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Times Advocate, 1995-12-20, Page 3
iNTHF NEWS Times -Advocate, December 20, 1995 Page 3 Lakeview Casino proposes trial period for gambling An 18 -month trial period for Grand Bend area is supported by council Heather Mir T -A staff GRAND BEND - Members of the Lakeview Ca- sino Corporation presented council with a letter des- ignating Grand Bend and immediate area as a gam- ing area for a trial period of 18 months. The letter, presented to council Dec. 4 by Lloyd Guillet comes after the Nov. 29 an- nouncement of a referendum on ca- sino gambling in the province. The corporation hopes to remodel the Pinedale Motor Inn, owned by the Schottroff family, into a tourist casino facility, creating ap- proximately 250 full-time jobs. The proposal also states existing licensed liquor establishments should be able to carry town - licensed slot machines, following the example of British Columbia, Alberta, Saskatchewan and Manitoba. The casino is expected to employ up to 1,000 people in the area year-round and attract an added 250,000 people to the area in the elf season. The proposal indicates revenue from slot ma- chines and the casino could be shared with local municipalities, infrastructure, regional health ser- vice and charity service in the area. "The only way for our communities to handle high tax assessment is to make our rural tourist ar- eas year-round," stated the proposal. An 18 -month trial period will give Grand Bend "The o commu handle h assessm make o tours! year - one full summer and one winter to judge the pro- posal's success. Because approximately 75 per cent of businesses are closed six to eight months of the year, Lakeview Corporation feels the Grand Bend area is an ideal location for a trial. Councillor Bob Mann quickly made a motion for council to prepare a letter in support of the Lake- view proposal to be sent to Consumer and Cor- porate Relations. The motion was seconded by Councillor Barbara Wheeldon and passed by coun- cil. Mann suggested this initiative will demonstrate Grand Bend is prepared to help solve some of the economic problems of the province in its own area. A news release from the Ministry of Finance stated the experience gained in Windsor demonstrates casino de- velopment creates jobs and boost the local community. Ontario Finance Minister Ernie Eves announced the government will also allow casino development in Ni- agara Falls where the first referendum on the casino question was held: Six- ty-three per cent of residents there voted in favor of a casino that is ex- pected to create jobs in the region and generate $375 million annually in provincial revenues. The ministry states the Niagara Falls development, as well as the Rama Casino outside Orillia scheduled to open in the spring of next year and the Windsor Casino, will inform Ontarians of the impact of ca- sinos by the time a referendum is held. "This initiative will test casino development in a world-renowned tourism destination that attracts more than 10 million visitors a year - most of whom come from outside Canada," said Eves. my way for our nities to igh tax ent is to ur rural -st areas round." Bill Gerth appointed acting •principal at SHDHS CLINTON - Bill Gerth, vice- principal from Central Huron Sec- ondary School has been appointed acting principal at South Huron District High School effective Jan. 30, 1996, replacing retiring Princi- pal Herb Murphy. Jeff Reaburn, teacher at CHSS has been given the responsibility of acting vice-principal at CHSS ef- fective until Aug. 31, 1996. Van's lights smashed EXETER - Tail lights of a van parked at the South Huron Recrea- tion Centre were smashed on the night of Dec. 8. OUR CHIIITMAS One of the main reasons we enjoy the furniture business so much is the opportunity to serve our many excellent customers. Assisting and advising people as they choose quality items for their home is a priority with us. 1 want to take this opportunity on behalf of all of us at Dinneys to wish you all the best for the Christmas season and for 1996. Jon Dinney Drive sober this holiday season EXETER - With the holiday sea- son upon us, the Ontario Provincial Police are reminding the public they will be out in full force in an effort to crack down on impaired drivers. Exeter, Goderich and Wingham OPP detachments along with other police agencies will be conducting a number of RIDE (Reduce Im- paired Driving Everywhere) pro- grams throughout Huron County and will continue until Jan. 4. Last year, during a five-week ride program running from November to December, a total of 485,131 vehicles were stopped at roadside checkpoints. A total of 1,813 12 - hour licence suspensions were is- sued and 678 criminal code al- cohol related charges were laid. During the same period, the OPP investigated 46 fatal collisions in which 52 people were killed. Near- ly 40 per cent of these fatal colli- sions were alcohol related. OPP constable John Marshall, community services officer for Hu- ron County said the number of drinking and driving related charg- es is slightly up so far this season and he said this is an alarming trend considering anti -drinking and driving awareness campaigns are at an all-time high. As usual, the OPP will put more cruisers on the road in an effort to maintain high visibility, persuading drivers to think twice about driving after consuming what they think is a tolerable level of alcohol. How- ever, Marshall said groups such as MADD (Mothers Against Drunk Driving) are just as effective in promoting safe driving among mo- torists. "The deterrent for drinking and driving doesn't come from us [OPP) as much. More and more, the deterrent comes in the form of pressure from friends and relatives and from advertising campaigns," he said. As part of this year's program, MADD will distribute its familiar red ribbons to motorists and Can- ada's Safety Council has pro- claimed "The Hidden Faces of Im- paired Driving" as the theme for its 40th annual Safe Driving Week during the first week of December. These undertakings are designed to complement the OPP's festive sea- son initiative with the common ob- Open Daily r Cut your own or fresh cut v trees in yard if you prefer. walking. # ji Iv '16. No tax Fields mowed for easy w t AGATE TREE FARM i r Si 10086 Hedley Drive (Formerly Conc. 10, Lobo) r 11/2 mile east of Popluar Hill Rd. 666-1603 THE CHRISTMAS TREE PLACE 4 4 4 4 jective of promoting safe and sober driving. Marshall feels it is important to keep the RIDE checks visible and the awareness campaigns in high gear to bring the message home. "People would take more chances if they got the feeling we weren't out there checking," said Marshall. Constable Ray Jack from the Ex- eter OPP detachment said a simple way to avoid from ending up in a situation where you're guessing if you are sober enough to drive is to plan ahead. " If you know you're going to be drinking, have a designated driver pick you up and leave the car at home," said Jack. Driving with over 80 milligrams of alcohol per 100 mm of blood is an indictable offense which carnes with it a $750 fine or 35 days in jail and an automatic one year driv- ers licence suspension. May your home be filled with Cheer this Holiday Season 1‘,40 D -E -S -I -G -N -S 15 John St. E. Exeter 235-3633 NJ( /tta, Peace a/ra'c op 6e • aNet:,ou a ra',a /aar4 ar-o %Oa e ek:s- aia/Welai G'.tcriserras season. 34,ve,au gour codrei raea' ,aero/ra/ ar—auf4aae 1995. - Chuck Erb HURON MOTOR PRODUCTS LTD, PONTIAC, BUICK, CADILLAC, GMC CHEVROLET OLDSMOBILE, GEO CHUCK ERB Sales & Leasing 640 MAIN ST. S. EXETER (24l Bus. 235-0363, Res. 236-4280 1-800-265-3476 TastyNu est Shortbread cookies, mincemeat, pies and tarts, lots of Christmas baking Cheese Gift Baskets, Party trays, fancy cookies and Christmas Candies Cheese "Fresh off the block" Your choice Marble, Mozzarella, Process, Colby Cheese . White, 567 g. sliced Bread J J loaf 11 Christmas Specials Soft Dinner Rolls 1.29 doz Mincemeat Pie 3.99 Assorted Bagels (our own) 6/1.49 Deluxe Christmas cake loaded with fruit and baked to perfection Bagel and Cream Cheese $1.49 Holiday Greetings from all of us at UBakery & Cheese House 211 444 Main St. 235-033 tiAtAlektiteedUktisitailtdiitlektiliktaiettOblitt E TO YOU! % OFF These just -in -time for Christmas savings is our way of saying thanks. Mirtne Fine Furniture and Window Fashions 467 Main St. Exeter, Ont. 235-0173 IP • Holiday Advertising Deadline. for next week's newspaper Because of Christmas and Boxing Days all advertising must be in our office by Friday noon in order for us to maintain our publishing schedule. goo a ©?IP X fyi 424 Main St. Exeter 235-1331 L— - Bill Gerth appointed acting •principal at SHDHS CLINTON - Bill Gerth, vice- principal from Central Huron Sec- ondary School has been appointed acting principal at South Huron District High School effective Jan. 30, 1996, replacing retiring Princi- pal Herb Murphy. Jeff Reaburn, teacher at CHSS has been given the responsibility of acting vice-principal at CHSS ef- fective until Aug. 31, 1996. Van's lights smashed EXETER - Tail lights of a van parked at the South Huron Recrea- tion Centre were smashed on the night of Dec. 8. OUR CHIIITMAS One of the main reasons we enjoy the furniture business so much is the opportunity to serve our many excellent customers. Assisting and advising people as they choose quality items for their home is a priority with us. 1 want to take this opportunity on behalf of all of us at Dinneys to wish you all the best for the Christmas season and for 1996. Jon Dinney Drive sober this holiday season EXETER - With the holiday sea- son upon us, the Ontario Provincial Police are reminding the public they will be out in full force in an effort to crack down on impaired drivers. Exeter, Goderich and Wingham OPP detachments along with other police agencies will be conducting a number of RIDE (Reduce Im- paired Driving Everywhere) pro- grams throughout Huron County and will continue until Jan. 4. Last year, during a five-week ride program running from November to December, a total of 485,131 vehicles were stopped at roadside checkpoints. A total of 1,813 12 - hour licence suspensions were is- sued and 678 criminal code al- cohol related charges were laid. During the same period, the OPP investigated 46 fatal collisions in which 52 people were killed. Near- ly 40 per cent of these fatal colli- sions were alcohol related. OPP constable John Marshall, community services officer for Hu- ron County said the number of drinking and driving related charg- es is slightly up so far this season and he said this is an alarming trend considering anti -drinking and driving awareness campaigns are at an all-time high. As usual, the OPP will put more cruisers on the road in an effort to maintain high visibility, persuading drivers to think twice about driving after consuming what they think is a tolerable level of alcohol. How- ever, Marshall said groups such as MADD (Mothers Against Drunk Driving) are just as effective in promoting safe driving among mo- torists. "The deterrent for drinking and driving doesn't come from us [OPP) as much. More and more, the deterrent comes in the form of pressure from friends and relatives and from advertising campaigns," he said. As part of this year's program, MADD will distribute its familiar red ribbons to motorists and Can- ada's Safety Council has pro- claimed "The Hidden Faces of Im- paired Driving" as the theme for its 40th annual Safe Driving Week during the first week of December. These undertakings are designed to complement the OPP's festive sea- son initiative with the common ob- Open Daily r Cut your own or fresh cut v trees in yard if you prefer. walking. # ji Iv '16. No tax Fields mowed for easy w t AGATE TREE FARM i r Si 10086 Hedley Drive (Formerly Conc. 10, Lobo) r 11/2 mile east of Popluar Hill Rd. 666-1603 THE CHRISTMAS TREE PLACE 4 4 4 4 jective of promoting safe and sober driving. Marshall feels it is important to keep the RIDE checks visible and the awareness campaigns in high gear to bring the message home. "People would take more chances if they got the feeling we weren't out there checking," said Marshall. Constable Ray Jack from the Ex- eter OPP detachment said a simple way to avoid from ending up in a situation where you're guessing if you are sober enough to drive is to plan ahead. " If you know you're going to be drinking, have a designated driver pick you up and leave the car at home," said Jack. Driving with over 80 milligrams of alcohol per 100 mm of blood is an indictable offense which carnes with it a $750 fine or 35 days in jail and an automatic one year driv- ers licence suspension. May your home be filled with Cheer this Holiday Season 1‘,40 D -E -S -I -G -N -S 15 John St. E. Exeter 235-3633 NJ( /tta, Peace a/ra'c op 6e • aNet:,ou a ra',a /aar4 ar-o %Oa e ek:s- aia/Welai G'.tcriserras season. 34,ve,au gour codrei raea' ,aero/ra/ ar—auf4aae 1995. - Chuck Erb HURON MOTOR PRODUCTS LTD, PONTIAC, BUICK, CADILLAC, GMC CHEVROLET OLDSMOBILE, GEO CHUCK ERB Sales & Leasing 640 MAIN ST. S. EXETER (24l Bus. 235-0363, Res. 236-4280 1-800-265-3476 TastyNu est Shortbread cookies, mincemeat, pies and tarts, lots of Christmas baking Cheese Gift Baskets, Party trays, fancy cookies and Christmas Candies Cheese "Fresh off the block" Your choice Marble, Mozzarella, Process, Colby Cheese . White, 567 g. sliced Bread J J loaf 11 Christmas Specials Soft Dinner Rolls 1.29 doz Mincemeat Pie 3.99 Assorted Bagels (our own) 6/1.49 Deluxe Christmas cake loaded with fruit and baked to perfection Bagel and Cream Cheese $1.49 Holiday Greetings from all of us at UBakery & Cheese House 211 444 Main St. 235-033 tiAtAlektiteedUktisitailtdiitlektiliktaiettOblitt E TO YOU! % OFF These just -in -time for Christmas savings is our way of saying thanks. Mirtne Fine Furniture and Window Fashions 467 Main St. Exeter, Ont. 235-0173 IP •