HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes Advocate, 1995-10-18, Page 2120 Property for Rent EX6TEK - large two bedroom apartments, fridge and stove included. Extra options available. One month's free rent. of Glenn Haven Apts. 235-0349. (45tfn) MODERN I & 2 bedroom apartments. Main St. Exeter 235-2557. (20tfn) HENSALL - large I and 2 bedroom apts., heat, hydro. fudge and stove iocludcd, laundry facilities on main floor, all units have new carpet, special move -in bonus until OCTOBER 31, 1995, move in and receive 2 months free rent, for more information call 262-2827. Ask for Steve or Shelley. (29tfn) APARTMENT FOR RENT - Large 2 bedroom plus laundry room. New carpet and windows with Targe kitchen. Located in Greenway. $375.00 per month plus utilities. Phone 294-6164. (3Itfn) ONE BEDROOM APT. with private entrance. Phone 236-4607. (351fn) RETIRED OR MATURE CITIZENS - semi-detached in Exeter. 3 bedrooms. 4 appliances, gas heat. Reply to Box 134, Exeter,Ont. NOM 1S6. (42:43•) DASHWOOD - one and two bedroom apartments. Available September 1, 1995. 156 Main St. Dashwood. Phone 237-3677 or237-3510. Ron Merrier. (35tfn) - GRAND BEND - 3 bedroom condo overlooking river. Fireplace. jacuzzi, laundry, dishwasher. pool, tennis courts. Short or long term lease. (519) 238-5906. (37tfn) ZURICH - upper apt. available, $284/month plus utilities. Phone 1-519-453-1847.(38tfn) AVAILABLE ON TWO WEEKS NOTICE. 2 bedroom apartment, heated. stove and fridge supplied. $365 pe fmonth.Call 235-1354. (40tfn) 2 - ONE BEDROOM APT. one Iarge and 2 bachelor apt. in Lucan. Phone 1-519-246-1108 or 227-0296. (40tfn) SOUTHCOTT PINES - 3 bedroom ranch, dining room, dishwasher, fireplace. close to shopping, school and beach. Phone 519-238-8892. (41-44c) BACHELOR APT. - one room plus bathroom with shower. Includes some furniture. Call 235-0173 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. (41tfn) ZURICH - one bedroom apt. Fridge and ,love included. Clean and quiet. 236-4320. (4I tfn) EXETER - large luxury newly renovated 2 bedroom duplex very close to uptown. Main floor, terrace doors open onto a deck and lawn. 5800 per month includes heat, central air. cable TV. Utilities extra. Non-smokers, one parking space, no pets. Seniors welcome. Call 235-1344. (41;42') COUNTRY HOME - Ailsa Craig area, 3 bedroom ranch. attached garage. large kitchen and diningroom. 227-1 129. (41-43c) SOUTHCOTT PINES - Grand Bend. 4 bedroom. fully winterized, 2 storey, I-1/2 baths, fireplace, cable, short walk to beach. Long term lease available. 652-3257 days 652-51 32evenings. (41-43c) DASHWOOD - 2 bedroom house. Iarge garage/workshop. $550 per month plus utilities. Available on or about Nov. 1/95. References preferred. Phone (519) 237-3655. (411fn) HENSALL 1 and 2 bedroom apts.. fully carpeted, fridge and stove, paved parking. TV cable etc. Special rates for seniors. Call 262-2230 or (905) 662-6603. (41-48c) EXETER - 2 BEDROOM DUPLEX available first of November. Large yard, close to schools. Phone 235-1854. (42tfn) AVAILABLE DEC. 1 - 2 bedroom apt. 950 sq. ft. Controlled entrance. mail delivery. 3 appliances, parking. References required.284-4)77. (42:43c) • • • a • a • • • • • • • a • FOR RENT • •• • • EXETER - 3 bedroom home, 2 • • bathrooms, separate dining • • room, large living room and rec • • room. Gas heat. Call 235-3061. • • Ask for Monica or Paul. • EXETER - Spacious 2 bedroom • • with ensuite both separate • • dining room, patio and much • • more. Call 263-2380 ask for • • Dean. • HENSALL - one and two • • bedroom apartments available. • • Excellent condition. Appliances • • and heat incl. in rent. Call 263- • • 2380 ask for Dean. • • DUCHARME • • INVESTMENTS INC. • • • • OFFICE 236-4230 • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 20 Property for Rent ONE AND TWO BEDROOM apartments for rent. Stove, fridge, parting and heal included. Hydro extra. Phone 235-1047. (38tfn) ATTENTION: Apt. owners and managers - T'ired of irresponsible and unreliable tenants eg. late rents. unclean - You're not alone... Let's talk. Call Irene 235-4522. (39-47SA) SPACIOUS. 2 bedroom apartment in Exeter above retail store. Private entrance and parking at rear of building. Full veranda. $400 per month plus utilities. Non-smokers. References required. Available November Ist.•Please sec Karen at Looking Good Fashions 375 Main St.. during business hours or call 235-4604. After6 p.m. ca11235-1930. (39tfn) AVAILABLE DEC. 1 one bedroom apartment, stove and fridge supplied $310 per month. Call 235-1354. (40tfn) HOUSE - 3 bedrooms. 2 baths. 3 miles south of Grand Bend 519-238-2213 after 6 p.m. (42;43c) ONE BEDROOM apt for rent. 5 John Street. Exeter. Fridge, stove included. Available Nov. 1 $330/monthplus utilities. Not suitable fpr pets. 235-1448. (42tfn) EXETER - 2 bedroom house targe kitchen and living room. Gas heated. Full basement. Fridge and stove. 1 block from stopping. $600/month plus utilities. 1st and Iasi month's rent. References and place of employment. Available Dec. 15. 235-1647. (42tfn) EXETER - house - upper floor of duplex. close to downtown, 5 appliances, purified water system, includes Iarge rooms, new modem decorating, 2 bedrooms, 900 sq. ft. total. 5630. per month includes heat. Must see. Available immediately. 235-0699 anytime. (42tfn) APARTMENT FOR RENT - 1 bedroom, Bayfield area. Phone 482-1334 or 571-9818.(42c) BRIGHT NICELY furnished with fireplace. 1 bedroom. laundry. parking. quiet neighbourhood. Possible house sharing. Suitable for single person or quiet young couple. $400/month. Phone 227-0324.(42c) 22 For Sale or Rent. FOR SALE OR RENT 1800 sq. ft. block building on large lot in Woodham, for storage or manufacturing. Phone 229-8957 or229-6517. AT LEAST 4 months rent starting in December. Mobile home in Florida with full Florida room 5600 U.S. per month. For information 1-519-235-2598 after 5 p.m. (40tfn) 25 Notice B.J.'s Driver Training NOW OPEN M.T.O. Certified Safety Station Specializing in 18 wheelers Cars and Trucks Licensed mechanic on duty 2 miles north of Exeter on Hwy. #4 Call 263-2670 A CLASSIFIEDS yuagnwaaast1u1-1cisxatanruturusast1tt7WyNaasaaaayN1-LD1uy -n4g1- �LLLtyNNc7 G.K. Realty and Insurance Inc. 284 Main St. Exeter Ontario (519) 2355-2420 "Offices located in Exeter, Grand Bend, Bayfield & Clinton" Vde t► RURAL PROPERTY - on #4 Highway, presently a duplex (both units 2 bedrooms) on a large lot. Could be converted to single dwelling. CaII Dwayne I1 EX ER - This home features hardwood floors, 2 baths, 3 bedrooms, some newer windows, close to shopping, parks and hospital. This back yard would be a gardeners delight. Call Gary Deichert. RENOVATED 4 bedroom, rl. , . room, main floor laundry, Iarge fireplace in livingroorn, Iota of stained glass, Iarge deck, 2 car closed in carport, 1150 sq. It. insulated work shop. Attractive property at $134,900.00. Call Murray. goal Dwayne Tlnney Bill GlIfillan 235-3889 235-0118 A Gary Delchert Murray 238-7222 235-2898 Crimes of the week Break and enter Three house trailers were broken into between the October 2 and 5, 1995, at Concession 6, Turnberry Township. Items taken included a riding golf cart, 22 rifle, weed eater, generator, flashlight, two snow- mobile helmets, two chainsaws, Honda generator, blue winter cover- alls, propane flicker, winter gloves and mitts, and a whipper snipper. The golf cart was located the next day at an old wrecking yard beside the trailers. Stereo stolen from vehicle Thieves stole a stereo from a car parked at the South Huron District High School in Exeter on October 5, 1995. The stereo included a CD player, two amplifiers, two sub woofers, two 6x8 speakers. The com- ponents of the stereo were all Pioneer except one amplifier was Ken- wood. Also taken was a case with about 30 CD's. The theft occurred between 7:30 and 9:45 p.m. Mischief On October 8, 1995, culprits entered a gravel pit with a 4x4 truck and stole a John Deere bulldozer. The bulldozer was then taken onto Sideroad 25-26 east of Concession 6-7 in Usborne Township and they made several deep gouges on the roadway causing a severe traffic haz- ard. Theft of truck A 1984 gray and black Chev pickup truck with a white freezer in it was stolen from Concession 1 McKillop Township RR #2 Seaforth on October 9, 1995. The truck was recovered at the rear of the Clinton, High School on October 10. The freezer that had been in the pickup truck is still missing. If you have information about these or any other crimes, call Crime Stoppers of Huron County, 1-800-265-1777 and you could receive a reward of up to $1,000.00. Remember, crime doesn't pay, Crime Stoppers does. Huron celebrates community support month WINGHAM - Town and Country Homemakers is celebrating October as Community Support Month. With 500 dedicated volunteers and 200 com- mitted staff, Town and Country has assisted 2,500 seniors, disabled and others with special needs to remain independent at home in their com- munities. This year, Town and Country Homemakers has delivered the following services: • Meals: Meals on Wheels volunteers delivered 11,000 nutritious meals to 225 shut-in people • Homemaking: 1,000 persons received over 160,000 hours of home making, palliative, respite care and home maintenance • • Transportation: 265 persons depended on our volunteer drivers to take them to doctor appointments, grocery shopping and other vital outings of this kind • Friendly Visiting and Telephone Reassurance: 26 persons who are homebound due to frailty or disability, received 2,000 calls/visits • Diner's Programs: 14,000 individuals enjoyed 11,350 hot, nutritious meals and time of socialization Comments from a client: "I couldn't get along without a homemaker. My mental and physical stability depends on my homemaker.' Companionship and sharing has been very important to me. Being able to stay in my own home and hav- ing someone come in an look after me here means so much more to me. The volunteer drivers who have taken me to clinic in London have done so in all kinds of weather and have been very considerate and kind people. Overall, I would say that Town and Country Homemakers has provided the services which has allowed me to stay in my own home." Comment from a volunteer: "Due to decreased mobility, some people arc unable to get out. The only human contact they may have is from the Meals -On -Wheels driver. It's nice to just have a little chat." In celebration of Community Support Month and in honor of our staff and volunteers, Town and Country Homemakers will be having an eve- ning of celebration at the Seaforth Recreation Centre (Duke Street), Wednesday, October 18 from 7 p.m. to 9:30 p.m. The events will include entertainment by St. Marys Stonetown Entertainers, refreshments and door prizes. For more information for the upcoming event, contact Jean Young, Home and Country Homemakers, (519) 357-3222 or fax (519) 357-2506. Got a sports tip? CaII the Times -Advocate 235-1331 Times -Advocate, October 18, 1995 Page 21 "9-1-1" addressing coming to Perth County STRATFORD - The enhanced "9-1-1" emergency response sys- tem for ambulance, fire and police service is coming to Perth County in early 1997. Until notified other- wise, please continue to use your regular emergency service (i.e., police, fire, ambulance) telephone numbers. In order for the enhanced "9-I- 1" system to operate, each proper- ty in the county must have a unique, understandable address, so that emergency services can locate properties quickly. In the near fu- ture, county and township employ- ees, and volunteers will be placing property number signs on every property containing a building or structure in the rural areas of the county. Not only is this county -wide ad- dressing system going to facilitate the implementation of the "9-1-1" emergency response system for ambulance, fire and,police services throughout the coytnty, the Munici- pal addressing .system will also ease the delivery goods and servic- es (i.e. mail, courier, school buses etc.) The proposed public road nam- ing system is composed of Lines (east -west oriented roadways) and Roads (north -south oriented road- ways). Lines in the rural areas will The Times -Advocate is your Winsor & Newton Fine Art Centre. Come in and see our super selection. GRAND BEND - 3 bedroom bungalow, 2 car garage, double concrete drive on .68 acre lot in quiet subdivision. Must see to appreciate! Reduced - $149,000. e MT. CARMEL - 3 bedroom, main floor laundry, garage on Iarge lot with deck overlooking lovely backyard. Reduced - $79,900. For all your Real Estate needs call Kim McCann 238-4444 or 238-5213 London Realty Inc. 47 Ontario St.N. Grand Bend ON. NOM ITO WE WANT YOUR IUSINESSI, Maw EXETER - 3-4 bedroom brick family home, oak kitchen with Toads of cupboards natural fireplace, main floor family room and more, and priced at only 5129,900. HENSALL - 5135,000 • only your inspection will convince you of the fine quality throughout this attractive raised ranch with attached garage. Features oak trim throughout, insulated garage. terrace doors to rear deck, large lot and quiet area for kids. CALL NOWT )LS1. 1 ISIFI) EXETER - 589.900 - Excellent 2 bedroom all one floor for retirement or beginner. Eat -In kitchen, gas heat, garage. mature lot near. park. Call nowt EXETER - Income property - duplex • ful y renovated showing good return, located one minute from shopping. Asking 5125,000. EXETER - Semi detached - just 53600 down required to buy this 3 bedroom home. Ideal location. Asking 572,900. EXETER - Price has been reduced on this great 4 bedroom home. high efficiency gas. Family room with fireplace. Nice lot. Good subdivision location close to schools. Priced right at 5139,900. EXETER - Newly constructed 1900 sq. ft. beauty. all of the extras. If you're considering a move up to a prestige home, this is well worth a look) Call now for a viewing. Asking 5198,900 inc. GST. • EXETER - Under construction in Darting's Subdivision 1600 sq. ft. raised ranch with attached garage, paved drive, will be landscaped. Call for more particulars. Asking 5162,500 inc. GST. NEW LISTING - Exeter - 3 bedroom brick 1.1/2 storey, economical gas heat, main floor laundry, full basement and att4c hed garage. Only 5155,900 and NO Disappointments. EXETER - $149,900 - No steps. fenced yard, attached double gatage, paving stone drive and super curb appeal are only 8 few of the fine features this 3 bedroom ranch has to offer. Call now. $145,300 • CAN'T BE TOLD FROM NEWT Tastefully decorated 3 bedrooms, finished basement, attached garage and Iarge lot. Don't pass up this opportunity NEXT TO CANADIAN TIRE • 2/3 acre with 132 R. frontage on Maln Street. Includes 2 distinctive brick homes and zoned for over 20 different uses. Can be sold separately. Call for Information. NEW USTINO • Exeter downtown commercial approx. 2000 sq. ft. main floor plus 2 apartments above. Fulty rented. Priced to sell at 5119,000. DIRK COOUMAN • RON COTTRELL 493 MAIN ST. EXETER 235-3948 24 Hour Service be numbered south to north, start- ing at 1 on the south boundary of the county (i.e. Line 1). Roadways in the rural areas will be numbered east to west, starting at 101 on the east boundary of the county (e.g. Road 101). Roadways in larger settlement areas will retain their local names (e.g. Main Street). Additional information regard- ing the municipal addressing sys- tem is available from the County of Perth Planning Office (tele- phone (519) 273-3511). LANDMARK REALTY INC. 215 Piccadilly St. Suite 207 London, Ont. N6A 1S2 JUST LISTED HENSALL EAST 2 MILES - The nicest ranch on a much sought after country lot. Home completely renovated, new 2 car insulated garage, gas available. Private show- ings anytime. $112,500 SHIPKA NORTH - 3 acre horse or hobby farm. Older, well kept 2 plus one bed- room home with shed, barn, priced in low 80s. Ron O'Brien 439-1400 Remax Landmark Inc. RFiMFX" ANDMARK REALTY INC. 215 Piccadilly St. Suite 207 London, Ont. N6A 1S2 JUST LISTED CENTRALIA - Modular home on nice lot, mortgage financ- ing available. Low price. This one is affordable. $69,900. 5 1/2 ACRE HOBBY FARM - 2 miles from Exeter on paved road. Very Nice. Priced in the $150's. GREENWAY - 2 storey home priced in $60s. Great place to raise a family. CREDITON - 5 year old, 1 floor ranch on Iarge lot. Fire- place, whirlpool tub. Price $119,900. LUCAN - 2 storey semi by Loyen's Construction. 1 year old. $109,900. LUCAN - 1 Iarge private lot, gas, water, sewers. LUCAN - 2 bedroom bunga- low, ideal for starter or single parent. Priced in 70's. Nice lot. LUCAN - 1 bedroom bunga- low, cute as a picture. Totally renovated. Price $74,000. LUCAN - North 5 miles, 2 acre country retreat, 3 bed- room 2 storey brick home with new addition and a large implement shed. The best part is the price CLANDEBOYE - large 4 level back split on nice country lot. Price $160s. JUST LISTED - LOTS, LOTS LOTS - one Iarge lot 100x250' ready to go. Low price - gas, cable, water, no fill. LUCAN - 100 acres, good buildings, nicest place in the world to build a new home. LUCAN - 2 storey, 3 bedroom with 2 car garage on Iarge lot, vacant, brand new, Price $140s. AILSA CRAIG - nicest ranch in town. 1 year old, finished basement, garage, on the nicest lot with a view 6f na- ture and country. • Member of Re/Max 100% Club Ron O'Brien Belot Rep. 439- 400 am..me or 234-6281 Residence