HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes Advocate, 1995-12-06, Page 22VILLAGE OF HENSALL CLASS ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT UPGRADING AND EXPANSION OF SEWAGE TREATMENT WORKS NOTICE OF PUBLIC MEETING The Village has been evaluating alternative ways to expand the sewage treatment facility to service existing and future development. At this time, the Village is considering converting the existing conventional lagoon system to a system known as the New Hamburg process. This involves the use of slow sand filters to improve final effluent quality prior to discharge. This project is being planned as a Schedule "C" project under tfie ClassEnvironmental Assessment for Municipal Water and • Wastewater Projects, June 1993. A Public Information session is planned to provide further information to the public on the proposal and to receive input and comment from interested persons. DATE: Monday, December 11, 1995 TIME: 7:30 p.m. PLACE: Village of Hensel!, Council Chambers, 108 Ring Street, Hensell, Ontario The Village's Consulting Engineers will present the results of investigations that have been carried out and outline the recommended alternative. Following -this information meeting, further comments are invited for incorporation into the planning and design of this project and will be received until January 5, 1996. For further information, please contact: B.M. Ross and Associates Limited Consulting Engineers 62 North Street, Goderlch, Ontario N7A 2T4 Phone: (519) 524-2641 (call collect) Fax: (519) 524-4403 Att'n: Matt Pearson, Environmental Planner Subject to comments received as a result of this Notice, and the public meeting, the Village plans to instruct the Consultants to proceed with the planning for this project and an Environmental Study Report will be prepared and placed on the public record. This Notice issued November 22, 1995 Reeve Cecil Pepper Village of Hensall 1 1 KEEPING CANADIANS ON TIIEIR FEET Qualified nurses provide safe footcare in the comfort of your own home.' V Gift Certificates are available for that special Christmas gift For more information and to set up an appointment, call the Victorian Older of Nurses in Hensall 262-3320 1-800-565-3602 le Qf. tip. qct �i�t r •, V A videotape of your old movies & pictures etc. ♦ A videotape for friends overseas (all Int. format) A videotape of your autobiography V A video tape of your wedding or special occasion We have complete editing facilities NO GST ON ALL ORDERS PLACED BEFORE DEC. 31/95 'EXETER VIDEO SERVICES 235-0941 i • • . . . . 4 NOTICE VILLAGE OF DASHWOOD To facilitate snow removal operations "NO PARKING" on village streets will be permitted between the hours of 3 a.m. and 8 a.m. The village will not be held liable for any damages that may occur. Page 22 Times -Advocate, December 6,1995 Fines and jail terms on variety of charges EXETER - In Provincial court in Exeter Graham of Sarnia handed out fines and jail ranging from drinking and driving to death threats, uttering a forged document, on November terms possession speeding. tion 28, Judge A. on a number of charges of narcotics, uttering breach of proba- and Drinking, driving fine Eugene Hartman of Exeter was fined $600 plus a sur- charge of 10 percent after pleading guilty to a charge of Il COUI't operating a vehicle with an al- cohol blood content over the legal limit. The vehicle driven by Hart- man was stopped by police at 1:18 a.m. on September 24, 1995 while travelling south on Main street in Exeter. He was found to have alcohol on his breath and slurred speech. At the Exeter OPP detachment, two identical breathalizer readings of 2.10 were recorded. The accused said he was on his way home and was only four blocks from his destination. Accompanying the fine will be a driving licence suspension of one year. Possession of stolen goods A probation of 12 months along with a conditional discharge was placed by Judge Graham against Sebastian Tatarek of Toronto on a charge of possessing stolen property. On April 21, 1995 in Siephen township at 4.15 a.m. an eight horse- power outboard motor was found irethe possession of the accused. In court, Tatarek said he did not know the name of his accomplice. Taking this into consideration, Judge Graham said, "As this appears to be a bor- derline case and your involvement was minimal, I will put you on proba- tion which will be assigned to the Etobicoke office." Defending his rights While Robert McIntosh of Fullarton township was prepared to plead guilty to a charge of possession of a narcotic he disagreed with the crown's description of the facts. McIntosh, defending himself said he did not agree with the method used by police in searching his car and he felt his charter rights were breached when it was stopped in Exeter by Constable Finch. A small amount. of marijuana valued at $100 was found. Hearing this, Judge Graham said, " If you feel your charter rights were denied, then it must go to trial." A trial date was set for February 27, 1996 in Exeter. Pays two fines Frank Bicego of Centralia was fined $100 for possession of narcotics valued at $25 and the same amotiht for breaking an order of probation. The accused was put on probation of 12 months in a London court on May 1 of this year. Jailed for five months Judge Graham sentenced Jeff Averill of Huron Park to five months in jail after pleading guilty to a charge of break and enter which occurred on August 20 at a home on St. Lawrence Avenue in Huron Park. The accused and a number of accomplices are alleged to have broken into the home and taken an electric scale, a stereo speaker and 12 bottles of beer. Averill was also sentenced to 30 days for breach of probation which will run concurrently with the five months sentence. He had been placed on 12 months probation on July 25 Defence lawyer Paul Carter said his client had been drinking heavily and asked for leniency as he has been in custody since November 13 and was saving court costs by pleading guilty Judge Graham's reply was, "Probation does not appear to be sending the message home. I'm committing you to jail.cause of the break-in at a private home, breach of the pr91.3iktitIfttinkiraild a related rdeofd.'` ' • Two other charges against Averill wird rid rieard at the next Exeter court date on December 12. Another drinking, driving fine Pleading guilty to a charge of drinking and driving with an above the legal limit of alcohol blood content brought a fine of $500 against Paul Smale of Huron Park. Smale's vehicle was stopped during a R.I.D.E. po- lice check on Exeter's Main street at 11.07 p.m. on October 7, 1995 At the local OPP detachment breathalizer readings of 1.30 and 1.20 were registered. Judge Graham waived a fine surcharge but suspended the accused's driving privileges for one year. Speeding and drinking fine Barry Richman of Grand Bend .was fined $1,443 following an incident which occurred at 8.20 p.m. on May 5, 1995 in Stephen township. On the evening in question,a vehicle operated by Richman was clocked at132 kilometres per hour on Highway 21 by a police radar check. When stopped by police the accused was found to have an alcohol odor on his breath and to be unsteady on his feet. At the Exeter OPP detachment while the breathalizer machine was be- ing prepared, Richman asked to go to the washroom. But, instead of coming back he went out the back door and disappeared. The fines were $1,000 for the drinking and driving charge plus a 10 percent surcharge and $343 for speeding. The speeding charge was dropped from 132 to 129 kilometres per hour and other charges of refus- ing a sample and escaping custody were dropped. Through his lawyer, Richman said he regrets his actions and is very embarrassed. He is involved in many community activities and has do- nated many of his art works to charity. Gets 90 days in Jail In a case that has been prolonged for more than two years, Daniel Mudge, formerly of Zurich and now of the Toronto area was sentenced to 90 days in jail by Jud$e Graham. The intermittent sentence to be served in a west Toronto area facility will be from each Friday at 8 p.m. to 6 a.m. each Monday beginning De- cember 8. Mudge was charged with receiving about $50,000 in a loan from Ger- ry McCarter of Exeter by using.a forged promissory note alleged to have been signed by Mudge's father. The monies were loaned on succeeding dates since 1992 on verbal promises to repay at prime rate interest plus two percent to finance the accused's landscaping business in Exeter. When the principal amount rose to near $50,000 in July of 1993, McCarter became nervous and asked for security. At this time the prom- isory note was produced with the father's signature attached. When a cheque for interest payments was returned NSF in January of 1994, police became involved and the father denied having signed the document. Mudge's counsel Kim McLean argued that the forged document wasn't critical in the case as it was offered after all the money had already changed hands. The landscaping business closed down about a month after the promis- sory note was presented. None of the money has been repaid and the to- tal loan has now risen to $56,000. Mudge told the court he is now employed all year-round with a land- scaping firm in Bolton and receives about $10 per hour. On the witness stand, McCarter said, "The money was len' on a verbal basis. I trusted Dan and it was based more on friendship than anything else. Later he assured me his parents would repay, but when the note was proved to be forged, my total trust was dessicated. 1 am not in the business of lending money." Defence counsel McLean reiterated that not one cent of money had been received by use of the promissory note. McLean added, "Some of the money was to be returned when a Federal Business Bank loan came through, but that did not materialize. In making his decision Judge Graham said, "This entire incident is fraught with tragedy. I have sympathy for the victim. The money was lent to a good friend on trust. Tendering the forged document bought the accused some time. To allow any compensation or restitution, it is im- portant to have the accused continue his employment, but the serious- ness of the charge calls for incarceration." The judge also ordered Mudge to repay McCarter 20 percent of his gross income. beginning January 15, 1996 saying, " I know this will not satisfy the interest owing, but it will be some help to the victim. I am also placing you on probation for two years and any counselling deemed necessary by the probation officer." Another charge of obtaining mot!ies by way of false pretenses was withdrawn by the Crown. Fined on utt ng threat charge do116lAhdbtson of Grand Bend s fined 5300 arid placed on proba- tion for 18 months.after Judge Gram found 'hlms guilty of threatening og death and bodily harm. Judge Graham ordered a ban on publication of the identity of the fe- male victim who said Anderson threatened her by telephone at 8.30 a.m. on March 1, 1995. She said she had a five year common-law relationship with Anderson and, "I lived in constant fear for five years. He was yelling and scream- ing over the phone, threatening me and saying he would burn my parents house down. I was absolutely horrified and knew he was capable of do- ing it." Handling his own defence, Anderson denied making any threats. In making his decision, Judge Graham said, "The soul issue here is whether threats were made or not. I feel they were made in the heat of an argument." In addition to the fine and period of probation, the judge ordered An- derson not to own any firearms for the next 10 years. Dancers give outstanding performance LONDON - The Exeter Dance club competed in the B.A.T.D. Western Ontario 2nd Annual Bal- let and Stage Festival, at U.W.O.'s Althouse College, Lon- don, Ontario, on Saturday, No- vember 17 and Sunday, No- vember 18. Their performances were adjudicated as follows: Acrobatics Beginner Level Duet - Certif- icate of Merit, Jenni and Kim Read; Open Amateur Duet - Gold medal, Katrina Cavaliere and Sa- rah Trottier; Novice Trio - Silver medal, Megan Darling, Ashley Nixon, Chantal Russell; Novice Large Group - Silver medal and trophy for highest overall score, Erin Bowers, Katrina Cavaliere, Megan Darling, Lisa Johnson, Kiersten and Jon -Erik Lappano, Heidi and Lindsay Muller, Lind- say Nedza, Ashley Nixon, Chan- tal Russell, Sarah Trottier and Kaitlin VanOsch. Ballet Beginner leve! character dance - bronze medal, Kristel Westlake. Tap Beginner level duet - bronze medal, Erin Bowers and Lindsay Nedza Jazz Novice small group bronze medal, Megan Darling, Jon -Erik Lappano, Heidi and Lindsay Muller, Ashley Nixon, Kaitlin VanOsch Novice Acrobatic Solo - Gold medal and trophy for highest overall score, Lisa Johnson. The Exeter Dance Club had a successful weekend. New rescue van to arrive soon AILSA CRAIG - A new rescue van is to arrive in mid-December. McGillivray Council, as a member of the Ailsa Craig & District Fire Board, agreed to share in the van's cost, which will be spread over two years. Recently this board announced the levy for McGillivary will in- crease from 16 per cent to 22.5 per cent, which works out to an addi- tional $3,600. The increase is due to equalized assessment. and as MIs Craig and East Williams grow, McGillivray Township rates are expected to decrease. Stephen supports waste facility HURON PARK - Stephen Town- ship supports the Bluewater Recy- cling Association's proposed waste transfer facility at Huron Park. The terms are on condition BRA address Township concerns and that waste transferred at the facility be restricted to BRA up to 290 tonnes per day. 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