HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes Advocate, 1995-12-06, Page 25Times -Advocate, December 6, GUARANTEED RESULTS WITH OUR $11 SUPER AD OR WE'LL REPEAT YOUR AD UP TO ANOTHER SEVEN TIMES AT NO CHARGE Advertisers want one thing... RESULTS. And that's what we guarantee when you place a SUPER AD with us. For only one low fee of $11.00 we'll run your ad in our newspaper until you get the results you want (up to a maximum of eight insertions). All you do is call us by Friday and ask for SUPER AD. Ode Urn; only_per ad, You can take up to 25 words and we recommend you use a price for whatever you are advertising. If you do not get results by the following weekend, call us on Monday and well gladly repeat the ad at no charge. (Excluding real estate and accommodations) Private non-commercial ads only. SUPER ADS MUST BE PREPAID. TALK TO OUR AD -VISORS MON.-FRI. UNTIL 5 P.M. OR LEAVE DETAILS ON OUR ANSWERING MACHINE Plus Your Ad Will Reach 10,000 More Readers In the St. Marys Journal Argus at No Extra Charge 1 1 Lost, Strayed REWARD During the spring hospital rummage sale did you find a box containing a number of ladles rings. Sentimental value. Substantial reward for return 235.1354 The Times -Advocate urges our readers to use caution when sending money for business opportunity or employment advertise- ments. Be certain you are dealing with a reputable company before releasing any credit card information. Remember... if any adver- tisement sounds too good to be true, it is. CLASSIFIED RATES WORD COUNT Charges are based on the number of words. Sets of numerals as for serial numbers, street numbers, phone numbers „pr prices count as one word per set. Words Joined by hy- phens count as separate words. FIRST INSERTION - 20 words $9.00. 150 per word thereafter. SUBSEQUENT INSERTIONS - No copy changes, 20 words $6.00, 15e per word there after. BIRTHS - 30 words $11.00. 15th per word thereafter. MARRIAGES - Engagements, Death Notices - 20 words $11.00 each additional word 15e. IN MEMORIAMS - $11.00 plus 252 per line of verse. COMING EVENTS - 30 words $11.00, each additional word 15e. Three insertions for the price of two. CARDS OF THANKS - 30 words $11.00, additional words 10e each. WEDDINGS & ENGAGEMENTS With picture - $25. GRADUATES with picture - S10. PHOTO REPRINTS 5 x 7 $8.00 8 x 10 $9.00 S2.00 DISCOUNT OFF OF RATES LISTED ABOVE FOR PREPAYMENT SEMI -DISPLAY FIRST INSERTION - $10.00 per column inch SUBSEQUENT INSERTIONS $8.00 per column inch. (minimum size In this category 1 inch. Accepted in multiples of hall Inch.) BOX NUMBERS to his office $2.50 per Insertion. SUPER ADS $11.00 Deadline: for classified ads Is 4:00 p. m. Mondays. OUR ADVERTISING POLICY • Advertising in tie TYnwAdvoc•t.Is •ocpf d on condition Met. 1n the event of a typographical error. IMI portion of the adYMtkfhQ peo• oocu- pied by ON erroneous Vern, together wen reason} able allowance for signature, wel be re -nn in a subsequent Issue as a make good al no charge. who the balance of Me advertisement will be paid for at en spoked" rat.. In the event of typographical error edvertistng goods or services ata wrong prig, goods or senvlces may not be sokf. Advertising Is -t offer to ant and may be withdrawn at any time. Any errors must be oro knowtedged wkt* seven (bye of publication. The TYn.a-AdvocaIe reserves to prvi4pe ci re- vising or rejecting advertisements that it consid- ers orWben objectionable and b d+enge site dassatoenon of any edvertieement from Mat ordered lo con- form to tie porky of this newspaper. Contents are p ol.cad by coo Apes. RaproduaIcn d any material without Me permission of ate puEadter Is forbidden. Advertlnn curdles' pace end circulation orgy. Al rights lo any adwr0serne to produced by Me T1ntee-Advocst., ung artwork, typography or photographs arranged for by the rnweppe, shall be Me property of Was Tine-Advocele. No such •d or any pert Mired may be neprod+ad or as- signed without weaker% consent of ate Tinto' - Advocete. STATEMENT Of POLICY: The Tons-A&voc.te le Aol response* for errors n advntwmerts not submrllsd In NOW conn. nor fon more than a arty moonset rteertion of Mal sdverSewnent. ■;: '■ t- 4 Phone 235-1331. Use your VISA or MASTER - CARD and Save $2.00 0 2 Found . GOLDEN LAB. male with collar, good natured. Needs a home for winter. Call 263-5490.(49:50•) 3 Situations Wanted QUALITY DAYCARE AVAILABLE in the Grand Bend area. Experienced, reliable mother of two wishes to care for your child in my home. Has first aid and CPR certificates. Crafts, story time and Tots of TLC. Lunches and snacks provided. References available. For more info call Tracey at 238-6692 anytime. (48"49*) 4 Help Wanted CLASS A -Z DRIVER to run Ontario and United States, 2 years experience at border crossing. Home weekends. Call 519-225-2746. (48:49c) FITNESS TRAINER/COACH to accompany timid Exeter lady to gym, aqucisise exercize and walking. 4 hours weekly. Good motivators call Goderich 524-7478. (48:49c) • N H i H I Keller Roofing 2 roofers experienced in flat roofing required Immediately for local roofing crew. Apply to Keller Rooflng ,14 235-3643 TT TTNTTSTX-MT-TXXECEM- -------------- II Minn, bra it Sit 281 Nibs Rol, idr11t till raft NM( 1X8 1-519-111149114 INSTALLER/SERVICE TECHNICIAN REQUIRED FM INDUSTRIES, Ontario's fastest growing replacement window. door and siding company, requires a fully qualified technician for Exeter and surrounding area. Qualifications Include: • Experience In Installing replacement windows, doors and siding • Fully equipped with aluminum brake. new model truck and tools • Ability to apply interior trim perfectly • Desire to work 12 months per year, being your own boss. Only qualified people need apply to fill the above position Please apply in person to above address or fax resume to: 1-519-393-6417 4 Help Wanted 1 FINANCIAL SERVICES company expanding in this area requires ambitious individuals, training provided. Call 235-2425. (48-51c) BABYSITTER required in my horse. 3 children ages 6 and 3 years and 2 month old baby. Part time daily leading to full time. 235-4739.(49;50c) 5 Business Opp. ALASKA JOBS - To $30,000 three months fishing salmon! Year round fishing crab. halibut. herring. Construction, canneries, oil fields. more! Hiring now! 504-429-9223 Ext. 447S49. (49') HELP WANTED! Easy Work! Excellent pay! Assemble products at home! Call 1(504) 429-9227 Ext 4471149. (49') wzzzxxxxzxxxxxxzxxxxxx;� ►l Earn up to $550 a week 11 14 t We need people to make a { jewellery (necklaces, bracelets, earrings). Jobs available, coast to 14 coast from your home. No H tIexperience needed. Send a self- ii 14addressed stamped envelope to: M i1Kevenchris Corp., 991 Matheson Blvd. E., Unit #5. Ref. 268, iMississauga Ontario, L4W 2V3 Profit from NEW DEAL witbl Canada's Largest COMMUNICATIONS GIANTS If you live in Ltican, Centralia, Crediton. Exeter. Parkhill, Blyth, Vanastra, Goderich. or Mitchell you may qualify to have your own profitable and unique distributorship. Using the largest communications compa- ny's services exclusively, you save residen- tial and small business customers up to three times the Long Distance savings that the largest communications company provides directly. Blue Chip distributor- ships are available because of an agreement lust entered by Canada's two largest com- munications companies. These two com- munication giants provide you with cred- ibility, corporate support and a program that can guarantee you residual income FOR LIFE. Operate your perfect business full time or pan time; no Inventory, quotas. bookkeeping, billing or employees. Total start up capital of under $100. To learn how you may prosper in the $9 billion telecom- munication industry, call (519) 228-7108 to record your interest and reserve a spot at the free introductory presentation. • A REPRESENTATIVE IS REOUIRED To represent the Town of St. Marys and the Townships of Blanshard and Usborne on the Board of Directors of The Upper Thames River Conservation Authority. This appointment is for a three ycar term, from the 1996 Annual Meeting held in February up to and including the 1999 Annual Meeting. During the year there are also 10 day -time meetings of the Board on the second Tuesday of each month at the U.T.R.C.A. office in London. Applications from interested persons will be received at any of the above Municipal offices prior to 4:00 p.m. December 18, 1995. Sparling's Propane is a growing, value-added propane marketer providing service to customers throughout Southern Ontario ACCOUNTS PAYABLE A new position at Head Office for a detail -oriented individual, with excellent communication and interpersonal skills, responsible for accounts payable. Applicants must be familiar with computerized accounting, spreadsheet and wordprocessing programs. Post secondary education and experience required. Applications will be accepted until 5 p.m., December 15, 1995. Starting date is January 22, 1996. Apply in person to Marg Byvelds, ntroller: Sparling's Propane Co. Ltd. SParian& Highway 4 South PROPAN. BLYTH ONT. NOM 1H0 Telephone 519-523-4256 6 Services FOR PRIME POWER and stand-by electricity that works and stays working, call Sommers Motor Generator Sales Ltd. Reliability since 1936. Phone 519-655-2396.(30tfn) Mindy Gough B.S.W. DASHWOOD FAMILY COUNSELLING and A GENTLE PLACE FOR GRIEVING CHILDREN PHONE 237-3892 QUALITY PHOTO FINISHING and custom framing and now 5 minute enlargements. Jervis Photography, Main St. Exeter235-1612. (3tfn) THE ANTIQUE WATCH and Clock Specialist. Want to buy old clocks? Have for sale many quality clocks. Repairs. Open chance or appointment (519) 243-1130. (28tfn) BART RIDLEY • Drywall • Paint & Wallpaper • Trim Carpentry • Renovations "THE FINISHING TOUCHES" 234-6440 PHONE BOOK CORRECTION' ,S Mike's Signs 235-0287 Mike Brintnell • 235-3867 LAWN & GARDEN CARE PLUS • SNOWBLOWING Light Deliveries Laverne McCarter 235-1062 Snowblowing Lanes and Parking Lots in Exeter and area with tractor blower arid loader. Call Carl Gower, 229-8542 before 8 a.m. 4 SpringCreek Farm Seed Cleaning Notice of Telephone Change from 263-2139 to new 263-2377 Amommommir 9 Sports Equip, Veh. 1987 HONDA CBX 250 street bike, excellent condition, low kms. good beginner bike. $1595. Phone 235-2122. (45tfn) 1994 ARCTIC CAT COUGAR. low miles, heated handle bars. thumb warmer. 440 LC. Excellent condition. Call 229-8107. 1980 KAWASAKI 340 Drifter. Reliable. good condition. $1500 obo. 234-6774. (48:49•) 20 YEAR OLD 20' motor home. Roll out canopy. Needs some work. $300.238.8536. (49:50•) 11 Cars, necks i 1987 FORD RANGER. V6, FWD, excellent condition, am/fm tape. camper, xr retied. 85,000 firm. 284-3045. 1995 Page 25 Lost 41ind ayect / /sBh7k'�+ted Witir 4d pponu a lV F 11 Sports r E9ul44 tne, , l3 pec 7 l eksPe+en: Veit 14 A �Biejll 1S PP11 16 pew a+ccea Tents 17 For Sal evfrsion 18 Wanted to ly meted Buy l?? For Ren for Ren e ors e 24 Wan ted to r Rept 26 No� Waned 27 �8a1 No Tends Sella is 9i�sW wariti nt Cage sales P ?0 p� Peri, Fo 28 ya 11 Cars, Trucks NEED A USED CAR? See us about lease to own, as low as 5700 down, easy payments. Coolman Auto Sales Inc. Hwy. 83 west., Exeter. 235-3573. (29tfn) WANTED TO BUY - Cars and trucks for wrecking, free scrap car removal. Call Advanced Auto at 234-6252. (6tfn) 1975 FORD RANGER, new brakes, topper. 51,000 obo. Phone 234-6209. (tfnx) 1985 TEMPO FOR SALE - newer tires, gas tank and brakes. Need little to safety. 5700 or best offer. Phone 229-8213. 1979 OLDSMOBILE Cutlass Supreme 2 door, 267 V8. Runs great. new rad and gas tank. Great winter car. 5500 obo as is 284-2770 St. Marys. 1979 FORD PICKUP 302. 3 speed on trec, newer shocks. tires, good body. 51500 obo. 234-6774. (48:49') Hunter-Durar Auto Body 284-2888 St. Marys r 11 Cars, Trucks 1992 CHEVY ASTRO (Cargo) van (white in colour) V6, 4 speed auto. a/c, arn/fm. rally wheels. Asking 58000 cert- obo. For inquiries contact: David 235-0870. (48:49c) 1992 PONTIAC GRAND PRIX LE. burgundy, loaded, pw, pol, cruise, air, am/fm cassette. new tires 113,000 kilometres. 510,995.00 certified. (519) 848-6272. (49c) 12 Pets 1 FREE TO GOOD HOME - 4 month old loveable pup. 263-2631. (49') SIBERIAN HUSKY pups, CKC registered Color and sex choices, some blue eyes. Tatooed, dewormed, first shots. Excellent temperament, intelligent. 5400.00 (519) 294-0494anytirne. (49-5SA) 13 Musical Instruments GUITAR, PIANO and Bass Lessons Available. Beginner to advanced. all styles of music. Exeter Music Centre 235-1263. (20tfn) 14 Appliances, Television TELEVISION Sharp 26" monitor. stereo with remote, excellent. 293-3994. (49c) I'I;AN() i't'NIN(i • REPAIRS • REBUILDING • KEYS RECOVERED • DA1.1PP CHASERS • REGULATING BRUCE PULSIFER BOX 1204, MITCHELL ONTARIO, NOK 1NO 348-9223 CLASSIFIED MARKETPLACE "Advertise Across Ontario or Across the Country" BUSINESS OPPS. PSYCHIC MASTERS! Canada's Best Psychics.We can helps TRAVEL AGENCY - $14,995. Full Romance, Wealth, Career, Lucky Training and Ongoing Support. Full- Numbers. Live and Personal. 1-900- time/Part-time, Home or Office. 451.3778. $2.99/min., 18+ 1 -on -1, Many travel benefits. LIMITED 24 hrs. I.0 C. AVAILABILITY. T.P.I. Canada Inc., 1-P00.799-9910 or 1-204-987-3322 ADOPTION - Winnipeg. ADOPTEES/BIRTH PARENTS/ - GOVERNMENT FUNDS. Govern- FAMILY MEMBERS, Canada Wide mens assistance programs informs National Registry and search assis- tion available. For your new or exist tante 1-800-871-8477. If you are exist- ing business. Take advantage of the searching for a loved one call 1.800- 871-8477. government grants and loans. Call 1-800-915-3615. REAL ESTATE CAREER TRAINING GOT A CAMPGROUND member- ship/timeshare? We'II take it! Amen - BOOKKEEPING AND INCOME ca's largest, oldest resale clearing - house. Resort Sales International 1- TAX COURSES! Learn Income Tax 800-423-5967. Timeshare rentals Preparation and Bookkeeping by needed. Call 24 hours a day. correspondence. Earn your certifi- cate now. For FREE brochures, no STEEL BUILDINGS obligation, U & R Tax Schools, 1345 ALL STEEL BUILDINGS...'Rock Pembina Hwy., Winnipeg, Manitoba, Bottom Prices)' Manufacturer R3T 2B6, 1-800.665.5144, over 20 Direct. Straight Sides. 20 x 30 years of tax training experience. 82,788.00. 25 x 40 $4,172.00. 25 x 34 $3,944.00. 30 x 50 $6,433.00. 30 SALES HELP WANTED x 44 86,188.00. Others. Ends Optional. Econospan 1-800.668- SATTENTION STUDENTS$ Make a 5422. lot of money selling chocolate bars. BEST BUILDING PRICES - Steel New products available. Nothing to Strallwall Type - not quonset - pay in advance. Fast delivery 1-800- 32x54 89,460, 40x72 814,233, 383.3589. 50x90 820,443, 60x126 $31,314 - other sizes available - misc. clear - PAY TELEPHONE SERV. ante. Paragon • 24 hrs - 1.800-283- 8499. HEAVENLY PSYCHIC ANSWERS. STEEL BUILDINGS The last build Thousands of satisfied callers. Gift- Ing yell ever need. Future Steel Is ed, Caring, Accurate, Positive. the recognized leader in affordable, Love -Relationship -Career -Money. top-quality arch -style structures, For Live one on one 24 Hours. 82.99 Value, Service, Integrity and Free min. 18+ 1-900-451-3783. Delivery call 1-800-668.8853 and have a MERRY CHRISTMAS. • 11!. A?ordabll• • Me fart • It Easy • One INI Diss /t AM • Northern Ontario $63 • Easte Ontario 91 • Western Ontario $162 • Central Ontano 68 • All Ontario $380 • National Packages Available • Ca I this paper for details!