HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes Advocate, 1995-12-06, Page 10424 Main St. Exeter • 235.1331
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Page 10 Times -Advocate, December 6, 1995
Queensway Nursing Home has received an accreditation award, which is based on a program
that focuses on ways to improve health care. Standards are determined through an on-site vis-
it by a surveyor chosen from more than 300 experienced health care professionals. Queens-
way Nursing Home has received its fifth straight three-year award. Back row, from left to right,
Ted Underwood, Administrator, Irene Zwart, Bookkeeper, and Connie Townsend, Food Services
Supervisor. Front row, from left to right, Evelyn Josephson, Director of Care, Linda DeVries,
Laundry and Housekeeping Supervisor, Sharon Martin, Health Care Aid, and Carol Gascho, Ac-
tivities Coordinator.
Varna children present their
talents at Christmas concert
The children per-
formed songs and reci-
tations for the audi-
Joan Beierling
VARNA - White Gift Sunday
was celebrated in Varna Church
last Sunday. Miriam DeRivers
opened with the call to worship.
Joan, Heather and Jason Beierling
lit the first Advent candle. Joyce
Dowson and Debra Rathwell sang a
duet. The Sunday School presented
the White Gift Drama "Gifts You
Cannot Wrap". The White Gift
Clown came and gave each child a
red nose. They told the secret of the
White Gift Clown. Everyone is a
gift, we are all gifts. Leisa Stephen-
son was the Storyteller and Debbie
Rathwell played the adult part
while Valerie Laurie played the
part of the White Gift Clown. The
other part of the Sunday School had
parts to do. This was a very mean-
ingful skit with a good message.
The service followed, with a
hymn "Away In The Manger" and
a White Gift Litany.
The offering was received by
Blaine Stephenson and Paul Con-
sitt. The White Gifts were placed
under the tree. This followed with
prayer and the Benediction.
A potluck lunch and social time
was in held afterwards in the base-
A short Christmas concert was
presented upstairs atter lunch. For a
small Sunday School, there certain-
ly is some very gifted and talented
young children in this group.
Joe Laurie, superintendent of the
Sunday School. welcomed every-
one and thanked the children for
their excellent job of the White
Gift drama.
Jason Beierling opened with a
Christmas Greeting.
The Sunday School children pre-
sented " A Blessed Greeting".
Janclle Reid sang "Twinkle,
Twinkle, Little Star". Robyn Tay-
lor had a Christmas recitation fol-
lowed by Robyn with Janelle Reid
and Stacey Consitt reciting "When
Hear Christmas Bells."
Graham Laurie played "Go Tell
it On the Mountain" on the saxa-
phone. Cara Stephenson sang "Si-
lent Night". Kelly and Stacey Con-
sist sang "Jolly Old St. Nick"
accompanied by Heather and Vale-
rie Laurie.
Katrina Merner and Kelly Consitt
sang "Jingle Bells". Andrew Laurie
played "Up On The Housetop" on
his trombone. Heather and Valerie
Laurie played a trumpet solo "San-
ta Clause Is Coming to Town."
Cameron Laurie sang a very ap-
propriate song for him, "All I Want
for Christmas Is My Two Front
Heather Laurie played the piano
and Valcric the flute "Oh Holy
Ralph Stephenson played "Jingle
Bells" on his harmonica.
December 7 the Varna U.C.W.
Annual Christmas potluck dinner
will begin at 6 p.m. Varna women
are reminded to hring extra goodies
for shut-in boxes.
Brucefield church service
Sunday, December 10 Brucefield
United Church White Gift service
is at 7 p.m. Everyone is welcome.
Youth groups
December 13 the Trends Youth
Group will meet from 7:30 to 8:45
p.m. at Brucefield Church. They
will he having their Christmas Par-
ty. The Trends have drawn names
for gifts and food.
Gift shop to open
The Magnolia Manor is adding a
gift shop called "The Plantation
Gift Shop" consisting of kcal good
quality hand-crafted and unique
gifts and accessories. The Grand
Opening is being planned for East-
er. Any interested crafter should
contact the Magnolia Manor at
On Wednesday evening, Novenis-
her 22 thc second 441 meeting was
held under the leadership of Mavis
Govier and Julie Consitt.
The group made paper rnache
heads and shapes with ripped piec-
es of paper soaked and boiled in
water. These heads were also paint-
They also made clay heads which
they will he making into jewellry
next meeting. They read about col-
oring heads and how to use them
on clothing, earrings and with safe-
ty pins.
The group is using buttons, puz-
zle pieces and other unused jewcll-
ry to make wearable art.
Lighting of Advent candle at Saintsbury
ACW pot luck
luncheon to be held
Saturday December 9
Hazel Davis
SAiNTSBURY - St. Patrick's
was decorated with Christmas
bows, flowers and a beautiful
Christmas tree aglow with many
lights, a gift from thc Cunningham
families on Sunday, to celebrate
our Holy Communion service and
to being our Advent pilgrimage
and the new Christian Year. The li-
turgical hangings were changed to
Royal Blue the symbol of Hope.
Thc processional hymn was
"Come thou Long Expected Jesus"
followed by an excellent focus led
by Mrs. Liz Jay and her puppet
Mr. Boing assisted by Rev. Jay.
They discussed the message from
the Prophet Isaiah and the Vision
of Shalom and Peace. Corkin Mac-
Gillivray assisted with the lighting
of the first Advent Candle for
Hope. Following the childrens'
hymn "Thc Singer and the Song"
the children went to Sunday
School classes. The Old Testament
scripture lesson was taken from
Isaiah 2: 1-5 was read by Hugh Da-
vis. Responsive reading was Psalm
122. The New Testament scripture
lesson was taken from Romans 13:
11-14, and read by Margaret Car-
roll. The Holy Gospel was Mat-
thew 24: 36-44. Rev. Stanley Jay
was officient for the Holy Com-
munion and his message was based
on the first reading "A vision . of
Everlasting Peace". Courtney Mac-
Gillivray and Crystal Davis were
servers. The service closed with the
Advent hymn "Hark the Glad
Sunday December 10, St. Pat-
rick's Morning Prayer Service will
he held at 10:30 a.m. Advent 2
(Year A).
Scripture readings to be Isaiah
11: 1-10. Romans 15: 4-13, Psalm
72: 1-7, 18-19, Thy Holy Gospel 3:
ACW pot luck luncheon and
Christmas meeting to be held on
Saturday December 9 at 1 p.m.
Please remember your gifts for
the Tess fortunate.
Christmas concert and party Sun-
day December 17.
The Davis children were Satur-
day overnight visitors with Hub
and Mary Thiel and family of Zu-
rich. Hugh and Hazel Davis were
Tuesday evening dinner guests
along with fellow Biddulph town-
ship employees with Larry and
Marg Hoston of Lucan and Friday
cyening joined Middlesex road su-
perintendents for their Christmas
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Hensall Drop -In planning
Christmas get-together
Hensall school choir
will entertain the
Liz Sangster
HENSALL - The Hensall Com-
munity Drop -In is having a festive
get-together at the Hensall United
Church. The day starts at 10 a.m.
with foot care. Contact Marg Cole,
262-2304, if you require this ser-
Lunch is served at noon and
Christmas draws will be held at this
time.Biddy Cammack will do
some stretching exercises at 1 p.m.
Following this, the Hensall Public
School choir will entertain. Rev.
Henry Annen will deliver a Christ-
mas message. The day will end
with cards and public health con-
sultation. Call Margaret Cole, he -
fore noon the previous Monday to
reserve a spot, 262-2304 or Faye
Skinner, at Town and Country
Homemakers, 235-0258.
United Church
At Hensall United Church, this
past Sunday, Rev. Annen's mes-
sage was "A Mountain Too Iligh to
As this was the first day of Ad-
vent, the children's story was "The
Advent Candle". Daniel Campbell,
Brandon Martin and Janice Bis -
back participated in the Advent
Ceremony. "Oh Come, Oh Comc
Emmanuel" was sung.
The ushers were John Thornson
and Garry Alderdice. The greeters
were Ken and Kay Elder.
December 10 is White Gift Sun-
day, at Hensall United Church
Worshippers are asked to hring a
non-perishable food item. A time
of fellowship and refreshments will
follow the service.
The Official Board meet Decem-
ber 13. The Thursday Afternoon
Ladies meet Deccmher 7.
Presbyterian church
Carmel Presbyterian Church will
he having a Christmas Eve Family
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Service at 7 p.m.
Council meeting
Hensall residents are advised that
the regular meeting of Hensall Vil-
lage Council will he held Tuesday,
December 12, 1995 at 7:30 p.m. in
the Hensall Village Council Cham-
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