HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes-Advocate, 1996-01-24, Page 9Donations for the xe`ter Food
Bank are requested on the fust
Sunday of each month at Centralia
and Zion United Churches. Dona-
tions will be collected next on Sun-
day, February 3.
Centralia U.C.W. will meet
Thursday, February 1 at 8:00 p.m.
Marion Best, Moderator of The
United Church of Canada will
speak at Mitchell United Church
on February 1 at 7:30 p.m. Pastor
Smith will attend, and if anyone
would like a ride, they should con-
tact her.
Further details on noon -hour
bible study will be announced
shortly. Heather Smith will be
working with this bible study for
one of her school projects, and
would therefore appreciate atten-
dance by participants for at least
four consecutive study times.
Centralia Sunday School will
host a 'Poor Boy Lunch" on Sun-
day, February 11 following wor-
ship. Everyone is invited to attend.
The Stewards and Manse Com-
mittee are once again organizing a
Pancake and Sausage Supper for
Shrove Tuesday, February 20.
Tickets will be available soon. Fol-
lowing the supper, Pastor Heather
Smith will conduct a special wor-
ship service for Ash Wednesday.
Community news
At the euchre party at Crediton
recently, High Hand winners were
Ruby Beaver and Harry 'Noels,
while Ethel Lewis and Harvey Lat-
ta were Lone Hand winners. Do-
reen Lightfoot and Laney McDow-
all woe Low Hand winners.
Churches led the worship service.
He spoke of the joy people should
have in the Lord.
The video "Driving Miss Daisy"
was viewed by residents Thursday
evening. Several of the. Thursday
evening Diners joined them for the
movie fbllowing their meal.
Two residents have decided to -
enter the Hay Township 150th an-
niversary -beard growing contest.
Homer Taylor and Everett Gallagh-
er are both sporting more than a lit-
tle grey shadow.
Coming events
January 25, 7 p.m., birthday party
with old time music; February 8, 7
p.m., Valentine love songs with
barbershoppers "Audibly Awe-
ready by spring •
Lucan area brochure
i.UCAN - Included in ap up -
corning tourist welcome kit .put to.
gether. by the Luca° Business As-
sociation will be a brochure on
Lacan, and Biddulph.
BA Chair Pat Van Geleuken "at-
tende, I council's. Ian. 16 meeting to
givean update on the pamphlet that
will include a map and brief history
with a mentioning of the ponnel-
The green, black -printed bro-
chure will not contain advertising
and will be inexpensive to update.
By excluding a photo, the BA is
hoping to keep costs down.
Van Geleuken . also asked for
council's input. Crawford opposed.
Scott/Guide tlall Garbs User Pay Update
Council passed a motion to sup- "The user pay has been going
ply the Scout/Guide Hall with 26 fairly well," reported Town Ad -
garbage bag tags for the year (one ministrator Ron Reymer.
per week). Reeve Tom McLaughlin Besides very few complaints
said it is too complicated to figure about pick-ups being earlier, the
out who's garbage is who's, since only problem arising is stolen stick -
the hall is shared by numerous or- ers.
ganizations and events. "Wrap the sticker around the
"I will move that we give the neck of the garbage bag and stick it
Scout Hall 26 tags and we'll look to itself," advised Reymer.
after it in the summer," said Coun- Also, Councillor Rosemary Gah-
cillor Rob Brady. linger -Beaune recommended res -
The motion wa.s passed with idents separate recyclables.
Councillors Harry Wraith and Reg
Congregations planning.
future of their churches
Joan Beierling
VARNA - . Varna and Goshen
churches will have a joint service in
Goshen at 10 a.m. next Sunday,
January 28. Elly Van Bergen will
be in charge of the worship service.
Goshen members will be having
their annual meeting following the
service. The Varna Session is meet-
ing with the Goshen Session at 3
p.m. for a planning meeting con-
cerning the future of the churches.
There will be a follow up meet-
ing with area congregations on Feb-
ruary 8 at 7:30 p.m. in Varna.
There will be a Canadian Food
Grains Bank meeting Thursday,
January 25 at the church with Strat-
ford Centennial Church.
There was a quilting bee last
Thursday with many U.C.W. wom-
en out quilting in the church. They
were doing the quilt for an ARC
Times -Advocate, January 24, 1996 Puge 9
The old fashioned way. Kenn Connolly, far left, of Mitchell shows Dorothy Bullock how a
Wonder Rope Maker works, but Dorothy needed little instruction. She used to help her hus-
band make rope with it on their farm In the 30's. The tum of the century device was one of
many unusual antique tools Connolly was displaying at the Queensway Nursing Home Satur:
Antique tools shown at Queensway
HENSALL - Quoeniway Nursing
Home residents enjoyed a very
stimulating week with lots of infor-
mation to absorb.
Anna Zandbergen and Rita Van
Weiren gave a very interesting
presentation about Holland on
Thursday afternoon for Internation-
al Day. They had a display of
Dutch dolls, delft blue china, linen
and Van Weiren wore her wooden
shoes. There were pictures, maps
and postcards. They answered
many questions regarding Hol-
land's people, land, money, climate
and industries. Following their ses-
sion, a snack of Dutch rusk, Gouda
cheese and Windmill cookies was
served while everyone visited infor-
mally with the hostesses.
Ken Connelly provided more
teaching on Saturday when he
brought in his display of antique
tools and a rope -making machine.
He demonstrated rope -making with
resident Dorothy Bullock helping.
Bullock said she remembered years
ago helping her father make rope in
the same manner, keeping the ten-
sion just right. Residents were very
attentive as Ken explained the uses
for many of the antique tools. Resi-
dent Rudy Becker found several
that he was very familiar with.
Breakfast Club Tuesday morning
was enjoyed by those who attend-
ed, even the dishwashing and dry-
ing seemed to be a pleasant chore.
Tuesday afternoon Rev. Lazaro of
the Dashwood and Zurich United
Food bank donations
collected at churches
churches the first Sun-
day of each month.
Mary Peterson
CENTRALIA - On Sunday, Janu-
ary 21, the Sacrament of Baptism
was celebrated at Zion and Central-
ia United Churches. During the
Children's Time, Pastor Heather
Smith explained the meaning of the
baptism. Her sermon was entitled
"Real Love". At Zion, the congre-
gation welcomed Jacob Stephen
Johnson, the son of Susan and Jeff
Johnson, into the fellowship of the
Church of Jesus Christ. Adam
James Michael Windsor, the son of
Karen and Chuck Windsor, and
Marina Tillie Lather, the daughter
of Tracy and Richard Lather, were
welcomed into the church through
baptism at Centralia.
Lois Wilson read the scripture
from Isaiah 42:1-9 and Matthew
3:13-17. The choir sang an anthem
entitled "Out of Deep Unordered
Pastor Smith announced that the
congregation had participated in a
very successful collection of Christ-
mas shoeboxes for children in war-
torn countries such as Bosnia. A to-
tal of 1329 shoeboxes and $ 1,000
in cash was sent to Calgary for in-
clusion in the Samaritan's Purse
Church activities
Centralia will hold their Annual
Meeting on January 25, beginning
at 7:30 p.m. Everyone is asked to
bring dessert to share prior to the
meeting. Zion's Annual meeting
will be held January 30 at 8:00
Two youths
seized after
LUCAN - On Sunday at approxi-
mately 8:30 p.m. police apprehend-
ed two youths after receiving a re -
"ort that three boys were smashing
battles on the lot at Wraith's Hard-
t+vatle Store. The third boy was not
The 14 and 15 -year-old Lucan
youths were turned over to their
Township does
not need new
HAY TOWNSHIP - After reviewing a sewage study regarding the
feasibility of pursuing funding for a sewage line along Highway 21,
council decided at its January meeting such a system is not required.
The majority of septic systems work well and increased water usage
due to the municipal water line has not caused further problems with
septic systems.
Besides, funding for such a communal sewage system would not
be available now. -
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Industries raffle draw. The quilt is
now completed.
The Varna U.C.W. are hosting
their annual pancake and sausage
supper February 20 in the church
basement. There will be no Febru-
ary meeting for the U.C.W.
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