HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes Advocate, 1995-10-25, Page 10Page 10 Times -Advocate, October 25, 1995 FAMILY The Village of Hensall's Week of the Child was cele- brated with many events in- cluding a craft evening at the public school last Tuesday. Pictured at left Barb West- lake -Power assists Michael Collins with his craft. Above, Hayden Jolly concentrates on getting glue to his project be- fore it lands on the table. Davis again wins first place trophy at Olmemee Raceway SAINTSBURY - Congratula- tions to Harley Davis again this weekend winning a first place tro- phy at Omemee Raceway in 60cc Pec Wee Division in fall series. St. Patrick's St. Patrick's celebrated the Morning Prayer Service at 10:30 a.m. on Sunday October 22. Mar- garet Carroll led the service, Rose Cunningham read the Scripture readings and Mary Davis gave an excellent message based on her readings. The children went to the Sunday School classes following the children's focus. The service closed with the hymn "Holy Spirit Hear Us." Sunday October 29, 21st after Pentecost (Year C) St. Patrick's Morning Prayer service will be held at 10:30 a.m. Scripture Read- ings Zephaniah 3: 1-9, 2 Timothy 4: 6-8, 16-18, Psalm 3, The Holy Gospel Luke 18: 9-14. Coming events Invitations received for ACW members "Treats and Treasures" bazaar at Kirkton-Woodham Com- munity Centre, November 4 ,at 11 a.tn. November 11, Bazaar at Brinsley Anglican Church at 2 p.m. St. Patrick's harvest dessert eu- chre and bake sale November 2, Thursday at 1 p.m. Personals Several relatives and friends from the community attended the visitation and funeral of the late Leslie Gibson last week from the Hopper Hockey Funeral Home. Our sympathy goes out to his daughter Catherine Elston and family. Bob MacGillivray, Courtney ::atie-Scarlett, Caleb and Corkin visited on the weekend with moth- er Stevie MacGillivray of Lions Head who was celebrating her 80th birthday. Secret to long life Olive !Reding says the secret to longevity is hard work and forgetting how old you are. Bi- erling turned 103 years old on Friday. She lives at the Exeter Villa where she celebrated her birthday with greetings from Mayor Ben Hoogenboom and staff members Sheila Rich - ler and Shaimy Kallurnadyil. Bierling has lived in the Exeter area all of her life. Guest minister conducts Centralia service Rev. Allsop spoke at Centralia United Church on Sunday. Mary Peterson CENTRALIA - On Sunday. Oc- tober 22. Rev. Jim Allsop from the Thames Road/Elimville charge led the worship at Zion and Centralia while Heather Smith was guest speaker at the Elimvillc Anniver- sary service. Lindsay Powe lit the Christ Candle, and she and Mikayla Skinner followed Rev. Allsop in a game of "follow the leader". Rev. Allsop reminded the children to re- member to follow the greatest lead- er of all, Jesus Christ. Ellen Gra- ham played several lovely piano pieces on the piano prior to the ser- vice, and she and Marjorie Johns accompanied the hymns. Lois Wil- son sang a beautiful solo entitled "A Prayer". Rob Essery read the scripture from the Old Testament, Isaiah 6:1-8, and the New Testa- ment, 1 Corinthians 15:1-11. Rev. Allsop's sermon was entitled "Ado- ration, Praise and Commitment". Special worship services On Sunday, October 29, World Food Day will be celebrated at Zion West and Centralia United Churches. Ross McFalls and the hand will play some lively old-time pieces before the worship. Every- one is encouraged to bring a dona- tion of canned goods for the Food Bank. The Community of Area United Churches, including Zion and Cen- tralia, are planning a special eve- ning tilled with music and worship on Sunday, November 26 at Thames Road United Church. The orchestra and a sing song will be- gin at 7:00 p.m. The worship ser- vice will begin at 7:30 p.m. and a social time will follow. Practice for the combined choir will be held at 7:30 p.m. on Sunday, October 29 and November 5, 12 and 19. Every- one is welcome to join in. Church activities The United Church women are planning a baking bee for Saturday, October 28 to make apple, raisin and cherry pies, selling them for $5.00 each. If you're able to help with the baking, contact Audrey McFalls. UCW meetings will be held at Zion on November I at 8:00 p.m. and at Centralia on November 2 at 8:00 p.m. Constable Kern from the Exeter OPP will be guest speaker at the Centralia meeting. On Friday, November 17 a tur- key supper will be held at Centralia United Church. Dinner will be served at 5:00 p.m. and at 6:30 p.m. Tickets are $8.50 for adults ..: ;I $4.25 for children and arc available from the Stewards. A joint Stewards meeting will be held at Centralia at 8:00 p.nl. on November 12 to set the 1996 bud- get. On November 23, the Session will meet at 7:30 p.m. and the Offi- cial Board at 8:(0 p.m. at Zion. Community activities At the euchre party in Hcywoods, High Hand winners were Grace Wurm and Percy Noels, while Dor- othy Bullock and Howard Doran were Lone Hand winners. The Spe- cial was won by Eileen Rawlings. Exeter Villa will host a workshop on pastoral care visiting on October 25 from 2:00 to 3:00 p.m. at Exeter Villa. Heather Smith will be attend- ing this event, and anyone interest- ed in pastoral care is encouraged to attend. Remember that Centralia Library will be open Monday, October 30, from 3:30 to 8:30 p.m. instead of Tuesday, October 31. On November 4, St. Paul's An- glican Church in Kirkton will host a "Treats and Treasures" Bazaar at Kirkton-Woodham Community Centre from 1:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. Small Business Week recognizes contribution A highlight of the event is the young entrepreneur award STRATFORD - In recognition of the Canadian entrepreneurial spirit and the contribution of small busi- nesses to the economy, the Busi- ness Development Bank of Canada (BDC), in collaboration with the Canadian Chamber of Commerce is organizing the 16th annual Small Business Week from October 22-28 under the theme New Markets - Opportunities for Growth. One of the highlights of Small Business Week will be the pres- entation of the 1995 BDC Young Entrepreneur Awards recognize the achievements of 12 outstanding young entrepreneurs, one from each province and territory. The eighth annual Business De- velopment Bank of Canada's Young Entrepreneur Award for On- tario has been awarded to Mike Hoekstra 28, and Michael Schmahl 27, of Outdoor Images for their en- trepreneurial achievements and in- terest in the environment. Activities in the Stratford area in- clude: October 24 in Goderich: Work- shop on the Internet being held at the Knights of Columbus Hall from 7-10 p.m. Cost $20. per person plus GST. October 24 and 26, Stratford: Two evening session being held at the Kiwanis Centre in Stratford on Master Stylist, Irene Blais formerly of Eclipse Hairstyling wishes to announce to all her friends and customers she is now accepting appointments and walk-ins at Sharon's Hairstyling located on Main St., Exeter. Phone 235-2089 or 235-4522 Closed Mondays Gaiser Kneale 235-2420, 2313-8434 • GIC rates subject to change. Short tern, rates available.. Segregated Fluids rotes reflect actual pan performance. Future returns wlp vary. Investments GIC t RSP 1Yr. -6.00% 3 Yr. - 6.625% 5 yr. • 7.125% Segregated Funds 6 MONTH -18.50% I YR. • 13.29% 1111: the Basics of Communications. Cost is $30. per person plus GST. October 25, Stratford: Business Doctor Clinic on Advertising and Promotion held at the Stratford of- fice from 9-5. Cost is $20. per per- son plus GST for a half hour of counselling. October 26, Stratford: Workshop on the Opportunities for Small Businesses on the Internet being held at the Knights of Columbus Hall from 7-10 p.m. Cost is $20. per person plus GST. After the success of BDC's first Young Entrepreneur Mentor Pro- gram in 1994, this year's YEA re- cipients will again be partnered with a prominent business leader from his or her province or ter- ritory. The mentor acts as a knowl- edgeable counsellor and can help the entrepreneur broaden his or her network of contacts. This program enhances the success of each win- ner. This year's theme reflects the re- ality that opportunities to discover and develop new markets are countless. Small Business Week 1995 will help Canadian en- trepreneurs create their own "new markets" and "opportunities for growth" and realize their husiness goals. Throughout Small Business Week 1995, events such as work- shops, award presentations, en- trepreneurial trade shows, husiness luncheons and conferences will help Canada's entrepreneurs un- cover possibilities and devise in- novative ways Of reaching new markets effectively and profitably. Special events for young en- trepreneurs, women entrepreneurs, ethnocultural small business own- ers and exporters will also be held. Small Business Week activities offer entrepreneurs an excellent op- portunity to expand their husiness contacts and exchange management strategies, opportunities and in- formation on what's new in the world of husiness. For more information on Small Business Week activities in your area, contact Stratford Branch at 271-5650 or 1-800-265-4594. The Business Development Bank of Canada promotes the develop- ment of small and medium-sized businesses in Canada. A Crown corporation. BCD provides special- ized financing for commercially - viable businesses including term loans, Venture Loans® and venture capital as well as a wide range of business planning, counseling, training and mentoring services. Capsule Comments with Ernie Miatelio If you're a smoker and having an operation, quit as long as possible before, during and after the operation. Smoking constricts blood flow to the in- cision area, which slows healing. A new treatment for male impotence is being researched and should be available in about two years. It involves inserting a small pellet of a chemical called a "prostaglandin" directly in the urethra of the penis which will cause an erection within 5-10 minutes and lasting 30-60 min- utes. Osteoporosis is a disease characterized by low bone mass and deterio- ration of bone tissue leading to increased risk of fractures. It costs Can- ada's health care system nearly $700 million per year. Conservative es- timates say this cost will triple during the next 20 years. Drug information can be found in books, magazines, TV, radio and even computer programs. All this information is quite factual but can be alarming and misleading at times. We can help put this information into perspective for you. Don't make any changes in your medications with- out consulting your doctor. HURON APOTHECARY Ltd. Phone 235-1982 440 Main St., Exeter "Your Health Care Pharmacy" FLYING OUT OF TORONTO'S PEARSON AIRPORT? 'CONSIDER THIS! DELTA MEADOWVALE RESORT AND CONFERENCE CENTRE STOPOVER RATE OF $7900 single / double ONLY 10 MINUTES FROM THE AIRPORT! DELTA MEADOWVALE OFFERS: • Free shuttle service to and from the airport • Free ample parking • Children under 16 stay free • Children under 6 eat free FOR RESERVATIONS PLEASE CALL 1-800-268-1133 905-821-1981 'rates are quoted in Canadian funds and are available on Friday and Saturday nights only. Valid until March 31, 1996. Taxes not included. $89.00 triple $99.00 quad occupancy. Subject to availability. • Full health dub facility, inclusive of Indoor/Outdoor pools - whirlpool, saunas, indoor tennis, squash and racquet courts • 24 hr. Room service • Fine and Casual Dining ADelia Meadowvale Resort & Conference Centre 6750 Mississauga Road Mississauga, Ontario L5N 2L3