HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes Advocate, 1995-10-25, Page 19Yyrlrr111111111111111111EI1rlyryR111111yR>.11orstr Y 1 y Sheet Metal , y and/or Furnace Installer R iFull time employment 1 I Contact Dave Passmore 235-2708 Help Wanted C4 ----1-1-4-44-4-414-4-q' 1 B.J.'S DRIVER TRAINING AZ, DZ, Training Courses No experience necessary Job placement assistance 1 1404 s FINANCING AVAILABLE CALL BIG JOHN 1 1-800-708-5583 lAyyyyyyyyyu »yuN,a.4u 4Luv. .vyv4 NEXT COURSE NOV. 6/95 Times -Advocate, October 25, GUARANTEED RESULTS WITH OUR $11 SUPER AD OR WE'LL REPEAT YOUR AD UP TO ANOTHER SEVEN TIMES AT NO CHARGE Advertisers want one thing.,. RESULTS. And that's what we guarantee when you place a SUPER AD with us. For only one low fee of $11.00 we'll run your ad in our newspaper until you get the results you want (up to a maximum of eight insertions). All you do is call us by Friday and ask forSUPER AD. One iteral only per ad, You can take up to 25 words and we recommend you use a price for whatever you are advertising. If you do not get results by the following weekend, call us on Monday and we'll gladly repeat the ad at no charge. (Excluding real estate and accommodations) Private non-commercial ads only. SUPER ADS MUST BE PREPAID. TALK TO OUR AD -VISORS MON.-FRI. UNTIL 5 P.M. OR LEAVE DETAILS ON OUR ANSWERING MACHINE • Plus Your Ad Will Reach 10,000 More Readers In the St. Marys Journal Argus at No Extra Charge 1 Lost, Strayed MISSING - 1 yr. old black and tan male German Shepherd. Wearing a blue nylon collar. Reward! Call 229-6912 3 Situations Wanted OUTDOOR YARD WORK and housecleaning services for Exeter and area. Hours from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. weekdays. Reliable. Own transportation. Call 293-3575. (42;43') 4 Help Wanted LOCATE MORTGAGES for National Finn. 5500 to 5900 weekly potential. Own hours. Company assistance. 1 (504) 429-9225 Ext. 447m43. (43') The Times -Advocate urges our readers to use caution when sending money for business opportunity or employment advertise- ments. Be certain you are dealing with a reputable company before releasing any credit card information. Remember... if any adver- tisement sounds too good to be true, it is. CLASSIFIED RATES WORD COUNT Charges are based on the number of words. Sets of numerals as for serial numbers, street numbers, phone numbers or prices count as one word per set. Words joined by hy- phens count as separate words. FIRST INSERTION - 20 words $9.00. 150 per word thereafter. SUBSEQUENT INSERTIONS - No copy changes, 20 words $6.00, 15¢ per word there after. BIRTHS - 30 words $11.00. 150 per word thereafter. MARRIAGES - Engagements, Death Notices - 20 words $11.00 each additional word 15o. IN MEMORIAMS - $11.00 plus 25¢ per line of verse. COMING EVENTS - 30 words $11.00, each additional word 150. Three insertions for the pace of two. CARDS OF THANKS - 30 words $11.00, additional words 100 each. WEDDINGS & ENGAGEMENTS With picture - $25. GRADUATES with picture - $10. PHOTO REPRINTS 5x7 $8.00 8 x 10 $9.00 62.00 DISCOUNT OFF OF RATES LISTED ABOVE FOR PREPAYMENT SEMI -DISPLAY FIRST INSERTION - $10.00 per column Inch SUBSEQUENT INSERTIONS $8.00 per column Inch. (minimum size In this category 1 inch. Accepted in multiples of hall inch.) BOX NUMBERS to this office $2.50 per insertion. SUPER ADS $11.00 Deadline: for classified ads Is 4:00 p. m. Mondays. OUR ADVERTISING POUCY Advertising in ten Ttm•s-Advocate it accepted on condition that. in the want of a typographical •mor, that portion of the adveAktq •peoe occu- pied by the erroneous kern, together with reason- able allowance for signature, will be rerun h a subee:uent issue as a make good a1 no charge, while Hie balance of the advertisement v4E be paid for at an appar-abet rale. In Hie event of a typographical error advertising goods or services a1 a wrong price, goods or eervlc•e may not be sold Advertising is an offer to see and may be withdrawn at any time. My errors must be so- knoMedged within seven days of pubkcation. The Tnes•Advocete reserves •e privilege of re- vising or refecting advertisement, that k consid- ers obi•gion•bte and to change the daasiacation of any advertisement from that ordered 10 con - tom tote posey of the newspaper. Contents are protected by copyright Reproduction of any materiel without the permission of e e publisher is forbidden Advertisers purchase spec* and circulation only. M rights to any edvdM•merts pro:Wo•d by the TM•a-Advocate, using artwork, typography or photographs arranged for by the newspaper Me'1 be the property of He Time -Advocate. No such ad or any pert thereof may be reproduced ores• signed without written consent of the Times • Advocate. STATEMENT OF POLICY: The Tines -Advocate M not reepOnsele for errors in advertisements not submitted In legible form, nor for mom Ran a single incorrect heertion of Haat a& edIs tent ■'. 'IN Phone 235-1331 Use your VISA or MASTER - CARD and Save $2.00 4 Help Wanted 1 NEED SOMEONE to learn my business. Must have leadership ability. Team spirit an asset. Contact Karen at 657-9363. (40-43c) INTERESTED PAINTERS to paint outside window frames, soffit and fascia on Tharnesview United Church, Fullarton. For inspection and submitting estimate contact Harry Greenwood at 348-8528. (42:43*) MATURE RESPONSIBLE adult to work in kitchen. Your hours must be flexible. Call 235-1992. (42:43c) 1111111111111111111111111811i11MMMMM1111111111111111 11 (t__ Jobsp__ _t_ 11 ;r _ 11'I I R 11 X II Earn $300/$900 R PI y weekly. F yYear round positions. Hiring R y both men/women. Free room R y and board. Will train. Call 7 R y days, 11504-641-7778, i 11Ext. 198 C-43 R RRRRRRIaRRRfaRRRRRRRRRfeRRRRRRRR A WELL ESTABLISHED printing company is accepting applications/resumes for sales representatives to market and sell stationary, oTfice supplies and promotional products in protected territories. Experience in both sales and marketing is esential. Sales management candidates are welcome also. mail resumes to Pole Printing Inc.. PO. Box 69, Forest, Ont. NON 110. (42:43c) PART TIME help wanted. Adult person to deliver London Free Press. Door to door in Exeter. Call 667-4582 or284-1266 between 5-7 p.m. (43c) VENDORS WANTED for new Parkhill Flea Market opening Nov. 5/95. Sundays 10-6 p.m. 294-6915. (43:44c) FULL AND PART TiME help needed for Variety Store. Retail and lottery experience would be an asset. Must be willing to work evenings and weekends including Sundays. Apply with resume to Box 36P. c/o Times Advocate, Box 850, Exeter. (43;44c) 4 Help Wanted MATURE. responsible, reliable person- is needed to babysit my one year old child, in my home or yours. Mon. -Fri. 9-3. References required. If interested call 235-4284.(43•) 5 Business Opp. (Preparation & Counselling for Employment) Is *a six week course offered at the South Huron District High School in Room 106 • exploration of Interests, Skills and Values • job search training • resumes and cover letters • academic & career counselling • goal setting and plan of action Out of Work? Seek direction? • for information contact P.A.C.E. (235-4079) or Huron Employment Resource Centre (235-0471) EA Start Date: November 6ai Net A Job Looking for a Netter way to find a job? Save time, save money, save the hassle with JobNet! Network with the hiring decision -makers in your field through our national computer network, and access a whole new job market. Whether you're unemployed or underemployed, finding a job is as easy as picking up your phone and talking to one of our agent's. For just S39.95 plus GST, your resume will be available to interested employers in our Jobs Online Bank for six months. Don't just rely on the usual job hunting methods. Hop on the information highway and call us today! 1-800-367-6563 24 hours a day, 7 days a week! jobnet. HUMAN ■ISOUICIS ONLINI HELP WANTED! Easy work! Excellent Assemble products at home. Call l-(504)429-9227 Ext. 4471443. (43•) RRRRRRRR MTEMP-TED EMPLOYMENT SERVICES JOBSI JOBSI AND MORE JOBSI We are currently accepting appecPlkOns for IIB following mem o1 employment Farm MenaQere rotenone TICKET) farm i..R1104.• • 0400.OEE. NNW) Computerised Accounting boolduopers )DEarONAT10N PREEEME01 Machine Operators UphVFNavy Factory Workers Laminators Mold Makers Construction Workers/Fr'mon AU.. JO* SEEKERS WELCOMEI Arl. POif0a MSE LOCATEO MTI. PI cA►mr *pa, rase rani MINN, 4111004161r. • Tars ero mmies Nags M Pape* NM k..► TK PL1ASI COMPACT DONNA /OR INFI MEW ll+w n Nast E. a. PAWN torr CML2311-7434 5 Business Opp. OPPORTUNITY 15 KNOCKING! Let us show your how to write your own pay cheque. No experience necessary. We need you to have a positive attitude, integrity and ambition. No age barrier. Work full time or keep your present job and work part time. Low investment. Call 657-8020. (42;43c) Starting a Small Business? Looking for a "fast-track approach to starting your own small business" Then consider enrolling in the next "Business Basics" course starting November 7th in Seaforth. Learn how to make your husiness a success through a combination of lectures, videos, guest speakers and information -sharing opportunities. The cost for five evening sessions is 5160.00. Registration must be completed by October 31st, to register or for more information contact: Huron Business Centre 527-0305 or 1-800-268-2590 6 Services BART RIDLEY • Drywall • Paint & Wallpaper • Trim Carpentry • Renovations 'THE FINISHING TOUCHES" 234-6440 QUALITY PHOTO FINISHING and custom framing and now 5 minute enlargements. Jervis Photography, Main St. Exeter 235-1612. (3tfn) THE ANTIQUE WATCH and Clock Specialist. Want to buy old clocks? Have for sale many quality clocks. Repairs. Open chance or appointment (519) 243-1130. (28tfn) HOME OWNERS CONNECTION CHOCOLATES 14/ CHOCOLATES o St. 5., (Hwy 21) Grand Bend, Ontario NOM 110 (519) 238-6807 DECORATING GRAND BEND DECORATING & FLOOR Centre WE SPECIALIZE IN: Benjamin Moore Paints Carpet & Vinyl Flooring • Ceramic Tiles Prefinished Hardwood • Vertical & Horizontal Blinds Pleated Shades & Wood Blinds • Wallpaper & Sundries FOREST 786.6761 GRAND BEND 238-8603 1995 Page 19 3 FOW►t d ten Situations W ISadonsW a 4 elp nted1Wanted �f Services Business Opportunitiesesks achlnerySpost'@Suint, Veh2PetsCaTrucks 14 Musics ts IS Personal 17 For Sal Television 18 Wanted t 79 Wanted o Buy Pro 20 For For Sale 22 For Rent or Rent I 23 For Sale Rent 25 es PertyHanted/26 egal/Vohc esl 27 Legal Wanted d28 Auction 29 uc and Garage Sales APPLIANCE The Place to Buy Appliances ■ General Electric ■ Moffat ■ Inglis ■ White-Westinghouselli W.C. Wood Freezers DI(YSDALEAP� MAJO Hensall, Ontario 262-2728 Mus. Fri.. 8 .,.III. l: p n, • Sot. 4 ...n, `; i, ,n. CASUAL & SUNROOM FURNITURE Ail Wrought Iron Dining * Artificial Plants & Trees b.r. ♦ Acrylic Drinkware MAINACTURERs • DISTMWTo.S and other nice gift ideas "DIRECT TO YOU" HWY. 83E GRAND BEND (2 miles E of water plant) 238-2110 • Hours 10:00-5:00 • Closed Mondays DECORATING Ararinahli Color Y 11116,10.210/41, I : I • \ i \ I \til . 1 \1 1 1 I: • .' -21.1() PAINT & WALLPAPER "These advertisers are happy to help you,, TO BE INCLUDED CALL BARB CONST TT AT 235- 1331 • CLASSIFIED MARKETPLACE "Advertise Across Ontario or Across the Country" COMING EVENTS PAY TELEPHONE SERV. 17th LONDON ARTS & CRAFTS PSYCHIC ALLIANCE. 100,000+ CHRISTMAS Show & Sale, Centen- satisfied customers. September - 5 nial Hall, London. Friday Oct. 27, lottery winners. Solve all prob- noon-10p.m., Saturday Oct. 28, Iems...Answers about love, money, 11a.m.-10p.m., Sunday, Oct.29, care.er...$3.49/min...Talk live 1 on 11a.m.-5p.m. Olga Traher 519-679- 1...24 hrs...18+...all calls confiden- 1810. tial. 1-900-451-4336. BUSINESS FOR SALE PSYCHIC MASTERS'. Genuine Canadian Psychics tell all. Answers FLORIDA - MOTEL FOR SALE on on Romance, Wealth, Career, Lucky West Coast. 18 units, office, pool, Numbers. Live and personal. 1 -900 - steps to beach. $139k gross, $102k 451-3778. 52.99/min .,18+, 1 -on -1, net, only $1 95k down. Fax 24 hrs. I.C.C. (813)593-5757. HEAVENLY PSYCHIC ANSWERS. Friends of thousands. multi -talented BUSINESS OPPS. international psychics. Relation - TRAVEL AGENCY - 514,995. Full ships, Future, Finance, Career, Live Training and Ongoing Support. Full- 24 Hours. 52.99/Min 18+. 1-900- time/Part-time, Home or Office. 451-3783. Many travel benefits. LIMITED REAL ESTATE AVAILABILITY. T.P.I. Canada Inc., 1-800-799-9910 or 1-204-987-3322 VARIETY STORE. LARGE LAKE, - Winnipeg. GAS groceries, living quarters on START YOUR OWN home-based snow mobile trail Minden. Haliburton business! Watkins !s today's best area. Only gasoline pumps in area. business opportunity! For free infor- Dale Austin Realty Ltd 705-286- mation contact - Independent Mar- 4441. keting Director, 338 Braeshire Rise, GOT A CAMPGROUND member - Saskatoon, SK, S7V 1B2, 1-800- ship/timeshare? We'll take a! Amen - 263 -2999. ca's largest, oldest resale clearing GOVERNMENT FUNDS. Govern- house. Resort Sales International ment assistance programs informa 1-800-423-5967. Timeshare rentals tion available. For your new or exist- needed. Call 24 hours a day. ing business. Take advantage of the government grants and loans. Call STEEL BUILDINGS 1-800-505-8866. STEEL BUILDINGS The last Build- ing you'll ever need. Future Steel is CAREER TRAINING the recognized leader in affordable. COUNSELLOR TRAINING Institute top-quality, arch -style structures. of Vancouver offers correspondence For Value, Service, Integrity & Free Delivery call 1-800-668-8653. courses for the certificate of Coun- selling Studies to begin October 31. BEST BUILDING PRICES - Steel For a brochure phone toll-free 1- Straitwall Type - not quonset - 800-665-7044. 32x54 $9,460. 40x72 514,233, 50x90 $20,443, 60x126 531,314 - BOOKKEEPING AND INCOME other sizes available - misc. clear - TAX CERTIFICATE COURSES! ance. Paragon - 24 hrs - 1-800-263- Leam Income Tax Preparation and 8499. Bookkeeping by correspondence.SPAN-TECH STEEL BUILDINGS Earn your certificate now. For free LTD. - Exclusive distributors of the brochures, no obligation, U & R Tax MAGNUM series of buildings. Schools, P.O. Box 6052, London. Straightwall wood/steel and all/steel Ontario, N5W 5R6. 1.800-665-5144, buildings, Arenas. Stables, Work - over 20 years of tax training expen- shops, Barns, Etc. Contracting and ence. Financing Available, 24 hours 1- 800-561-2200. SALES HELP WANTED BUILDINGS ... Some Straight Sides. $ATTENTION STUDENTSS Make a Round or Peaked Roof. Quonset lot of money selling chocolate bars. Style. 20x30 52,998.00. 25x40 New products available. Nothing to $4,388.00. 30x46 55,844.00. 35x54 pay in advance. Fast delivery 1-800- $6.744.00. 40x64 $8,366,30. Oth- 383-3589. ers. Ends Optional. Pioneer 1.800- 668-5422. • It's Affordable, • It's Fast • Wm Easy • On. 8111 Deem It All • Northern Ontario $63 • Eastern Ontario $91 • Western Ontario $162 • Central Ontario $168 • All Ontario $380 • National Packages Available • Call this paper for details! APPLIANCE The Place to Buy Appliances ■ General Electric ■ Moffat ■ Inglis ■ White-Westinghouselli W.C. Wood Freezers DI(YSDALEAP� MAJO Hensall, Ontario 262-2728 Mus. Fri.. 8 .,.III. l: p n, • Sot. 4 ...n, `; i, ,n. CASUAL & SUNROOM FURNITURE Ail Wrought Iron Dining * Artificial Plants & Trees b.r. ♦ Acrylic Drinkware MAINACTURERs • DISTMWTo.S and other nice gift ideas "DIRECT TO YOU" HWY. 83E GRAND BEND (2 miles E of water plant) 238-2110 • Hours 10:00-5:00 • Closed Mondays DECORATING Ararinahli Color Y 11116,10.210/41, I : I • \ i \ I \til . 1 \1 1 1 I: • .' -21.1() PAINT & WALLPAPER "These advertisers are happy to help you,, TO BE INCLUDED CALL BARB CONST TT AT 235- 1331 •