HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes Advocate, 1995-10-25, Page 17_SPORTS_
Basketball clinic makes
it fun to learn the basics
The volunteer run Basketball Clinic has been a popular
program among grade school students for over 15 years
Chris Skalkos T -A staff
EXETER - Learning some basic
Skills and having fun are the main
objectives of the Grade School
Basketball Clinic held at South Hu-
ron District High School.
The 10 week program is into it's
fifth week and approximately 80
grade six, seven and eight students
are enrolled in the Wednesday
night clinic.
SHDHS physical education
teacher Terry O'Rourke created the
clinic 15 years ago to give pre -
high school students a chance to
learn some basketball skills, with
the intention of giving those inter-
ested in trying out for the high
school team a head start.
"Wc concentrate on teaching the
fundamentals and try to keep it
fairly simple," said O'Rourke.
Shooting, passing dribbling and
playing within a team structure are
the basic concepts the clinic is de-
signed to teach and O'Rourke said
the clinic is providing a majority of
the students their first basketball
"Our goal is to give them the op-
portunity to play basketball and
pick up some basic skills along the
Athough the clinic is a good way
for students to ease their transition
into high school basketball,
O'Rourke said only a few will ac-
tually pursue the sport later on.
"Some will try out for the high
school teams but for most it's an-
other activity in the community for
them to participate in and it gives
them a chance to meet kids from
other schools."
O'Rourke said the clinic is pop-
ular among students and parents.
From year to year enrollment has
been consistent with 80 to 100 stu-
dents signing on and staying
throughout the 10 week program.
Within the last few years,
O'Rourke said more boys than girls
have participated; however girls
seem to take the clinic more se-
riously and show more of an im-
provement than boys.
Other than teaching basic skills,
the clinic also helps promote the
sport of basketball in a town dom-
inated by ice oriented sports.
"i think kids have always been
aware of basketball but it has nev-
er been extremely popular because
of the hockey tradition. But i see it
improving," said O'Rourke.
Sixteen volunteers are involved
with running the clinic. Some are
senior students at South Huron
while others are former high
school basketball players who have
approached O'Rourke to volunteer
their time.
"it's nice to see former players
coming back and helping out," he
Scot Russell, an instructor at the
clinic played basketball while he
attended South Huron.
He said all of the volunteer in-
structors were out helping because
they love the sport and want to help
promote it among the future has-
ketball players in the community.
According to Russell. the non-
competitive and fun approach is
what has made the clinic a success
over the years. There are no com-
petitions within the clinic and no
winners declared. Russell said the
pressure -free environment allows
students to enjoy what they're
learning .
"Having fun is important for both
the kids and the instructors and it
keeps them coming back to finish
the program," he said.
League and playoff champs
Tate Dashwood ladies slo-pitch team were 1995 league and playoff champions. The ladies
defeated Grand Bend in the finals to take the 'A' trophy. Shown back, 1 to r, Julie Ritchie,
Angie Gould, Deb Lord, Tammy Preszcator and Denean Sebastian. Front, l to r, Annette,
Barb Moss, Marj Partridge and Loretta Ayotte. Missing: Kate Monk, Judy deLange, Brenda
Wilds, Teresa VanRaay and Barb Brannon.
Molesworth to host
Master -Junior rolloff
Ron Dann
ZURICH - Molesworth Lanes
had been chosen by the Ontario
Master Bowlers' Association
(OMBA) to host the Bluewater
Master -Junior Regional rolloffs
Sunday. Each Master Bowler will
bowl three games with one Y.B.C.
Junior age (11-13) girl and one boy
as a team in the most pins over av-
erage fojmat. The winning team
will advance to the OMBA Provin-
cial Master -Junior Championships
November 11.
Zurich Town and Country lanes
will he represented by 12 year-olds
Anna Marie Bedard, Laura Shanks,
Stefanie Groot, Jason Dykstra,
Adatn Bedard and age 13 Steven
Munn along with Master Bowlers'
• Stephen, Bev and Mike Cregan.
Special Old Pim game
The Hiram Walker Special Old
Ladies Canadian Pins Oame Sin-
gles Finals can be seen tonight at
7:30 on T.S.N. Two Ontario wom-
en aro part of this unique sudden
death format as they get paid for
each frame they win.
Special Old High -Low Doubles
The Hiram Walker Special Old
High -Low Doubles five week, pins
over average league round starts
Monday in Bluewater 5 Pin Bowl-
ers' Association bowling centres.
including Goderich. Zurich, Moles-
worth, Listowel, Lucknow, Clinton
and St. Marys.
A high average bowler is
matched with a low average bowler
as, a two person team from where
the winning team will advance to
the Special Old Zone finals in Janu-
IHRA Drag .,
Racing Results
Grand Bend Motorplex
Saturday results
ET 1; Rob Atchison, London, '67 Camaro, 10.55 (10.53 dial -in) at
124.65 defeated Louis Brehm, Woodstock '62 Plymouth, 11.87 (11.08
dial -in) at 113.07 MPH
ET 2: Wil Steckly, Milverton, '68 Dodge Dan, 12.18 (12.14 dial -in) at
103.45 defeated Dave Gunn, Hamilton '70 Dodge Dart, 11.78 (11.78
dial -in) at 112.24 MPH
Pro Comp: Jim McCann, Stratford, '95 Jim Bos Dragster, 9.30 (6.95
dial -in) at 183.68 defeated Brad Matheson, Atwood, '33 Chev, 10.03
RL (7.67 dial -in) at 96.35 MPH
Bike: Calvin Bright, Sarnia '87 Ninja, 9.64 (9.61 dial -in) at 127.47 de-
feated Ron McCamm, Cambridge, '84 Suzuki, 9.24 (9.13 dial -in) at
Times -Advocate, October 25, 1995 Page 17
Grade 12 SHDHS student Stephanie Pearson shares a laugh
with grade seven student Emily Hawkins at the Grade School
Basketball Clinic on Wednesday night.
Junior boys
record in
WINGHAM - The South Hu-
ron junior boys volleyball team
improved their season record to
12 wins against three losses in
Wingham on Thursday.
The Panthers won all three
games against Seaforth but ran
into a Krick wall against F. E.
Madill losing three straight.
Trevor Skinner. Derek Ether-
ington and Dave Farquhar
played a strong game for the
junior boys.
The senior boys volleyball
team had a better day in Wing -
ham winning all six of their
games. The Panthers defeated
Wingham 15-5,16-14. 15-9 he -
fore going on to heat Seaforth
15-3, 16-14 and 15-9.
The senior boys were led by
the offensive prowess of Steve
"Booming" Bell who had a
good hitting game and.Matt
Sims who made some outstand-
ing blocks around the net.
The senior boys are hoping,to
continue their winning streak •
when they meet Goderich on
Tuesday. The Inst time these two
teams met South Huron won two
out of three games in a very
close and emotional game set-
ting the stage for a grudge
match Tuesday.
Bailey's Law #8:
Never lend a hand to
someone less fortunate.
Give it to him.
Auto Body
284-2888 St. Marys
SH midget
split double
CLINTON - The South Huron
midget girls basketball team split a
double header in Clinton last
Three points was the difference in
the Panther's narrow loss to St.
Anne's 29-27. They went on to de-
feat Central Huron 36-30 in another
close game. Jamie Reahurn led in
scoring with 12 points followed by
Sara Somerville and Cristy Cruick-
shank with eight points each.
The senior and junior girls teams
also saw action last Wednesday los-
ing their games to Central Huron.
Heather Davies scored four points
for the senior girls and Lisa Camp -
hell and Peggy Brownlee added
three points each but it wasn't
enough as the Panthers lost 39- 17.
South Huron is gearing up for an
up coming tournament in St. Thom-
as and a home game against Sea -
forth next Tuesday.
girls from Biddulph Public School
won county championships at the
Middlesex County cross country
meet last Wednesday.
Bridgett Appleman, Lorraine
Cannom, Kate Mills, Lindsay
Medd, Jilienne Reisser and Stacey
Dykeman won their nine and under.
division. The school team posted a
score of 39 and had three runners
place in the top ten.
Twenty-six schools participated
in the 2.4 km race with 200 run-
ners in each race.
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