HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes Advocate, 1995-12-20, Page 31A Victorian Christmas
By Julie Steeper and Mandy
McGillivray Public School
The Christmas tree was big and
The stockings were hung oh just
The children's eyes were filled
with joy,
Wailing for their Christmas toys.
Inside the candle glowed so bright,
Outside the wind howled in the
The homes were filled with good
Merry Christmas and a happy new
By Stacey Case
Grade 6, Stephen Central P.S.
Christmas is a time for caring,
And a time for sharing.
Christmas is a time for hugging,
And a time for loving.
Christmas is a time for presents,
Or a time for pheasants.
Christmas is a time for girls,
And a time for boys.
It is a time for joy!
How Santa Came To
By Sean Fletcher
Grade 2, Hensall Public School
Once there was an old man. His
name was Santa Claus. His friends
were elves. The elves had .flying
reindeer and a sleigh. They made
Christmas Dinner
By Tasha Isaac
Grade 6, Stephen Central P.S.
The family all gathers on this spe-
cial day
To have a good visit and some
might just stay.
The dinner is cooked. Everything is
quite hot,
If I don't sit down soon, I won't
have a spot.
Please pass the potatoes, the gravy,
the meat,
And when we're done, we'll have a
Cookies and squares! Oh, how de-
My eyeballs bug out and my stom-
ach is frightful.
To the Ratepayers of
Stephen Township
Peace On earth
In the spirit of
friendship and good
faith, we offer our very
special thanks to you
this holiday season.
The Christmas Family
By Samantha McKay
Grade 3, Exeter Public School
One day it was Christmas for the
mouse family. All the little mice
were hanging their stockings by the
chimney. They were all happy be-
cause today was Christmas eve. All
the little mice were named Jane
Smarts. The family were all putting
up the Christmas tree, and the Dad-
dy mouse said, "time for bed." "We
will go to bed", said Smart. But
Jane didn't want to go to bed, but
she did. She wanted to see Santa. In
bed she could hear footsteps. She
said, "Santa" and she ran out the
door. But it was only her mom and
dad. Her mom and dad said, "Why
are you out of bed?" "I thought you
were Santa." "Go back to bed."
"When is Santa coming?" asked
Jane. Mom said, "He is coming at
12:00 a.m." "Oh, okay, bye." Smart
started snoring. 7.77. Jane said
"Smart be quiet!". "Why?" "Be-
cause Santa will hear you." Smart
said, "Santa's here." "No he is not.
But he will be back at 12:00 a.m.,"
said Jane. "Oh good night, 777.7",
said Smart. Jane had a scary dream.
It was about her mom going away
to Africa. Jane yelled, "Ahhh!" Her
mom and dad came running in the
door. "What is the matter?" they
asked. "I had a dream about mom
and she died," said Jane. Mom said,
"No I did not die, I'm here." "Mom
you are alive," said Jane. "No I'm
not dead," said mom. "Yes you
are," said mom. "Shh" said the
Dad. Then Jane went to bed. the
next morning Jane and Smart went
downstairs and opened their
presents. Then they said, "Thank
you Jesus for the nice gift."
By Steve Guenther
Grade 8, Zurich Public School
This time of year is for a lot of
We have this cheer because of the
time of year,
We open our presents that are un-
der the tree,
We find something in them and
then yell yippee.
By A.J. Rempel
Grade 2, Hensall Public School
There is a man. His name is Santa.
Jesus was born on Christmas Day.
In Holland Santa's name is St.
C__ I I � _ Times -Advocate, December 20, 1995 Page 31
By Ryan Denomime
Grade 3, St: Boldface School
Christmas is a time of year when
time is spent and laughter is heard,
Presents are brought from Santa
and friends,
When hot cocoa is served and
Christmas cakes too.
The sight of Christmas lights and
greeting signs,
But most important of all is Jesus'
M other of Jesus
A loving, caring woman
R ode on a donkey to Bethlehem
Y es, not a sinner.
Baby Jesus
By Tonya Westman
Grade 7, St. Patrick's School
In Bethlehem, so long ago,
In a manger, we all know,
A child was born that wondrous
And in the sky a star shone bright.
Three wise men came travelling
Bearing gifts they followed the star,
They reached the stable where Je-
sus lay,
And praised the Lord on that fine
He gave his Son, our Lord above,
To teach us to live in the glory of
his love.
Letter to Santa
By Shauna Skinner
Grade 1/2, Usborne Central P.S.
Dear Santa:
My name is Shauna Diane Skin:
ner. I am 7 years old, and I go to
Usborne Central School. I am in
grade 2. I have been a very good
girl this year. For Christmas I
would like: clothes, dolls, Barbies,
earrings, lots of sun and snow.
I hope you come and bring me
lots of presents.
P.S. I might leave some milk and
cookies for you and your reindeer.
Saint Nick
By Terry MacEachern
Grade 8, McCurdy Public School
S haring and caring
A ngels singing
I ncredible parades
N eat ideas for gifts
T raditions and toys
N ew ideas for friends
I n a manger
C hrist was born
K ing of Peace
Christmas Story
By Brad Regier
Grade 2, Mt. Carmel
Jesus was born in a manger in
Bethlehem. They had no cars. They
had to travel by donkeys.
Christmas Eve
By Shannon O'Shea
Grade 7, St. Patrick's School
Aunts and uncles from far and near,
Come to celebrate with lots of
Peace and love is in the air,
All of us come to share!
Frosty windows, falling snows,
Pretty gifts and bright red bows.
Christmas time is here again,
Santa Claus is around the bend!
Christmas Story
By Cassandra Morrissey
Grade 3, Precious Blood School
I'm waiting for Christmas
For Santa to come,
For Santa to come tonight,
For cookies,
For love,
For Jesus to be born,
And then I'll know it's Christmas.
We wish to take this opportunity to thank our customers for
their patronage over the past year and look forward to serv-
ing you in the New Year. To all we wish a Happy and Safe
Christmas Season and a Prosperous New Year.
Brad, Anne, Matthew,
and Greg Mousseau
Out of the cold and frosty air comes a wish for a very
warm and happy holiday season.
Thank you for your patronage
in 1995 and we look forward to
serving you in 1996
Mike, Cathy and Staff
Reeve - Bill Weber
Deputy Reeve - Tom Tomes
Councillors - Harvey Ratz, Wilmar Wein, Anita Riddell.
Administrator, Clerk Treasurer Larry Brown
Road Sup't. - Eric Flnkbelner, Arena Manager - Rob Funston
Regular Hours
Garbage Pickup
No Pickup Dec. 25 & 26
Pickup Dec. 27 for Tues. & Wed. Garbage Only
Jan. 1st will be picked up Jan. 2
A Christmas Wish
By Meghan Stuart
Grade 3, Exeter Public School
I wish, I wish
A Christmas wish.
That the world will
Be filled with happiness
On Christmas day, on Christmas
The world will be filled,
With happiness forever,
There will not be any more,
Wars and fighting,
Because the people of the world
will be
At peace with each other.
0 ° 0
Hwy. 83 - 31/2 miles East of Exeter
Jim Beckett
to Don Smith
to Anita McDonald
w Cassie Dalrymple
Elaine Pinder
to Sue Rollings
Ruthanne Negrijn
to Ross Haugh
Lieather Mir
Chris "Scalp"" Skalkos
'k Brenda Burke
Debbie Lord
10 Alma Ballantyne
1'► Barb Robertson
10 Brenda Hem
Joyce Weber
�► Laurel Miner
4► Mary McMurray
Id Barb Consitt
�► Chad Eedy
to Al Flynn
to Al Hodgert
to Ryan Rutledge
Michele Hodgert
td Ryan Beckett
Kim Farquhar
Jo -Dee Rowe
tw Jillian Rutledge
1� Glenda Wuerth
to Steve Farquhar
• Danielle Miners
to Chad Dalrymple
• Brayden Lord
45, Liz Sangster
10 Mary Peterson
Joan Bierling
ta Mrs. Hazel Davis
�+ Mrs. William Rohde
to Muriel Lewis
Roberta Templeman
Roberta Walker
Liz Sangster
1� Annie Morenz
Carmel Sweeney
Anita Wein