HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes Advocate, 1995-11-15, Page 11A/ Times -Advocate, November 15, 1995 Page 11 Bean Muffins The teachers Mrs. Wagner and Mrs. McBride of Toddlers Inn Ni{fsery School had a Grandparents Day recently. I had the pleasure of being a grandma for two little girls. They treated us to apple juice and homemade Bean Muffins which the two teachers had made. They were delicious. They wish to pass along their recipe to the readers of the T.A. • Mix and set aside 1 cup raisins 1 cup boiling water • Beat until beans are broken and well mixed 3 eggs 1 cup cooking oil 1 tsp vanilla 2 cups white sugar 1 (14 oz) can of beans in tomato sauce • Add the following to bean mixture and blend well. Stir in raisins and water. 3 cups flour 1/2 tsp baking powder 1 tsp baking soda 1/2 tsp salt 1 tsp cinnamon 1 cup walnuts if you wish • Spoon into paper muffin cups. Bake at 325 deg for 30 minutes. Makes 2 doz or more. These are delicious Irene Dunn Our Lady of Mount Carmel School Student Council: Back row, from left to right, Teresa Zwambag, president, Loren Smith, vice president, Brendan Farr -Gaynor, secretary, Adam Glavin, treasurer and Adrian Roelands, grade 8 class rep. Mid- dle row, from left to right, Melissa O'Brien, grade 8 class rep., Henny Pfaff, grade 7 class rep., Troy McCann, grade 5-6 class rep., and Annette Roelands, grade 5-6 class rep. Front row, from left, Lindsay Muller, grade 4-5 class rep., and Skylar Va- nOsch, grade 4-5 class rep. Absent is Niki Vermaulen, grade 7 class rep. Bluewater residents enjoy many activities HENSALL - The Monday after- noon movie at Blue Water Rest Home was "The Yearling" with Gregory Peck and Jane Wyman. Tuesday morning the Grade 5 Buddies from St. Boniface School visited the residents with teacher Sister Susan and volunteer drivers and helpers. The students helped the residents make tissue poppies, and the group recited "In Flanders Field" and did action songs with the residents. Afterward, it was off for a look-see of the residents room and pictures of the resident's family, etc. were shown to the stu- dents. In the evening the Auxiliary members visited the home for their monthly meeting. Helen Otterbein was chairperson for the evening. A new musical group the "Zurich Connection" consisting of Lloyd Otterbein, wife Helen, Rev. Arthur Horst and wife Eleanor entertained the seniors with toe tapping music. Many favourites were heard - "Rcd Wing, Have 1 Told You Lately That l Love You, Huron County Waltz". Ina Neeb read "What is Autumn" and sandwiches were served by the committee of Ina, Dianne Smuck, Helen and Gertie Fleischauer. Wednesday afternoon tea was serviced by Gladys Gingerich to the thirsty guests. Freida Scotch - mer of Bayfield (sister of Esther Makins) and daughter-in-law Joyce joined in the refreshments. Freida will join her sister at the home as a resident. Rev. Daniel Roushoren, Carmel/ Caven Presbyterian Church, Hen- sall/Exeter conducted Thursday af- ternoon Chapel Service. Fr. Mat- thaias Wronski, St. Boniface Church, Zurich, fresh from his hol- iday in Poland, celebrated Mass. Saturday afternoon many resi- dents enjoyed the Auxiliary bazaar and bake sale. Condolences to the family and friends of Mrs. Alice (Stewart) Theil who passed away at BWRH in her 76th year. Alice and husband Stewart, a tenant of BWRH Apart- ments, for many years enjoyed liv- ing on the out skirts of Zurich and amused themselves and others with their herd of Haflingers (small horses). The Theils were well known at the local fairs with their pint-sized horses. The residents look forward to visit by Select Shoes on November 14 and Max and the Townliners on November 16. Notice Ratepayers of the Township of McGillivray Council invites citizens to a Pehlke 111/seibe on Wed., November 22 at 7 p.m. At McGillivray Hall to review and discuss the Local Government and Services Delivery in Northwest Middlesex Municipalities This pertains to "your" municipality. PLEASE PLAN TO ATTEND Shirley Scott Clerk-Thteeueer Self defense is demonstrated to Dashwood women DASHWOOD - The November meeting of the Dashwood Wom- en's Institute was held November 7. Tae Kwon Do self defense pat- terns was demonstrated by Colin Grasdahl and Travis Davis. The roll call was repeated by each member, "The W.I. is person- al growth a„d community action." Members then complied a list of ways to promote W.I. A report of the board meeting held in Hensall was given by Dorothy Restemeyer. A donation was given to the Men's Club Christmas party. Plans were made for the December meeting. The winners of the last euchre were: high lady - Louise Hayter, high man - Cliff Russell, low lady - Gertie Stade, low man - Martha Weigand, lady with most lone hands - Shirley Martene, man with the most lone hands - Ralph We - her. During the program a skit "Be Flexible" was presented by Frieda Keller. Florence Martene and Kath- arine Becker. A reading "The Can- ada Goose" encouraged us to be alert and achieve mom, was given by Ruth Stire and Dorothy Reste- tneyer. Members were amused by verse readings of the poem "Adver- tising for W.I." Members then re- peated in unison the words of the W.!. Centennial Song. Cake and ice cream were served. Environmental Assessment Board Widespread power outage disrupts hockey tournament EXETER - Power was off in Exeter from approximately 5:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. and put a damper on several local events in- cluding the Bill Batten hockey tournament at the Recreation Centre and the Remembrance Day banquet at the Exeter Le- gion. London Hydro reported a -wide- spread power outage on Saturday night was the result of high winds and heavy rains. Sherman Roth, Exeter PUC manager, said the power failure originated in London at the feeder heading north to the corpmunities of Parkhill, St. Marys, Hensall, Grand Bend and Exeter. St. Mar- ys was affected the greatest with hydro power out much of Satur- day., • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • To my Clients from Shirley Mellin 1 will now be operating frost Highlands Hair Design on Hwy, 1021, fust North of Grand Bend See you there 238.8829 Sbirley's Creative Hair of Corbett • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • EP -95-02 Schedule "E" MEI NOTICE OF PUBLIC H EARI N� Township of stephen The Environmental Assessment Board will hold 3 public hearing regarding an application to amend Provisional Certificate of Approval No. 4162102 by The Corporation of the Township of Stephen for a five (51 year interim expansion of its landfill site located on the west half of Lot 3. Concession 14. in the Township of Stephen, in the County of Huron (Board File aEP-95-021. The proposed amendment to the Provisional Certificate of Approval would allow the Township of Stephen to continue to accept waste at its landfill site for a period of five (5) years and to extend the waste fill area upwards. The praposai is also to extend the life of the landfill by live (5) years to allow for the completion of the County of Huron Waste Management Master Plan. Itis expected that by the end of the five 151 rear expansion period. the County operated landfill site will be in operation. A map showing the landfill location and the hearing location is included with this notice. DATE. TiME AND PLACE OF THE PRELIMINARY HEARING The Environmental Assessment Board will commence the public hearing with a preliminary hearing. The preliminary hearing will be held on. Date and Time: Thursday. December 7. 1995 at 9:00 a.m. Place: Tel: Fax: Township of Stephen Municipal Offices 38 Victoria Street East Crediton, Ontario NOM IMO 1519) 234-6331 1519) 234-93,) • - Important Note. The Board's decision may affect you. 1/ you have concerns, you should attend the hearing or have someone attend who can represent your concerns. If you for your representative/ do not attend the preliminary hearing, the Board may proceed without giving you further notice of the hearing. , PURPOSE OF PRELIMINARY HEARING The purpose of the preliminary hearing is to: • Identity groups or individuals who will be participating in the hearing and how they will be involved; • ask each person or group who wishes to participate to give a list of their concerns and say why these are important for the Board to consider; • identify which concerns the Board will review doing the hearing; • Mar parties' suggestions about a schedule for the exchange of information and identification of issues prior to the main hearing and presentation of witness statements and formal questions; • set a date for a funding hearing, if one is necessary; • set a time and place for the beginning of the main hearing; • set a date Andean', for an Evening Session to hear from those who cannot attend the main hearing during the daytime; and • hear anything:else that people or groups raise that the Board decides is relevant to the hearing. No evidence will be heard at the preliminary hearing. BACKGROUND The Township Operates a waste disposal site on the west half of Lot 3. Conc. XIV. Township of Stephen. County of Huron. This site has been used, for purposes of waste disposal. since 1962. In 11)72, the Township obtained authority for. landfilling operations at this site under Ministry of Environment Certificate of Approval No. A162102. The site area is approximately 20.2 ha 150 ac I and the 1972 approved fill area was 2 he (5 ec.u. This area was. in lett. the eras already landfilled at that time. Since 1972. landfilling has occurred over a larger area of about 4.4 ha 10 ac.l and since 1985. has generally followed an approved Plan of Operation and Management to Closure IRef.1). The final contours of the Plan of Design and Operations to Closure have been exceeded and in June 1991. the Township applied for an Emergency Certificate of Approval under Section 31 of the Envtronrnentel Protection Act (EPA) to continua landhlbng. A Provisional Certificate of Approval INo. A1621021 was Issued on Octobei 19, 1992 and subsequently amended to allow landfilling until August 31, 1994. This Provisional Certificate of Approval had a number of conditions. including the fdlowing: • No. 4.6 - A request should bs Submitted' to the Minister of the MOEE for an exemption to the EAA. under Section 29, by November 30, 1992. • No. 4.7 • An application with all supporting documentation, for an interim expansion attar, shill be made under Section 30 of the EPA IRSO 1990, Chapter E-19) and Policy 0306, by November 30, 1992. Submissions ware made in November 1992 which satisfied the conditions of the Provisional Certificate. Review and revisions to the submissions were not competed until mid 1994. An Exemption Order under the Environmental Assessment Act was issued on October 27, 1994 (Ref. 21. It is projected thet on additional 59,000 cubic metres of waste, excluding cowl, will be Iandf)INd during this period. Capacity wis be achieved by revising final contours on a 3.3 hectare eras which Ices received waste in the past. The total area of the site will remain at 20.2 h ctoras. with a total Ierdfllsd area of 4.4 hecterea. SCALE' NTS EWSTING LANDFILL Silt ■ ADDITIONAL LANDS OWNED BT TOWNSHIP O, STEPHEN GENERAL LOCATION PLAN HOW TO PARTICIPATE Groups or individuals interested in participating in the hearing have the right to express their concerns regarding the public interest or their private concerns. Submissions may be made in person at the hearing. either verbally or in writing. The Board will not consider any submissions regarding the proposal alter the main hearing has bean completed. The different categories of public participation in the hearings are observers. participants and parties. As an observe,. you can attend and observe any stage of the hearing. As a participant, you can make a presentation to the Board orally and/or in writing. Participants' presentations are usually scheduled la the evening to accommodate those who are unable to attend the main hearing during the daytime. The scheduling of an Evening Session, if necessary, will be done at the preliminary hearing. Those persons who request and receive party status from the Board assume the rights and responsibilities of this fullest form of involvement in the hearing process. Parties are usually represented by legal counsel or an agent at the hearing; however, they may represent themselves. The Board will consider requests for full -bin= et Dart -rime party status. FILING OF NOTICE OF INTENT TO PARTICIPATE Anyone wishing to participate in this hearing should submit written notice of thee intent to Participate to the Board by Monday, November 27, 1995. me Notice of Intent should contain a clear statement of the person's or group's interest in the hearing and the extent of intended participation in the hearing Ifull-time party. part-time party or participant Dray)_ The Notice should Indicate whether funding will he sought under the Intervenor Funding Project Act. Please include the name, address, telephone and fax number of the person who will be communicating with the Board on behalf of the individual or group. This Notice should be submitted to the Environmental Assessment Board at the address below. Please quote file number EP -95-02. Please note that the names, addresses. telephone and fax numbers of contact persons may be circulated in advance of the hearing in order to ensure discussion among potential parties and participants. Depending on the number of people wishing to participate. Board staff may organize an orientation meeting prior to the preliminary Mating. INTERVENOR FUNDING Under the Intervenor Funding Protect Act, funding is evadable to assist groups or Individuals to presertt Isaws which affect the public interest. This funding may be given to groups or individuals who have been given party status and who can show, to the Board's satistactton. that their issues will affect the public interest and that they satisfy the eligibility criteria listed In the Act. Where possible, the Board encourages groups or individuals to work with others with similar interests to avoid duplication of week. The Board and its staff may be able to assist you in doing this. At the preliminary hearing on December 7, 1995, the Board will sets deadline for receipt of applications for intervene( funding, if necessary. Prior to consideration of those funding applications, a Funding Parer will be appointed under the Intervenor Funding Project Act. In acce(dance with the criteria set out in the Act, the Funding Panel will determine whether. t0 whom and in whet amounts funding will be granted. STATUTORY AUTHORITY • the Environmental Protection Act, R.S.O. 1990, c.E-19, as amended, which requires the Board to hold a hearing upon referral by the Director of Approvals; • The Intervenor Funding Project Act, R.S.O. 1990, c.l-13, as extended by O.C. 819/92 dated March 11. 1992. which allows intervenors to seek funding for their participation ,n the hearing. FOR FURTHER INFORMATION The Corporation of the Township of Stephen's application and supporting documentation are available for examination during normal business hours at: township of Stephen Municipal Offices 38 Victoria Street Crediton, Ontario NOM IMO Phone: (619) 234.6331 Fax: (519) 234-8301 Environmental Assessment Board Suite 1201 2300 Yong* St., Tbronto, Ontario M4P 1E4 Phone: (418) 484-7800 Fax: (418) 484-7826 For further information about the hearing or the Board, please contact Jim Curren, Board Secretary, Environmental Assessment Board directly at (416) 484-7804. The Board accepts collect calls. it is your responsibility to contact the Environmental Assessment Board to determine the dates, times and location for the hearing as it proceeds. DATED at TORONTO, this 25th day of OCTOBER, 1995. Jim Curren Board7Secretary