinner and/or worship. Community news The community offers prayers and sympathy to the family and friends of Phyllis Case, who passed away recently. She lived in Cen- tralia for more than 20 years, and everyone remember her as a kind, warm. and friendly person. She en. joyed sports, especially baseball, and gardening. She was always very interested in current activities world-wide. The beautiful floral ar- rangement in the sanctuary at Cen- tralia United Church on February 11 was placed there in her memory. At the euchre party at Hey - wood's recently, the Special was won by Rhea Beatson. High hand winners were Grace Wurm and Bill Dixon, while 011ie Essery and Dor- is Pfaff were Lone Hand winners. rv difinDancemietep Murray Craig Queensway Nursing and Retirement Home, Is pleased to announce that Murray Craig of Hensall is Queensways new Meals on Wheels Volunteer Co- ordinator. If you require this service or would like to deliver meals contact Murray at 262- 3408 or call Queensway at 262-2830. J Pure Silk, Afghans, Persians, Aubussons and Dhurrles Choose from Rectangular, Squares, Rounds. Ovals and Runners. • Sizes 2'x3' to 12'x18' • Limited Time Offer • All Sales Final • Delivery Extra ECTSTA RUGS HWY. 22 AT WONDERLAND RD. N. LONDON 657-2723 MON. TO WED. 10.6 SAT. 10-5 TOM Roo 1400-847-0723 THURS. TO FRI. 10-9 CLOSED SUNDAY 1 1►