HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes Advocate, 1995-11-01, Page 22Page 22 Times -Advocate, November 1, 1995 PROPERTY AUCTION Estate auction of two farms; tractor, truck, household effects and misc. items to be held 6 miles south of Mitchell on Highway 23. Saturday November 11 at 10 a.m. PARCEL 01: This parcel known as Pt. Lot 33 and 34 on North Thames Road and Pt. Lot 26, Concession 10 in Fullerton Township is approx. 140 acres with approx. 130 workable and 10 acres bush. Situated on this parcel is a brick 1 1/2 storey house, Targe bank barn, old ad nd offle drive e shed and newer 40x80 ft. shed. This farm is very p lots of potential. PARCEL *2: This parcel known as Pt. Lot 24 Concession 10 of Fuller- ton Township is approx. 33 acres with approx. 5 acres bush and the balance workable. There are no buildings on this property. Open House: Sat. November 4 from 2 - 4 p.m. Terms on Property: 10% down day of sale. Balance in 30 days. Selling subject to reasonable reserve bid. Full list next week. Prop: Estate of the late Roy Cole Auction: Doug Jacob 519-271-7894 1000 head Local Calf Sale at DENFIELD LIVESTOCK SALES LTD. Thursday, November 2 at 1:00 p.m. All calves raised in Southwestern Ontario. 95% exotic cross from 450 lbs. - 650 lbs. Calves sold in order they arrive. Most will be overnight. To consign or for information call the yards at 519-666-1140 Bruce Coulter Brett Coulter 519-294-0585 519-237-3120 UPCOMING AUCTIONS AT BOB HEYWOOD'S AUCTION CENTRE To be held at Bob Heywoods Auction Centre, 586 Main St. Exeter This week Saturday November 4 at 10 a.m. Dispersing a large offering of household effects from Grand Bend, Exeter and Zurich homes. Incl. 1985 Ford 350 Starcraft Conversion van, loaded, 66,000 kms.. selling at 12 noon, subject to reserve, Kenmore auto washer and dryer, GE fridge, 30" range with upper oven, 2 single beds, 2 double box and mattresses, chesterfields, recliner, stereo stand. Brunswick pool table, golf clubs, dressers, portable bar, brass and glass tables, cross country ski machine, hall tree, linens, china and glass incl. collectors plates - Hummel, Norman Rockwell, Royal Copenhagen, "The Age of Steam' train series, Cobalt Blue, Germany, Carlton Ware, good upright piano, crocks, milk bottles. Ig. collection of LP records, Cub Cadet 10 HP elec. start snowblower like new from F. Jones estate. Upcoming Sat. Nov. 11 at 10 a.m. - One of this years finest collectors auctions from the Lorraine Jones estate in Goderich plus selected additions incl. approx. 25 blue flowered crocks, 2 doz. ginger beer bottles, fruit jars, pencil sketches by F. Robson, oak showcase on legs, oak china cabinet, spool and brass beds, china and glass, primitives, Victorian couch and wing chair etc. Full list next week. AUCTIONEER BOB HEYWOOD Bus. - 235-4469 Res. 235-0874 • Large Auction Sate Antiques, furniture. appliances, collector plates etc. to be held at Richard Lobb's Auction Building in Clinton for the Estate of Greta Vanstone, Estate of Beatrice Nairn, both of Goderich plus additions. Saturday November 4 at 9 a.m. APPLIANCES; Harvest gold fridge and stove, 3 fridges, 36 inch gas stove, 30 inch electric stove, 2 freezers, wringer washer, 3 color TVs. Electrolux vacuum cleaner with power head, Filter Queen vacuum cleaner,- portable sewing machine. FURNITURE, ETC,: Duncan Phyfe drop leaf dining table, buffet, modern recliner chair, captains chair, trunk, treadle sewing machine, maple kitchen table and 4 chairs, china cabinet, small china cabinet, STAMP COLLECTION, wash stand, 2 wicker fern stands, desk, 3 piece bedroom suite with double box spring and mattress, 3/4 box spring and mattress, bedroom suite with 2 single beds, chests of drawers, bridge lamp, cedar chest, coffee and end tables, small fancy tables. dolls, cabbage patch doll in original box, wooden framed chesterfield with matching chair and platform rocker. records, large offering of owl lamps and knick knacks, several collector plates, approx. 40 cups and saucers, Royal Albert etc., dishes and glassware including antique pieces, towels, bedding, small appliances, lamps, chrome adult walker, quantity of steel shelving, wheel barrow, office desk, garden tools, lawn mower plus our usual large offering of interesting itertls far too numerous to mention. TERMS; Cash or cheque with proper ID Auctioneer Richard Lobb 482-7898 Clinton Town of Exeter Request for Proposals for Janitorial and Snow Removal Services Proposals will be received until 12 noon November 17, 1995 for the provision of janitorial and/or snow removal services for the Olde Town Hall and for the Exeter Public Library. The successful applicant will be required to supply his/her own cleaning supplies and equipment. This is a contract position and no employee benefits are paid. If you hire personnel to work for you, proof of up-to-date coverage under the Workers Compensation Act must be provided with your proposal. Certificate of liability insurance coverage, holding the Town harmless for any accidents that occur in respect to the applicant or his/her staff, must also be provided to the Town with the tender form. Your proposal shall include an annual contract price for the regular janitorial service. Extra duties relating to the rental of the upper may be tendered on an hourly basis. The same applies to snow removal. The applicant is requested to give an hourly rate for snow removal as payment for this portion of the contract will vary depending on snow fall. The rate per hour will include the applicant's own snow removal equipment. A full description of the duties required in each building and a tender form may be picked up at the municipal office. The Town will notify each applicant of a convenient time to view the Olde Town Hall and Library to assist you in your estimates. Please contact the undersigned for more details and a copy of the tender form. Elizabeth Bell Clerk -Treasurer 406 Main Street, Exeter Ontario (619) 235-0310 The lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted Women's Ministries plan gifts for missionaries EXETER - The Women's Min- istries from the Exeter Pentecostal Tabernacle, was held at the home of Doris Peebles, October 26 at 2 p.m. President Jean Triebner led in the meeting and asked Mrs. Hillis Rennick to pray. The hymns "Throw Out the Life Line" and "Tell Me the Old Old Story" were sung. The roll call was taken and an- swered by a Bible verse on Ren- der. There were 17 persent. In the business it was decided to send do- nations to the needy children, to the Brazil Orphanage, and the Ar- gentina Orphariage. Christmas gifts were also planned for some of our Mission- aries. Thank you cards and letters were read. Dorothy Cowper read a mes- sage on "Prayer Power", Mark 1:35, John 16:23. Ruth McLaren gave a special entitled "For the Birds". There was a season of prayer by the women. Lunch was served and provided by the host- ess, Doris Peeples and assisted by Jenny Kipfer. No injuries in minor accident GRA1;ID BEND - Sheila Tiede - man, 49, and Robert Gould. 64, did not receive injuries when the vehi- cles they were driving on Ontario Street collided, resulting in minor • damage. Country 'ome + . acres, completely renovated - move In condition Just 1 1/2 miles west on Stephen Township 2nd Conc. Large 2 storey brick home. 4 bedrooms, main floor family room, huge kitchen and bathroom. Bright sun room and rear deck. High efficiency oil heat, central air, drilled well, all new septic system. Call 234-6721 or 235-0776 Bethel craft & bake sale vori aY i�st'dc!' +>r� . v t4+ The Bethel Reformed Church held a craft and bake sale in Exeter last Saturday with a portion of the proceeds going towards the Christmas Bureau. From left, Jenny Am- erongen, Hilda Wubs, Wilma Kleinhaar, Teresa Wynja and Betty Brand kneeling. Coyote shot LUCAN - Police shot a coyote at West Haven Gof Course last Wednesday after golfers became frightened. Residence broken into PLYMPTON TWP - Another break-in at the Smith residence at 6239 Forest Road occurred Satur- day. resulting in the theft of a small amount of money and binoculars. Thieves left behind a yellow 1976 Cadillac Eldorado belonging to Irene Docker, which was stolen from a laneway at 31 Ontario St.. Grand Bend. The house at that ad- dress had been entered and searched by suspects before they found the car keys and drove away. Witnesses report there were two suspicious males at the Smith resi- dence looking under the car hood. Once was wearing a Chicago .Bulls jacket and hall cap. Anyone with information is re- quested to call the OPP at Forest or Crime Stoppers at 1-800-265-7500. Hoose for Sale by Owner 212 ANDREW ST. EXETER - Mature treed lot, close to schools and shopping. 2 - 3 bedroom, brick bungalow, new windows, roof and gas furnace. $85,500.. Phone 235-1658. Panther Profile By Anita Wein The peer mentoring group has become an extremely active and vi- tal part of S.H.D.H.S student life. The program pairs a grade nine student (reasons for referrals are vast and diverse) with a more expe- rienced senior student. Each peer mentor has either applied or been recommended to the program, been interviewed and finally. selected ,to participate as a mentor. The Connections program. as it is called county -wide, involves mandatory training in peer mentoring, recognizing signs of a'strug- gline student, how to respond and communication. Mentors are continually retrained and refreshed in these skills throughout their time in the program. Mentors county -wide meet twice yearly to de- velop skills in a specific area of adolescent struggles and compare notes with the other schools in the county. discussing how the pro- gram can he improved, what activities and ideas have been a success and which have not. Peer mentees are chosen through a referral system within the school. A teacher, guidance counsellor, mentor or parent may rec- ommend a student to the program. in addition to this, another peer support group The Guidance Support Team (G.S.T.) may refer stu- dents. A peer mentor may provide help, with schooi_work, but more often mentoring involves mediation, disbussion and support on diffi- cult issues which confront students. South Huron experiences bene- fits from the program on other levels. The peer mentoring group has always attempted to bring its social conscience and ideology into the school. Bringing what we feel is a high level of empath and understanding to out peers, we also educate in many differer,. ways. Specifically, two spin-off groups have been created. The Healthy Lifestyles Committee deals with health related issues such as body image, nutrition and AIDS Awareness. The Sexual Assault Awareness Committee deals with dating violence, assault and sexual assault. The program has been particularly active in the first six weeks of school. A retraining and refresher course on the program's goals was held. Two activities have taken place including howling and a lunch hour get-together. These activities involved all peer mentors and mentees. In addition. two mentors attended a Sex- ual Assault Awareness Retreat weekend in Blyth. These mentors are now specifically trained in this area. The Healthy Lifestyles Committee organized events for AIDS Awareness Week. This involved having a representative from AiDS Network of Huron County available to field questions from all S.H.D.H.S. students concerning AIDS awareness and prevention. Val Millson-Jansen is the county wide director for the Connec- tions program. She is a social worker who travels between the five secondary schools in Huron County organizing peer mentoring pro- grams as well as other peer support activities. Jansen provides an essential service to all the schools in the county. Along with her support. the program relics heavily on the guidance office at S.H.D.H.S. and a student coordinator within the school. The dedica- tion of these people as well as all of the students involved in the pro- gram give peer mentoring the spirit and organization that makes it a success. Currently at S.H.D.H.S. there are approximately 60 stu- dents involved in the program as mentor or mentees. Anyone inter- ested in taking part in the program should contact the guidance of- fice at the school. OME OWNERS CONNECTION CHOCOLATE • 1/1/111 CHOCOLATES 38 Ontario 5t. 5., (Hwy 21) Grand Bend, Ontario NOM 11-0 (519) 238.6607 DECORATING GRAND BEND DECORATING & FLOOR Centre WE SPECIALIZE 1N: Benjamin Moore Paints Carpet & Vinyl Flooring • Ceramic Tiles Prefinished Hardwood • Vertical & Horizontal Blinds Pleated Shades & Wood Blinds • Wallpaper & Sundries FOREST 7888781 QRAND BEND 238.8603 CASUAL & SUNROOM FURNITURE I 1111 Wrought iron Dining ♦ Artificial Plants & Trees /r... ♦ Acrylic Drinkware MANUFACTUKRi • DISTRIBUTOR! and other "DIRECT TO YOU" nice gift ideas HWY. 83E GRAND BEND (2 miles E of water plant) 238-2110 • Hours 10:00-5:00 • Closed Mondays DECORATING Color Yew irid L31 NI \I\ "I. 1.\l 11K • 213-2340 PAINT & WALLPAPER "These advertisers are happy to help you" TO BE INCLUDED CALL BARB CONSITT AT 236- -f 1331 r'