HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes Advocate, 1995-12-06, Page 13BART DeVRIES PHOTOGRAPHY rOMMIINITY Times -Advocate, December 6, 1995 Page 13 Urlin - Kukula On November 4, 1995 Jodi Elizabeth and Jerry Joseph were united in marriage at Si- loam United Church, London by Reverend Richard Hawley. They are the children of Dave and Mag Urlin of Exeter and Jerry and Josie Kukula of Lon- don. The maid of honour was Tracy Humphreys, friend of the bride. The bridesmaids were Tracey and Andrea Urlin, sisters of the bride, Teena Lamport, friend of the bride and Joanne Gyurics, sister of the groom. The best man was Pau! Moniz, friend of the groom. The ushers were Mike Pencz, friend of the groom, Dave Dejaegher, cousin of the groom, Don Trainor, friend of the groom, Brent Urlin, broth- er of the bride. After relax- ing honeymoon in the Domini- can Republic, the newlyweds will reside in London. by Roberta Templeman 345-2346 STAFFA - Esther Smale hosted the Tweedsmuir History meeting, of the Staffa Women's Institute, at her home on Wednesday, Novem- her 29, with nine members present. P1esident Jean Miller presided opening with the Institute Ode and Mary -,Stewart. Collect. accompa- nied bit' 13ttty' L'Rti IW'ffis on the pi- ano. Secretary, Roberta Templeman read the minutes. which were ap- proved as read. Vcrlc Mahon gave the treasurers report. Roll call was, display ancestral pictures. There was a excellent response which proved very interesting. Staffa Branch has been asked to set up a display of apparel worn 10) to 150 years ago at the Levee in Dublin on January 7. Esther Smale and Marjorie Drake, were named a committee. Kay Smalc gave a reading, which had been prepared by Margaret Kemp, enti- tled "Today's Grandmothers de- stroying the Stereotype." The filing cabinet and its con- tents were discussed during busi- ness. Esther reported that the Mico Tishc had been placed in the Sea - forth Library. Christmas meeting was reviewed. The group will meet at the town- ship hall on Tuesday December 12, to meet a car ixtol to go to the Christmas luncheon at Doreen Skinner's. Joyce closed the meeting and a light lunch and conversation was enjoyed. A joint Advent service was held Sunday evening at the Hibbert United Church with Hibbert and Cromarty congregations participat- ing. Pastor Irene Richardson wel- comed everyone and opened with the call to worship. Congregational members from both churchcs par- ticipated, along with Rev. Kevin Steeper and Pastor Irene, with the message, "Waiting Then, Waiting Now". A joint choir sang, accompanied by Sini Drost on thc organ. Follow- ing the service a social time was enjoyed in thc Daynard Hall. News update from Family skating planned at Zurich arena The public can skate Saturdays from 2:30 to 4:00 p.m. Carmel Sweeney ZURICH- There is family skat- ing planned at the arena on Satur- days from 2:30 to 4:00 p.m. and Sundays from 1:30 p.m. to 3:00 p.m. unless there is a hockey tour- nament going on. Moms and tots can skate on Mon- day and Wednesday mornings at 10:00 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. Senior Diners A pork dinner was served to 38 Zurich Senior Diners November 29 at the Community Centre. Gertie Fleischauer was the 50/50 winner. Entertainment was provided by Da- nielle Culbert, Lindsay Haberer, Stephanie Erb, students from the Zurich Public School, singing solos accompanied by pianist Kim Re- dick. A successful penny sale: fol- lowed with prizes going to the lucky winners. Solo and euchre game were enjoyed. Chamber of Commerce The Zurich Chamber of Com- merce are inviting the public to at- tend their annual Christmas party this Saturday, December 9 at Hes- senland, with dinner at 7:00 p.m. Terry Connelly will entertain af- terwards. If you are interested in attending, phone Delores Schilbc at 236-4921 as soon as possible. Christmas concerts The school children will he pre- senting their Christmas concert at St. Boniface on Thursday, Decem- ber 14, grades five to eight, at 7:30 p.m. There will also be a dress re- hearsal on December 13 at 1:15 p.m. The Zurich Public School chil- dren will be having their Christmas concert on December 19 at 1:15 p.m. and 9:30 p.m. Admission will he a canned food item. Parents without Partners The Wealth of Friendship and Support Parents Without Partners group will he meeting again on Thursday, December 14 in Clinton at St. Paul's Anglican Church at 7:30 p.m. For' 'nidfC • ilirti'rmation phone Bonnie at 236-4691 or Dave at 482-3976 or Penny, 482-3583. Open House An Open House will be held on December 9 and 16 from I to 6 p.m. at the Beauty Den, 25 John Street, South. Everyone is welcome to come and cnjoy hot chocolate and dips. There will he a free draw and clearance table. You can phone Bonnie at 236-4691. Wine and cheese social An appreciation night, wine and cheese social was held at St. Boni- face Parish Hall following 7:00 Mass last Thursday. The get-together was enjoyed by those helping out Fr. Wronski throughout the year with the Litur- gy. Everyone enjoyed his home- made layer cakes and the lunch. Christmas dinner A Christmas dinner was enjoyed by the residents at the Blue Water Rest Home and their families on December 3 with a great turnout. Members of the hoard, along with their wives, helped to serve the meal. **0.*ear* animas Trees Open Davy Cut your own or fresh cut I trees in yard if you prefer. $15. No tax Fields mowed for easy walking. AGATE TREE FARM 666-1603 10086 Hedley Drive (Formerly COM. 10, Lobo) 1/2 mile east of Popluat Hill Rd. THE CHRISTMAS TREE PLACE PP 010 , STAUR.j NT We have just comple ed our most successful week to date. Your patronage as customers and our staff efforts are appreciated. Because of the volume of business additional help is required in the kitchen area. Please contact us about enquiries to fill the positions. During the month of December for the days leading up to Christmas,, Pizza ipellght Exeter will donate $.50 for every Tedi -Bake Pizza" sold to the Huron Coun Christmas Fund. •. 6.Congratulations to Pat Raftis and wife Peggy on the recent arrival of their third child, a boy, Braeden, who was born in November. Justin Lce Bullock, son of Arron and Tracey was baptized at St. Boniface Church on Sunday, De- cember 3 by Fr. Wronski. strnas:Gifts Book Your Christmas Portrait Session now! '�lebration'• CALL 235-1298 249 Andrew St. Exeter (.11 1 ( 1 R1 11 I( \ 11 ti \\ \ 11 \ 1 Gwen Hart wins Mexican .vacation courtesy of Glenn Haven Apartments Gwen Hart of Exeter receives tickets for a trip for two for a Mexican vacation from Gerrie Glenn. This was the prize in Gerrie and Jayne Glenn's Glenn Haven Apartments draw held recently. The Glenn's congratulate Gwen and thank all those who took part in the draw. Health clinic The Adult Health Clinic will be held at the Maple Woods Apart- ment in Zurich on December 11 from 1:00 to 3:30 p.m. to check blood pressure and do loot care. For more information phone 1-800- 265-5184. Optimists Members of the Zurich Optimist Club along with those from the Ex- eter organization enjoyed a dinner at Erb's Country Kitchen on No- vember 27. Guest speakers were from Ausa- ble Bayfield Conservation Authori- ty and Thames Trail Association. The Zurich Club was busy from Friday to Sunday as they sponsored the Atom/Peewee hockey tourna- ment at the arena. Beavers The Beavers, Brownies, Sparks, Cubs and Optimists entertained the residents at the Rest Home on De- cember 4, singing Christmas car- ols. President Diane Wilds presented the residents with a 35 -piece musi- cal instrument set that they pur- chased for them. Afterwards everyone enjoyed some hot chocolate and donuts. a OPEN HOUSE Their next meeting will be Wednesday, December 13 at the Township Hall at 7:00 p.m. Golden Agers The Golden Agers held their last card party at the township hall on November 27 with eight tables playing progressive euchre. Joe Miller won the highest score. while Luella Willer( was second. Harry McAdams had the most lone hands. Lucky draws were won by Louis Denomme, Ralph Smith, Gwen McKellar and Josie Denommc. Personals A surprise birthday party was held for Percy Bedard Sr. last Wednesday at the J&L Variety Store where his friends got together with cake and presents for his 80th birthday. The family of Madeline Rau, RR 2 Zurich got together for their Christmas turkey dinner December 2' at their mother's home on the Blue Water highway. Happy birthday wishes go to Jim Simpson on November 30; Gary Masse on December 4; Karcn Masse on December 5; and Nora Corriveau and Laura Simpson, both on December Sat. December 9 & 16,1- s p.m.� Your one stop Skop for longing 'Unique Gi Items Collectable dolls,'jilates, pints. Doll houses and furniture. Barbie, Mattel"', Boyd Bears. Precious Moments, Cherishes Teddies and Anne of Green Gables Full line of Rubber Stamps and accessories and inexpensive classes taught. (Some clearance items 40% oft) Come in for a visit and hair a hot chocolate front our Country Spice Collection and enter our free draw. (Barbie House on Displav) Clearance table, savings up to i0%. Lang Calendar $11.00 cleating 'Exclusive but not Expensive'. Drive a little .. Save a lot! Call for extended hours for the Christmas Season at the Den'S, • 25 John St. South Zurich Ca11519-2364691 Your hostess Bonnie Schenk • 8 • ' purOhatie •'inert 2 999 1 D us irel 59S 974/It e Der aonth /36 r a41Yalenc t months hl adeP relehe 6595°bit1;do and Don't forget to use your GM Card tunings toward the purchase or lease of your next GM .chute • Dual air bags . r ° charge �'leQtrl° thr� 1 double takes • • •Lutoaatio njeOtIon • 2.2 4 -wheel AeS • attitude litre engine 5 -speed transissi es'hanoeaeat • Easy envy front seat mission • Rear spoiler • dunk release Year should knew Mk: Licence, taxes and insurance not included. Dealer may sell or tease for less. Limited time offer. Other lease terms avaiable. Some mileage conditions apply. OAC. See Dealer for detail. Subject to GM Card program rules. • TD and GM we Ncenced users of Malls. CHEVROLET' OLDSMOB LE GOODN EWSFROM YOUR SOUTHWESTERN m ONTARIO CHEVROLET DEALERS Exeter Huron Motor Products