HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes Advocate, 1995-10-25, Page 11COMM1JW[TY Times -Advocate, October 25, 1995 Page 11 Exeter Public School Student Council members for 1995-96 school year pictured from back to front are: Brad Biker, president, Ben Rader, secretary, Pam Keys, vice-president and Jennifer Hodder, treasurer. `Steel Magnolias' showcases local talent ST. MARYS - An Exeter man is bringing Tight to the stage of the St. Marys Town Hall Theatre. Kevin Robinson, of St. Marys, is a Fanshawe College graduate of tel- evision broadcasting, and is doing the lights for the upcoming produc- tion of Steel Magnolias, written by Robert Harling and directed by Ter- ry Todd. of St. Marys. Robinson has been involved with the St. Marys Community Players since 1982 when he worked with the lights for Annie. Most of his in- volvement has been with the light- ing but last spring he appeared on stage as one of the townspeople in Brigadoon He also operates the camera for the Exeter Pentecostal Tabernacle's show on Community Access Channel 12. In 1994, he co - hosted the Exeter Santa Claus Pa- rade. The play opens at the St. Marys Town Hall Theatre on November 16 and is set in Chinquapin, Loui- siana. Janet Feinder, an accent coach with the Stratford Festival Theatre, will help give the actors "a flavor of Louisiana" in their voices, said Todd. Jo Zvonkin, of Grand Bend, is making the costumes for the show. She is a former costume designer for the Huron Country Playhouse and worked on shows such as Oli- ver, Peter Pan and Anne of Green Gables. Steel Magnolias tells the story of Shelby, played by Mackenzie Lush of Stratford, who plans her wed- ding and has her first child during the two year span of the play. Her devoted but sometimes overbearing mother M'Lynn, played by Carol Robinson -Todd of St. Marys, tries to talk her out of conceiving her own child. The diabetes from which Shelby suffers poses too many risks for her, according to M'Lynn who later makes a coura- geous sacrifice so her daughter can have a baby and continue to live. "Most mothers only get the chance to give their child life once. I get a chance to do it twice," she says. Shelby and M'Lynn meet Clairee Belcher, played by Linda Ham of Stratford, and her best friend Ouis- er Boudreaux, played by Jackie Kirkman of St. Marys, every Satur- day morning at the beauty shop of Truvy Jones, played by Valerie Tkaczuk of St. Marys, and her as- sistant Annelle, played by Susan Newbury of Stratford. "Although magnolias look frag- ile, most of them are anything but. I think that tells what the play is about. This group of women, and everything they have been through, looks fragile but they aren't. They are very strong and I think that's where the 'steel' comes from," said Todd. All of the characters are living with their own loneliness but to- gether, they find strength to deal with their situations. Clairee is learning to live without her hus- band who recently passed away. Truvy misses the romance she once had with her husband who "hasn't moved from in front of the TV set in 15 years." Annelle searches for a new life in a new town after her husband leaves her. Ouiser has been in "a very bad mood for 40 years" and now lives alone with her dog Rhett. M'Lynn struggles to ac- cept that her daughter, who needed her mother all her life, has found someone new to take care of her. Shelby begins a life out from under her mother's wing. Produced by Ted Scaldwell, of Stratford, the show opens on No- vember 16 and continues on No- vember 17 and 18 at 8 p.m., No- vember 19 at 2 p.m. and November 23, 24, 25 at 8 p.m. Tickets are $12 at the door or $10 in advance. Tickets are available at Village Groomer, 27 Church St. S., St. Marys; Big V Drug Store, 55 Dow- nie St., Stratford; The Grand Thea- tre, 471 Richmond St., London. `Long Day's Journey Into Night' to be adapted to film STRATFORD - Stratford Festi- val Artistic Director Richard Mon- ette and Rhombus Media an- nounced Monday that Rhombus will produce a feature film inspired by Stratford's hit production of Eu- gene O'Neill's 'Long Day's Jour- ney into Night'. David Wellington, director of the critically acclaimed '1 Love a Man in Uniform', will di- rect the film, which will commence shooting in November in Toronto. Niv Fichman and Daniel Iron will produce for Rhombus, in associa- tion with CRC, Bravo! and Tele - film Canada. Cineplex Odeon Films Canada will handle Canadian distribution. The film will feature the Stratford Festival cast: Martha Burns as Cathleen, Peter Donaldson as James Tyrone Jr., Martha Henry as Mary Cavan Tyrone, William Hutt as James Tyrone and Tom McCa- mus as Edmund Tyrone. The Stratford's production of 'Long Day's Journey into Night', directed by Diana Leblanc, ran for two sold -out seasons at the Tom Patterson Theatre. David Richards of The New York Times called this production of the O'Neill classic "as absorbing and ultimately as po- tent as any I've seen." Vit Wagner of The Toronto Star said, "As you are watching it, you can't imagine being anywhere else - or that any- where else even exists." "In adapting this production for film, we are committed to eliciting the same powerful emotions as the stage version while creating some- thing fresh and cinematic," said Niv Fichman of Rhombus Media. The film will be launched theatri- cally in the spring of 1996. Music Night held in Zurich Many mdsic forms were performed. Carmel Sweeney ZURICH - A good time was had by everyone attending the second annual Music Night at St. Peter's Lutheran Church on Sunday eve- ning. Leona McBride from Goderich provided trumpet music; "Down East" songs were performed by Pastor Annette Smith of London; and instrumental music by a school group from North Lambton. The Zurich Mennonite Ladies Group sang as a choir with Organists Au- drey Haberer and Grace Martir. WRAP The WRAP (White Ribbons Against Pornography) campaign is taking place this week. Members of St. Boniface Parish are going to wear white ribbons to demonstrate they are against pornography. Bowling Members of the Saturday morn- ing Youth Bowling League are sell- ing chocolate coated almonds as a fundraiser. Dances The Zurich Optimist Club are having a youth dance on Friday, October 27 from 7 to 10 p.m. at the Community Centre with a live band. No one over the age of 15 will be allowed at the dance. Par- ents are asked to be on time to pick up their children. The Knights of Columbus from Zurich and Seaforth Councils are preparing for the annual Harvest Dance, to be held November 18, at 9:00 p.m. at the Zurich Communi- ty Centre. Mozart's Melody Mak- ers will provide the music. . Tickets are on sale from any K. of C. member for $6.00 in advance or $7.00 at the door. This includes a lunch. Skating There is public skating at the are- na on Saturdays, 2:30 p.m. to 4 p.m. and on most Sundays from 1:30 to 3 p.m. It will cost $1.00 per person. Open house The annual Sew Special Christ- mas Open House will be held at the home of Rebecca and Lionel Wild- er, RR #1 Zurich from November 8 le 12, beginning at 9 a.m. through- out the day and evening. Items for sale are made by Re- becca and her daughters Wanda, Brenda and Sylvia. They include ceramics, crafts, wooden items. Christmas decorations, gift baskets, and clothing. For more information phone 236-4020. Leaf pickup Village leaves will be picked up by noon today, Wednesday, if they are by the road. Bazaar and tea The Ladies Auxiliary of the Blue Water Rest Home are planning to have their annual bazaar and tea on November 11 from 2 to 3:30 p.m. There will be a penny sale table, resident's craft table, cake and quilt draws and a bake table. WI Some members of the Zurich Women's Institute attended the Fall Rally in Gorrie on Monday, October 16. Others attended the London Convention held in Kirk - ton on Friday, October 20. Convention Auxiliary president and secretary Donna Klopp and Marlene Ginge- rich, and Rest Horne Head Nurse Barb Shephard and worker Cathy Shantz attended the Home for the Aged Annual Convention held in Toronto last week from October 15 to 17 at the Royal. York Hotel. Personals Happy anniversary wishes go out to Gord and Cecilia Smith recently; and to Tony and Adeline De- nomme on October 25. Happy birthday wishes go to Connie Masse, Dashwood on Octo- ber 18; Marjorie Meidinger on Oc- tober 8; and Ralph Smith on Octo- ber 24. Carol Butler of Sarnia spent last Thursday night and Friday visiting with her sister Carmel Sweeney and family while her husband Bill was a patient in St. Joseph's Hospi- tal in London. A birthday supper was held at the home of Wayne and Denise Mei- dinger on Saturday in honor of his mother Marjorie's recent 60th birthday. Daughter Debbie and Jer- ry Pennings attended. Congratulations to Dianne Steck- le and Doug Sparling, who were married at the Zurich Mennonite Church on October 21. The bride is the daughter . of Bill and Betty Steckle of Varna. A family dinner was held at the home of Larry and Debbie De- nomme, RR 2 Zurich on Sunday in honor of his parents Tony and Ade- line Denomme's 54th anniversary ;on October 25. All their children attended. Several from the Zurich area at- tended the wedding of Judi Bro- kenshire and Dale Port on Satur- day, October 21 in Hamilton at the Ancaster Old Mill. The bride is the daughter of Al- len and Sharon Brokenshire, Zu- Clothes such as these are needed for an historical show representing Hay township and area days of old. fashion Historical fashions HAY TOWNSHIP - An his- torical fashion show celebrating Hay Township's 150th anniversary next year is in need of older clothes and items that represent the history of Hay and area. The show, to be presented on February 24 at the Zurich Com- munity Centre, is named Re- flections of Hay. It will combine fashion and entertainment in,an ef- fort to present an historical at- mosphere that may include a time- line narration of 25 year transitions between showings as well as period dances. "It's not just fashion," said Helen Miller, show coordinator. "(It's) part of the celebrations." "This is only going to come once in a lifetime," added show co- ordinator Marg Gingerich. The show will also need models. For more information call Helen Miller at 238-2773. Marg Ginge- rich at 236-4473, Joy Hogg at 236- 4532 or Bonnie Groot at 2364903. PRO RESP • Complete Home Oxygen Service • .ally owned Cowden Company • Awarded Three Year Accreditation CerWlcale 1994 • Attltorl»d Vendor MOM" Devices Program. • 11 Brandt 011ima Acmes Ontario Physicians prescribe PRO RINIP knowing their patients reals a higher stmndard o1 can. PROflsB10NAL RpMMTORY PROFESSIONALS COMMl1TED TO EXCELLENCE 5e Mary Street, Canton, Ontario NOM 11.0 A wan 111941144011 1411•487 4214 wren Calk* Corot IN's* brito AousOrloe T1i1708t.L Cel $.11M18100(1111‘1011) rich. The couple will be living in Dundas, Ontario. Congratulations to Denise and John McCarroll on the arrival of their third child, a girl, Siobhan La- uren, born September 21. Therese Stark spent the past two weeks in Windsor at the home of her son David and Carolyn Stark, and visited with relatives in the area. Edgar and Ruth Witter! from In- nisfail, Alberta, are visiting with his mother, Luella Willert and fam- ily members. Marg Willert is presently visiting her mother-in-law from Olds' Al- berta, along with friends and rela- tives in the area. A family birthday supper was held at the home of Lori and Bill Warner in Ingersoll on Sunday in honor of her grandmother's Anne Flaxbard birthday on October 20. They also celebrated Lon's Octo- ber 25th birthday. Congratulations to Cathy Hart- man and Marshall Chanda who were married at St. Michael's Church in London on Saturday, October 21 with dinner and recep- tion held in Komoka. Cathy is the daughter of Ray and Janice Hartman of Zurich. Elizabeth Grainger and grand- daughter Kerri Lyn Grainger re- turned on Monday after spending Thanksgiving weekend with Helen and Wayne Horner and family at St. Paul, Alberta. They also got ac- • quainted with her new great- grandson Brandan Steven, son of Shelley (Horner) and Steven Eisen- reich of Grand Centre, Alberta. Brandan was born August 25, 1995. Cathy Fawcett and two chil- dren Scott and Megan of Sherwood Park. also joined the Horner's for Thanksgiving dinner. The last five days of their visit was spent with the Fawcett family in Sherwood Park. Kerri Lyn got acquainted again with her three cousins, Kent, Scott and Megan. who she hadn't seen for three years. Ross Horner spent 10 days visit- ing with his brother Wayne and family in St. Paul. Alberta and re- turned home a week ago, Monday. 4-H club starts new project RIP EXETER - The Exeter 11 4-H group got together on Thursday. October 19 at the home of Norma Cockwill for their first meeting. Their project is called "The Power of Produce". The leaders of the group are Linda Russell and Norma Cockwill. The elections of officers were held and the results were as follows: President, Meagan Straw; Vice president, Jenni De Block; Secretary, Amy Shapton and the press reporter is David Shapton. The other members of the group are Cecelia Corbett, Charlsey O'Rourke, Jayden Russell, and Tri- stalyn Russell. After the 4-H pledge, the group watched a video on Proper Food Handling Techniques. They headed .to the kitchen and made snacks, in- cluding a raspberry spread with a variety of fruits, Tex-Mex Brocco Dip and Sangria Punch. The meeting ended at 9:00 p.m. Usborne & Hibbert Mutual Fire Insurance Company Exeter, Ontario NOM 1S1 (Established in 1876) Provides Full Insurance Coverage for Farm Properties New Applications are Welcomed DIRECTORS & ADJUSTERS Larry Gardiner, RR2. Staffa ..345-2678 Monis Wiliows, RR2 St. Pauts 343.6548 Lome Feeney, Mitchell 348-8853 Jade Hodgert, RR1. Kirkton 224.6152 Joe Chafe, RR5 Mitchell 348-9705 Michael O'Shea RR3 Granton .225-2800 AGENTS Wayne Mauer Exeter 235-1915 John Moore, Dublin 345-2512 Joseph Uniac, Mitchell 348-9012 Head Office, Exeter 235-0350 A refund from surplus was de- clared for all policy holders who qualify, ere on record and in good standing as at Decem- ber 31, 1994. TOYOTA AUTOMATIC SAVINGS! No -charge Equivalent Automatic OR Value Transmission Credit' Get Toyota Quality PRICED RIGHT! Pius GREAT FINANCING PLANS 24 months 3.9% 36 months 4.9% 48 - 60 months 5.9% Hurry!! - Offer ends Oct. 31/95 •Limited Su 11 I Southwestern Ontario Toyota Dealers Tc fro EXETER TOYOTA] 242 Main St. N., Exeter, Ontario NOM 183 (519) 235-2353 • 1-800-361-0677 'No-dwgs Monistic trwarnission or equivalent wlu. crsdk on M Autornalk. , .4-Ooor 1995 Tonal 05 moats 1n Os* stock. DI* $vWON OIwellOctober ]1. 1995. •