HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes Advocate, 1995-12-20, Page 28Page 28 Times -Advocate, December 20, 1995 CF[[TDRF]'Jand CHR[STMAS Christmas Eve Night By Laura Elder Grade 4, Hensel) Public School On Christmas Eve night I was wakened from my slumber, be- cause of the Christmas Eve thun- der. But then I heard it, the jingle of sleigh bells and a jc'ly laugh, Ho Ho. Just then I knew who it was. It was Santa, it was Santa. Oh what shall I do? I put on my robe and my Bugs Bunny slippers. I ran down the stairs to see Santa arrive. Oh this was the best time my life! I hid behind a cupboard as Santa came down and put all the presents around. Many thanks to our customers and friends for their patronage. Happy holidays! 8 Wellington St. W. (at Main St.) Exeter, (519) 235-4052 Ice Cream • Pastries • Soups • Sandwi : Eyes _ • Muffi s D d 1i Santa Claus By Joey Taylor Grade 8, McCurdy Public School There once was a man dressed in red, Who most of the year stayed in bed, Then once a year, He gathered some deer, And delivered presents from his sled. Letter to Santa By Carmen Carnochan Grade 2, Huron Centennial P.S. Dear Santa: Thank you for giving all the joy to me and my family last year. I hope you enjoyed the cookies. This year I would like a doll and a Polly Pocket. Yours truly, Carmen Christmas Colours By Lynette LeGoff Grade 8, McCurdy Public School Poinsettias are red, Pine trees are green, These Christmas colours, Are the best you have seen. The snow is white, The air is clear, Listen very closely, To the Christmas cheer. The tinsel is silver, The warm fire is gold, As stories of Christmas, Begin to unfold. Glowing lights of pink, Blue, orange and yellow, Will make you think, Of that jolly fellow. Christmas By Brad Claus Grade 7/8, McCurdy Public School Christ was born on CHristmas Day about 2000 yeaRs ago. Then he Bled on the cross to Save us from our sins. That is why we celebrate ChristMas to that dAy 2000 yearS ago. YOU'RE #1 WITH US! Here's hoping the season delivers everything on your "most wanted" list... and more! Merry Christmas Thank you for your patronage N.C. Jones and Sons Ltd. Millie, Bob, Jim, Todd HAPPY HOLIDAY Experience all the delights that this holiday grins. You've been a delight to know and serve. Thanks, fir�iends. COUNCIL OF THE TOWNSHIP of HAY MURRAY KEYS JIM LOVE REEVE DEPUTY -REEVE JANISSE ZIMMERMAN - CLERK BLAISE DUCHARME, GERALD SHANTZ DON OESCH, COUNCILLORS ROSS FISHER - ROAD SUPERINTENDENT A Letter to Santa By Travis Davis Grade 1/2, Usborne Central P.S. Dear Santa: This is Travis Davis. Did you like the cookies and milk I left you last year? I hope so! For Christmas I would enjoy the following things. A toy dirt bike, a toy car, a toy black bear, a stuffed black dog, a stuffed orange cat, a stuffed koala bear, a stuffed zebra, a toy alliga- tor, a bunch of markers, a stuffed chicken, a stuffed frog, a stuffed donkey, a stuffed camel, a stuffed monkey, a stuffed shark, a stuffed dragon. Christmas By Amanda Breuer Grade 5, Mt. Carmel C hildren laughing H appiness everywhere R inging of bells I cicles hanging from roofs S leigh bells ringing T winkling stars M any presents A )ways beautiful S inging T'was the Night on the Farm By Shawn Turner Grade 3, Exeter Public School T'was the night before Christmas, When all over the farm, Not a critter was stirring, All through the barn. The bales of hay were lined up in a row, In hopes that old St. Nicholas would show, The calves were all nestled, All snug in their stall, While visions of grain buckets danced on the wall. The cow in her pen, The bull in his place, All the animals were bedded down and feeling safe. As they woke in the morning, And got to their feet, To their surprise, Was an extra treat! Santa's Village By Ben Heywood Grade 4, Grand Bend P.S. In Santa's village Mr. Claus, Mrs. Claus, the reindeer and the elves live at Santa's Village. They cook and wash the dishes. They work all the time all day long. The busiest time is autumn. The reindeer have their ears pierced and have bells to use like earrings. A Christmas Role By Matthew Goodale Grade 7, St. Patrick's School Santa Claus rides his sleigh, Delivering presents before the day, Rudolph's nose shining bright, Leading Santa through the night, Santa happily smiles with glee, At seeing every Christmas tree, Santa looks upon his list, To sec if any house he missed, After checking over twice, Santa lands upon some ice, Santa has returned to the North Pole, He has playe,. his Christmas role. Jesus By Skylar Van Osch Grade 4, Mt. Carmel Jesus means justice, Elizabeth is Mary's cousin, St. Joseph adopted Jesus, Unique is Jesus, St. Nick gives out presents. Christmas is fun on Jesus's birth- day, Holy day is on Sunday, Rejoice on Christmas, It's clear on Christmas, Since 2000 years ago Christ was born. Treasure is Jesus. Christmas Time Is Coming By Sarah ';'alley Grade 8, McCurdy Public School Christmas is in the air Mothers wrapping presents with care Can you see it? Can you feel it? Christmas time is coming. Santa's in every mall Little girls wanting dolls Snow flakes flying through the air As you hear the christmas cheer Christmas time is coming. December brings happiness Joyful songs and peacefulness Christmas is loving, caring, hoping and sharing, Christmas time is coming. Children hoping for toys Parents wishing for no noise Parents hiding away The secrets Santa must play Christmas time is here. Frosty's Back! By Sean Forrester Grade 5, Grand Bend P.S. It was a quiet Friday afternoon. I had to stay inside today because it was snowing outside. I don't know why m brother got to go outside and I didn't. I glanced out at the window, and I saw my little brother building a...Oh No! Not Frosty the Snowman! This happened last year too. You see when Frosty puts on a magical prisoner cap he turns into Arnold Snowanager! Suddenly Frosty burst through the door, again. "I'm back, you bet- ter watch out, you better not cry, Frosty's in town." I dove towards the nearest phone to call the police. "Hello, Police? Frosty's back in town, get some squad cars over heaaaahhh!" "Hel- lo, son are you still there" Hello" Hello?" The cops finally arrived. "Frosty come out with your hands up!" So Frosty, seeing that there wasn't any way out, he gave up. But they never did find the kid. Christmas Tree By Meghan Regier Grade 7, Zurich Public School Girls and boys of all different ages, Big or small and various races, Gather round a Christmas tree, The ones that fill our hearts with glee, The glee that spreads around the world, What Is Christmas? By Grade 1 Stephen Central Y.S. Greg: You get presents and deco- rate the Christmas trees Jensen: Christmas is a time that Santa comes to give toys to all the kids Andy: Christmas is decorations Michael: Christmas is when Santa brings presents Tristen: Christmas is about love and presents Jackie: When Santa comes and gives us presents Rebekah: When Santa comes and we sneak downstairs Eric: Christmas is when you get presents from Santa Claus Brittany: Christmas is about presents and Christmas trees Jamie: Christmas is winter, and presents, and Santa on his sleigh Rebekah: When we get to open up presents Scott: It is Jesus birthday. Brian: It is Jesus' birthday, and when we get toys Kelly: Christmas is when we get to sing songs Kira: On Christmas we get to play with the toys we got David: Christmas is Santa, Christ- mas lights and wreaths Sarah: Christmas is Jesus' birthday Rebecca: Christmas is presents Kimberly: Christmas is Jesus birthday Kendall: A special day Santa Is Coming to Town By Jordan Darling Grade 3, Exeter Public School Santa is coming to town, Not one kid has a frown, He's bringing lots of toys, For little girls and boys, He's putting them under the tree, So everyone can see, Your chimney better be clean, Or Santa Claus is cream! About Christmas By Andrew Hartman Grade 4, St. Boniface School To me, the most important things about Christmas are: We go to Grandma's on Christmas and our whole family is there. We pick names and for whoever we pick, we bring presents for Christmas. Christmas Shopping , By Wes de Lange Grade 5, Stephen Central P.S. I am going to Masonville on Fri- day, And I'll go to every store, Just to make them happy, To me it is a bore! I'll get Holli a dolly, It will be her favourite one, And Cal a new penpal, Then my shopping will be done! The Best Christmas By Ashley Smith Grade 1/2, Stephen Central Y.S. The best Christmas was when I was four and when everybody was there. And we gave lots of presents! And for dinner -we had corn and potatoes and roast beef! Yum, yum. Christmas By Ashley Overholt Grade 3, Precious Blood School C - ookies H - olly R - udolph I - cicles S - antas T - insel M - istletoe A - ngels S - leigh /I Capsule Comments with Ernie Miatello Regular exercising early in life is like opening a bank account. Later in life you enjoy the money you put in when you were younger. So it is with taking care of your body. Your later years will be much healthier and enjoyable. You are never too old to start saving and exercising. This is a truly sharing time of year. But one thing you should not share is your medications. Your arthritis pill may be good for you but deadly to your friend. If they want you to share, recommend they see their doc- tor and get their own medication. Young adults have about 8000 taste buds, but as we age, nerve end- ings begin to die and our taste buds number 6500 or less above the age of 45. Older persons often require spicier food to make eating more enjoyable. In 1996, more people will stop smoking. Are you going to be one of them? On behalf of all the great staff of Huron Apothecary, I'd like to thank all of you that allowed us the privilege of serving you throughout 1995. We look forward to seeing you again in the new year. We wish everyone a Happy and Healthy Holiday Season. HURON APOTHECARY Ltd. Phone 235-1982 440 Main St., Exeter "Your Health Care Pharmacy" The sparkle, glow and brilliance of Christmas is all around. At this most beautiful time, we'd like to say thanks for your friendship and support. Jim, Marg, Jeff Amy, Alyssa, Scott, Joan, Dody & Derek SWEITZER EEECTRIC INC. RR 2 Dashwood 238-8354 Atime to love. A time to shire. ,..A time for peace. A time to erre. • you in the comin May Christmas fill your family with the glory of the season. xtronage in 1995. We look forward to serving ear. Season's Greetings from the entire staff of HURON OT ' ' P OD CTS LTD. 640 Main Street South, Exeter, Ontario NOM 131 Tel: (519) 2364363 / 1-800.2653476 / Fax: (519) 235-1685