HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes Advocate, 1995-12-20, Page 27Times -Advocate, December 20,1995 Page 27 Christmas Time By Lea Mudge Grade 3, Stephen Central P.S. C is for the cradle Jesus slept in H is for the hay Jesus slept on R is for Rudolph with his shiny red nose I is for icicles hanging from the roof S is for Santa who comes at night T is for tree that we can decorate M is for Mary, mother of Jesus A is for angels S is for stockings that hang on the mantle T is for too many presents I is for I love Christmas M is for Merry Christmas E is for elves that make toys for you.. Christmas By Kristina Miller Grade 4, St. Boniface School Christmas is a loving, happy time, for friends and family to gather to- gether to celebrate the birth of Je- sus. Christmas Around the World By Zachary Neil Grade 5, Stephen Central P.S. Christmas in the country, Christmas in the air, Christmas in the city, Christmas everywhere. Going Christmas shopping, Going with a friend, Going in each store, And going to the end. Christmas in the morning, Christmas in the night, Opening my presents, ') thein with delight. Going to my grandma's, Going there to eat, Playing with m) cousins. Christmas is real neat! ejoice! 1"... for behold, I bring you good tidings of great joy."—Luke ii, 7-10 May the holy family be a guiding example to you and yours this Christmas time. Thank you for all your 5 faithful donations g The Board of Directors and g our dedicated volunteers Blessings Unlimited 19 Main St. W., Zurich 238-4378 'Your support - helps us to 19 St. W., Zurich 236-4376 "Your - helps us to help others" Santa's Special Night By Curtis VanderHyden Grade 7, St. Patrick's School Christmas magic fills the air, Reindeer receive loving care, Soon they'll be flying on their way, And hope to be done by Christmas day. Santa will put the gifts in his sack, They're off! Rudolph's leading the pack, Even though it's a dark foggy night, Rudolph clears it with his nose so bright. Santa's bag is full of toys, For all the thoughtful girls and boys, He will make the next day great, Although after that, you'll have to wait, For next Christmas to come along, With more carollers, singing their song, So next time you see the man in red, Wave to him and nod your head. Christmas Story By Jacob Hovius Grade 5, Hensall Public School Once upon a time there was a land far, far away. A boy named Joey was worried that Santa Claus would not come to his house on Christmas. So he went to the closet and found some Christmas lights. Then he went outside and put them up and went to bed. The next day he found a lot of presents. He went to his friend's house. His friend said that Santa was not true. Joey went home cry- ing and opened some of his presents. Then he had some lunch and he opened more presents. He had supper. Joey went to bed. In the middle of the night he woke up and saw Santa Claus was at the end of the bed. He said, "Don't believe your friend. He didn't get any presents this year." "Well I will give him one of my teddy bears." Santa said, "You have a good sense of humor." And he left. And Joey went back to sleep. In the morning Joey went to his friends. And gave him his own teddy bear. And it said, "From Santa." Christmas A B C's By Alicia Masse Grade 3, Predions Blood School A is for angel B is for bake C is for cookies D is for decorations E is for elves F is for fireplace G is for gingerbread H is for holly I is for icicles J is for Jesus K is for kings L is for luminarias M is for Mary N is for nice 0 is for ornament P is for presents Q is for quilt R is for Rudolph S is for Santa T is for turkey U is for us V is for visions W is for wisemen X is for Xmas Y is for yule log Z is for 727. 111961latiottlirielvittelleielltelitgatIMIteittrittlisWeittilittelittillblinteitt 0 Come Let Us Adore Him May peace on earth and good will to all mankind prevail as we celebrate the miracle of Christmas. Chairman -Chan Livingston Commissioners - Ben Hoogenboom, Bev Skinner Manager Sherman Roth and the staff • Marilyn Sillety, Marlene Mathers, Pat Hendrick, Veda Russell, Dennis Hockey, Ron Moore, Scott Evetand, Steve Skinner, Randy Bllcke EXETER PUC 235-1350 Ix•t•r The Bears Replace- ment Santa By Shane MacGregor Grade 3, Exeter Public School December 25th was soon coming up and Alex, an 18 -year-old boy. Kelly, a 12 -year-old birl and Tom- my, a IO -year-old boy, were all ex- cited about the holiday season and so was Mike, a 30 -year-old man and Carly, a 28 -year old woman. Carly was getting out and putting up Christmas decoration. Alex put on a Christmas tape that had the songs "Silent night, Jingle bells, Noel, The night before Christmas, Frosty the snowman, Oh Christmas tree, Joy to the world, We wish you a merry Christmas, Santa Claus is coming to town, Boy in the manger and Little drummer boy". When Carly finished, Mike started putting lights up on their artificial Christ- mas tree. Meanwhile Alex, Kelly and Tommy watched and listened to the tape. The days went on and the Grizzlys got more excited. Fi- nally the day came and they felt warm and cozy when they looked at the Christmas tree. They had supper and hung their stockings over the fireplace and left out some cookies for Santa. Then they went to bed and tried to go to sleep but it was hard, finally they did. In the morning Alex, Kelly and Tommy got up at 3:00 in the morn- ing and yelled "Mom, Dad, get up, it's Christmas morning". In about an hour (4:00), momma and poppa Grizzly got up and looked under the christmas tree. There were more presents. Then they 1poked at the kitchen table. The cookies were gone. Alex, Kelly and Tommy started to rip open their Christmas presents when they heard someone say "Ho Ho Ho, I'm stuck and I won't be able to deliver the Christ- mas presents unless I get out of your chimney. Please help me". Alex, because he felt like it and Mike, ran to the chimney and looked up. There was Santa. Quick- ly Alex and Mike pushed Santa but he wouldn't budge. So Alex went and got changed into his clothes and put on his coat and went out to the den and got a ladder, climbed up onto the roof, got to the chimney and went down the chimney but he couldn't go any farther than about a foot. He got out of the chimney and climbed into the sleigh and said "Now Dasher, now Dancer, now Prancer, and Vixen, on Comet, on cupid, on Donner an Blitzen". Quickly the reindeer took off and went all around the world in about three hours. Alex came back by daylight. They had a wonderful Christmas. The next year the same thing happened. The Truth About Christmas By Heather Irvine Grade 5, McGillivray Public School Very, very long ago there lived a women named Mary. She was a virgin. One day she went out on a walk with a fellow named Joseph. When they were walking, a white light shone upon them. A voice said you will have a son. You will name him Jesus. Then Mary said unto him, but how? I am a virgin. And the Lord put out his hand and laid it on top of her head. Then she felt a touch of hope. In a week or so the son was born. Mary did what she was told and named him Jesus. When he got to be older his par- ents, Joseph and Mary moved. Je- sus was left behind by accident. For months no one could find him. Then Joseph and Mary went back to where they had been living and there he was sitting with the old men. They were so happy to see him! When he was growing up he began to help sick people. He cured many people with sickness. Now we know him today as Jesus Christ all over the world. We celebrate the birth of Jesus through Christmas. Christmas Poem By Katie Fox Grade 7, Zurich Public School Christmas is a time for love, a time to think of heav'n above. We celebrate Jesus' birthday. He was lying on the hay, On that night, the star shone bright, Jesus came to save our lives; the girls, boys, husbands, wives. Christmas By Allison Masse Grade 4, St. Boniface School To me, the most important things about Christmas are: Making gin- gerbread men and looking at the Christmas lights. I feel happy when I open presents, and sit on Santa's lap. But the best part is Jesus' birth- day. Christmas Poem By Jessica Gingerkh Grade 7, Zurich Publk School Christmas is a time to hang the mis- tletoe, To put the lights upon the tree and play in all the snow, Christmas is a time to ride upon the sleighs, You look up at the window sills and see the sunlight rays, Christmas is a time to sing the car- ols sweet, And open up the presents that are so very neat. Merry Christmas!! Christmas is Special By Brandon Consltt Grade 2, Hensall Public School Christmas is special because you get to put on the decorations. I like to light the Christmas tree and put on the star. I get presents too. I like to make Christmas things for my mom and dad. Christmas is fun and I like the snow. The best thing is to make a snowman. Santa gives us toys. The Santa Claus By Jessica Murray Grade 4, Grand Bend P.S. In the North Pole, by the North Pole, in a village at the North Pole, Santa lives and Arnold Swartanger. Where polar bears direct the traffic and elves can fly with certain ma- chinery. Santa and his elves have to get ready for Christmas. The reindeer have to be bathed, brushed and groomed. Santa has to rest up and do some work. The elves are so busy they only have time for a short lunch. They only have a tur- key sandwich on rye bread, a glass of orange juice and a snack pack pudding and that's it. At supper they take a taste test of the candy (for dessert of course). Theh back to work. Before they know it, it's bed time. (Bath and brush your teeth time too!) It's morning. An- other hard day at work. A really hard day at work because it's Christmas. Breakfast, lunch and dinner are over. It's almost bed time. The elves help Santa. Then they get ready for bed. Even they have a Christmas. Letter to Santa By Megan Britnell Grade 1/2, Usborne Central P.S. Dear Santa: 1{i my name is Megan Britnell. I am 6 years old. I have been a good girl. I would like for Christmas: a Barbie, Make-up Beauty, money, shoes, books, sticker maker, col- oured paper, pencil crayons, clothes, dolly. Love Megan XOXOX Christmas By Michelle VanEsbroeck Grade 2, Precious Blood School It's time for cookies, It's time for love and hugs. Christmas Is By Michael McBride McGillivray Public School Christmas is loving, Christmas is giving, Christmas can light up the darkest days, Christmas is sharing, Christmas is fun, It can make people cry and smile. It's the funnest day of the year. The First Christmas By Johanthan Loerchner Grade 8, Huron Centennial P.S. Three wise men travelled afar; Following the large glistening star, That told of the babe so bright, Born upon this Christmas night, And in that small stable, the name of Jesus Echoed in the harps of the angels above, Telling of young Jesus' love. The shepherds peered into the sky of night, Their young faces betraying their delight, Mary looked down on her baby so young, And the first Christmas song was sung, Now for all to see and all to hear, Baby Jesus brought the first Christ- mas cheer: Santa By Meg Ellison Grade 1, Exeter Public School S is for Santa A is for Angel N is for Nutcracker T is for Tree A is for Awesome present3 Christmas By Alicia Grade 6, Precious Blood School C hristmas is the day we all cele- brate Jesus' birthday H is mother knelt down beside Je- sus R eligion is to study Jesus' life I n a stable he was born S he Mary, was the mother of Jesus T he stable was the only thing left M ary was the mother of God A life was given to all of us on Christmas S aviour was one of all his names. Christmas Day By Danny Masse Grade 4, St. Boniface School Christmas time is a fun time with sledding and snowmobiling, cook- ies and cakes. I like hot chocolate the best because it gives me a good nights rest. Pinkbows R ed ribbon E normous S pecial E lephant toys N ice T onnes of toys S ansa Claus Season's .Greetings To all our customers and friends, along with sincere thanks for yoeir continued support. For all your livestock trucking needs call ROESZLER TRUCKING RR #1 Kirkton * Bob Edwards 229-6143 • "Thanks be unto God for the unspeakable gift" of the Lord Jesus Christ, His Son and Our Saviour. From our home to yours, have a Blessed Christmas and Prosperous New Year. Special thanks to all our auc- tion customers, and also the ratepayers of Stephen Town- ship. Bob, Lynette, Aaron and _gosh Heywood Bob Heywood Auction Service We hope your home and heart are filled with laughter, joy and good will this glad holiday season. It's been a pleasure serving you. From all of us uzrtL's SHOES O,rMI,�Mi...t•/Mt•g. Ica If R.�